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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.3

Jake is getting seriously ill and haunted in nightmares by magic shopkeeper Calvin, whom he killed on witch hunters' orders. John explains that's the result of the curse on his and Adam's families: when those mate a member of their secret circle will be fatally struck. He suggests an elixir as way out to the trio, which sets out to gather the ingredients, but Jake's delusions prove dangerous for them too. Faye meanwhile wants to visit lee, but finds only Eva, his killer, leading to a multiple confrontation. The senior circle generation is shocked to be confronted with the grim truth about themselves, including Amelia, John and Jane Blake, who remains in mental care. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.3

Tension rises again between Adam, who warns Cassie that what her father John Blackwell is so eagerly searching for in the abandoned house must be the 'sway' he safely retrieved earlier, as it's used to steal a witch's power. She still insists to take it to John and tends to believe his explanation that he needs it to protect her circle by stripping the power from evil witch-hunter Eben. Jake shares Adam's concern and stresses that Eben could only triumph over the parents' circle if one of them betrayed them, and the logical suspects are John and Adam's father Ethan, who the Blackwells later confront without final resolution. At the school's casino fund-raiser, John firmly refuses to side with doting Dawn again. Lee attends with Faye, but is caught and confronted aside by his deranged ex Eva, whose powers he ignored. Handsome Aussie world traveler Grant patiently charms grumpy 'off-men' Diana. The kids learn the true danger of black magic and the curse concerning Conants and ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.1

John Blackwell suddenly stand on startled Cassie's doorstep, but gets a cold welcome from his daughter, who soon believes he's her father and alive but not that he came to save her, feeling that suspicion vindicated when he demands the medallion. Ethan warns Adam that John is more dangerous then he can even imagine. Devil spice supplier Callum lures the girls, trough Melissa, to a party and into a voodoo 'game'. Although Callum poisons their mind against Lee, he comes to their rescue. Jake is stunned by Blackwell's appearance, terrified by the return of witch-hunter Eben, who took over from 'soft failure' Isaac. Jake makes a deal, John for his daughter, but Eben, a better sorcerer, plays dirty tricks on both men. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.4

Optng out of common Valentine's Day, Faye and Melissa throw a girls only among witches, crashed by Faye's devil's spirit supplier and boyfriend Lee, whose magical drug affects Diane crucially. After Cassie turns to Adam and him, haunted by vindictive witch spirits, Jake delivers the medallion to chief witch-hunter Isac, but refuses to help vanquish any circle member. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.4

Ethan makes up with son Adam by throwing a birthday party, aided by Diane. the circle is divided again as Cassie dismisses jealous Adam's suspicion of Jake's urging that they must prepare for a return of the witch hunters by using a black magic medallion, which needs to be magically unlocked. Dawn inspires Ethan to seize the crystal from Charles, who warns him against her falsehood. Faye tells Melissa about her executing experience with devill's spirit and purchases more of the magical herb from Lee's supplier Callum, who warns her not to use it too fast. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.6

Jake returns and says that he was there the night of the fire 16 years ago and that Cassie can access his memory to see what happened. But during the memory something goes awry and Cassie gets into some trouble. Meanwhile, Faye hangs around Lee, but an old acquaintance of his shows up. He starts toying with Lee's feelings to which leads him to sharing a deep secret with Faye. Also, Dawn tries to become allies with Ethan, which whom ends up going after Charles. Written by Taylor Golden

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.3

Jake is back, his claim to have abandoned witch-hunting to save the circle being accepted hesitantly by Cassie and most others. Adam shares his discovery that Cassie's father lived in the abandoned house now used by the circle. Everyone seeks distracting by attending their high school's costumed fire and ice theme party. Faye however, furious that Jake is accepted back while she is scolded for 'far less', returns to voodoo shop keeper Lee LaBeque, who promises her a method to render her power autonomous. The result however is obvious and terrifying, so much that Faye must ask him to undo it and admit her folly to the circle. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.3

Reluctantly, Cassie believes Jake's warning that her innate black magic will turn her evil unless spell-bound. Charles firmly resists Dawn's attempt to take charge of their crystal, now the elders know about their forbidden return to magic. Charles duly mistrusts a surprise visit from his manipulative mother Kate and disposes of the wine, for fear Dawn poisoned it. Hvaing confided into Adam, Cassie accepts a nocturnal cleansing ritual in the woods performed by Kate, who wants to eliminate the Balcoin threat anyhow, but both witches end up surprised. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.3

