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IMDb: 7.8

PC Mason discovers that being a village bobby does not always have something to do with police work when he gives Nurse Cassidy a ride to a farm and the farmer asks him to help getting a cow out of the mud. But he also gets some real cases when somebody nicks 12 shillings from the collection in the village church and a photograph goes missing from Ashfordly Hall. Young Charlie Prentice asks for directions to Ashfordly Estate telling Oscar Blaketon that she is looking for her father and she is convinced he is Lord Ashfordly. David Stockwell decides to make a will because he is afraid to leave a mess when he dies. Maybe that was not such a good idea after all. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

PC Mason discovers that being a village bobby does not always have something to do with police work when he gives Nurse Cassidy a ride to a farm and the farmer asks him to help getting a cow out of the mud. But he also gets some real cases when somebody nicks 12 shillings from the collection in the village church and a photograph goes missing from Ashfordly Hall. Young Charlie Prentice asks for directions to Ashfordly Estate telling Oscar Blaketon that she is looking for her father and she is convinced he is Lord Ashfordly. David Stockwell decides to make a will because he is afraid to leave a mess when he dies. Maybe that was not such a good idea after all. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

With no village bobby in Aidensfield Tommy Unsworth and his motor biking friends seizes the opportunity to make a lot of trouble in the village. Even Aunt Peggy is upset that the bikers are trespassing on Lord Ashfordly's land upsetting the natural order of things by frightening the game away and leaving her traps empty. But when it will take a while to get at permanent replacement Miller organizes a stop gap. Thus PC Joe Mason moves to Aidensfield on a temporary basis while he awaits his transfer to the Met. Mason is very resourceful and a bit of a maverick, and his senior officers were more than happy to get rid of him. The villagers are not too crazy about him either. But Unsworth is not the only source of trouble around. A professional gang from Manchester is targeting country houses in the area stealing paintings, antiques and jewelery. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

With no village bobby in Aidensfield Tommy Unsworth and his motor biking friends seizes the opportunity to make a lot of trouble in the village. Even Aunt Peggy is upset that the bikers are trespassing on Lord Ashfordly's land upsetting the natural order of things by frightening the game away and leaving her traps empty. But when it will take a while to get at permanent replacement Miller organizes a stop gap. Thus PC Joe Mason moves to Aidensfield on a temporary basis while he awaits his transfer to the Met. Mason is very resourceful and a bit of a maverick, and his senior officers were more than happy to get rid of him. The villagers are not too crazy about him either. But Unsworth is not the only source of trouble around. A professional gang from Manchester is targeting country houses in the area stealing paintings, antiques and jewelery. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.7

Frances Elliott has just moved to Aidensfield, but is not very popular with her neighbours because she very much keeps herself to herself. When Joyce Jowett wants to talk to her about a sale she is organizing in aid of the Aidensfield toddler group she suspects that Miss Elliott is hiding a baby. Jowett also puts Aunt Peggy on the jumble stall of the sale without asking her first. Peggy rather wants so sell pictures of local sights - with a small share for herself of course to cover the costs. PC Walker has passed his sergeant's exam and has been accepted at a special training course with an automatic promotion. But he still has his doubts because it means that he will have to leave his colleagues and friends and especially a certain pretty district nurse with blonde hair and blue eyes. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.7

