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HD Baptiste




IMDb: 8.1
55 min

The retired French detective, now living in Amsterdam with his family, comes to the aid of an Englishman searching for his missing niece - who has been drawn into drugs and prostitution through her involvement with a Romanian gangster.

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Utopia




IMDb: 9.3

1974:- In an England beset by strikes and shortages young scientist Philip Carvel is father to the seriously reticent toddler Pietre - who will one day become Arby - and conducts a macabre experiment with a pet rabbit in an unsuccessful attempt to get a response from the child. At a thinkers' convention Philip meets a young woman called Milner, who is impressed by his view that the world is over-populated and who introduces him to an influential group who encourage him to create Janus, a virus which will suppress procreation. He begins manufacture but is appalled when Milner and her assistant kill the co-workers to ensure their silence, along with Milner's mentally dependant husband Tom. At the same time his wife dies giving birth to Jessica. Five years later Milner and the assistant are desperate for Philip to give them the formula, in the process killing politicians to whom he has turned for help and influencing the general election. Told that Jessica will be tortured if he fails to... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD National Treasure

National Treasure


National Treasure

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

Paul's latest accuser is Christina Farnborough, who baby sat Dee as a child though Dee denies that anything happened and supports her father, despite gutter press harassment. Paul throws a birthday party for her, which is well-attended, prompting Karl to be optimistic for his ex comedy partner's future but Marie's demand that Dee insists on her father's innocence leads to her fleeing the house. Soon afterwards Paul's legal team tell him that they have proof that Christina is lying though Dee, following a new recollection from her childhood, stakes out Christina's house to demand more answers. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches


A Discovery of Witches

IMDb: 9.5

Diana's aunts' home gives up all sorts of secrets when Diana and Matthew pay a visit. Danger looms as Juliette breaks free from Gerbert.

Genre: ,
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HD Utopia




IMDb: 9.3

1974:- In an England beset by strikes and shortages young scientist Philip Carvel is father to the seriously reticent toddler Pietre - who will one day become Arby - and conducts a macabre experiment with a pet rabbit in an unsuccessful attempt to get a response from the child. At a thinkers' convention Philip meets a young woman called Milner, who is impressed by his view that the world is over-populated and who introduces him to an influential group who encourage him to create Janus, a virus which will suppress procreation. He begins manufacture but is appalled when Milner and her assistant kill the co-workers to ensure their silence, along with Milner's mentally dependant husband Tom. At the same time his wife dies giving birth to Jessica. Five years later Milner and the assistant are desperate for Philip to give them the formula, in the process killing politicians to whom he has turned for help and influencing the general election. Told that Jessica will be tortured if he fails to... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches


A Discovery of Witches

IMDb: 9.5

Satu brutally tortures Diana in Gerbert's isolated castle ruins. Matthew, now sworn to hunt down and kill anyone who tries to harm Diana, attempts a daring airborne rescue mission with Baldwin in tow, but they are too late to prevent Satu invoking dark magic in a bid to open up Diana and see the magic inside her. As Diana is forced to confront the idea that she might have been spellbound, she wonders what kind of monster she is. When Sophie confesses that she is a daemon born of witches, this news of cross-species offspring leaves Agatha reeling as she ponders the implications for all their lives.

Genre: ,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

1928: Grove, missing Josie and with a house full of unruly offspring, celebrates a birthday and twenty years at the store whilst Lady Mae, now divorced and with no money, returns to London. Given her past patronage Harry is keen to help but she has enterprising ideas of her own. In other respects things are not going well for Harry. His plan to unveil a huge statue to womanhood, the Queen of Time, is publicly opposed by reactionary press baron Lord Wynnstay and he loses money on a boxing match sponsored by cocky young entrepreneur Jimmy Dillon. His children Gordon and the divorced Rosalie find themselves rebuffing comments from the gutter press and the statue's unveiling is a disaster, ending Harry up in hospital. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

