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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
49 min

Ralph Cifaretto, who is still having a relationship with Rosalie Aprile, is having girlfriend problems with one of the dancers at the Bada Bing, Tracee. She asks Tony for help when she gets pregnant by Ralph since she isn't sure Ralph will take care of her if she has the baby. Ralph has been acting over the top lately and when he kills Tracee in the Bing's parking lot, Tony teaches him a lesson. At Columbia, Meadow and Noah's relationship is moving forward but Meadow's roommate Caitlin Rucker is behaving very oddly. She's not fitting in with university life and reaches out to Meadow who is sympathetic but doesn't appreciate just how serious the problem is. Noah is also sympathetic, at least at first, but eventually gets his entertainment lawyer father to get a restraining order against Caitlin. Meadow gets to meet Noah's Dad but Noah shows his true colors. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

As Tony requested, Carmela goes with him to one of his sessions with Dr. Melfi. It starts off okay, but suddenly Carmela feels she's the one on the hot seat and it quickly degenerates into name calling and anger.On the way home Tony gets speeding ticket from a no-nonsense policeman who isn't at all impressed that he stopped Tony Soprano. Tony approaches his crooked Assemblyman, Ronald Zellman, to get the ticket fixed but there are unexpected consequences. When one of the Spatafores is beaten by Mustang Sally, who is having a argument with his girlfriend, Gigi Cestone gets the green light from Tony to take action. Tony clears it with Mustang Sally's godfather, Bobby Bacala Senior, who is visiting from Miami. He's not well and Bobby Junior is worried when he hears that it's his Dad who will make the hit. Uncle Junior gets Johnny Sack to talk to Tony but his intervention is not welcome. Now that he's a made man, Christopher insists that Adriana quit her job at Artie Buco's restaurant. It... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.9
53 min

Things are not going well in the garbage wars and Tony decides to put one of his own men in charge Richie Aprile' old crew, ousting Ralphie Cifaretto who has been in charge temporarily. At least part of the reason he replaces him is that he let Jackie Aprile Jr. help him beat up a client when trying to collect a debt. Dr. Melfi meanwhile is brutally attacked and raped in the stairwell of her office building. When the police are forced to release the suspect due to procedural errors on their part, she is outraged and seriously considers asking Tony for his help. As Tony had warned her, Janice learns there is a price to pay for refusing to return Svetlana's stolen leg. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.6
59 min

Tony follows through on his promise and Christopher becomes a made man reporting to Paulie. His dreams of making lots of money are quickly shattered however. Paulie gives him the sports book but expects $6000 per week in tribute. When they have something of a setback and he can't pay Paulie the full amount, he quickly learns that there's no friendship when it comes to cash. Tony is still seeing his psychiatrist and they have a breakthrough of sorts when Tony recalls his father cutting off a butcher's pinkie finger when the man couldn't pay up. It leads to Tony having his first panic attack. Meadow is still giving her father the cold shoulder over his treatment of her new boyfriend. At school, AJ becomes something of a leader on the football field but it leads to him passing out from a panic attack. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
57 min

Tony is stressed and having to deal with a number of problems. Big garbage collecting contracts are up and several crews want a bigger share of the pie. As well, he's afraid his mother may testify against him in the stolen airline tickets scam. When Meadow comes home with a classmate to get some work done Tony takes an immediate disliking to the young man who describes himself as Jewish and African-American. Tony gets a reprieve on at least one front when they get the news that his mother Livia has died. He's torn between jumping for joy and maintaining a proper sense of loss. He insists that Janice return from Seattle assuring her there will be no problem with the Richie Aprile issue. She comes back reluctantly but soon decides to have a proper funeral for Livia, even though the dead woman specifically requested there be none. When Janice asks people at the wake to say something nice about their dealings with Livia no one has much to say. Carmela lays it on the line however. At ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
50 min

