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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 9.1
45 min

The Johnsons face the question of what to do with their last night before everything changes forever.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Forget what you think you know. Throw away all your preconceived notions, and how you think things will go. Because today is the day everything changes.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Two pretenders must overcome a host of obstacles, mortal and Godly, as they race for the prize.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

In which the best-laid plans and sundry schemes are thwarted by a man of morals, who also happens to be a man of action.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Miracles and visions abound, as do secrets and lies, when Axl's quest encounters many Friggs.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Why are Grandpa and Axl naked on the beach? Does Anders actually have a conscience? And what will it take for Mike to go to war?

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

A stag do with two stags leads Axl down the path to wisdom, while Ty finds that something that is forgotten is not necessarily gone.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

As Axl's road trip takes a couple of unexpected turns, Mike and Michele take their own roads to the dark side, and Dawn becomes the launch pad for a journey Anders can't see ending well.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Monsters from the past unlock the demons of today, as the Johnsons dress up for the family reunion they never expected.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

As the righteous are vanquished, Anders is made an offer he should refuse. Mike finds out his is not the only family with issues and Axl makes a new and interesting friend.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Axl tries his hand at therapeutic binge-drinking, Ty experiences a life-changing catastrophe and Mike changes teams; all for the greater good of the family.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

The morning after the night before, and Gaia is doing the walk of shame, returning to the flat from her tryst with Anders. Axl is waiting, along with the ruins of the apple tree, and Gaia has the opportunity to tell the truth; to confess her sins. Written by Joyce M

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

After the ceremony at the lake, Gaia has transformed into the goddess Idun.

Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

It is the day of Gaia's actual 21st and, therefore, the day of her attainment. Will she become Frigg? Or is Papatuanuku her destiny? Axl and Gaia wake up together, in Axl's bed, to face whatever the day brings - though the first thing it brings is Zeb, who is one step ahead of Axl in that he has actually bought Gaia a birthday present.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.6
47 min

We find Axl and Gaia parked up beside a beach. Since doing their impromptu runner they have been sleeping rough, in the car, without a change of clothes, or money, or toothbrushes, or, indeed, any of the necessities of life. Axl, especially, is getting tired of this lifestyle, but Gaia isn't ready to go back to the surreal version of reality she is hiding from. She's still got stuff to figure out, and is awaiting some kind of sign as to which path she will head down - the Frigg path or the Papatuanuku path.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

The trail leads Axl, Mike, Bryn and Michele to an unremarkable suburban house, where they find that Gaia is far from being in danger or even held against her will. In fact, Gaia is feeling right at home because it transpires that the bad men who kidnapped her - and who go by the names Jerome, George and Leon - are actually Gods, Maori Gods: Maui, Punga and Rongo. In this way the Johnson learn they are not the only deities in town.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Picking up from where we left off, Gaia is still not getting her head round the idea that she is Frigg. In fact, she is openly mocking Axl and Bryn. Axl tries again to convince Gaia, this time on a personal level, but the arrival of Thor/Derrick at the house does not help matters. As Axl has to deal with Derrick trying to kill Bryn, Gaia takes her opportunity to slip out her bedroom window (again) and make a bid for freedom.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The day gets off to a strange beginning, as Axl wakes to find Gaia shifting furniture, in response to a dream she had about the perfect furniture arrangement for the flat. She has also phoned in to quit her job, for reasons even she's not entirely clear of. But before Axl can get to the bottom of this Bryn and Jacob barge in, demanding that Gaia come with them now. Gaia refuses, and goes to her room. Then, before Axl can get to the bottom of that a very large man kicks the door down, demanding to know where 'the girl' is.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Not exactly a lot of happiness in God-world, as both Axl and Michele are suffering from some kind of lurgi, while Anders is just generally unhappy with the lot of them.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Axl's good nature is being taken advantage of as Ty palms Ingrid off on him. Ingrid needs someone to take her to pick up someone named Danny, from an as-yet-to-be-disclosed location. Despite her assurances it won't take long Axl then finds himself, with Ingrid, waiting in the middle of nowhere, where it transpires that Danny - an ex-psych nurse/lover of Ingrid's - is just being released from prison. When Danny and Ingrid commence making love on the backseat of his car Axl really regrets being a nice guy.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