Miss Mardle persuades Mr Grove not only to let Billy see his son but to hire George as head of security whilst Violette reluctantly dates Jacques and Gordon determines to tell his father he wants to marry Grace. Princess Marie is delighted when her jewels arrive from Russia, repaying Harry for his kindness. She is suspicious of Nancy and the supposed architect Gerrard, actually Nancy's brother Gus, who reacts badly when Nancy admits that she loves Harry and will go through with the marriage. After the success of Britain At Play Harry proposes a mammoth sale with prices slashed but rival store owners are appalled and organize protests. Loxley, furious to discover that Lady Mae is remarrying, calls an emergency meeting of the board to depose Harry but Harry uses his right to postpone it for a fortnight. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

Miss Mardle organizes Doris Grove's funeral, barring Billy, the delivery boy and true father of Doris's son Ernest. Sensing that she is troubled Mr Crabb persuades Miss Mardle to tell Grove the truth about the child's paternity, adding that Doris was run over returning home from taking Ernest to see his father. The news is not well received. George is disturbed to find that Ryan is dealing drugs from Victor's club and quits. His fears are justified when a patron almost dies of an over-dose. Nancy starts to feel guilty about her plan to defraud Harry when he tells her that he has sold large numbers of his shares to finance her project - some of which were bought by Loxley, who now has enough of them to sit on the board of share-holders. Harry is angry, especially with Serge, who sold some of his holdings to Loxley to finance a new business venture but there is good news when Rosalie announces that she is pregnant. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Harry becomes more involved with Nancy, inviting her to family dinner and having to sell some of his shares to raise funding for their housing project; a move which also diminishes his majority shareholding. Nancy, meanwhile, has other plans for Harry's money. Sergei leaves for Paris to secure funds for his aviation dreams, taking Rosalie. Victor, under continuing extortion, joins forces with another businessman with a gambling interest in his nightclub. Kitty's attackers are out on bail thanks to Loxley and after an ineffectual attempt from Frank to tackle him, Kitty takes things in her own hands. Miss Mardle tries to help Doris Grove come to terms with her sweetheart who is also father of one of Mr Grove's children, resulting in tragic consequences. Written by Mipanko

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.9
47 min

Kitty is taken to hospital, where Frank is horrified to discover that her attackers were the soldiers he met, who bought drink with the money he gave them. The police are called but Frank, fearing he will be incriminated, asks Kitty to drop the charges, much to her disgust. Serge learns that Loxley was only using him to get at Harry and has no intention of funding his airport. Violette makes a play for Victor, to the annoyance of Gordon, visiting the club with his companion Grace Calthorpe. Victor also tells the blackmailing policeman Purkiss he will no longer pay him protection money. After a heart to heart with Agnes Henri decides that it is best for them to leave Selfridges and London. A saddened Harry confides in Nancy Webb and ends up kissing her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

Josie Mardle tells Florian she believes she is too old for him and that she has arranged an audition with the Halle Orchestra in Manchester. The young man is heart-broken but surprisingly it is Grove who apologizes to Miss Mardle and persuades her that she should make a go of the relationship. Agnes and Victor give Harry notice as they are leaving to run the restaurant together. Henri is also quitting to go to France and fight in the army. Agnes, Victor, Franco and George look around the restaurant but Agnes has her misgivings as to whether it is what she wants, given that her forte is in window display and goes for one last walk with Henri. Frank Edwards comes to see Harry, telling him he needs actual proof to discredit Loxley but Mae manages to procure a list that exposes him and Harry delivers it to the Procurement Committee meeting, thus clearing his name and showing Loxley to be the profiteer. Kitty forgives Frank and the Selfridges prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving. However Rose... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Business is still suffering after the newspaper story so Henri brings in the formidable journalist Winifred Bonfils Black. At the same time a contrite Frank Edwards resigns from the paper and meets Lady Mae, who tells him and Harry that she knows Loxley blackmailed Edgerton and is the real culprit. Harry invites her and Pimble to live with the Selfridges, reconciling Mae with Rose, and they unite against Loxley when he storms in to drag his wife back. Rose is feeling unwell and is advised to take a break from London by Delphine. Mae believes Delphine is trying to steal Harry from Rose and indeed Delphine makes a play for Harry, who rebuffs her. Winifred's article is very positive, largely built around Agnes, who has other reasons to be happy, as George, missing and feared dead, comes home and she is engaged to Victor. Grove has a son with Doris but is still jealously censuring Miss Mardle for her relationship with young Florian, who is now working in a factory. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Henri is arrested but tells Agnes that the only reason he went to Germany was to find his old lover Valerie. Agnes tells Grove she believes Henri has been set up by the jealous Thackeray, who is forced to admit it. Henri, after being accused of theft in New York went on the run. Rose is concerned that she cannot get in touch with Harry and learns from Delphine that he is in Germany, spying on their manufacturers. An envious Grove warns Miss Mardle that she and Florian could become victims of gossip but she does not care - unlike Grove Florian has declared unconditional love for her. Loxley is in trouble when boots manufactured for his contract with the military board are found to be shoddy and he is accused of being a war profiteer. However Loxley tells Edwards that the real culprit is Harry, whose visit to Germany makes him appear even more suspect and Edwards, desperate for a scoop, is willing to print this, to Kitty's disgust. Meanwhile Lady Mae decides to leave her husband and ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.8
47 min