With Big Pussy Bonpensiero no longer available to wear a wire, the FBI is desperate to get Tony on tape. They decide that bugging his house - specifically the basement where he would sometimes have conversations with Big Pussy. They obtain a warrant that will allow then to break into the house twice: once to determine where in the basement would be the best place to place the bug and then a second time to plant it. The whole exercise turns into a major operation when they assign teams to each of the occupants - Tony, Carmela, Meadow, Anthony Jr. and the cleaning lady Lilliana - to follow then and ensure they don't return unexpectedly. They decide to rebuild an old desk lamp but their first attempt to plant the bug goes wrong when most of the family members return to deal with a crisis. Meanwhile, Tony is hearing rumors about Patsy Parisi who is still grieving for his dead twin and may be out for revenge. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 9.2
60 min

Meadow's graduation is finally at hand and she decides on which college to attend. Tony is having something of a rough time with a severe bout of food poisoning. In his sick bed, he has interesting dreams about those around him. He also finds Pussy's wire so they go fishing along with Sylvio and Paulie. Pussy won't return. Tony is arrested at home when his mother Livia and her sister are stopped at the airport with stolen airline tickets. At Meadow's graduation, Tony has a final chat with David Scatino, the man whose gambling debts to Tony and Richie Aprile led to his ruin. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 9.1
61 min

Richie Aprile continues to be a major problem for Tony and now for Uncle Junior as well. Richie knows Junior can't be too happy with the current situation either and pesters him for permission to get rid of his nephew. Junior agrees but quickly realizes that Richie will be a bigger pain than Tony and promptly tells him what Richie has planned. Janice is busy planning her wedding but when an argument erupts at home and Richie hits her, she shows him just what she's prepared to put up with. Tony meanwhile tries to end his relationship with Irina, his Russian girlfriend, but she then tries to make good on her threat to commit suicide if he leaves her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Tony knows he's dodged a bullet when Christopher's attacker is eliminated and his lawyer suggests he lay low for awhile, maybe actually showing up at Barone waste management where he is supposed to have an office. Sitting behind a desk all day doesn't go over too easily however. He has yet more problems to solve however when he learns that Richie Aprile has at least one of his drivers selling cocaine along his garbage route. Tony orders Richie to stop what he's doing but not surprisingly that doesn't sit well with him. Uncle Junior meanwhile meets the widow of an old friend who would clearly like to spend some time with him. He's embarrassed to tell her that he's under house arrest however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

A witness saw Tony dispose of Matthew. Pussy meets his FBI contact who tells him Tony was seen. He also suspects that Pussy is the other man who was seen with him. When Tony learns there's an eye witness, Paulie and Furio go into action. Richie Aprile isn't happy with his business arrangement in the garbage business but Tony is unsympathetic. He goes to see Uncle Junior. Tony decides he wants to spend more time with AJ but is disappointed when his son would rather go to the mall with his friends. David Scatino still hasn't paid off Tony and Richie and they are driving him into bankruptcy. He considers putting an end to it all. Carmela meets a handsome home decorator. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.8
56 min

Christopher is in hospital after the shooting but goes into cardiac arrest and must undergo emergency surgery. The surgery goes well but the doctor admits that Christopher was clinically dead for about one minute. When he awakens from his surgery, Christopher believes he had a out of body experience and saw his father and uncle playing cards in hell. They tell him that's where he's headed, and when he awakens he's convinced he's going to hell. After Carmella hears that another gangster's girlfriend gave birth, she decides Tony should have vasectomy. Pussy tells his FBI contact that he thinks Tony is onto him so he sets out to find the man who shot Christopher in the hopes that it will bring them closer together Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Meadow is getting anxious about college admission and wants to go to Berkely but Carmella considers taking steps to ensure that won't happen. She asks for her neighbor Jeannie Cusamano's help in getting her sister Joan, who went to Georgetown, for a letter of recommendation. When Joan refuses, Carmella pays her a personal visit. Paulie and Silvio visit Richie Aprile to suggest he help out Beansie by building a ramp for his wheelchair. Christopher is having problems with Adriana who has moved out. He asks her to marry him and gives her a gigantic engagement ring. Christopher has two new guys working for him, Matthew and Sean, but they decide they need to get ahead and try to impress Richie. Richie gives Tony a prized leather jacket that he had taken off a hood many years before, but then sees that he has given it away. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
57 min

