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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

In a firefight with Jaffa, Teal'c takes a staff blast to the gut. Without his symbiote, he cannot regenerate as he once did. Daniel feels that he cannot remember something important, so he goes searching through the logs for any sign of his lost knowledge. Teal'c expresses his feelings that the Tritonin has made him weak. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Teal'c is in the infirmary having a series of strange dreams. In those dreams, he is a human who, along with the other members of SG-1, are firefighters in Coquitlam. Others are in his dream including friend Brae and his wife Shauna. He faces major surgery as he's decided to donate one of his kidneys to his friend Brae. As he drifts in and out of sleep, he becomes less and less sure just which of his two worlds is real. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The Tok'ra are forced to evacuate their newly established base under attack from the Goa'uld. They flee to the SGC's Alpha site. Tensions rise between the allied factions, the Free Jaffa, Tau'ri, and Tok'ra. Jacob and Selmac feel the end of the Tok'ra is near and Sam finds a Naquadah generator has been sabotaged to function as a bomb. Jack suspects the recently arrived Tok'ra and attempts to weed out the traitor. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Teal'c, his son Rya'c and Master Bra'tac travel to the planet from which Anubis is attacking the Earth. Teal'c is concerned for his son's safety but the young man proves to be a fine warrior. When Teal'c and Master Bra'tac are taken prisoner, it's left to Rya'c to destroy the Goa'uld's special weapon. At Stargate Command, Dr. Rodney McKay thinks he knows how to stop the particle beam that is bombarding the gate and threatening the entire planet. Sam Carter doesn't think his solution will work but takes no comfort when it does in fact fail. Jonas Quinn however comes up with a solution - one that may cost someone their life if they are to succeed. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

O'Neill is still searching for Daniel Jackson's replacement, but is having little success. The Russian liaison officer thinks one of his countrymen should be given the opportunity but neither O'Neill or General agree with that. Jonas Quinn suggests to Carter that he would be a good replacement and she agrees but O'Neill again says no. Jonas does tag along however to Area 51 where they view the newest addition to their arsenal, an X302 fighter that should be able to travel through hyperspace. Meanwhile, Master Bra'tac arrives at Stargate Command to tell Teal'c that his wife is seriously ill. They set off but when they try to return to SGC they are unable top dial in and with good reason: SGC is under attack by Anubis. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

On master Bra'tac's advice, SG-1 agrees to visit and help the Jaffa rebels training camp of K'tano, former First Prime of Imhotep, a Goa'uld they soon find wasn't even an actual system lord. While the humans grow increasingly suspicious of his cruel and wasteful training methods, Teal'c considers them traditional and agrees to be recruited for a mission to eliminate the system lord Yu-huang Shang Ti, aboard whose ship an uprising is planned. The team does a great job in the camp, demonstrating the value of earthling weapons the Jaffa originally scorned, but learns there is more and worse to K'tano. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

At the SGC, Teal'c has been under going rehab but it soon becomes apparent that the brain washing he underwent when in the service of Apophis still has hold of him. They call on Master Bra'tac to help them out. They remove Teal'c's symbiont and he is obviously in great pain. Bra'tac insists that this is all part of bringing him back and that Teal'c must suffer in order to break his conditioning. It doesn't at all sit well with Dr. Fraiser but General Hammond agrees with the process. In flashbacks, Teal'c's earlier life is revealed. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Teal'c's Master Bra'tac arrives unannounced, carrying his dying apprentice Moac, rare survivors of a massive ground attack on planet Chulack by Apophis, who now controls the late Sokar's massive armies. As he could have wiped out the Jaffa by space weapons, he must be looking for something or someone- his consort Ammonet's Harsesis child; Daniel only knew the boy is in Osiris's hiding place from Seth, Kheb, which he nor Teal'c can locate, but Bra'tac knows that is a legendary planet the Goa'uld fear and loathe, and combining with Daniel's Pharaonic mythology knowledge it must be one of the Loc'na ko, exhausted mining planets; he even has an address, the only one the Goa'uld never listed on their space map, but Apophis may be mad enough to brave the ancestral fear. When SG-1 arrives, Bra'tac reads tracks of eight Jaffa, all burned as if by lightning, and a priestess they shot, but who took the Harsesis from her? To their surprise, Kheb is not a fortress but an oriental temple, where ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Col. O'Neill, Sam Carter and Daniel Jackson have been taken prisoner by Hathor, who wants one of them to become a host. O'Neill is the one chosen but he gets help from an unexpected source. Teal'c, who has formally resigned from SG command, returns to Chulak where he seeks out his mentor Master Bra'tac and tries to convince the locals to rebel against their captors. At SG command, General Hammond learns of the prisoners' location but after an unsuccessful attempt at rescuing them, joins Teal'c and Bra'tac in a second rescue mission. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

