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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

As Rick and Will need to head off on an overnight hike to create a map, Holly, who doesn't want to go, is able to convince her father to let her stay behind at the cave, and without a babysitter in the form of Cha-Ka. Before Rick and Will head off, Will can't help but try to put the fear in his sister by telling her that Zarn will come by to scare her. Zarn, who can control things by his form of telepathy, blames the Marshalls for his predicament of being stuck in the Land of Lost. What Will and Holly are unaware of is that Zarn could hear what Will told Holly. Zarn has also been doing things to cause friction between Cha-Ka and Ta. As such, Cha-Ka stops by the cave to take refuge from Ta. Holly shows if Rick's decision to allow her to stay alone at the cave was a good one as Holly deals with Zarn, and deals with Cha-Ka and Ta's current battle, which Holly believes is all Ta's doing in being a big bully. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

As Rick and Will need to head off on an overnight hike to create a map, Holly, who doesn't want to go, is able to convince her father to let her stay behind at the cave, and without a babysitter in the form of Cha-Ka. Before Rick and Will head off, Will can't help but try to put the fear in his sister by telling her that Zarn will come by to scare her. Zarn, who can control things by his form of telepathy, blames the Marshalls for his predicament of being stuck in the Land of Lost. What Will and Holly are unaware of is that Zarn could hear what Will told Holly. Zarn has also been doing things to cause friction between Cha-Ka and Ta. As such, Cha-Ka stops by the cave to take refuge from Ta. Holly shows if Rick's decision to allow her to stay alone at the cave was a good one as Holly deals with Zarn, and deals with Cha-Ka and Ta's current battle, which Holly believes is all Ta's doing in being a big bully. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly feel like something is pushing them to the ground, where they can't move or thus lift themselves. These occurrences are short lived but frequent. This feeling seems to be affecting all creatures, and by Ta, Sa and Cha-Ka's reactions, Rick can tell that it is something that they have never felt either. The last time something like this happened was when Will and Holly fooled around with the weather pylon. Investigating, Rick and Will do find that someone has indeed done something to the weather pylon. They believe the skylons, which are flying over the mist marsh, are trying to counteract whatever is happening. Because of the skylons' position, Rick believes that Zarn, the light creature in the mist marsh, has something to do with what is happening. They do find that Zarn is indeed affecting gravity in order to escape from the Land of the Lost. But Zarn's plan effectively would destroy the Land of the Lost, and the Marshall family and probably Zarn along with it. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly feel like something is pushing them to the ground, where they can't move or thus lift themselves. These occurrences are short lived but frequent. This feeling seems to be affecting all creatures, and by Ta, Sa and Cha-Ka's reactions, Rick can tell that it is something that they have never felt either. The last time something like this happened was when Will and Holly fooled around with the weather pylon. Investigating, Rick and Will do find that someone has indeed done something to the weather pylon. They believe the skylons, which are flying over the mist marsh, are trying to counteract whatever is happening. Because of the skylons' position, Rick believes that Zarn, the light creature in the mist marsh, has something to do with what is happening. They do find that Zarn is indeed affecting gravity in order to escape from the Land of the Lost. But Zarn's plan effectively would destroy the Land of the Lost, and the Marshall family and probably Zarn along with it. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.7
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick and Will are exploring around the mist marsh, they never having been below the mist to see what is hidden within the fog. What they find is a large structure, like a dirigible, framed in light. While Rick wants to investigate, Will has this odd feeling of something not quite right, like something or someone is probing his mind like needles. Regardless, Will can't let his father investigate on his own. What they end up finding is a young human woman named Sharon Williams who must have fallen through the time door. Rick is overjoyed to learn that he and Sharon have much in common, this commonality with another human adult which he truly misses and which he can never get from his offspring. Those common factors include growing up on the same street in Indianapolis, going to the same high school and having many of the same teachers. While Rick is happy for this company with Sharon, Will on the other hand believes that those commonalities are too coincidental, and thus that Sharon is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.7
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick and Will are exploring around the mist marsh, they never having been below the mist to see what is hidden within the fog. What they find is a large structure, like a dirigible, framed in light. While Rick wants to investigate, Will has this odd feeling of something not quite right, like something or someone is probing his mind like needles. Regardless, Will can't let his father investigate on his own. What they end up finding is a young human woman named Sharon Williams who must have fallen through the time door. Rick is overjoyed to learn that he and Sharon have much in common, this commonality with another human adult which he truly misses and which he can never get from his offspring. Those common factors include growing up on the same street in Indianapolis, going to the same high school and having many of the same teachers. While Rick is happy for this company with Sharon, Will on the other hand believes that those commonalities are too coincidental, and thus that Sharon is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD My Name Is Earl

My Name Is Earl


My Name Is Earl

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

While Earl struggles to write a paper for his prison creative writing class, Randy, Joy, Darnell, and Catalina have no trouble coming up with creative story ideas of their own.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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