Frances Elliott has just moved to Aidensfield, but is not very popular with her neighbours because she very much keeps herself to herself. When Joyce Jowett wants to talk to her about a sale she is organizing in aid of the Aidensfield toddler group she suspects that Miss Elliott is hiding a baby. Jowett also puts Aunt Peggy on the jumble stall of the sale without asking her first. Peggy rather wants so sell pictures of local sights - with a small share for herself of course to cover the costs. PC Walker has passed his sergeant's exam and has been accepted at a special training course with an automatic promotion. But he still has his doubts because it means that he will have to leave his colleagues and friends and especially a certain pretty district nurse with blonde hair and blue eyes. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Maggie Hutchinson gives birth to a little girl who dies because nurse Cassidy could not get hold of a doctor when she needed one. It goes hard with her husband Ken and he gets into a regular fight with PC Walker when Oscar Blaketon refuses to serve him any more drinks. He gets off with a warning, but continues to act like a complete idiot. Emily Merryweather has just been widowed for the second time. The first time she remarried within three months and it seems she intends to become Mrs. Bernie Scripps before long. Aunt Peggy makes at bet with Oscar Blaketon that she will not succeed. A bet she does not fancy losing at any cost. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Maggie Hutchinson gives birth to a little girl who dies because nurse Cassidy could not get hold of a doctor when she needed one. It goes hard with her husband Ken and he gets into a regular fight with PC Walker when Oscar Blaketon refuses to serve him any more drinks. He gets off with a warning, but continues to act like a complete idiot. Emily Merryweather has just been widowed for the second time. The first time she remarried within three months and it seems she intends to become Mrs. Bernie Scripps before long. Aunt Peggy makes at bet with Oscar Blaketon that she will not succeed. A bet she does not fancy losing at any cost. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.2

One of the greatest events in modern history - the lunar landing - makes its mark on Aidensfield and most of the villagers are gathered at the Aidensfield Arms to watch it on TV. But Peggy Armstrong claims that it is a con and that she can prove it. And if there is somebody who knows everything about cons it must be her. Brenda Garnett has been left stranded in Aidensfield when her car broke down and she is afraid somebody may find out where she is. Sergeant Miller and PC Bellamy arrest two tough guys who promise the police officers that they will be dead before dawn, because their boss will free them. Miller does not scare that easily, but suddenly the police station gets under attack. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.2

One of the greatest events in modern history - the lunar landing - makes its mark on Aidensfield and most of the villagers are gathered at the Aidensfield Arms to watch it on TV. But Peggy Armstrong claims that it is a con and that she can prove it. And if there is somebody who knows everything about cons it must be her. Brenda Garnett has been left stranded in Aidensfield when her car broke down and she is afraid somebody may find out where she is. Sergeant Miller and PC Bellamy arrest two tough guys who promise the police officers that they will be dead before dawn, because their boss will free them. Miller does not scare that easily, but suddenly the police station gets under attack. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Rosie is picking up a broken down car when she finds its owner Peter Barton knocked down in the forest and she quickly shares his fate. But unlike Barton Rosie is found in time to save her life. The deceased was a former police officer turned private investigator, and his murder may be connected to one of the cases he was working on. PC Walker has asked nurse Cassidy out, but has to cancel when he is assigned to help DS Dawson on the Barton case. Aunt Peggy promises her friend Hilda Skinner to take a flock of turkeys off her hands, but that is easier said than done. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Rosie is picking up a broken down car when she finds its owner Peter Barton knocked down in the forest and she quickly shares his fate. But unlike Barton Rosie is found in time to save her life. The deceased was a former police officer turned private investigator, and his murder may be connected to one of the cases he was working on. PC Walker has asked nurse Cassidy out, but has to cancel when he is assigned to help DS Dawson on the Barton case. Aunt Peggy promises her friend Hilda Skinner to take a flock of turkeys off her hands, but that is easier said than done. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.4

The day of Gina's and Phil's wedding is growing near. Everybody in Aidensfield are on their toes because of the big day. And Lord Ashfordly has most kindly made Ashfordly Hall available for the party. Gina and Phil have even bought a small cottage outside the village, but lose it again when the seller Albert Fogarty changes his mind. That makes Gina feel so sorry that Phil gets worried that the wedding will fail this time also. And his mood does not get any better when Jack Hollins turns up the evening before the wedding. To top it all Albert Fogarty has disappeared and nobody has seen him since he showed his cottage to Gina and Phil. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.4

