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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

The gang make one last stand against Hanson before he uses Togepi to gain the throne.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

The gang make one last stand against Hanson before he uses Togepi to gain the throne.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Misty returns! But Team Rocket instantly kidnaps her and Togepi and brings them to the Mirage Kingdom, where a man named Hanson plans to use Togepi to gain the throne.

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Misty returns! But Team Rocket instantly kidnaps her and Togepi and brings them to the Mirage Kingdom, where a man named Hanson plans to use Togepi to gain the throne.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

As Ash and friends rush along a mountain path toward the town where the next Pokémon Contest will be hosted, a tremendous shape comes suddenly crashing down on them from above. They soon realize it to be a Bagon--a Pokémon whose head is as hard as steel. Needless to say, this is the last Pokémon one would want to see falling quickly toward one from above. Before Ash engages the Pokémon in battle, however, it's trainer shows up and explains that her Bagon is cliff diving simply because it dreams of flying, though this won't be a possibility until it evolves twice. Always suckers for an impossible dream, Ash and friends promise to do what they can to help.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

As Ash and friends rush along a mountain path toward the town where the next Pokémon Contest will be hosted, a tremendous shape comes suddenly crashing down on them from above. They soon realize it to be a Bagon--a Pokémon whose head is as hard as steel. Needless to say, this is the last Pokémon one would want to see falling quickly toward one from above. Before Ash engages the Pokémon in battle, however, it's trainer shows up and explains that her Bagon is cliff diving simply because it dreams of flying, though this won't be a possibility until it evolves twice. Always suckers for an impossible dream, Ash and friends promise to do what they can to help.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Ash and friends have the good fortune of passing through a small town just prior to the opening of a summer festival in which Illumise and Volbeat perform a dazzling light dance. Despite their impeccable timing, however, it seems they may not be able to enjoy the show when the male half of the performing duo falls head over heels in love with his partner and grows too nervous to perform in front of her. With the festival just hours away, May takes it upon herself to coach this young trainer in the ways of love.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Ash and friends have the good fortune of passing through a small town just prior to the opening of a summer festival in which Illumise and Volbeat perform a dazzling light dance. Despite their impeccable timing, however, it seems they may not be able to enjoy the show when the male half of the performing duo falls head over heels in love with his partner and grows too nervous to perform in front of her. With the festival just hours away, May takes it upon herself to coach this young trainer in the ways of love.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

After winning at the Mauville gym against Wattson and earning the Dynamo Badge, Ash and the gang decide to travel to Fallabor Town for May's next Pokemon Contest and then to Lavaridge Town for Ash's next gym battle. While traveling, the gang stumbles upon a watermelon field. This gives Ash an idea to teach Treecko how to use Bullet Seed, ever since that battle with Shiftry (Season 6, Episode 37), by spitting watermelon seeds for practice. Suddenly a Grovyle attacks the group as a misunderstanding. The girl then apologizes for her mistake and shows them around the field. Team Rocket then appears to steal the watermelons from the field. Grovyle tries to fire bullet seed but they sealed up its mouth with some tape. So it's all up to Treecko. Ash believes that Treecko can use Bullet Seed, so it tries but fails. The second time around it works and sends Team Rocket to blast off again. In the end, Ash spits seeds towards Treecko and makes it mad and uses Bullet Seed. Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

After winning at the Mauville gym against Wattson and earning the Dynamo Badge, Ash and the gang decide to travel to Fallabor Town for May's next Pokemon Contest and then to Lavaridge Town for Ash's next gym battle. While traveling, the gang stumbles upon a watermelon field. This gives Ash an idea to teach Treecko how to use Bullet Seed, ever since that battle with Shiftry (Season 6, Episode 37), by spitting watermelon seeds for practice. Suddenly a Grovyle attacks the group as a misunderstanding. The girl then apologizes for her mistake and shows them around the field. Team Rocket then appears to steal the watermelons from the field. Grovyle tries to fire bullet seed but they sealed up its mouth with some tape. So it's all up to Treecko. Ash believes that Treecko can use Bullet Seed, so it tries but fails. The second time around it works and sends Team Rocket to blast off again. In the end, Ash spits seeds towards Treecko and makes it mad and uses Bullet Seed. Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