When Colonel O'Neill wakes up, he is told by new staff everything in the star-base is different because he was just revived after 79 years of cryogenic hibernation, as sole survivor of a disastrous SG-1 mission on a goa'uld-ruled planet. He accepts to undergo a 'high tech hypnosis' to retrieve information of use in the present war against them which is going badly, involving earth's ten endangered colonies on other planets. However Major General Trofsky, the new base commander, and his female assistant tell Daniel and Sam, in different sections, that each of them is the sole survivor: it's all make-believe to probe their brains about the weaknesses of earth and the Alliance of the four races. Meanwhile Teal'c awakes on earth, where it took Dr. Frasier months to save him from death, there was no trace of his teammates and he resigns when general Hammond refuses permission to keep searching. O'Neill hears goa'uld language, gets himself free and discovers to be on a fake star-base, frees... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Master Bra'tac makes a surprise visit to star-base and tells that Apophis and Klorel managed to escape just before their starship exploded and has Rya'c, Tealc's son, in his power. To maintain his position as system-lord he must restore order on Chulac, so SG-1 goes there, also to look for 'sholva' (outcast) Teal'c's family. They find his wife Drey'auc has remarried with high-ranking Jaffa Fro'tak. Teal'c vows to shun her forever after Rya'c's salvation from Apophis's palace, but the boy refuses to come with his 'hataka' (traitor) father and calls the guards so they must retreat without him and soon see him in Apophis' propaganda, however a deliberate wrong detail suggests he has not completely changed sides yet. A search of Fro'tac's house doesn't find the team; Jack follows their host to the palace and prevents him betraying them. Now Jack mistrusts the return of Rya'c too, Teal'c refuses to doubt his son; the others hesitate, and after their return on earth with the boy... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

As the Goa'uld attack fleet approach Earth, all four members of the SG-1 team are taken prisoner. They get help from an unexpected source when Bre'tac, Teal'c's mentor, reveals that he is on board. Apophis has delayed the attack until his son Klorel is revived, giving them some time to prepare. SG-1 has used all of the C4 on one of the two ships but must find a way to dispose of the second. Back at Stargate Command, Lt. Col. Bert Samuels arrives as a Pentagon liaison officer but also reveals a new weapon they have developed. General Hammond is dubious. They begin to transport humans to transport humans to an Alpha site in order to ensure the continuation of mankind. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

An experimental drug to replace Teal'c's goa'uld as his immune system is unsuccessful, and gives him nightmares about the traumatic implantation in his own body, a prim'ta which turns a Jaffa child into a goa'uld drone, and it's impending for his son Ry'ac, about whom he never told the USAF. Now he tells Jack and proposes a mission to retrieve symbionts on his home planet Chulac, where they are plentiful, but their last visit made them many enemies. Once informed, the general orders a team mission rather than virtual suicide by Teal'c going alone. They pretend to be a legation from Apophis, bluff their way past priests guarding the stargate, and find Teal'c's home burned down as part of his disgrace as shol'va (traitor) but meet Jaffa master Brae'tac, his mentor, who expected him to return to his family for Ry'ac's prim'ta ceremony and shows him and Jack where they live as kresh'ta (outcasts) in a slum, just in time to prevent the ceremony, to his wife Drey'auc's fury, who told Ry'ac ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
22 min

