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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.0

Mick is not pleased when his gormless younger brother Pete,who owes him money,arrives for his stag party with cantankerous father Stan in tow. Nonetheless a fancy dress bar crawl ensues but all ends in anti-climax when Stan admits that there is no wedding and Pete is just taking a break from being his father's carer.After Joyce insists there should be life guard cover at the pool Trudy plans to get the kiss of life from Mateo but ends up being revived by Les dressed as Pamela Anderson whilst Kenneth's misreading of a text from Troy almost leads to his splitting him up from Gavin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.9

Kenneth starts to regret employing non-English speaking Carmen and offering free treatment at the salon as first prize in the dance contest Joyce is organizing,to be judged by her old flame,professional dancer Cyril Babcock. Janice is puzzled when young Jack,her former stalker,reappears and claims not to recognize her,involving her in a fight with Trudy. However come the contest he sweeps her off her feet confessing it was all a ruse to get close to her. Fortunately Mick comes to her rescue whilst Gavin and Carmen win the competition,releasing Kenneth from giving the prize. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.1

A busload of guests including Noreen,Gavin minus Troy and Sam with her raucous friend Trudy arrive at the Solana,unlike their luggage which got lost on the way. There are several changes - Madge has lost her bar,Kenneth has opened his own salon with local Carmen as his assistant and Liam is the complex's clumsy odd job man. Most significantly Janey has gone,replaced by snooty Joyce Temple-Savage,who aims to make the Solana more up-market - or at least efficient,having arrived incognito and been shocked by what she sees. This leads to open conflict with Madge and the near demise of Jacqueline and Donald,who has returned from the dead and a jail sentence for faking his death to claim the insurance whilst Sam,having broken her leg last year,has yet another mishap. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.3

Martin's hopes of marital reconciliation are ended when Kate tells him she has a new boyfriend and leaves without him. However, he does get to meet someone else and there are happy endings too for the Oracle and Chantelle who plan to move in together on return to Manchester,and the gays as Troy introduces Gavin to his son. Wink, an obnoxious friend of Donald, who annoys everybody with his practical jokes, has no such luck as, taking things a joke too far, he literally dies laughing at the karaoke. Madge and Mel have decided to relocate to Benidorm, where Mel is to buy the cabaret club and, as the others return to England, they serenade them all with an oddly affecting version of 'Spanish Eyes'. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.0

The Brits count the cost of the burglary. Kate flies out to support Martin, sending Madge packing when she suggests that Martin was an accomplice, and giving him hope of a reconciliation. His mother Diana also arrives, and seems to know the area - and particularly Mateo - better than she should. The Oracle is almost arrested for wasting police time when he lies about trying to foil a whole gang of burglars but gets another date with Chantelle, and Troy confesses to Gavin that he has a son, aged twenty-one. Madge and Mel are entertaining everyone on the trampoline at the new cabaret club when news arrive that the burglars have been caught. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.2

With Martin and Kate - who is not pregnant after all -- pinching their taxi, Madge and Janice cadge a lift to the hospital - where Mel has been joined by the Oracle in the next bed - with a stranger, who turns out to be Enrique The Rat Lopez, a wanted criminal, who, having locked the pursuing Jack in his car boot, holds the women hostage in their hotel rooms, demanding they smuggle drugs for him. Released from custody, Mick leads Donald,Gavin, Troy and Mateo on a rescue mission but The Rat captures them too and it is down to Mel, helped by the Oracle, to save them all, which he does, earning all concerned a free holiday next season. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.1

On the eve of their wedding, Madge and Mel take a stroll along a romantic, moonlit beach, only to discover that it is a 'dogging' beach where people go for public, casual sex, and they are importuned by a man up for a threesome. (Needless to say Donald and Jacqueline are there as well.) The wedding day dawns and Janice has a pep-talk with Madge - she is the only one of Madge's five daughters still speaking to her. Assured that her mother is making the right decision, she takes her place at the beach ceremony, but the marriage is not finalized because the Oracle hang-glides out of the sky, falling onto Mel. Mick hits him and gets arrested whilst the groom is carted off to hospital. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.3