The day of Gina's and Phil's wedding is growing near. Everybody in Aidensfield are on their toes because of the big day. And Lord Ashfordly has most kindly made Ashfordly Hall available for the party. Gina and Phil have even bought a small cottage outside the village, but lose it again when the seller Albert Fogarty changes his mind. That makes Gina feel so sorry that Phil gets worried that the wedding will fail this time also. And his mood does not get any better when Jack Hollins turns up the evening before the wedding. To top it all Albert Fogarty has disappeared and nobody has seen him since he showed his cottage to Gina and Phil. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Jim Brady has returned from Africa to become the new estate manager at Ashfordly Hall, and he gets tough with his lordships tenants. It seems he wants to get rid of all of them. They will not put up with that and decides to teach him a lesson. But will they go as far as to shoot at him? David has started to collect trading stamps in order to redeem them for something nice. So much in fact that he has become quite addicted to it. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Jim Brady has returned from Africa to become the new estate manager at Ashfordly Hall, and he gets tough with his lordships tenants. It seems he wants to get rid of all of them. They will not put up with that and decides to teach him a lesson. But will they go as far as to shoot at him? David has started to collect trading stamps in order to redeem them for something nice. So much in fact that he has become quite addicted to it. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

Rosie is walking her aunts dog Snowy when Simon Langley-Smythe shoots the dog claiming it was disturbing his pheasants. The police cannot do anything because she was on private property. But PC Walker is not quite convinced this was the only reason and questions him closely. And he may be on to something. His wife Julie has just given birth to their first child and he is down on her because the baby cries all the time and evens beats her up. Bill Galloway has trouble with some children who have some fun letting out his sheep. PC Younger is assigned to the case, but they get away from him every time. Gina and Phil announce that they are engaged to get married. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

Rosie is walking her aunts dog Snowy when Simon Langley-Smythe shoots the dog claiming it was disturbing his pheasants. The police cannot do anything because she was on private property. But PC Walker is not quite convinced this was the only reason and questions him closely. And he may be on to something. His wife Julie has just given birth to their first child and he is down on her because the baby cries all the time and evens beats her up. Bill Galloway has trouble with some children who have some fun letting out his sheep. PC Younger is assigned to the case, but they get away from him every time. Gina and Phil announce that they are engaged to get married. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Colonel Hudson holds an auction and since Aunt Peggy cannot get any more credit at Bernie's garage until she pays her bill she and David takes the soft job of driving for him. Hudson's son Duncan discovers that his young mother is having an affair with the family friend Nigel Parker. Parker gets seriously injured in an accident on his way home from a party at the Hudson estate, and when PC Walker conveys the bad news Duncan runs away. Gina and Phil think that Rob needs to get out some more and invite him and Gina's hairdresser Paula out on a double date. But the constables soon get other things on their minds when the entire police station is infected with nits. And they can only have come from PC Younger who has had lollipop duty at the school. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Colonel Hudson holds an auction and since Aunt Peggy cannot get any more credit at Bernie's garage until she pays her bill she and David takes the soft job of driving for him. Hudson's son Duncan discovers that his young mother is having an affair with the family friend Nigel Parker. Parker gets seriously injured in an accident on his way home from a party at the Hudson estate, and when PC Walker conveys the bad news Duncan runs away. Gina and Phil think that Rob needs to get out some more and invite him and Gina's hairdresser Paula out on a double date. But the constables soon get other things on their minds when the entire police station is infected with nits. And they can only have come from PC Younger who has had lollipop duty at the school. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Important things are about to happen in Aidensfield. The annual cricket match against Scarsdale is coming up, and if Scarsdale wins again this year the trophy is theirs for keeps. Oscar Blaketon is the head of the Aidensfield team, but turmoil is raging the village and he must leave many of his best players out of account. And he has excluded the women beforehand, because their job is to see to the food and the tea. The police have problems of another kind. They have been tipped off about a raid on an armoured transport. They catch one of the raiders, Dave Dooley, but his brother Ray and Ray's girlfriend Connie get away with the loot. Ray is not the kind of guy who lets his brother rot in prison and they kidnap PC Walker and threaten to kill him if Dave is not released. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Important things are about to happen in Aidensfield. The annual cricket match against Scarsdale is coming up, and if Scarsdale wins again this year the trophy is theirs for keeps. Oscar Blaketon is the head of the Aidensfield team, but turmoil is raging the village and he must leave many of his best players out of account. And he has excluded the women beforehand, because their job is to see to the food and the tea. The police have problems of another kind. They have been tipped off about a raid on an armoured transport. They catch one of the raiders, Dave Dooley, but his brother Ray and Ray's girlfriend Connie get away with the loot. Ray is not the kind of guy who lets his brother rot in prison and they kidnap PC Walker and threaten to kill him if Dave is not released. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.3

