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HD Gentleman Jack

Gentleman Jack


Gentleman Jack

IMDb: 9.4
61 min

[HBO] HD. 'Let's have another look at your past perfect.' (Season One) The arrival of an unsavory figure from Ann Walker's past stirs up trouble.

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Gentleman Jack

Gentleman Jack


Gentleman Jack

IMDb: 0
62 min

[HBO] HD. 'Most women are dull and stupid.' (Season One) Lister and Ann Walker are consumed by the excitement of their affair.

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Houdini and Doyle

Houdini and Doyle


Houdini and Doyle

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

After a terrifying encounter with otherworldly beings, a man awakes in a field claiming that the aliens have abducted his wife. It is only after Doyle has his own encounter that the team discover what's really out there.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 6.9
62 min

In 1857 Mary Ann Mowbray, nee Cotton, returns to Durham from Cornwall with husband Billy and a surviving child, her other four all having died and mortality will claim a further two, only daughter Isabella being spared. This spurs her stepfather George into taking out insurance policies on the family. When Billy falls ill Mary Ann poisons him, using a typhus outbreak as cover, and claims the insurance on him and her dead baby whilst starting an affair with lusty miner Joe Nattrass. Having poisoned a second husband, George Ward, Mary Ann starts work as a nanny for widower James Robinson, though his sister Helen mistrusts her. Mary Ann's mother works out her daughter's scheming, thus sealing her own fate, before Mary Ann chooses her next victim. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.7
44 min (DVD)

The police are called to a local hotel where Detective Murdoch finds the body of Reginald Mayfair who, it appears, has been run through with a sword. Also in the room is his unconscious friend - none other than Winston Churchill, who is in Toronto to give a lecture. Churchill and Mayfair been out the night before and were both quite drunk - which perhaps explains why he can't remember a thing. Murdoch and Churchill set off to trace his steps and hopefully find the murderer in the process. Meanwhile, Murdoch faces a dilemma when Julia Ogden is unable to lie in court in order to obtain her annulment. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.5
53 min

August 1918: Deserted by the baby's father, Ethel has been installed with her child in a cottage on the estate by a sympathetic Mrs. Hughes, who brings her food. Jane, a war widow, has taken Ethel's place as a maid. Vera Bates returns, having spent John's money but with no intention of sticking to their arrangement and planning to make money by selling the story of Lady Mary's indiscretion to Carlisle's newspaper. Tipped off by Anna, Mary goes to see him and explains all, thus scotching Vera's plan as the newspaper owner threatens her with libel action. Having returned to the war, both Matthew and William sustain severe injuries at the Battle of Amiens, fatally in the case of William, who marries Daisy. Mary is glad to become a hospital auxiliary to nurse Matthew, though his spinal damage will, in all probability, leave him paralysed from the waist down and impotent. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.4
53 min

The simmering dispute between Isobel and Lady Cora comes to a head. When Isobel learns Cora has re-arranged the meal times for the servants and the work schedules for the nurses without consulting her, she suggests that if she is not to have a meaningful role, she will leave. Cora tells her that may be a good idea and Isobel heads to France. With Isobel away, her servants try to keep themselves busy. Her cook takes to feeding unemployed ex-servicemen but O'Brien, always bent on causing trouble, it seems, tells Lady Cora but she doesn't quite get the reaction she was expecting. Robert meanwhile learns that Bates is working in a nearby pub and pays him a visit. Branson the chauffeur tells Lady Sybil that he is in love with her and he will only leave when she is ready to leave with him. Lady Mary decides that she will marry Sir Richard Carlisle. When housekeeper Mrs. Hughes finds Ethel in bed with one of the patients, she fires the housemaid on the spot and sends her packing without a ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.2
53 min