Kate disappears with her luggage, and Martin, after an initial assumption that maybe she had gone to the shops tracks her down. She has good news for them. Dorothy, the mother of Gavin, half of the gay couple, comes to visit. Gavin is annoyed by Donald and Jacqueline's constant comments that he and his mother look the same age. Jack also comes to the complex in search of Janice, declaring his love for her, though she gets rid of him. Chantelle and the Oracle's date is ruined when he drinks too much Dutch courage and passes out. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.2

Angry and upset that Mick has forgotten their wedding anniversary, Janice goes off for a walk on her own and stops off at a bar. It is owned by Jack, an English lad in his early twenties, along with his sister, both orphans. Jack tells Janice that she is beautiful and that he is in love with her but she panics and hurries back to the complex. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.8

Kelly, Mateo's ex-girlfriend comes to the Solanas with her mother, Sylvia, who like Madge, rides an electronic scooter. Madge is convinced that Sylvia is out to steal Mel from her and squirts her with sun tan lotion before pushing her and the scooter into the swimming-pool. Martin is suspicious that Kate is trying to get back with Mateo and breaks into the bedroom he believes they are using. Instead he finds swingers Donald and Jacqueline terrorizing Mateo by inserting a cucumber in one of his orifices. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.5

Everybody heads off to a bullfight, except for Chantelle and the Oracle. Somewhat apprehensively she asks him for a date and he accepts. The bullfight is meant to be free to enter but Mel has to buy a food mixer from Janey, the travel rep, before the party are allowed into the corrida. It is a farce; there is no bull, just a large dog with a hat with horns on chasing Mateo around the ring. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.6

Janice tries to dissuade Madge, unsuccessfully, from getting married. The Oracle organizes an arm-wrestling contest, where the last two sitting are Martin and Mateo. For Martin it's personal and, cheered on by the Brits, he humiliates Mateo and becomes Kate's hero again. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.6

Martin and Kate spend the evening looking after Coolio, Chantelle's baby son. As a result Kate starts to feel broody and wishes that she and Martin could have a child. Everybody else goes to the complex's karaoke bar. Here, following a particularly high-pitched version of 'Lonely Girl' Mel proposes to Madge, who happily accepts, leading to mixed reactions from the Garveys. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.6

Everyone is back at the Solanas, in Kate and Martin's case not exactly by choice. They had booked into a small hotel in the romantic Old Town but were double-booked and end up in the old complex. The Garveys are being paid for by Madge's boyfriend, Mel, who owns several tanning salons in Manchester. Mick does not really like him but tolerates him because of the free holiday. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.6

Having stayed within the complex for all of the holiday because everything is inclusive, Mick is horrified when his family drag him off to the beach and he is forced to pay the extortionate prices. Worse is to befall him, however, when the girl Janice thought was after him turns out to be a D.S.S inspector who ends up prosecuting him for claiming he is unable to work but going on holiday. The Oracle also decides that he will never go on holiday with his mum again, but Martin is pleased at his wife's fling with Mateo, feeling that it has spiced up their lives. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.6

The Oracle is outraged that a quiz veteran like himself is beaten , more by luck than judgment, by the Garveys in the pub quiz and demands a recount though he doesn't get one. Kate is annoyed that Madge , in whom she has confided about her difficulty in conceiving, has broken her trust whilst Donald reassures Gavin that Troy still loves him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.5

Due to a misunderstanding Donald and Jacqueline assume that Madge is up for group sex with them and she gets a shock when she answers an invitation to go to their room. They have a lot of apologizing to do. So does Troy, who gets drunk and ends up having sex with Mateo, which Gavin observes. Janice believes that her husband is planning to get off with Susie, a single woman who is following him around. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.4