Rosie friend Diana Hill has become Miss Ashfordly. When somebody sets fire to her car PC Walker learns that she has received threatening letters to stop her from entering the Miss Yorkshire beauty pageant. Gina has realized that Phil Bellamy is the man for her, and she gives him a big hug when he picks her up from hospital after her being hurt in the car fire. Old Dan Fowles asks Aunt Peggy to bet on an outsider for him at the races. The horse wins, but Fowler dies before he can collect his winnings, and Peggy thinks it would be a shame if all that money should go to waste. PC Younger has not made an arrest for more than a month, and when his police bicycle gets stolen Sergeant Miller tells him to do something about it. So Younger clamps down on every minor offence he encounters. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.3

Rosie friend Diana Hill has become Miss Ashfordly. When somebody sets fire to her car PC Walker learns that she has received threatening letters to stop her from entering the Miss Yorkshire beauty pageant. Gina has realized that Phil Bellamy is the man for her, and she gives him a big hug when he picks her up from hospital after her being hurt in the car fire. Old Dan Fowles asks Aunt Peggy to bet on an outsider for him at the races. The horse wins, but Fowler dies before he can collect his winnings, and Peggy thinks it would be a shame if all that money should go to waste. PC Younger has not made an arrest for more than a month, and when his police bicycle gets stolen Sergeant Miller tells him to do something about it. So Younger clamps down on every minor offence he encounters. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

A stranger asks for Rosie at the Aidensfield Arms. He is her former boyfriend Peter who cannot grasp that she broke up with him and wants her back. Rosie is not interested though and wants nothing to do with him. But that only makes him only more determined and he starts pestering her. Aunt Peggy's old banger gets stolen and with it David's dog Deefer which was in the boot because she is heat. PC Bellamy and PC Walker chases the thief, but he gets away when his helper blocks the road with a ladder. Gina is worried about Phil. He is still his good old self, but he clams up every time she tries to talk to him about his ex-wife Debbie. As a matter of fact he has not spoken of her since she left him. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

A stranger asks for Rosie at the Aidensfield Arms. He is her former boyfriend Peter who cannot grasp that she broke up with him and wants her back. Rosie is not interested though and wants nothing to do with him. But that only makes him only more determined and he starts pestering her. Aunt Peggy's old banger gets stolen and with it David's dog Deefer which was in the boot because she is heat. PC Bellamy and PC Walker chases the thief, but he gets away when his helper blocks the road with a ladder. Gina is worried about Phil. He is still his good old self, but he clams up every time she tries to talk to him about his ex-wife Debbie. As a matter of fact he has not spoken of her since she left him. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

When Carol Cassidy wants to see Alice Tupper she finds the house broken into and the old woman hiding from the intruder. He himself is hiding in her shed, but he flees when Carol discovers him. PC Walker and PC Bellamy arrest him though when he tries to get to Whitby, but they are stopped by DS Dawson who demands that they hand him over to Guy Maitland from the Intelligence Services. Sergeant Miller is not ready to do that, and things are not made any easier by the fact that he has a terrible toothache. David and Aunt Peggy clear out an estate of the deceased Sadie Copley when they find a notebook with complete murder plans, and Aunt Peggy is convinced that old Sadie has put her unfaithful husband out of the way. But since the police will have nothing to do with it she decides to get to the bottom of things herself. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

