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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.7
50 min

Sheriff Hood and Anna/Carrie are living separate lives. A big heist job begins to take form as the whole gang begins to reunite. Kai Procter and his Niece find new love interests and continue to play mentor - student in learning the family Business. The Banshee police remember and pay homage to their fallen comrade. Dasha finds her rebellious streak- Foiled. And Carrie, has a new man in her life who is the Head military Officer in charge of a local base that stashes military grade weapons. The Big Indian is back and he vows to make a play for tribal leadership to inspire a twisted plan of revenge on the town and those who have benefited on sacred, tribal, Kannahoe Land. Written by aubie84

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 9.4
60 min

The past and the present run parallel as Carrie and Lucas go after Rabbit and their younger selves go after the diamonds. Carrie and Lucas visit someone from his past named Fat Au. He provides weapons and support for the assault on Rabbit. We also learn that Lucas has a nickname, Soldier Boy. Rebecca visits Alex at the Tribal Council Chamber. In her seductive way, she shows her true loyalties. Emmett and Meg leave town, but they may not be alone on their trip south. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 9.1
49 min

After finding out that Rabbit is in New York hiding in a church with his brother, a priest, played by veteran actor Julian Sands, Job pays him a visit. Burton does what he does best. It is easy to feel sorry for these poor damned people when Burton comes to call. Another revelation in the Hopewell household will seriously test their ability to reconcile completely. Lucas and Carrie prepare for a grand face-off in NY. The fate of Emmett Yawners is revealed. Alex Longshadow looks to keep Proctor in jail. What will Rebecca do about Proctor, Hood, Longshadow, Juliet, and Burton. She is in the middle of all of it. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.7
51 min

Carrie and Job are fleeing from a robbery. Little did they know that Hood and his deputies are there in pursuit because of the alarm went off. Hood lets them get away. Later he finds out that they pulled the job to get the money for Max's medical needs. Hood continues to hound Proctor. Job hacks the power station and disables the power grid that supported one of Proctor's slaughter houses resulting in the spoiling of all the meat and a loss of thousands of dollars. Hood presses Juliet for more information about Proctor. She tells him about some boxes that she saw delivered. Hood gets a search warrant by lying about what his confidential informant told him. The content of those boxes gives Hood enough to arrest Proctor. Emmett's pregnant wife is attacked by the three skinheads that Hood, Lotus, and he rousted previously. The result of the attack on Meg Yawners puts Emmett's Christian values to the test. Will he be able to contain his rage or unleash an evil against another evil? Job ... Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.8
47 min

Hood goes after Proctor with a vengeance after he discovers that Proctor was behind Jason's death. The Sheriff's department raids Proctor's strip club and arrests his dancers. Max Hopewell has a severe asthma attack. Gordon Hopewell could not be reached because he is still spinning out of control with whiskey and strippers. Gordon and Carrie discuss their options after learning that Max is getting much worse. Alex Longshow faces a no confidence vote by the Tribal Council. Due to the deal that he struck with Proctor, the council members were all properly threatened or blackmailed into supporting Longshadow. One of Proctor's dancers tells Hood about an Ecstasy operation owned by Proctor. Sugar, Job, and Lucas come up with an explosive plan to shutdown the factory. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 9.0
46 min

Jason Hood's past catches up to him when the Bone Breaker, Quinton comes to town. Deva continues to spiral out of control. Brock and Gordon continue to look into Sheriff Hood. Lucas makes a deal to save Jason. Alex goes to Proctor for help. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.1
46 min

Carrie is let free out of prison. Lucas is waiting on her. As they pull away, a blue Dodge Charger is following them. Presumably it is her husband. But, it could be one of a myriad of people who have grudge including Rabbit, Gordon, Chayton, or someone from the FBI. Lucas notices the car, but he does not let on. Lucas and Carrie spend time together. They talk, have a meal, go to a flea market, and they case a jewelry store. Carrie finds a stuffed toy unicorn. It reminds her of a story that she used to tell Deva when she was little. Carrie buys the unicorn as a present for Deva. Lucas spots the Blue Charger several more times, but it turns out to be a false alarm upon investigation. It is just a young homemaker buying groceries. On the way back, they take a little detour. He takes her to the house that they talked about so many years ago. It is a nice little place where they could hide from the world. Lucas' healthy fantasy life brings him great dreams of this perfect life with his ... Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.7
54 min

Lucas questions an Amish teacher who is known to be violent and somewhat radical. Chayton attempts an escape while being transported. Proctor uses his special brand of magic to find his nephew. Nola delivers final justice for Lana Cleary.

