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HD Supernatural




IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Sam and Eileen are faced with the brutal truth. Meanwhile Dean and Cass work together in the hopes of getting a step ahead of Chuck.

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HD Deadly Class

Deadly Class


Deadly Class

IMDb: 9.2

The gang faces off against Chester, but their choices lead to serious repercussions. Lin goes on the run with his daughter.

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HD Deadly Class

Deadly Class


Deadly Class

IMDb: 9.0

Marcus confesses the truth about Chester to Saya which leads them on a citywide manhunt.

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HD Deadly Class

Deadly Class


Deadly Class

IMDb: 8.7

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HD Valley of the Boom

Valley of the Boom


Valley of the Boom

IMDb: 0

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Genre: Drama,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

For the first time since they have become serious, Olivia feels that Jack is drifting away from her, he avoiding the issue of her offer to get an apartment together in Seattle. In spending time with Jeri in Seattle, Jack settles into his comfortable old routine, which he knows he cannot do with Olivia. Cliff and Alex are still away at the rodeo while Grace, who is unaware that Alex and her boyfriend Hugh have broken up, remains in Cedar Cove to help Allison deal with her cyber-bullying problem. Despite Allison not wanting Grace to do anything about it, Grace decides otherwise. She finds out that the apple does not fall far from the tree, as the bully is Kayla Roberts, the daughter of Sara Roberts née Jones, the class bully when Olivia and Grace were in high school. Allison feels helpless in the situation, she turning to the one person who may truly understand through what she is going. Peggy pleads with Roy to dissuade Bob from pursuing the stalking issue with him. Roy decides on ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Outwardly, Jack is enjoying his new part-time life in Seattle. He learns that his column has been picked up permanently, and he is thriving on the adrenaline of working for a big city paper even if it is extra work above and beyond his Cedar Cove Chronicle job. He is also deluding himself into believing that he can be a social drinker, falling off and staying off the wagon about which he doesn't tell Olivia. But someone important in his life does find out. Conversely, Olivia is worried about how intense Jack's life has become. Still, she makes some decisions about her own life so that she can advance her and Jack's relationship in light of his new life in Seattle. Grace is going to see Cliff perform in a rodeo, at which Alex and her boyfriend Hugh will also be. The fact of Hugh comforts Grace. But Grace may not be able to attend as she finds out some serious issues with Allison. Grace has to decide what to do about Allison, especially when Allison doesn't seem to want her help. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Olivia, with Anthony the D.A.'s blessing, decides to take a chance on Rebecca despite the lie on her resume as Olivia believes Rebecca is an excellent lawyer, but is truly scared about her career beneath the tough exterior. The question is what Rebecca will do when confronted. Jack's first article for the Courier is soon due and he has writer's block. In taking the job, he remembered the rush of a large audience reading his material in working for a big city paper, forgetting about the panic before that. He has to find something that works for him in getting the job done, that something which may be old routines. Eric is looking forward to Shelly and Adele's visit, he realizing that he missed them more when he actually sees them. But Eric may not be able to hide all his extracurricular activities while Shelly was away. Grace and Cliff are able to get over the issue of Will, but Grace isn't sure if she can get over the fact of Alex, despite Alex not having done anything to make Grace ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Jack has completed his article on Luke and the issue of PTSD, which he believes is the best work he's done in a long time. The article gets into the hands of the Seattle Courier, they who want to interview him for a potential weekly column. What Jack learns is that the Courier getting his article was no accident, but he hopes that the means by which they got the article will neither affect his want to do the job if offered, or affect the job itself. Olivia catches Rebecca in a lie, which if she decides to expose it may lead to the end of Rebecca's law career. Eric and Rebecca have started seeing each other. Eric has to decide what to do about Rebecca when he learns that Shelly and Adele want to come for a visit. Grace confesses to Olivia that she still may have feelings for Will, and visa versa, despite she being committed to Cliff. The situation has the potential to blow up in Grace's face when Cliff returns to Cedar Cove earlier than expected while Will is still around. Cliff has ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Following