Kelly, an English girl who works at the hotel, tells her friends Donald and Jacqueline that she is engaged to Mateo. This, however, is not enough to stop Mateo from making a pass at Kate and having sex with her, though she later admits that she was too drunk to remember anything about it. Janice, meanwhile, reconciles herself to becoming a grandmother. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.7

It's karaoke night at the hotel bar and the Oracle and his mother perform a duet, but that's not the reason Chantelle Garvey faints. When her mother finally opens up the pink coat Chantelle has refused to shed despite the Spanish heat, it is revealed that she is very pregnant. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.7

Ageing swingers Donald and Jacqueline Stewart return to the Hotel Solanas in Benidorm for another holiday. New guests this year are middle-aged virgin Geoffrey, who calls himself the Oracle because of his quiz general knowledge, with his mother - or P.A. as he terms her - gay couple Gavin and Troy, young marrieds Kate and Martin who have been going through a sticky patch, and the Garvey family. Lazy Mick and his long-suffering wife Janice have a lippy teen-aged daughter Chantelle and inquisitive little son, Michael. Janice's sun-burnt, chain-smoking mother Madge, who rides around on a mobility scooter has paid for the holiday for them all. Janey York is the jolly if half-hearted holiday rep and then there is Mateo, a sexy young waiter with an eye for the ladies. . . Kate in particular. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 8.0
56 min

Dana, Alice, Shane, Carmen and Jenny take an eventful Olivia Cruise on a ship around the Caribbean. During it, Alice and Dana attempt to roll-play as characters from the Love Boat only to end up with Dana becoming seasick. Both Carmen and Shane question Jenny's moody behavior throughout the trip, in which after wards, Jenny confronts Mark and forces him to come clean to them about his video project and Carmen's feelings for Shane. Back in Los Angeles, Bette and Kit struggle to reconcile with their estranged father, Melvin, who comes for a visit. Also, Tina attends a formal dinner banquet with Helena to receive a prestigious award for Tina's social work. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada | USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 7.9
56 min

Dana is stunned when Alice requests a bold sexual favor from her: a new strap-on. Meanwhile, Charlotte Birch sets up Jenny with another meeting with Burr Connor to ghost write his autobiography where he privately reveals to Jenny that he too happens to be gay, and does not want to come out of the closet. Jenny also finds out about Mark's voyeurism when she accidentally discovers his videotape collection where on one, Carmen's reveals her real feelings for Shane. In the meantime, Mark finally completes his reality video. But his sleazy and narrow-minded producer, dissatisfied that there still isn't enough sex or nudity in it, terminates Mark's employment. Kit plans a romantic night for Benjamin, but it doesn't end well when Benjamin cancels and Kit ends up at an AA meeting where Ivan is in attendance. Also, Bette and Tina have an intimate encounter as they bond over their unborn baby, but it goes no further. Tina then goes back to renew her relationship with Helena. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada | USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 7.9
54 min

Bette tries to fix her relationship with Tina who temporarily settles in the house, but she gets a rude awakening with some bad news at work when Helena Peabody arrives in Los Angeles to stay, and maliciously withdraws her grant from the CAC and gives a $100,000 grant to Tina's social work office. Things go from bad to worse for Bette when she later finds out that she was the last to know about Tina's pregnancy. Meanwhile, Alice and Dana try taking their secret relationship to a different level with new sexual positions. Tonya throws a bachelorette party at The Planet with Dana's and Tonya's mothers in attendance, and Carmen as the DJ. Shane starts her new job as the PA to the egotistical Veronica Bloom who does not pass up any opportunity to exploit Shane's personal wit to get what she wants. Jenny gets some confidence from her new shortened hairstyle, while Mark launches a new video project, with both Jenny and Shane being the center of it. But when they both back out, Mark and his ... Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada | USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