AJ takes his mother's car out without permission and sideswipes a truck causing considerable damage to her car. He's in a rebellious mood, pushing all of his parents' buttons, threatening not to go through with his confirmation and saying that God is dead. Pussy is AJ's confirmation sponsor and Tony asks him to have a talk with the boy. Pussy however is forced by the FBI to wear a wire to a party at Tony's house to celebrate AJ's confirmation and he is deeply conflicted by the situation he finds himself in. Christopher meanwhile starts hanging around movie people, including Jon Favreau. He's decided he wants to be a player rather than a writer in the movie business but when Tony hears about what he's been up to, Christopher has a choice to make. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
51 min

An old high school friend of Tony's, David Scatino, talks him into letting him play in a high stakes poker game. David's on a streak of bad luck and he's also in debt to Richie Aprile, who has banned him from his games until he catches up a bit. When Richie sees David at Tony's game there's trouble. David's problems grow when he can't pay Tony back and has no way out but to give him his son's four wheel drive as partial payment. It puts Meadow in an awkward situation. Richie continues to be a problem for Tony who sees him, Janice and his mother together at a family funeral. Janice eggs Richie on adding to the tension with her brother. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
52 min

Now Back from Italy, Tony decides it's time to re-organize. Silvio is named consigliere and Paulie is promoted to Capo, with Pussy and new arrival Furio reporting to him. Pussy's not too happy with the arrangement and complains to his FBI contact about how he's being treated. Tony and Carmella throw a party to introduce Furio but she refuses to let Uncle Junior in the house when he shows up unexpectedly. Tony is none too pleased when he finds that Richie Aprile and his sister Janice are sleeping together at his mother's vacant house. Adriana pays for Christopher to attend an acting for writers class in the hope that it helps him with his screenplay. His emotions get the better of him. Meanwhile, Dr. Melfi recounts her dreams about Tony's to her psychiatrist and still feeling guilty, decides to take Tony back as a patient. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
53 min

Tony, Paulie and Christopher go to Italy to discuss business with their counterparts in his recently acquired (from his Uncle Junior) business in exporting stolen cars. Tony pushes to meet the patriarch of his Italian counterparts but finds the man, Zi Vittorio, to be old and feeble-minded. He's even more surprised however when he realizes who is now in charge. As part of the deal, it's agreed that enforcer Furio Giunta will travel to the US and work for Tony's crew. Back in the US meanwhile, Pussy tells FBI Agent Skip Lipari about the trip and the stolen car business. Pussy's wife Angie isn't necessarily happy that he's back and she shocks Carmella and Rosalie Aprile by saying that she wants a divorce. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.6
51 min

Tony gets a call from one of his police sources when they break up a party Meadow had secretly organized at her grandmother's empty house. Tony and Carmella agree that she needs to be punished but Meadow prove to be quite an expert at manipulating them. Jackie Aprile's brother Richie is out of prison after 10 years and he wants things to be like they were before he left. Richie visits Beansie Gaetta, a one-time business associate,and let's him know in no uncertain terms that he's the boss now that he's back. Richie has his eye on Janice, an old high school flame. He even tells Christopher to be careful how he treats his niece Adriana. Dr. Melfi meanwhile meets Tony in a restaurant and embarrasses herself. She tries to talk about her feelings of guilt with her own psychiatrist. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.4
51 min

Livia plays her guilt games on Janice, saying her children have abandoned her in her time of need. Things don't get better when Anthony Jr. tells her Janice has been talking about a DNR order for her. Tony is upset when he finds that Janice has taken down the For Sale sign in front of their mother's house. Janice says she just wants to change real state agents to save money but Tony doesn't trust her. There are problems at one of Uncle Junior's construction site when a civil rights activist begins protests over the few African-Americans on the work site. Tony sends a message to his uncle via Bobby Baccalieri about who is in charge. For his part, Uncle Junior gets bail but is subject to house arrest and has to wear an electronic bracelet. Uncle Junior has a fall in the shower. Big Pussy has a meeting with someone interesting. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.5
50 min