Luke's kiss with Justine, they have reconciled, as Luke feels he needs a friend more than a potential lover if he has to make the choice between the two. Her time with Luke leads to an epiphany for Justine. Luke, on the other hand, still has problems opening up to anyone else but Justine about his life, most specifically Jack, to who he has agreed to be interviewed. But as Luke doesn't open up to Jack, Olivia calls Jack out on not opening up to her, most specifically about Jeri being the ex-wife Olivia had to learn about directly from Jeri herself. Jack has to decide if his love for Olivia is strong enough to divulge those aspects of his past he would rather stay hidden. Despite their recent past, Grace has been in contact again with Olivia's married brother Will, the two who have once again become friends. When Olivia finds out, she believes that what Grace and Will are doing is wrong, especially as she feels Will has ulterior motives, and Grace has not told Cliff about ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Luke's pre-trial is approaching, but all he can think of is Justine, who in turn, knows that she has feelings for him, but doesn't quite know what to do about them because of her relationship with Seth, despite he being away. Justine has Cecilia as a confidante, she who is going through her own conundrum of whether to respect Ian's wishes in not trying to have a baby right now, or go against him unilaterally by going off the pill without telling him. Luke's trial also brings a plethora of reporters into town, including Jeri Drake, an old colleague of Jack's. Jeri feels the need to have a chat with Olivia about what she knows about the old Jack. Olivia has her own troubles in the form of the new Assistant District Attorney, Rebecca Jennings, a young woman whose sole goal is to make a name for herself by winning cases so that she can get out of Cedar Cove. She not only makes an impression on Olivia, but also Eric, who receives a surprise gift and advice, in the form of an order, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Following his violent outburst and resulting fight, Luke has ended up in jail. Justine wants to continue to help Luke, but she may be in above her head without truly knowing what is going on with him. His problems may require more specialized help. She also doesn't want her mother to know about the fight, which may be difficult seeing that Olivia is a municipal court judge. But of all those involved with Luke, Bob may be hit the hardest as he probably knows better than anyone what Luke is going through. Ian and Cecilia also are affected by what happens to Luke, especially as they deal with a personal issue about which Cecilia may make a unilateral decision against Ian's wants. Jack hates that Eric is working for Warren, but based on advice from Olivia, he has to find a way to be supportive of Eric's decisions - especially as Warren is not asking Eric to do anything besides work hard - while staying true to his feelings for Warren. Conversely, Eric may find that the work is a bit above... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Because Warren is a major advertiser with the newspaper, Jack's boss asks Jack to write a glowing article about Warren, which goes against all Jack stands for as a journalist. Jack has to decide what to do about the matter. It would not help if he knew that Eric was seriously considering Warren's offer of employment, as Eric realizes that the status quo of working at Moon's is not enough to support him, Shelly and the baby. As Grace enters the courtroom against her ex-husband Dan, she will eventually learn that their divorce has not been as amicable as Dan portrayed he wanted it to be, and as Dan made her sign things which she really should not have without reading first. With a day continuance, Grace and Olivia will have find if Dan slipped up in his legal manoeuvrings with Grace, and if he did not whether Olivia the lawyer can bend the law in Grace's favor to make Dan do what he originally told Grace he would do when they divorced. And Justine learns the reason why Luke is so ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Eric and Shelly pass along the news to Jack and Olivia that Shelly is planning on moving in with her aunt in Seattle so that she can go back to school. The move would be without Eric, who doesn't like or agree with her decision as it would take Adele away from him. Jack and Olivia have mixed feelings about the news, and how they should counsel Eric and Shelly respectively. Regardless, Eric realizes that his job at Moon's isn't going to sustain a life for himself, let alone a significant other and child. He ends up receiving two offers as an alternative. He has to decide which if either alternative to take, one which may be more lucrative but which also has many pitfalls. Meanwhile, Olivia, who is handling Grace's house sale for her, learns that Grace cannot sell as there is a lien on the house because of an unpaid mortgage, news about which Grace is incredulous as her ex-husband Dan was supposed to have arranged that payment in full as part of the divorce settlement. With Olivia in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