At Neuhaus's suggestion Miss Mardle takes in Belgian refugees, including handsome young violinist Florian Dupont. Agnes is asked out by Victor, now running the family restaurant following Uncle Gio's death and Gabriella's return to Italy. Gordon feels guilty that his friends are fighting in the war whilst Harry will not allow him to sign up and women are recruited to take over delivery work at the store, Rose becoming their champion when she demands better conditions for them. Delphine arranges a meeting for Harry with members of the military procurement board - including Loxley - with a view to giving Harry a say in the running of military matters. The men play cards, Harry winning a substantial sum from Loxley, though Lady Mae is curious as to how her husband amassed a large wad of money. He gives her some notes to buy a new outfit at the store but she is offended by Thackeray's sexist comments and makes no purchases. Thackeray again comes off worse after another spat with Henri but... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Male staff are anxious to enlist in the army, gaining the nickname the Selfridge Brigade. Agnes is upset to learn that brother George has joined up but cannot prevent him whilst Victor is about to sign up but his uncle Gio is dying and asks him to stay and look after the family. Rose, Lady Mae and Delphine hold a charity sale to raise funds for Belgian refugees, taking place in the store's Palm Court restaurant. This leads to a confrontation between Thackeray (angry that a donation tin is put on his counter) and Henri, but Harry has now appointed Henri his deputy and Thackeray must back down. Meanwhile Miss Mardle strikes up a friendship with one of the refugees, chocolate maker Jean Neuhaus. Frank obtains his own newspaper column and asks Kitty if she can provide information to discredit Loxley and his dubious role in the military procurement committee. Lady Mae has the same aim in mind after her maid tells her that she has heard Loxley talking to a man with whom he can strike a ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.9
48 min

The store is preparing for the Empire Exhibition but Agnes is struggling with her display and Thackeray is not pleased when Harry reinstates Henri, who has offered to help her. Nor is Rose happy to find Gordon has some saucy photos but in the resultant confrontation he makes her see that she should give Harry another chance. Consequently she declines her husband's suggestion that she should return to America if there is a war and they agree to support each other. Kitty gives Frank another chance as they take a picnic to Green park whilst Grove reencounters Miss Mardle who, thanks to a legacy, is now a woman of property, making him regret his not marrying her. Lady Mae learns that Loxley has huge gambling debts and threatens to expose this should he ever lay a finger on her again and, following the success of Agnes and Henri's impressive display, Loxley offers to invite Winston Churchill to open the exhibition. However Harry must inform the staff that Churchill cannot come as Britain ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
48 min