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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.8
52 min

A young Kinaho girl, Lana Cleery, is murdered on Amish land. She was dating Solomon Bowman, the younger brother of Rebecca. Hostilities ensue between the Kinaho and the Amish. Accusations are made back and forth between the families of both groups. During the investigation and questioning of both Kinaho and Amish, the Sheriff's Department learns that Lana Cleery was once dating a Kinaho boy named Tommy Littlefield. When Tommy found out about Solomon, he started sending her threatening emails. Hood and his deputies decide to go on Kinaho Moon reservation to speak with Tommy Littlefield. That proved to be most difficult as they had to go through Chayton Littlefield first. An angered Chayton wipes the floor with Lucas Hood. He throws him around the room like a a rag doll. Rushing to their boss's aid, the other deputies crash through the windows. Eventually, they subdue all the Red Tail gang members including Chayton, but not without plenty of scars and bruises of their own. Back at the ... Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.9
58 min

Lotus visits Proctor concerning the bodies that were dug up last month. Proctor has nothing more to say about them. However, Lotus learns that those men were last seen the day Lucas Hood came to town. Carrie has her trial. She is sentenced to 30 days in prison. Her husband, Gordon Hopewell does nothing to help. It seems DA Hopewell is calling the shots from the sidelines. Deputy Kelly's abusive ex-husband, Breece Connor, returns to town with extreme consequences. He asks her to drop the restraining order so he can accept a job locally. She tells him to take the job, but that leads to him trying to worm his way back into her life. Alex Longshadow blows up one of a Proctor's beef trucks. He demands his money back from the casino truck heist. Nola Longshadow kidnaps Rebecca Bowman. She and her brother hold Bowman for ransom. Proctor sends Lucas Hood in after her. Hood fights his way in and reached the Longshadows and Bowman. He convinces Alex to let Rebecca go. Carrie gets off to a ... Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.3
50 min

The fallout from the rescue of Sheriff Lucas is at hand. Special Agent Racine is in town to investigate. He holds a hearing for all involved. Carrie is not allowed to see her children. Job, Lucas, Sugar, and Carrie rob an armored truck.

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 9.0
57 min

Rabbit sends a hit squad after Lucas. He is saved by an unlikely ally. Lucas makes a decision that will have dramatic consequences on many people in Banshee. Job, Carrie, Sugar and the three deputies go after Lucas.

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Lucas rushes Carrie to the hospital after that mega-battle she had with Olek. She survives her injuries, but she wakes up disorganized and disheveled. She knows that Rabbit has figured it out and is on his way. She checks herself out of the hospital and rushes to find her children. She is too late. Rabbit kidnaps her son Max. Rabbit shows up at the Hopewell house. He fills in Gordon and Deva about many of the lies that Carrie has been telling. Deva learns that Gordon is not her father. He gets Max's medicine and leaves. Lucas goes to Proctor for help after Rabbit shows up. After asking Lucas if he ever slept with Rebecca, Proctor begins a banshee style beat down, but Lucas holds his own. They end up making an agreement that Proctor will watch Lucas' back and Lucas will never see Rebecca again. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.7
49 min

Lucas and Carrie spend the night together making love. Gordon wakes up alone in his bed wondering where his wife is. He frantically searches his home in an attempt to find some clues about Carrie's recent behavior. Rebecca is shunned and kicked out of the Amish community. She pleads with her parents, but they send her away. She goes to stay with her Uncle Kai. Kai goes back to the Amish and threatens them. He tells them that they live on that land under his sovereignty. But, they refuse to take Rebecca back. Olek finds Anastasia in Banshee. She and Lucas take him prisoner in Lucas' loft. While Lucas is away, Olek and Anastasia have a fight that fans of Ultimate Fighting would be proud of. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Anastasia makes a deal with her father to hand over Lucas. She lures Lucas over and knocks him out. When he wakes up, hand cuffed to a bed in a motel. Kai Proctor is visited by his brother-in-law. He wants Kai to talk to Rebecca and convince her to act properly before it is too late. Deputy walks into a convenience store robbery. He pursues the robbers into a high school where they take hostages. It is a Saturday and the school gym is being used for detention. One of the hostages is Deva. As Rabbit is on his way to get Hood, Job figures out where he Lucas and sets him free. Lucas rushes back to the high school to rescue Deva. The fallout from Anastasia turning Lucas in is unexpected as the intense anger turns into passion. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.7
53 min

An ex-prison mate friend of Sheriff Hood named Wicks shows up unexpectedly in Banshee. Wicks causes Hood to remember all the pain and torment he went through in prison. Proctor blackmails the local Reverend to sale his house.

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.3
51 min

The Kindred, a biker gang, arrives in Banshee during the Annual Spirit Festival. Carrie catches the eye of several of the Kindred. She is forced into an alley and attacked. Sugar comes to her defense. He does well for an old man, but is eventually rendered unconscious when hit from behind with a pipe. They leave Carrie alone with an armed member who is intent on raping her. Deputy Kelly comes to her rescue, killing the perpetrator in the process. That single act will initiate a series of devastating events. The Kindred decide to stay in Banshee until their man Tally is avenged. They start by attacking the festival. They drag people through the city on their bikes. The Sheriff's department is greatly outnumbered, outmatched, and unprepared. Dozens are hurt and injured by the attack. The only person that did any good was Rebecca. She was able to stab one of them with a knife. The Kindred are not finished. They turn their attention to Deputy Kelly. They slash the tired on her vehicle. ... Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.3
57 min