As Ty sleeps soundly in his bed, Colin stands over him, speaking in Old Norse. As Colin walks round Ty's bed, flames spring up behind him, and by the time his work is done, Ty sleeps on, surrounded by walls of fire. Later, to a panicked Ingrid, Ty - singed but very much alive - reveals one of the benefits of running cold - the ability to fight fire with ice. And Ty most definitely knows this was an attempt on his life - one he's been expecting.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Axl, Zeb and Gaia stumble in, drunk, returning home from a Pimps 'n' Ho's party. The next morning 'Axl' awakes to find that 'he' is still wearing the dress, but some kind of Godly transformation has taken place and 'he' is now a she: a tall, blonde, very attractive woman.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Ty is put into an impossibly difficult position after his mother interfers with his marriage.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

A party is in the offing in the world of the Johnsons: allegedly just a few quiet drinks to celebrate Mike's new bar. Zeb is much keener than Axl on the idea of a Johnson party - but not as keen as Gaia, who seems a changed woman since her mysterious (and as yet unexplained, to the boys) return.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Axl is taken to school; Ty is scarred for life.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

The Johnsons find there is no such thing as a mother's unconditional love.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.6
47 min

Axl starts having second thoughts about marrying Eva as he realises that he loves his flatmate, Gaia, instead. As the boys are preparing for the Gudegilde, a pre-wedding God ceremony, Mike too joins the list of Gods having a bad day when Valerie announces that: (a) she is pregnant; (b) to Rob; and (c) that she still loves Rob. Mike decks Rob before heading off to the party. But things take an unexpected turn for the worse when, after Axl announces this to the gathering, Colin steps forward with an announcement of his own: in that case, he says, Mike will die within two weeks. Apparently what Agnetha neglected to mention in her translation of the document were any clauses about what punishment would ensue should the wedding fail to take place. This completes a great day for Mike. It takes Ty, who has nothing left to live for, to save the day. Axl tries to make things right with Gaia, but it is too late - she has shifted out. And, in this way, the Quest of the Johnson boys is no closer ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Date night! Anders prepares Axl/Odin, while Michele and Stacey prepare Eva/Frigg for their first ever date as God and Goddess - and, ideally, the consummation that leads to everyone attaining their powers in full. Which leads to a kind of high-pressure dinner for the two of them, and it is only when they bond over what a prick her father is that there is any sign of the ice between them cracking. Meanwhile, in their own idiosyncratic way, Ty and Dawn are muddling along with their relationship - although Ty wishes he could tell her the truth about his cold-inducing powers. But this is Rule #1 for Gods: never tell a mortal, so Ty is stuck living in a lie. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Fun and games on both Gods and Goddesses as the hunt for Frigg intensifies. With Olaf as his unpaid slave, Anders is running bogus news stories to lure her into the open; while Stacey is on the ground, checking out leads from Ingrid's genealogical research. In amongst all this Anders and Michele are playing their flirty little powers games. It is into these that Anders drops in the question of what might happen if and when the Goddesses find Frigg - how will they keep her away from Axl/Odin? Will they kill her? Imprison her? And what does Michele stand to gain if/when they find her? Mike, meanwhile, is also experiencing a change in the order of things. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Axl still doesn't get Mike's moral code - why doesn't he just use his powers to win a truckload of money to pay for everything? All Mike will say is that bad things happen when he uses his powers. At a bar, drowning his sorrows, Mike is tempted into a game of darts. Axl becomes so jealous when he finds out that Gaia has a boyfriend that he starts drinking and breaks into Anders' apartment in search of more alcohol. We all know bad things happen to mortals who get involved with Gods. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

It's hammer time, as a road trip to follow a falling star takes the God boys into uncharted territory; to a heartland of darkness where the usual rules no longer apply. The paths of the gods and goddesses cross at a rural funeral and both groups encounter the current incarnation of Thor. But will Axl mate with Derek Thor's daughter, Delphine? Meanwhile, Olaf and Ingrid bond, and Anders and Michele spar with one another. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons


The Almighty Johnsons

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Michele plants cocaine in Axl's car, and the police turn up on her anonymous tip. However, somewhat luckily, Zeb has already removed the drug, and Axl tries to prove his innocence to the still suspicious police officers. Meanwhile, the flatmates are visited by Gaia's gay dad, Bryn, from Waiheke Island, who is far from approving of Axl and is insistent that Gaia return home. Anders and Ty set out to clear Axl's name, and learn of Michele's identity and manipulate her into making everything alright for Axl. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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