Harry is confronted by a delegation of trade unionists led by Arnold Huxton demanding better workers' rights. Union membership is forbidden at the store as the staff have their own council for debates but Ed and Dave, who work in the loading bay with Gordon, are interested and arrange to attend a talk given by Huxton. Gordon overhears and sneaks into the meeting but when the Selfridge staff learns how comparatively well-served they are, the unionists are angry and a fight ensues. Rose, seeing Henri at the club, follows him home to where he is living in poverty though he declines her offer of his old job back. Harry is annoyed that she made the offer behind his back. To repay the staff for their loyalty he arranges a tango party at Delphine's, inviting Lady Mae, though her obnoxious husband also tags along and is angry when Harry refuses to discuss business with him. Despite the threat of war, which particularly unnerves Grove, the party is a success, Kitty dazzling Frank, though Agnes... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Five years have elapsed since the store opened. Harry's son Gordon is at boarding school but obtains his father's permission to leave and work in the store whilst all his female relatives have returned to America. Rose comes back for the fifth anniversary. On the boat over she has met emancipated feminist Delphine Day, a writer and night-club owner, who advises her to use her own potential. Lady Mae's husband Lord Loxley arrives in London, suspicious of his wife's friendship with Harry and not above using blackmail to get onto a military committee. New head of fashion Mr Thackeray is not popular. Trained in Paris, he sees himself as superior to other staff members and is jealous of Agnes, who has also returned from Paris. Now head of display she impresses Harry with her ideas but is dismayed to find that Victor, now manager of the restaurant where he employs his young cousin Franco as a waiter, has a close working relationship with friend Gabriella. Henri Leclair also returns from ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Harry wakes up in bed with a one night stand and returns home to an unwelcoming Rose. On arriving at work he is told by Lady Mae that the king wants a private shopping session after hours. Doris has her own good news. Grove has asked her to marry him but Miss Mardle is shocked and insulted when he suggests they continue their affair. Henri tells Agnes that he will be going to New York to work with Valerie. Harry is angry at losing such a valued employee and insists he goes immediately. Agnes is disappointed but finds consolation with Victor. The king's shopping trip is a success and he invites the Selfridges as his guests to see Ellen's new play. However the play, whilst approved by a gloating Frank, is a cruel satire directed against Mae - lampooning her predilection for young men - and the Selfridges, picking on Harry's greed and Rose's dalliance with Roddy. Back home Rosalie is appalled and rows with her mother over Roddy but this actually leads to a truce and rapprochement between... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

News reaches the store that Miss Bunting has killed herself, causing a remorseful Harry to offer to pay for her funeral and Mr Grove to take an upset Doris out for tea, claiming he should have done more to help. Agnes and Henri also discuss the suicide and reach out for each other but they are interrupted by Miss Ravillus, who warns Agnes to be careful about the relationship and consider her career. When Valerie reappears at the store Agnes gives Henri her blessing to see her and gets on with the window display marking explorer Ernest Shackleton's lecture to be given at Selfridge's. Unemployed, Frank is refused a job by Harry and goes to see Ellen, about to open in Tony's play. Victor, aware that Lady Mae has used him, tells her what he thinks of her and, at the Shackleton exhibition, Harry is annoyed to see Rosalie with Roddy - and even more so when the young artist tells him that he and Rose were once in love. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.8
49 min

Victor visits Agnes and they kiss. Harry also pays her a call and persuades her to go back to work, buying off Reg and threatening him not to return. Roddy goes to see Rose with a portrait he has painted of her. They too kiss and are seen by Rose's daughter Beatrice, whom Rose swears to secrecy though she tells her father about the portrait. Rose is also visited by Ellen, who is blatant about her affair with Harry though Rose tells her she already knows of it. Victor is disappointed that Agnes is working close to Henri but steps in to save George's job when Harry discovers a scam in the warehouse. Lady Mae, having tired of Tony, turns her attentions to Victor. Harry gets drunk at his club where Ellen arrives, saying she loves him. However he dismisses her and, drunk, crashes his new car into a tree whilst Frank discovers Ellen unconscious after taking an overdose of tablets. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

Agnes gets her younger brother George work in the warehouse at the store but the siblings get a nasty shock when their brutish, drunken father Reg turns up and they reluctantly let him stay. Feeling alienated from her husband's business Rose goes to the National Gallery and strikers up a friendship with handsome young artist Roddy, though she is taken aback when he makes a pass at her. The store is not doing as well as Harry had hoped and he needs a gimmick to attract trade. He therefore approaches the cross-Channel aviator Louis Bleriot and display Bleriot's plane at Selfridge's. This is a huge success with Ellen Page sitting in the cockpit modelling flying scarves - which sell out as a result. Lady Mae asks for a free suit for her young lover Tony, reminding Harry of his debt to her whilst Harry himself, though determined to give Rose more attention, is caught in a compromising situation in Ellen's dressing-room. After this he buys her a house in St. John's Wood. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Assets