July 1917. As Isobel's plan to turn Downton into a hospital unites upstairs and downstairs in protest, O'Brien persuades Cora to make Thomas the hospital manager. Ethel enjoys the patients' attention whilst Edith earns respect as an auxiliary nurse. Chauffeur Branson, extolling the Russian Revolution, intends to be a conscientious objector but is rejected on medical grounds as former footman William, on his way to the trenches, proposes to Daisy. As Lang finds his trauma interferes with his work Anna discovers Bates working in a local pub. He tells her that Vera has been unfaithful and he is hopeful of a divorce. Violet and Rosamund learn that Carlisle coerced a reluctant Lavinia into exposing government secrets by using her father's debt - thus the engagement is still on. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.3
53 min

April 1917. With John still absent, Isobel's butler Molesley makes a play for Anna but is rejected. Robert gets a new valet, shell-shocked ex-soldier Henry Lang, whilst William goes off to war. Edith learns to drive a tractor extremely well, and nearly succumbs to a kiss from the married farmer Mr. Drake. Sybil and Thomas work in the cottage hospital, where the latter begins to learn some humanity. At Isobel's suggestion - and to Violet's dismay - Downton Abbey is turned into a convalescent ward to ease the hospital's bed shortage. Mary invites middle-aged newspaper tycoon, and prospective beau, Sir Richard Carlisle to a dinner party, also attended by the Crawleys and Lavinia. Suspicious of Carlisle, Violet invites her daughter and sister to the Earl, Lady Rosamund, who is intrigued by the fact that Carlisle and Lavinia already seem well-acquainted. Carson, despite being taken ill whilst serving dinner, is still perceptive enough to suggest to Mary that Matthew is really the man for ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.7
67 min

November 1916. Matthew is fighting in the horrific Battle of the Somme but at Downton Robert, given a courtesy title as head of the local yeomanry but deemed too old to fight, and William, forbidden by his father to enlist, feel frustrated as white feathers are given to non-combatants. Sybil also feels useless and goes to York for nursing training whilst Mary hides her disappointment when Matthew, home on leave, brings his betrothed, Lavinia Swire, to meet her. She nonetheless sees him off, giving him her lucky mascot, as he returns to the fighting, Back in the trenches he meets Thomas, sick of the war, who deliberately gets himself wounded. John returns from his mother's funeral, hoping to buy off his greedy wife Vera with his inheritance and marry Anna. However, now that he has money, Vera turns up and threatens to expose Anna's part in Mary's indiscretion with the Turk Panuk unless he leaves with her immediately - which he does. Fortunately a suspicious Mrs. Hughes has overheard ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.9
64 min

July 1914. In London former suitor Evelyn Napier assures Lady Mary that it was Edith, not he, who spread gossip about her and Kemal. Mary counters by wrecking her sister's marriage plans with Sir Anthony. Robert is reluctant to dismiss John even though O'Brien and Thomas have obtained a letter claiming that he stole from a previous employer. Anna accompanies Mrs. Patmore to London for eye tests, resulting in corrective surgery and, whilst there, discovers that John took the blame for the theft for his ex-wife Vera, a fact which Robert is pleased to hear. Thomas, fed up at his failure to get John sacked, and sensing war on the way, joins the Army Medical Corps whilst Sybil finally gets Gwen her secretarial post. Cora is pregnant, a fact which puts the proposed marriage between Mary and Matthew in doubt, should the baby be a son and heir. However, thanks to O'Brien leaving a bar of soap on the floor, Cora slips and miscarries. All the staff except O'Brien cheer William on as he beats ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

May 1914. Encouraged by politically aware chauffeur Tom Branson, the socially conscious Lady Sybil espouses politics as a means of aiding equality for women and the lower classes, to her father's anger. At a political meeting she is injured in a scuffle and rescued by Matthew. Lady Mary tells her mother she has received a marriage proposal from Matthew, but tells her mother she feels she should come clean about Kemal to him. Rumours about this indiscretion are now rife and Cora tells her mother-in-law how she helped Mary move the body. Edith continues to see more and more of Sir Anthony whilst O'Brien and Thomas continue to persecute John. They tell Carson they saw him steal wine and get Daisy to support them. However, Daisy does the decent thing and admits she was put up to it. Bizarrely, John, though he knows Thomas to be the wine thief, offers no explanation, confessing to being a former alcoholic and offering his resignation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.6
49 min