Jake is winning Cassie's confidence and thus learns from Faye's Chamebrlain family book (grimoir) that her Blake lineage actually is a branch of the powerful black magic Balcoin family. Jake informs his witch-hunter chief Isaac, warns that make sher too dangerous an adversary and assures to remain in control of romantic infatuation. The elders instruct them to abduct the circle kids aboard a yacht and knocks out Jake as a precaution, but they get the magic part wrong. Adam is torn by his felling for the witches circle girls. Charles resists Dawn's claim of dominance and seizes the crystal, which may already have affected his ex Amelia's memory. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.4

Jake warns witch-hunters chief Isaac that Cassie's magic is too strong for the usual methods and that someone else is targeting the kids' circle, is ordered to speed up but insists he must first win her confidence. Charles Meade is trough with domineering Dawn and deals with Henry Chamberlain his way. When Cassie reports her grandmother missing, the circle witches, including 'substitute' Jake, join her on the search and get pinned down by a storm. The truth and dare game proves revealing. Diana refuses to commit to Adam again, claiming they need a break to find out their true emotions. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.3

Adam dismisses his father as hopeless drunk, who wrecked his life especially since mother's death, yet follows hid advice to accept Diana being his fated mate by their witch families' destiny. The kids circle prepares a 'regular' Halloween party, with a few ordinary dates and other guests, so no magic. Jake is invited and prepares a plan, despite senior with hunter Isaac's doubts, to eliminate all five witches using a blood spell. Cassie is on the hunters' tail and tracks down the magically marked ritual knife. Jake manages to remain undiscovered after eliminating minor witch shop keeper Wilson when Cassie's black magic puts his undercover fellow Luke on fire. Grandmother Blake finds old Henry dead and attempts reviving him with crystal magic. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.0

After Nick was drowned to kill the demon who possessed him, his much more troublesome and equally attractive brother Jake Armstrong returns, who left Chance Harbor disgraced, nearly ruining Adam's family firm by theft, allegedly just for the funeral. The circle needs him, as he inherited Nick's magical place, so Adam must suppress his grudge, as scorned Faye, who plans to turn the tables on him. Jake proves his value in eliminating evil Simone, who tried to kill Cassie, but has a hidden agenda, as sole witch member of Isaac's slayer society. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.5

The kids covenant is promised the third family's book of shadows (grimoire) by Melissa, who abuses sexually satisfied lover Nick to help her dug the case up and liberate it from magic sealing. Alas, it contains more demons, and one already possess her. As the kids find out so richly late, Cassie panics and gets her grandmother, who heps contain the other demons, but the already active one isn't vanquished, it manages to slip into another kid witch. the only way to deal with it is drowning, which the human host may survive or not, once identified. It's none other then Nick. Meanwhile Charles Meade and Dawn try to regain their powers to fight of the demonic threat, but find their last magical crystal exhausted. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 8.3

Reputed womanizer Nick's carnal happiness with Melissa is jealously sabotaged by Faye, but his charm an honesty win out. Adam and Cassie track down to a nearby fishery hamlet her late mother Amelia's best friend, Heather Barnes. They find her catatonic in caring brother Wade's home shack since the fatal fire 16 years ago, and marked with a magic seal. After heather awakes suddenly to grab Cassie's hand, she feels guilty in her mother's place and resolves to break the spell. To this end she divulges to Faye having inherited the only other of the six families' known grimoires and agrees to let it be read in exchange for help to ritually break the spell, which seems to fail. However in moonlight, Heather awakes in a terrible, tormented and aggressive state. By the time Adam figures out they have unlocked a forbidden type of black magic, the associated demon already turned on the foppish witches. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 7.8

A cute athlete named Luke asks Cassie to the school dance, and after watching Adam spend time with Diana at the boathouse, she accepts his offer. Meanwhile, Melissa sees the dance as an opportunity to get closer to Nick. Faye, on the other hand, has no plans to go and remains focused on finding a way to control her powers. Dawn discovers someone from their past, an intense man named Zachary Star, is in town asking questions about Cassie and the Circle, so she asks Charles to keep an eye on him. Written by CW Publicity

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 7.8

The heirloom witches from the other families agree to perform the bonding ritual, with Cassie, which should restore maximal power and bind abuses, the last prospect causing Faye to resist longest. Charles reluctantly hands over the crystal he used to scare Ethan into silence, only to find under protest that Faye's mother Dawn uses it herself, albeit to undo a black magic death. Adam finds it harder to resist romancing Cassie, who only agrees hesitantly trusting him. Henry Chamberlain fears ex Dawn's plans and plans to expose her, but is stopped gruesomely. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle


The Secret Circle

IMDb: 7.7

When Cassie Blake moves in with grandmother Jane after her mother's fatal accident, in small beach resort Chance Harbor, Washington, she gets a confusing welcome, notably from five new schoolmates. Adam Conant is as helpful and (too) friendly as his jealous girlfriend Diana Meade. Haughty Faye Chamberlain, assisted by Melissa Glaser, can't resist testing the newcomer with dangerous magic, playful neighbor Nick Armstrong helps decide the others to invite Cassie to the abandoned house where they meet as the Secret Circle of magic, and explain it can only reach its true potential when she joins, completing again their generation's heritage of witchcraft, evidenced in grimoires. But it killed several of their parents, and when Adam's father, barman Ethan, tries to warn Cassie about the dangers, Diane's father Charles forcefully yanks his chain. Friendly, patient Adam starts overcoming Cassie's disbelief and reluctance, hostile Faye's abuse of power makes her reconsider everything. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Shark




IMDb: 8.0
60 min | 43 min (DVD)

While doing yoga, Shark sees on TV a teenage girl was hit by a car near the house where his daughter Julie is at a party. Luckily, Julie is alive, but Erica Hartford isn't. Since Erica was a black girl in a white neighborhood, the case should be handled swift because of the press and people who want to know if her death was racial. Therefore, when Shark finds out the death wasn't racial, he has to prove this as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the suspect is a girl Julie knows and she can't believe this girl murdered Erica. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 9.2
44 min

With Sarah now in police custody, John and Cameron hide in a cheap motel. John is concerned about his mother's recent weight loss and thinks that Cameron may be a source of radiation poisoning. Sarah manages to get a message to John via Father Armando Bonilla, the priest they had met in Mexico. Meanwhile, Catherine Weaver asks Ellison to arrange for her to meet John. Despite his mother's advice to leave the city and forget about her, John decides to try and set her free and Cameron agrees to stage a one-person assault at the prison where Sarah is being held. Afterwards, Sarah and John finally meet Weaver face-to-face who, it turns out, has a considerably different agenda than they might have expected. For John however, his future may be changed forever. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

After finding a clue to one of the dead assassins after them, Sarah, John, Cameron, and Derek locate another T-888 who attempts to kill Savannah Weaver whom they are forced to abduct, at the cost of Derek's life. As the paths of Sarah and Catherine's finally begin to cross, Sarah learns about Ellison's work at Zeira Corp and about the identity of 'John Henry'. While Catherine sends out Ellison to find Savannah, she becomes more determined to keep the existence of John Henry and her work a secret, but also finally learns about the existence of Sarah Connor as well as John. When Sarah requests a meeting with Catherine (with nobody still aware of her being the elusive T-1001), a persistent FBI agent becomes determined to find the abductor of Savannah. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Now on the run, Sarah stashes John in a safe house with the only person she believes she can rely on: Charley Dixon. While Sarah frequently flashes back to training a young John in the jungles of South America, she soon learns that she has been implanted with a tracking device. Meanwhile, Cameron and Derek struggle to work together after she reveals a big secret about Jesse and of her mission, and they soon are targeted by unseen assassins working for a mysterious third party. Elsewhere at Zeira Corp, Catherine Weaver's effort for Project Babylon is at risk when Cromartie/John Henry is compromised by an unseen hacker and Ellison tries to get to the bottom of who or what is trying to sabotage the project which evidence points to another T-888 Terminator out there. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

In 2027, Jesse's submarine mission takes a fatal turn that has unforeseen consequences for John, Sarah and Derek in the present when the 'box' is opened an a new and deadly, liquid metal T-1001 Terminator escapes and is loose aboard the sub. Back in the present, as Sarah prepares to move, she deals with Cameron who may become a liability to them, while John begins to doubt that Cameron was the one who murdered Riley, and he finally learns about Jesse's existence and struggles with a life-or-death situation of whether or not to kill Jesse. Elsewhere at Zeira Corp, John Henry becomes more humanly concerned that Catherine Weaver is up to something involving the 'termination' of her top employees, including Ellison. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Jesse flashes back to the year 2027 of her time in the underground Resistance she was chosen for a life-altering mission aboard a submarine, the USS Jimmy Carter, to travel to her native Australia, but was diverted to a remote oil platform location to pick up a mysterious black box. Back in the present, Sarah and John plan to move out when they learn about Riley's murder and mistakenly think that Cameron killed her, despite Cameron's denials. John and Sarah debate whether or not to bring Cameron with them as the rift between all of them (started by Riley and Jesse in the first place) begins to widen even more with no one, not even Derek, suspecting Jesse of manipulating everything so John can destroy Cameron. Elsewhere at Zeira Corp., Weaver and Ellison search for Savannah after she tries to play a game of hide-and-seek with John Henry. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Cameron's glitch returns which she realizes that it could spell bad news for everyone. Sarah begins to investigate more into Riley and thinks John had told her about the apocalyptic future, which John denies, as does Cameron. Meanwhile, Derek begins tailing a powerful lawyer who may have a connection to Skynet with Jesse's help, but with nobody aware that she is behind all the mishaps that have been going on... and that Riley soon learns the real reason why Jesse recruited her. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