With Uncle Junior still in jail, Tony has taken over the family. He's surprised when Big Pussy returns from hiding in Puerto Rico, but after some hesitation he is welcomed back into the fold. Tony begins settling accounts elsewhere however. Dr. Melfi is seeing her patients in a dingy motel and wants nothing to do with Tony Soprano. This is bad news for him as he's starting to have blackouts again. Meanwhile Christopher is operating a boiler room selling cheap or non-existent stocks to unwary investors but some of the men he has working for him lack the finesse you might normally expect. Tony's sister Janice appears out of the blue after many years absence. He's not pleased when he realizes her plans. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Tony is interviewed by the FBI who play him a recording from a wiretap in Livia's room at her elder care residence. It confirms that Junior was behind the hit. He plays it cool however, not only refusing to accept the offer of immunity from the Feds but not letting on to Uncle Junior what he knows. Junior does give him the okay to eliminate the rat who's been wearing a wire but Tony starts to get his revenge as well. Tony takes a major step when he decides to tell his crew about seeing a psychiatrist. At home, Carmella has it out with Father Phil, who is flirting with Rosalie Aprile much the same way he does with her. Livia meanwhile - who may or may not be suffering from Alzheimer's - tells Artie Bucco that it was Tony who burned down his restaurant. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 9.0
48 min

Tony is highly depressed and can hardly get himself out of bed in the morning leading Dr. Melfi to add to his medication. He practically lives in his bathrobe and the only ray of sunshine is the beautiful and voluptuous Italian dentistry student house-sitting for his next door neighbors, the Cusamanos. He later realizes that the beautiful woman next door is not really as she appeared to be. He drags himself to his sessions with Melfi and it's after one of these that Uncle Junior's less than capable hit men may their try against Tony. He survives and for public consumption, Tony tells the police it was an attempted car-jacking. The attempted hit seems to invigorate Tony who is pretty sure he knows who was behind it all. All he needs is proof to start settling accounts. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.8
58 min

Tony is thrown for a loop when the crooked cop on his payroll, Vin Makazian, tells him that Big Pussy has made a deal with the Feds and is wearing a wire. Pussy, Jimmy Altieri and others were recently arrested and Tony knows how much Pussy worries about money and the cost of his son's college education. Tony confides in Paulie but tells him to do nothing until they have absolute proof. A good thing since someone else is the rat. Livia meanwhile continues to moan about Tony's treatment of her and manipulates Junior into thinking Tony is conspiring against him. He tells her he has no choice but to eliminate him and Livia tells him she has no objections. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.4
53 min

Christopher's girlfriend Adriana sees herself having a career in the music industry so a chance meeting with rap star Massive Genius seems to be the opportunity she's been looking for. Christopher is supportive but Genius has other goals in mind: he's out to get money from Hesh who he feels cheated an black artist 40 years ago and he definitely wants to get into Adriana's pants. Adriana has her eye on a group that she thinks is bound for stardom but no one else seems to agree. Tony meanwhile decides he wants to expand his circle of friends and focuses on his next door neighbor, Dr. Cusamano. The experience doesn't prove as interesting as he might have thought. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
52 min

Everyone seems to be under surveillance by the FBI. Uncle Junior decides to take a holiday with a girlfriend Roberta Sanfilipo. His biggest worry is that she might tell anyone about his particular skills when it come to oral sex. When Tony let's him know he knows all about it, Jubior retaliates by letting it be known Tony's seeing a psychiatrist. He's also thinking of taking it a step further. Tony and several of the other men take an interest in the girl's soccer coach at their daughter's school. He's a good coach and they like him. They're upset when they read that he's leaving to coach a college team - until they learn he's sleeping with one of his students, Ally Vandermeed, who has attempted suicide. Larry Boy Barese and others are looking to move their moms into the same home as Livia - which is proving to be a great place to hide their money and others incriminating material. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.8
49 min

It's house cleaning time when Tony and his fellow mobsters learn at Larry Boy Barese daughter's wedding that the Feds are about to bring down indictments. Tony gets rid of whatever cash, jewelry and guns he has around the house. Carmela take Livia out for lunch while Tony goes into her room and hides the stuff. Christopher is upset with a number of things. He's having trouble with his movie screenplay and he's upset that his late friend Brendan has been making the local news as a Mafioso but he doesn't get a mention. Jennifer Melfi meanwhile mentions at a family dinner that she has a mobster as a patient. Her ex-husband doesn't like it. Livia tells Junior that Tony is seeing a psychiatrist. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.6
52 min