At the Mauville Gym, Ash and friends are whisked away on a roller-coaster ride and confronted by an angry Raikou--a Legendary Pokémon from the Johto region! An attack from Pikachu reveals the Raikou to be a robot, which shorts out, showering Pikachu in electricity. When the battle begins, Pikachu defeats each of Gym Leader Wattson's Electric-type Pokémon with just one attack, and Ash wins the Dynamo Badge! Afterward, Ash learns from Nurse Joy that Pikachu won only because the robot's malfunction supercharged it with electricity. Our heroes set out to tell Wattson the match was a fluke, only to discover that he's abandoned the Gym in shame! They find him at an old power plant, where the Team Rocket villains are attempting to steal Electric-type Pokémon. Ash and Wattson team up to defeat them, and when Ash tries to return his Gym badge, Wattson tells him to keep it as thanks for helping him free the Pokémon.

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

At the Mauville Gym, Ash and friends are whisked away on a roller-coaster ride and confronted by an angry Raikou--a Legendary Pokémon from the Johto region! An attack from Pikachu reveals the Raikou to be a robot, which shorts out, showering Pikachu in electricity. When the battle begins, Pikachu defeats each of Gym Leader Wattson's Electric-type Pokémon with just one attack, and Ash wins the Dynamo Badge! Afterward, Ash learns from Nurse Joy that Pikachu won only because the robot's malfunction supercharged it with electricity. Our heroes set out to tell Wattson the match was a fluke, only to discover that he's abandoned the Gym in shame! They find him at an old power plant, where the Team Rocket villains are attempting to steal Electric-type Pokémon. Ash and Wattson team up to defeat them, and when Ash tries to return his Gym badge, Wattson tells him to keep it as thanks for helping him free the Pokémon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends chance upon the Trick House Contest, in which contestants must compete to pass through a house rigged with obstacles and traps, and the winner gets a year's supply of Pokéblocks! As if this weren't enough of a challenge, Team Rocket infiltrates the contest and lies in wait for the right opportunity to nab Pikachu! Alanna and her Whismur are also competing, as is a wild Jigglypuff who's been following our heroes around. As our heroes attempt to negotiate the maze, Jigglypuff keeps bursting into song and sending everyone to sleep (except for Whismur, whose Soundproof Ability makes it immune), and Team Rocket keeps sabotaging the obstacles. Eventually, the villains come out of hiding to grab Pikachu and Whismur, but with some sound strategy from Alanna, Whismur sends them blasting off again! Ivan of Mauville City ends up winning the contest, and our heroes are headed there next!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends chance upon the Trick House Contest, in which contestants must compete to pass through a house rigged with obstacles and traps, and the winner gets a year's supply of Pokéblocks! As if this weren't enough of a challenge, Team Rocket infiltrates the contest and lies in wait for the right opportunity to nab Pikachu! Alanna and her Whismur are also competing, as is a wild Jigglypuff who's been following our heroes around. As our heroes attempt to negotiate the maze, Jigglypuff keeps bursting into song and sending everyone to sleep (except for Whismur, whose Soundproof Ability makes it immune), and Team Rocket keeps sabotaging the obstacles. Eventually, the villains come out of hiding to grab Pikachu and Whismur, but with some sound strategy from Alanna, Whismur sends them blasting off again! Ivan of Mauville City ends up winning the contest, and our heroes are headed there next!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

When Ash and friends get lost in a dark and foggy mountain pass, the first folks they meet are Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket, fresh from their latest heist. Our heroes manage to recover a stone the villains stole from a nearby lighthouse, but then get mistaken for the thieves. After things are sorted out, they learn of Thatcher, a young Trainer who's been troubled because his two Cheering Pokémon, Plusle and Minun, are such naturals at supporting other Pokémon that he's lost the confidence to use them in direct battle. When Thatcher decides that Ash must be a hero spoken of in local legends, Ash uses his confusion to convince him to believe in himself and his Pokémon--and sure enough, with his newfound confidence, Thatcher directs Plusle and Minun to charge up the stone that powers the lighthouse, and then send Team Rocket blasting off again!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