Sarah checks herself into a clinic for her constant insomnia and to probe into her thoughts at the man she was forced to kill and begins having nightmares of her being held hostage by the guy forcing physical and mental mind games on her. But as Sarah begins to suspect that her attending nurse is not who she appears to be, she slowly discovers that the line between dream and reality is not what it appears to be. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

Sarah, John, Cameron, and Derek travel to a remote California town to investigate the mysterious destruction and massacre of the warehouse in which they individually approach various residents to look for a connection to Skynet. Sarah bonds with a widow of a security guard whom was the same one who shot Sarah weeks earlier. John bonds with a teen girl, named Zoe, who's father was one of the victims to get information as to what was going on at the warehouse, and Derek tails a shadowy hit man named Walsh, whom was sent by Catherine, to find one surviving worker who may be a threat to not only her but everyone. Back in Los Angeles at Zeira Corp, while Catherine works to successfully cover her tracks and block Ellison from learning more about her work involving Project Babylon, she also tries to get through to the real Catherine's daughter, Savannah, over the anniversary of her own father's death. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

After being shot during her warehouse investigation, Sarah abducts a young doctor, named Dr. Felicia Burnett, to treat her bullet wound in her leg, while Sarah has visions of the ghost of Kyle Reese, John's father, who gives her some advice and courage in this precarious time. While Sarah is also forced to call upon Derrek for help, a determined sheriff attempts to find the abducted Dr. Burnett as well. John and Cameron take Riley to the hospital after a suicide attempt. But Jesse secretly sneaks Riley out of there, and away from John, to inform her that her job is not finished. Elsewhere, Catherine learns from her T-888 'John Henry' about the warehouse incident and in her attempts to keep her work protected at all costs, resorts to deadly means using her T-1001 powers. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Sarah attends a UFO convention hoping to get information on the three dots. She is pointed in the direction of Abraham, a blogger who has written about them. Only problem is no one quite knows who or where he is. At home, John is re-decorating his room with Riley's help, always under the watchful eye of Cameron. Through flashbacks, we learn more about the connection between Riley and Jesse. Now that Catherine Wheeler's AI computer has taken humanoid form in what was Cromartie, she wants Ellison to teach it ethics. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Sarah and Cameron set out to rescue a family, named the Fields, in the woods which is on the list of people targeted by Skynet Terminators. Six months later, Derek finds himself trying to save the life of the wounded and very pregnant Mrs. Fields whose child will play a part in the future. Derek also flashes back to his time in the underground resistance with Jesse in 2027 and dealing with a mysterious bio-weapon that the machines use on one hidden facility. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Cameron goes to the Los Angeles County library of records for information to repair her damaged brain system when she spots a T-888 Terminator in an old photograph dating back to 1920 and teams up with the paraplegic librarian to uncover the mystery to why this Terminator was sent back, what its mission was, and where he is now. Meanwhile, John sneaks out of the house also to meet with Riley to attend a house party in the San Fernando Valley neighborhood where he does not bond well with her circle of wild friends, and continues to have disturbing flashbacks to the time he killed Sarkeasian. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Sarah and Cameron investigate a Japanese computer company, named Dakara, which may have a connection to the construction of Skynet. Meanwhile, Derek learns that Jesse is a spy sent back to investigate John, and that Riley is Jesse's partner in trying to come between John and his mother to keep them apart. Elsewhere, Ellison begins to realize that Catherine's supercomputer, code-named Babylon, is growing stronger and may be the threat that he is facing all along. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

With Cromartie buried in Mexico, the group return to Los Angeles. Sarah is not well and is hallucinating as well as walking in her sleep. She returns to Dr. Boyd Sherman to seek help. When John and Cameron return to Mexico to destroy what is left of Cromartie they find he is missing. Meanwhile, Derek learns that Jesse has kidnapped a man she is convinced they knew in the future. Derek doesn't recognize him, and Jesse sets out to prove he is the man who taught the Cyborgs how to question humans. Elsewhere, Ellison delivers the inactive body of the Cromartie Terminator to Catherine Weaver to ask for help in knowing how to control it. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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