With Seth getting ready to head back to commercial fishing in Alaska, Justine decides to move back into her mother's house until she figures out what to do with her life. Both their physical moves are symbols to Justine of how lost she currently feels in her life. Although Olivia welcomes Justine with open arms, it is not the best time for her as Eric and Shelly are at Jack's house, leaving Jack and Olivia little privacy. In addition, Jack and Olivia are going through a largely undiscussed issue as Jack wants Olivia to have a key to his house, that key which she seems not to want to accept due to what she sees as the figurative strings attached to it. With Jack's financial blessing in the form of allowing him to pay his rent late, Eric, who is working at Moon's until he finds something more lucrative, takes Shelly out on what would be their first ever date for their first anniversary of meeting. That date may provide them a clearer picture of the state of their relationship. Shelly ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Feeling like Shelly, Jack and Olivia are conspiring against him to take his yet unborn child away, Eric threatens to call in a lawyer of his own so that he can get custody of his unborn daughter. Olivia ends up having what Eric and Jack believe is a surprising perspective on the matter, at least on the surface. What Olivia also does is make Justine think about the situation with Seth and the restaurant, putting her own needs and wants first and foremost instead of doing something purely to please Seth. The situation is made all the more difficult for Justine by Seth, who does something to advance his and Justine's relationship. Maryellen learns from Macafee and Sheriff Troy that the two men that approached her are John's old prison mates, and that the authorities believe John will go into their forgery business in large part to protect her against them. Maryellen has to decide what to do, receiving what she considers the contradictory advice to stay clear of John - essentially ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Shelly and the unborn baby's prognosis, the former who is in slight medical distress in the hospital due to complications from the pregnancy, is favorable. But this medical condition allows her time away from Eric and with her own thoughts about what she wants to do, which is to give the baby up for adoption since she doesn't trust Eric not to run away again if things get difficult. Olivia ends up being Shelly's personal and legal confidante, which places a strain between Olivia/Jack and Eric, the latter who sees his father and his father's girlfriend siding with Shelly's wants over his. Under the strain of his relationship with Eric, Jack contemplates returning to past comforts, namely the bottle. What Jack, Eric and Shelly are unaware of is that Olivia too has to overcome her own emotional distress, as this situation marks the first time that she has been in the hospital since Jordan's death. Meanwhile, two shady looking characters approach Maryellen looking for John, they who seem ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

The Christmas Season has arrived in Cedar Cove and though Jack and Olivia are happy to be reunited, Jack is desperate to talk to his still-missing son Eric about Eric's impending fatherhood. Meanwhile, Justine is asked to help the FBI make a case against Warren and Grace tries to heat up her relationship with Cliff. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA , Canada
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Olivia presides over a difficult divorce case involving a child custody battle. Jack makes a hard parenting decision and gives Eric and ultimatum. Grace discovers that the town council's budget committee has decided to close the library, but she is given the opportunity to raise the money required to keep it open. Written by Greensteam

Country: USA , Canada
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

While volunteering at convalescence center, Charlotte befriends an unidentified stroke victim found unconscious at a bus stop. Since he's unable to communicate, she sets out to identify the man and find out why he was visiting Cedar Cove. Meanwhile, Jack's estranged son Eric suddenly appears on his door step needing a place to stay. Written by Greensteam

Country: USA , Canada
Genre: ,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 6.9

Cedar Cove is a quaint, picturesque town on an island in Puget Sound in Washington state. Its residents are old fashioned in their values, neighbors on the most part trying to help neighbors, and people not locking their doors in their trust of their neighbors. The moral center and compass of the town is Olivia Lockhart, the bicycle riding, scarf wearing municipal court judge who grew up in the town. Regardless of her being the focus for many in town, Olivia's life has not been issue-free, she long ago having gone through a divorce from her physician ex-husband, the dissolution of their marriage largely due to the accidental drowning death of their son, Jordan, when he was thirteen, that incident from which they as a couple could not recover. Also affected was Jordan's twin sister, Justine, now a young woman, who has been struggling to find her place in life ever since. Much like the town is being pulled in different directions, such as by cutthroat developer Warren Saget, Olivia is ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Fairly Legal

Fairly Legal


Fairly Legal

IMDb: 8.0
41 min | 60 min

Kate's nemesis Judge Nicastro assigns her to mediate a case between a high school football coach and the angry parents who claim his old school methods border on abuse. When the videotaped evidence doesn't make sense to her, Kate unearths the real reason for the coach's controversial actions. Written by USA Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove


Cedar Cove

IMDb: 8.2
88 min

Catching him in his lies about drinking, Olivia isn't sure if she is ready to forgive Jack. Dealing with Olivia's request for space and not staying off the wagon is made all the more difficult for Jack with some news he learns about his Seattle job. Grace and Cliff clear the air about Alex which includes a surprising move by Cliff. Their relationship has the potential to hit more bumps with the return of Will to Cedar Cove for the summer, he who is dealing with the aftermath of his divorce. Bob makes an official offer to Grace, but doesn't tell her the whole story before she reluctantly accepts, that story which she has to find out and deal with on her own. Olivia has an interesting first meeting with the new DA, Paul Watson. As he is much different than Anthony in temperament, Paul has an interesting dynamic with Rebecca, who realizes that her job may be on the line. After Rebecca is able to rescue Eric with Dick Turnbull seemingly taking the entire fall, Warren believes he can waltz... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Hellcats




IMDb: 8.0

Hearing from Travis he's playing a song written by her late father, Marti confronts her mother for never having told her anything about her other parent. Red Raymond smooths some feather ruffled in the eventful previous episodes. Horrified, the Hellcats discover the sing they used for their national finals routine was promised exclusively to their captain, but also to the Memphis competitors, by a member each of the same obscure band. The boys make the teams woe them for binding exclusivity, but overplay their hand. Charlotte and her mother are shocked that her kid sister carries her ex Noah Cambell's baby, and he isn't even fully over her. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hellcats




IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Desperate to raise funds to get them to Nationals, the Hellcats plan a date auction. However, things take a unexpected turn after Savannah's old boyfriend Noah shows up and outbids Dan, Morgan wins a date with a horrified Marti and Vanessa is bid on by a mystery man whom she suspects is Red trying to win her back. Vanessa frets over whether to tell Derrick about the date as the money will cover the trip to Nationals for the Hellcats. Meanwhile, Lewis continues to keep a secret from the team. Written by CW Publicity

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Flashpoint




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Team One responds to a 911 call where a masked gunman threatens a group of teens and kidnaps one of them. As they pursue the investigation, it turns out the gunman is known to the youths and was the subject of a viral video prank perpetrated by the kidnap victim. Meanwhile, Jules encourages Sgt. Parker to accept an invitation for a date with a woman he rescued in a recent case. Written by tlk808

Country: Canada
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HD Psych




IMDb: 8.5
60 min | 43 min

After one too many infractions, Shawn and Gus are sent to the police academy for training, which gets in the way of working on a case.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD Blue Mountain State

Blue Mountain State


Blue Mountain State

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Alex's lack of commitment to the team gets him demoted to third string. Meanwhile, Craig suspects Denise is having an affair and Sammy leads a mob of angry cheerleaders looking for revenge on all the college guys.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 9.5
42 min

Still gravely pondering his place is life, Clark lets Lois drag him along to their Smallvillle high school reunion. Rather than enjoying his hero status, while Lois shines less than she expected, Clark worries when he spots Brainiac, but it turns out he returned from the future with the Legions ring to show Clark how vital his contribution is to prevent a horrible future for him, Oliver, their friends and the world. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Supernatural




IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Dean returns from purgatory a year after he disappears. He rejoins Sam, who has already moved on, and together they set out to find Kevin, the Prophet boy captured by Crowley. Since Kevin has escaped they begin to trace the long paper trail. Written by Shannon Kularathna

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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.3
44 min

The Fringe team attempts to find out what process enables people to become lighter than air and float. Peter and Olivia deal with trust issues in their relationship, while Walter becomes increasingly obsessed with retrieving William Bell's consciousness from beyond the grave. Written by Nightice

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The killer: Sophia Balfour, a dance studio owner/instructor. The victim: Dustin McEvers, a low level blue collar criminal, who according to Chris Renway, his professional and personal partner, purportedly was trying to go straight following the birth of their still infant offspring. Chris, however, admits that Dustin still did collection on his drug dealing business, a collection which is where he went when she last saw him. Dustin's death, on the surface, looks to be a simple case of self defense by Sophia's husband, Miles Balfour, after Miles, who was alone at home at the time, reported that Dustin broke in in what was probably an attempted robbery, as Dustin was armed, the gun in his hand which could not have been placed there post-mortem. Miles' self-defense argument starts to fall apart upon further examination of Dustin's fatal wound. Miles protecting Sophia as the actual killer starts to come to light based on a previous non-trust issue between husband and wife, and discovery... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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