When Ash and friends get lost in a dark and foggy mountain pass, the first folks they meet are Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket, fresh from their latest heist. Our heroes manage to recover a stone the villains stole from a nearby lighthouse, but then get mistaken for the thieves. After things are sorted out, they learn of Thatcher, a young Trainer who's been troubled because his two Cheering Pokémon, Plusle and Minun, are such naturals at supporting other Pokémon that he's lost the confidence to use them in direct battle. When Thatcher decides that Ash must be a hero spoken of in local legends, Ash uses his confusion to convince him to believe in himself and his Pokémon--and sure enough, with his newfound confidence, Thatcher directs Plusle and Minun to charge up the stone that powers the lighthouse, and then send Team Rocket blasting off again!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

While cutting through a mountain pass, Ash and friends decide to stop into the local Pokémon Center for directions. Imagine their surprise when they discover it vacated, with no sign of Nurse Joy. The plot thickens when they take it upon themselves to investigate and discover security camera footage of a Shiftry immobilizing Nurse Joy with Stun Spore before carrying her off. Their only clue as to her location is a mysterious entry on Shiftry in the Pokédex, indicating that these Pokémon inhabit only trees that are over a thousand years old. But trees that old don't grow just anywhere! Our heroes find the tree and discover that Shiftry brought Nurse Joy there so she could help a sick Nuzleaf. With some assistance from Brock, the Nuzleaf is restored to health, Nurse Joy is returned to the Pokémon Center, and our heroes continue their journey.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

While cutting through a mountain pass, Ash and friends decide to stop into the local Pokémon Center for directions. Imagine their surprise when they discover it vacated, with no sign of Nurse Joy. The plot thickens when they take it upon themselves to investigate and discover security camera footage of a Shiftry immobilizing Nurse Joy with Stun Spore before carrying her off. Their only clue as to her location is a mysterious entry on Shiftry in the Pokédex, indicating that these Pokémon inhabit only trees that are over a thousand years old. But trees that old don't grow just anywhere! Our heroes find the tree and discover that Shiftry brought Nurse Joy there so she could help a sick Nuzleaf. With some assistance from Brock, the Nuzleaf is restored to health, Nurse Joy is returned to the Pokémon Center, and our heroes continue their journey.

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Having at long last completed her Pokémon Contest, May suggests a day of recreation in Slateport City before moving on. While she and Brock shop in the city's famous market district, Ash and Max check out the Oceanic Museum. When the boys discover the museum is closed (even though it's supposed to be open every day), Max decides to climb the wall to get in--and is mistaken for a thief! Ash and Max explain the situation to Captain Stern, the museum's curator, who lets them take a look inside. He's just gotten a new rock sample, which attracts the attention of both Team Magma and Team Rocket! Ash and Captain Stern manage to repel both groups of villains, but the rock sample is broken in the process. Captain Stern isn't sure what Team Magma is up to, but he decides to continue his studies on the remaining piece of the sample.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Having at long last completed her Pokémon Contest, May suggests a day of recreation in Slateport City before moving on. While she and Brock shop in the city's famous market district, Ash and Max check out the Oceanic Museum. When the boys discover the museum is closed (even though it's supposed to be open every day), Max decides to climb the wall to get in--and is mistaken for a thief! Ash and Max explain the situation to Captain Stern, the museum's curator, who lets them take a look inside. He's just gotten a new rock sample, which attracts the attention of both Team Magma and Team Rocket! Ash and Captain Stern manage to repel both groups of villains, but the rock sample is broken in the process. Captain Stern isn't sure what Team Magma is up to, but he decides to continue his studies on the remaining piece of the sample.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