Jerry has a gorgeous new girlfriend, Sidra, but can't help but wonder if her breasts are real or implants. Elaine tells him she's sure they're fake and he decides not to see her again. An encounter in the sauna leads her to think otherwise. George has to attend an out of town funeral and does his best to get a discounted airfare. At the wake George is accosted by a mourner after George double dips his chip in the dip. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Just off a long stakeout, Don's weary team puts in another sleepless day-and-a-half when they become part of a rescue/investigation after a freight train transporting toxic chemicals crashes into a passenger train, obliterating the black boxes. As Charlie's bots map the site, Amita tries to determine the collision's cause, Nikki sees only one possible scenario, and David chomps at the bit as more victims are jeopardized. Written by layle

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

In flashback, Snow makes a wish that causes everyone to burst into song, infuriating the Evil Queen. In Storybrooke, this wish comes back into play as Emma and Hook prepare for their wedding, and the Black Fairy announces her plans.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.6

Hook aligns with Tiger Lily in Neverland, where they take on the Lost Boys. Meanwhile, Regina works to break David and Snow's Sleeping Curse; Gold and the Black Fairy reach an impasse; and flashbacks reveal what Snow and Charming sacrificed for Emma in order for her to become the Saviour. Written by Amanda

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Regina's getting desperate. She knows that the only way to get answers about this mysterious author is to go undercover. She must show Maleficent, Cruella and Ursula that she can still be a monstrous Evil Queen. Emma is determined to use her special skills to help Regina but is constantly denied the chance. Meanwhile Rumplestiltskin's heart shatters as he watches his wife fall for somebody else. Back in the enchanted forest we see young Regina seek the help of a powerful witch; Maleficent. This exciting episode reveals that even the heroes have to break the rules sometimes. Written by g-wass30

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

David and Mary Margaret suspect that Cruella and Ursula have come to Storybrooke looking for something more than just their happy endings, something that threatens to reveal a secret they thought was long forgotten. Emma begins her own investigation of Cruella and Ursula, but can't shake the feeling that her friends and family are hiding something from her. Regina and Henry turn to Marco and Pinocchio for help finding the author of the storybook in hopes that Pinocchio might remember something that will help them out. In the enchanted forest flashbacks, Snow and Charming cross paths with the queen's of darkness while the threat of the evil queen's curse hangs over all of them.

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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 9.3
44 min

In this the first part of a double episode, everyone in Storybrooke joins Mary Margaret and David as they prepare to celebrate the birth of Emma's brother but the time traveling portal that Zelena created before her demise comes to life, and takes Emma and Hook back to the Enchanted Forest before the events of the original curse. Written by Steven

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Mary Margaret begins to deal with her guilt concerning the death of Cora while Neal's fiancée arrives in Storybrooke. Meanwhile, back in Phuket, August seeks the help of a healer known as the dragon when he starts to turn into wood. Written by Nadia Nassar

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Emma and David enlist Gold's help to protect Mary Margaret from a vengeful Regina while Henry searches for a way to destroy magic in Storybrooke. Meanwhile, back when the spell was originally cast, Regina seeks the company of a father and son who stumble into Storybrooke. Written by Nadia Nassar

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Mr. Gold finds a way to cross the town boundary without losing his memory but his efforts are ruined by Hook, forcing Belle to try and save his plans. Back in the fairy tale land, Belle seeks adventure by trying to destroy a monster that plagues the town. Along the way, she meets and befriends Mulan. Written by Nadia Nassar

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

As David tries to restore order in Storybrooke, Regina continues to seek a way to regain her powers, and the Dwarves make a discovery when they investigate the town line.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

Out of jail, Mary Margaret resumes her teaching job. Meanwhile August Booth takes Emma out of Storybrook to the place where they came into this world to try and make her believe that the stories are true. There he confesses to her his true identity. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

As Sheriff Graham deputizes Emma, the ground shakes and a giant sinkhole mysteriously appears at the edge of town. But a curious Henry's life is placed in danger when he decides to explore the innards of the sinkhole to see if its contents can link the inhabitants of Storybrooke to the fairytale world. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale world, Jiminy Cricket yearns to leave the family business and transform into the person he wants to be. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Emma Swan's world is turned upside down when the son she gave up 10 years ago knocks on her door. Holding a book of fairy tales he claims are real, he tells her that she is not only in the book but that she is the only hope of freeing a town called Storybrooke from an evil curse. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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