Lucas sets off an alarm while trying to steal a painting from the Harrisburg State Museum. The security system boxes him inside the museum and prevents his escape. He contacts Job to help him break out. When Carrie calls him to tell him to stay away from her and her family, she finds out she is on a job and decides to help him. While this is going on, Job finds himself the object of demeaning and bigoted comments about his appearance from three jackasses in the restaurant. In Banshee style, Job takes care of the three punks and makes them his bitches. Carrie arrives and help Lucas escape. Not so surprisingly the two still have the magic and still work well together. Senator Schumacher is pressuring Lucas to solve the case and bring justice for his son. On a hunch and because he wants to get to know her better, Lucas brings in Deva to look at some pictures to see if she can identify anyone. Carrie is less than thrilled about this. However, Deva is helpful and identifies Arno Webber as ... Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.8
49 min

Anastasia breaks into her father's extremely secure home to make a deal for her safety. She gives him the diamonds that she originally stole. He tells her that she would me set free if she turned over her partner. Proctor and Chief Longshadow make a deal to build a hotel on the reservation. However, the chief's son is not happy with the decision. He does not trust nor like Proctor. Despite the misgivings, Proctor and Lonshadow decide to host a fight of mixed martial artist. The DA invites Lucas to his home for his a cook-out. His conversations with Anastasia do not go very well. He ends up leaving and going to back to the bar where he runs into Rebecca, an Amish girl. Sanchez, the fighting champion, ends up beating and raping a waitress. Though Proctor and Longshadow wants the fight to continue for business purposes, Lucas arrests him anyway. The arrest was a knockdown drag-out fight between Sanchez and Lucas. This was the type of beat down that you would only see in Banshee. Written by Axe Pagode

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 7.9
52 min

Kai Proctor begins the process of co-opting Sheriff Hood but Lucas isn't biting. Lucas continues to build his cover and Job confirms that the real Lucas Hood has few friends or relatives who may blow his cover. Siobhan Kelly realizes that Lucas seems to know little about police procedures. Carrie Hopewell's daughter Deva is definitely getting in with the wrong crowd. Hanson has organized a rave in a vacant barn without Proctor's knowledge. The police raid the rave - the sole purpose of which is to sell drugs to teenagers - but Lucas' approach to shutting it down is somewhat unconventional. Proctor has his own way of dealing with Hanson. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Banshee




IMDb: 8.3
60 min

After completing his 15 year prison sentence, an ex-con tracks down his former partner, now known as Carrie Hopewell, in Banshee County Pennsylvania who it turns out is now married to the local DA and has two children. He takes her at her word when she says she doesn't have any of the cash they stole. Later at a roadside bar, he meets the county's new Sheriff, Lucas Hood who has literally just arrived in town and has yet to meet anyone. When Hood is killed during an attempted robbery, the ex-con assumes his identity. The town's youthful mayor wanted to bring in an outsider as Sheriff to deal with their local power broker, Kai Proctor, who seems to have everyone else in his pocket. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Red pressures Dr. Shaw to locate a former patient. Liz contemplates the implications of her ties to an increasingly desperate and dangerous Alexander Kirk. Mr. Kaplan comes to a critical realization about her future.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Red directs the Task Force to track down an individual who provides new identities to criminals on the run. Meanwhile, as Alexander Kirk's medical condition worsens, Liz seeks guidance from Cooper on a crucial decision.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Liz's loyalties are tested as Red takes action on an operation to intercept Alexander Kirk. Meanwhile the Task Force races to find a killer who targets inventors of revolutionary technology.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

As Red sets Liz and the Task Force on the trail of an eco-terrorist with a mysterious connection to Alexander Kirk, Tom takes matters into his own hands.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Red and the Task Force take extreme measures to hunt down one of Alexander Kirk's allies, Miles McGrath, a criminal incubator who finances crimes for profit. Meanwhile, Liz learns more about her family.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Red enlists Tom and the Task Force to help track a notorious bounty hunter who may know Alexander Kirk's next move. Meanwhile, Liz struggles to decide if Kirk is trustworthy.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Red is in Cuba looking for Elizabeth. When he hits roadblock he turns to Cooper for help. He needs them to make contact with a man who can help him find Alexander Kirk who has Elizabeth. He tells Ressler and Navadi to go but Navadi doesn't want to so Ressler goes alone. He meets the man and tells him Reddington wants to talk to him and does. He helps Red find Elizabeth but her daughter is nowhere. She's with Tom who's with two of Kirk's people. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 9.2
43 min

As Reddington and the task force close in on the person responsible for Liz's death, a shocking betrayal leaves them racing to save one of their own.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The FBI task force's hunt for revenge nears its endgame. As Reddington and the team close in on the mysterious arch-criminal responsible for recent tragic events, they're forced to operate outside their comfort zone - and outside the law - in order to take down their enemy once and for all. Written by Colin Anderson

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.7
60 min

After an unsuccessful transference of William Bell's soul to a corpse, he concludes that Olivia must recover her consciousness in less than one day. Walter and Bell decide to prepare an LSD trip with Peter to Olivia's mind to bring her back and transfer William Bell's soul to a hard drive. However her fears turn the trip very dangerous and they have to find where Olivia's hideout is. Will they succeed? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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