The Assets


The Assets

IMDb: 7.7
41 min

As the Cold War enters its final act, the CIA is sent scrambling when a rendezvous with a prized asset goes horribly awry. CIA officer Sandy Grimes begins her investigation into the source of the problem and quickly discovers that this lost asset is just the tip of the iceberg. Little does she know that this is just the beginning of a decade-long mole hunt, and the mole is one of her cohorts - Aldrich Ames. Written by ABC

Genre: Thriller,
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HD Gap Year

Gap Year


Gap Year

IMDb: 7.1
42 min

May has to go to Hangzhou for her cousin's wedding and Ashley insists Greg and Dylan tag along too. The family reunion isn't what they expected as Ashley is the centre of attention. Sean hitches a lift with a creepy couple.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gap Year

Gap Year


Gap Year

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Sean regrets passing up on a typical lads holiday as he discovers Dylan has a secret plan. Things look up for the pair as they meet a couple of American girls but things get out of hand at a festival on the Great Wall.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Aliens

The Aliens


The Aliens

IMDb: 7.0

In the aftermath of the riots the tunnel leading to Troy is closed and Lewis disobeys orders to get into the ghetto to help his father, who is about to approach Fabien for a truce. Lilyhot informs Lewis that Fabien has evidence of his being half-alien and, along with Dominic, they contrive to retrieve it. Ultimately Lewis has to decide where his loyalties lie as more violence follows, ending in a sacrifice, and, whilst life on the outside might appear to revert to normal, for Lewis nothing will be the same. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Aliens

The Aliens


The Aliens

IMDb: 6.7

On discovering Truss's dead body Lewis's boss assumes that he was the hair smuggler who paid the price whilst Lilyhot, moving in and out of Troy, persuades Holly to be a dealer in hair, leading to the latter's arrest. Meanwhile Dominic, having foiled an attempt by hit-man Henri to kill Sean, a rival dealer to Fabien, is forced to carry out the killing himself though he and Lewis hit on an alternative plan. However, despite Antoine's attempts to stay neutral, the gang wars between his and Fabien's supporters intensify and spiral out of control. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Aliens

The Aliens


The Aliens

IMDb: 6.8

Antoine urges Lewis to keep his paternity quiet whilst ordering Lilyhot to leave Troy though before she prepares to go she plays Fabien against him. At work Lewis falls foul of his bullying colleague Truss who accuses him of hair-smuggling and learns his secret identity. They are marooned in Troy when their car breaks down but Truss is not grateful when Lewis tries to save him from the mob and dies unrepentant. Lewis is left feeling confused, especially in respect of Lilyhot, who has asked him to leave Troy with her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Aliens

The Aliens


The Aliens

IMDb: 7.4

Lewis is shocked by his father's violence, just as Lilyhot is dismayed that Antoine does not want to take over Troy from the vicious Fabian. She takes it upon herself to cut off Fabian's means of smuggling hair out of the ghetto, sending him to threaten Lewis into helping him. Even though she tells Lewis it is only a ploy to gain Fabian's trust he refuses and finds himself in a very perilous situation, requiring rescue by his father. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Aliens

The Aliens


The Aliens

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

Already burdened with minding hair addicted sister Holly and irresponsible father Niall Lewis freaks out to learn that his real father Antoine, a Mork, is in prison on trumped up charges and that Lilyhot wants Lewis's help in springing him. Assisted by Dominic they effect the escape though Lewis is shocked by Lilyhot's violence. Successfully returning Antoine to Troy Lewis is further alarmed to see that his father may be in league with hair trafficker Fabian, his alleged enemy, whilst fellow border guard Truss is suspicious of Lewis's recent actions. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Aliens

The Aliens


The Aliens

IMDb: 7.0
47 min

In 2030 a group of aliens known as Morks lives on Earth in a giant ghetto, Troy and young Lewis is one of the border guards charged with preventing the aliens' hair being sold as a narcotic. On his birthday, after unsuccessfully taking part in a chase to catch escaped Morks Lilyhot and Christophe, he is shocked to be told that he is part alien and to make things worse his sister Holly is abducted by the pair as she owes them money for hair. Helped by gay Mork Dominic who cleans for the guards Lewis sets out to rescue Holly and is captured himself though saved by Lilyhot, who points out that he is now in her debt. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy,
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