August 1913. O'Brien and Thomas continue to spread their malice, ensuring that Lady Edith learns from Daisy where Kemal died and attempting to frame John Bates for the theft of a snuff-box though Anna, clearly fond of John, ensures the plan backfires on them. Thomas's gossip also discredits Lady Mary's eligibility as a bride and the family must entertain the middle-aged Sir Anthony Strallen as a prospective husband. Mary is bored by him and it brings her closer to Matthew but Edith seems genuinely interested in him. Mrs. Patmore, the cook, must accept that her eyesight is failing and Lady Sybil continues to encourage Gwen in her secretarial applications whilst Isobel actually teaches Lady Violet some altruism at the annual produce show. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

May 1913. A fair comes to the village and here Mrs. Hughes meets up with an old flame, Joe, who once asked her to marry him and does so again. Despite being gay, Thomas escorts Daisy to the fair purely out of spite as he knows William is fond of her. The gesture is not lost on either John Bates or Mrs. Hughes. Gwen is not called for interview for the secretarial post but Sybil agrees to support future applications. A new chauffeur, Tom Branson, arrives. He is well-read and politically aware. Having got one over on Isobel regarding a medical diagnosis, Violet attempts to talk Robert out of a need for an arranged marriage but fails. Mary, seeing herself as no more than a commodity, unburdens herself to Matthew and they get a little closer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.5
47 min

March 1913. Gwen, one of the maids, has bought a typewriter and has applied for a secretarial post. Most of the staff are dismissive of her aspirations but the family - except Violet, of course - are supportive, and youngest daughter Sybil offers to supply a reference. Evelyn Napier, considered an eligible catch for Mary, arrives for the hunt, bringing his handsome friend Kemal Pamuk, a Turkish diplomat, who throws himself at her. He goes to her room at night for sex, during which he dies of a heart attack. Mary, Cora, and head housemaid Anna return the body to his room and agree to say nothing but are seen by Daisy the kitchen maid. The gruesome twosome of O'Brien and Thomas are also suspicious. Matthew spends a delightful day with Edith, the middle daughter, while Mrs. Hughes literally helps Bates out of a painful situation and they become friendly. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.4
47 min

September 1912. Designated heir Matthew Crawley and his mother Isobel arrive and move into a house in the grounds of Downton Abbey but Matthew is uncomfortable with having servants and is not keen on an arranged marriage - something he has in common with Lady Mary. Robert's mother Violet looks down on them as they are not from her class - Matthew is a working solicitor and Isobel a trained nurse and doctor's widow, who nonetheless impresses when she helps at the local hospital and saves the life of one of Robert's tenants. Cora upbraids the two nastiest servants, O'Brien and Thomas, for sneering at the Crawleys but impresses upon Mary the financial need for the marriage. Carson is blackmailed by Grigg, a man with whom he once had a music-hall act, but Robert takes his part and sees Grigg off. Whilst Carson feels foolish for having a less-than-aristocratic past, he is supported by Bates and the two men become friends. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey


Downton Abbey

IMDb: 8.4
66 min | 65 min

April 1912:- The heir to the title of Earl of Grantham, long time inhabitant of Downton Abbey, perishes on the 'Titanic'. Robert, the benevolent current earl, owes his wealth to his American wife Cora but they have only three daughters, who cannot inherit by law, so another heir must be found by marrying off Mary, the eldest girl. The Duke of Crowborough is a possibility but he is a closet gay who only has eyes for Thomas, the handsome but obnoxious footman, and soon departs. Robert's mother, the dowager, and Cora decide that the next best candidate is Matthew Crawley, a distant cousin, but Cora knows that the spirited Mary will not be happy with their choice. Downstairs there is also unrest as Thomas is passed over for promotion to valet in favour of Robert's batman from the Boer War, John Bates, who now limps due to a war wound. Along with Cora's maid Miss O'Brien, Thomas schemes to discredit Bates in the eyes of butler Carson and forces his resignation but Robert intervenes and ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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