When Carol Cassidy wants to see Alice Tupper she finds the house broken into and the old woman hiding from the intruder. He himself is hiding in her shed, but he flees when Carol discovers him. PC Walker and PC Bellamy arrest him though when he tries to get to Whitby, but they are stopped by DS Dawson who demands that they hand him over to Guy Maitland from the Intelligence Services. Sergeant Miller is not ready to do that, and things are not made any easier by the fact that he has a terrible toothache. David and Aunt Peggy clear out an estate of the deceased Sadie Copley when they find a notebook with complete murder plans, and Aunt Peggy is convinced that old Sadie has put her unfaithful husband out of the way. But since the police will have nothing to do with it she decides to get to the bottom of things herself. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Phil has gotten over Debbie's leaving him for her first husband who was not nearly as dead as she let him to believe, while Rob Walker has been away on leave after Helen's death. When Phil picks him up at the railway station they nearly collide with another car which ends up in the middle of a river. Rob saves the driver Les Cooper who is so grateful he decides to come clean, leave his former criminal life behind and make a fresh start. Oscar Blaketon tries to make Aidensfield twin with a French village where he spent his holiday. For that occasion he has invited some of his new French friends over for a big party and the first of them, Yvette Lenoir has already arrived. However Blaketon is none too pleased that Aunt Peggy's contribution will be fresh, local game. And with good reason! Carol Cassidy is the new districts nurse in Aidensfield, and she is worried about Jean Ashton who has discharged herself from hospital. But Jean's husband Dennis will not let Miss Cassidy see his wife. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Phil has gotten over Debbie's leaving him for her first husband who was not nearly as dead as she let him to believe, while Rob Walker has been away on leave after Helen's death. When Phil picks him up at the railway station they nearly collide with another car which ends up in the middle of a river. Rob saves the driver Les Cooper who is so grateful he decides to come clean, leave his former criminal life behind and make a fresh start. Oscar Blaketon tries to make Aidensfield twin with a French village where he spent his holiday. For that occasion he has invited some of his new French friends over for a big party and the first of them, Yvette Lenoir has already arrived. However Blaketon is none too pleased that Aunt Peggy's contribution will be fresh, local game. And with good reason! Carol Cassidy is the new districts nurse in Aidensfield, and she is worried about Jean Ashton who has discharged herself from hospital. But Jean's husband Dennis will not let Miss Cassidy see his wife. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Things are quiet at the police station in Ashfordly. Almost too quiet. And it is not going to last. Suddenly two armed men hold up PC Younger and Alf Ventress and lock them up in a cell, while they free a single guest without Sergeant Miller noticing anything from behind his desk at the sergeant's office. With PC Walker and PC Bellamy in hot pursuit through Aidensfield they kill a dog and seriously injure a pedestrian. To top it all the police do not even know the identity of the escaped prisoner, who was just detained overnight for being drunk. One more thing bothers Phil Bellamy. He is sure he saw Debbie's late husband Barry in Ashfordly when the pursuit began. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Things are quiet at the police station in Ashfordly. Almost too quiet. And it is not going to last. Suddenly two armed men hold up PC Younger and Alf Ventress and lock them up in a cell, while they free a single guest without Sergeant Miller noticing anything from behind his desk at the sergeant's office. With PC Walker and PC Bellamy in hot pursuit through Aidensfield they kill a dog and seriously injure a pedestrian. To top it all the police do not even know the identity of the escaped prisoner, who was just detained overnight for being drunk. One more thing bothers Phil Bellamy. He is sure he saw Debbie's late husband Barry in Ashfordly when the pursuit began. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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