When AJ gets into trouble at school - he and two other boys steal sacramental wine from the church - Tony and Carmela are told he my have ADD. He's suspended from school for three days and is told to visit his grandmother where he lets it slip that Tony is seeing a psychiatrist. The situation causes Tony to reflect on his own times at that age. It was in 1967 that he learned something about his father when he sees his Dad and his brother Uncle Junior beat someone up to collect a debt. As a child, Tony thought his father also showed favoritism to his sister Janice by taking her to a fun fair every Sunday. He decided to find out what exactly they were doing. In fact, his father was conducting business with other mobsters who were also taking their daughters with them as a cover. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
50 min

Tony gets another report from the cop who's been keeping an eye on Dr. Melfi. He's still having erotic dreams about her but is suffering from erectile dysfunction and a distancing from Carmela. He tells Jennifer Melfi how he feels about her but she has an explanation for his emotions. Uncle Junior is the new boss and he's making his presence felt. He decides to tax Hesh who had a special arrangement with his predecessor. Hesh doesn't mind being taxed, it's the amount that he doesn't like. The other captains are unhappy as well as Junior is stepping in on some of their money earning schemes without even having the courtesy of telling them about it. Tony approaches New York boss Johnny 'Sack' Sacramoni to find a solution to the situation. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.9
57 min

With Carmela home sick with the flu, Tony and Meadow head off to Maine visiting different colleges. They're having a good time and Tony is honest with her about what he does for a living. He's shocked however to see a one-time gangster, Fabian Petrulio, who some 12 years before testified against some fellow mobsters and is now living under the witness protection program. Tony decides he has to do something about it. Carmela gets a visit from Father Phil who ends up spending the night. She also gets a call from Dr. Melfi and learns for the first that Tony's doctor is a woman. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.8
54 min

With Brendan dead, Christopher isn't sure exactly who is after him. When he realizes it was Uncle Junior, he's prepared to start a war. Tony meets his uncle but with Jackie Aprile on his last legs, there is little room for compromise. When Jackie dies, the capos want Tony to take over but he has another idea, one that he thinks will still leave him in charge. At school, AJ has a strange encounter with a classmate. His sister Meadow clues him in to exactly what their father does for a living. Tony begins to have erotic dreams about his psychiatrist, Dr. Melfi, and gets a broken down cop on the take to keep tabs on her. He oversteps, just a little. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Christopher and Brendan return the truckload of stolen suits but Uncle Junior wants to send a clear message. Jackie Aprile is continuing with his chemotherapy and Tony has a special present for him. Meadow has been working hard at school and tries to get Christopher to supply her with crystal meth to keep her going while she studies for the SATs. A local hotel owner seeks out Tony's help in dealing with his son-in-law who is refusing to give the man's daughter a divorce unless he gets half of the family business. Silvio and Paulie pay him a visit but he's proving to be just a little hard to convince. Carmela hosts a fund-raiser catered by their friends Artie and Charmaine Bucco, who still haven't been able to collect on the insurance from the restaurant fire. Charmaine has something interesting to tell her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
50 min

Christopher Moltisanti and his friend Brendan Filone hijack a truckload of DVD players but unfortunately the truck and the merchandise belongs to a company that is Uncle Junior's protection. He's not a happy man and it takes a sit down arbitrated by Jackie Aprile to calm things down. Christopher and Brendan don't like the results however. Brendan decides to go off on his own but it leads to a royal mess. Tony's mother has a fire in her kitchen, confirming in the minds of everyone except her that she can no longer live without some type of assisted care. They try a companion but that doesn't work. Tony goes back to plan A but continues to feel guilt over the situation. One of AJ's teacher has his car stolen out of the school parking lot and Tony decides to try and recover it for him. Big Pussy and Paulie are sent out to solve the problem. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
59 min

Tony Soprano is a New Jersey mobster with a complicated life. He's recently passed out as a result of an anxiety attack and begins to see a psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi. Tony's mother is at an age where she should be in a retirement home but she flatly refuses, obviously preferring to nag at her son. His father's brother, Uncle Junior, is planning a hit at a restaurant owned by his high school buddy Artie Bocco. A rival company is edging in on his trash removal business. At home, his teenager daughter Meadow is rebelling against parental authority, especially her mother's. Finally, a family of wild ducks that had taken to living in his backyard pool and who he fed regularly has flown away. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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