Jenny tries to explain her situation and her confused sexuality to her one-time college roommate, Annette, who suggests they stalk Marina's girlfriend, Francesca, after she arrives in town. Meanwhile, Bette and Tina attend group therapy in preparation of becoming parents while Bette faces off against a militant writer, named Yolanda, who questions Bette's self-image as a mixed race. With her Subaru endorsement contract in full swing, Dana, with Alice in tow, decides to come out to her right-wing parents during a formal ball for Mrs. Fairbanks despite knowing they will not approve. Kit is offered by an agent to help writing a song for rapper Slim Daddy. Also, Shane throws Clive out of her place after seeing him reverting back to his old criminal self when she catches him pilfering items out of her own apartment to support his drug habit. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement


Rules of Engagement

IMDb: 7.1
21 min

When Russell's trust fund is cut off by his mother, he gets a taste of how life will be after moving in with Timmy. Meanwhile, Audrey helps Jeff impress his boss in order to get a raise.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life


Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

IMDb: 7.8

Rory tries to save the Stars Hollow Gazette from shutting down. Lorelai sits on the advisory committee for Taylor's musical. Rory worries about Emily.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Justice League Action

Justice League Action


Justice League Action

IMDb: 7.6
11 min

Cain the Caretaker tells the audience a Halloween story about the House of Mystery, where Batman, Zatanna, Constantine, and Doctor Fate are turned into 10-year-olds by Klarion the Witch Boy. Now, the 10-year-old Justice League must find a way to defeat Klarion, turn them back to normal, and escape the House of Mystery before it disappears by midnight. Written by vhavnal

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HD Malcolm in the Middle

Malcolm in the Middle


Malcolm in the Middle

IMDb: 7.6
23 min

Malcolm gets promoted to a position promoting the Lucky Aide from atop a pair of stilts; Hal tries to make up for accidentally blowing the household budget on a phone-sex line; Dewey thinks Jamie has found a stash of Lois' jewelry hidden by Francis years ago; and Reese joins multiple drug studies. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Knight Rider

Knight Rider


Knight Rider

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

Someone's terrorizing a movie that's being shot. So Michael goes to find out what's going on. There's a rumor that there's someone known as the Phantom, an actor who worked on a movie on the same set years ago, who vanished who could be the Phantom. Michael suspects that someone is trying to keep the movie from being completed. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Knight Rider

Knight Rider


Knight Rider

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

Someone threatens to detonate a nuclear device unless Peter McCord a convicted murderer is turned over. When the man refuses to cooperate, Phillip Hunt the man trying to get him out calls Devon. Michael is sent to prison to get him out. When he does, the man is in fear for his life. After turning him to Hunt, Michael decides to follow and McCord escapes. Devon is upset at Hunt for using him. Michael then goes to see a woman whose pictures were all over McCord's cell and when some men try to grab her Michael saves her and takes her to the foundation. When they get there, McCord shows up and when she sees him, she cowers because she believes he killed her mother, his wife. McCord then claims that he didn't kill his wife. He claims that his wife was involved with a man who's a mobster. When he was sent away, he asked McCord to look after her and ended up falling in love with her. One night when McCord went out, he came and killed her, when McCord returned he found his wife dead and the ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Malcolm in the Middle

Malcolm in the Middle


Malcolm in the Middle

IMDb: 7.5
23 min

Lois has to go on jury duty, and Hal tries to figure out what case she is on. Malcolm, Reese, Dewey, and Stevie go sewer pipe exploring. Francis goes ice fishing.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Knight Rider

Knight Rider


Knight Rider

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

A shipment of highly sensitive Micro-Tech electronic components is stolen near Albuquerque, New Mexico. When Michael goes to investigate, he finds himself attracted to the cause of the Alliance of Indipendent Truckers, who have lost 6 shipments. He is also attracted to AIT spoke-person and lady trucker Terri 'The Tiger' Calley. Written by The TV Archaeologist

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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