It's finally time for May's first Pokémon Contest, where she learns that Pokémon Coordinators who earn five ribbons by winning contests throughout the region will be entered in the ultimate contest: the Grand Festival! May tries to stay calm, but her nerves are on edge. Drew and his Roselia put in an impressive performance, and then Robert and his majestic Milotic win the hearts of the crowd. When it's finally May's turn, she's so nervous that she stumbles during her routine, but her Beautifly makes up for it by pulling off its best Silver Wind yet, and the judges award her the last spot in the second round--a battle challenge! She faces off against Drew, whose Roselia defeats her Beautifly and then falls to Robert's Milotic. Robert wins the ribbon, and Drew and May are both determined to do better next time!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

It's finally time for May's first Pokémon Contest, where she learns that Pokémon Coordinators who earn five ribbons by winning contests throughout the region will be entered in the ultimate contest: the Grand Festival! May tries to stay calm, but her nerves are on edge. Drew and his Roselia put in an impressive performance, and then Robert and his majestic Milotic win the hearts of the crowd. When it's finally May's turn, she's so nervous that she stumbles during her routine, but her Beautifly makes up for it by pulling off its best Silver Wind yet, and the judges award her the last spot in the second round--a battle challenge! She faces off against Drew, whose Roselia defeats her Beautifly and then falls to Robert's Milotic. Robert wins the ribbon, and Drew and May are both determined to do better next time!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

While May trains with Beautifly, Nurse Joy enlists Ash and Max to babysit a Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip, one of which will be the first partner of a brand-new Pokémon Trainer named Stephanie. Torchic proves to be the most rambunctious of the group, and when Ash sends several of his Pokémon to convince it to behave, it evolves into a Combusken! Moments before the new Trainer arrives, Max and Ash think fast and ask May's Torchic to stand in for the evolved Pokémon. Despite Ash's protests, Stephanie decides she wants this Torchic for her first Pokémon, but just then May returns from training and reclaims her Torchic. After Combusken fends off an attack from Team Rocket, Stephanie decides to take Mudkip instead--and her father chooses Treecko as his own first Pokémon! Nurse Joy asks Combusken to stay at the Pokémon Center to protect her patients, and all's well that ends well!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

While May trains with Beautifly, Nurse Joy enlists Ash and Max to babysit a Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip, one of which will be the first partner of a brand-new Pokémon Trainer named Stephanie. Torchic proves to be the most rambunctious of the group, and when Ash sends several of his Pokémon to convince it to behave, it evolves into a Combusken! Moments before the new Trainer arrives, Max and Ash think fast and ask May's Torchic to stand in for the evolved Pokémon. Despite Ash's protests, Stephanie decides she wants this Torchic for her first Pokémon, but just then May returns from training and reclaims her Torchic. After Combusken fends off an attack from Team Rocket, Stephanie decides to take Mudkip instead--and her father chooses Treecko as his own first Pokémon! Nurse Joy asks Combusken to stay at the Pokémon Center to protect her patients, and all's well that ends well!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Two weeks before the Slateport Pokémon Contest, May is training hard, trying to get her Beautifly to master its Silver Wind move. A battle with Ash's Taillow draws the attention of a retired Coordinator named Mr. Big, who offers May a Pokéblock case and invites our heroes to his shop for some useful Bluk Berries. Unfortunately, Torchic gets ahead of the gang and gobbles them all up! To make matters worse, Mr. Big had hoped to use them in his fireworks display that night. May is determined to replace the berries, but her rival Drew gets there first and demands a battle. May's Beautifly manages to attack Drew's Roselia with Silver Wind, but just then Team Rocket shows up to steal the berries! An attack from Roselia blasts them off again, Torchic catches the falling berries just in time, the fireworks show goes off without a hitch, and Drew makes plans to battle May again in the contest!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Two weeks before the Slateport Pokémon Contest, May is training hard, trying to get her Beautifly to master its Silver Wind move. A battle with Ash's Taillow draws the attention of a retired Coordinator named Mr. Big, who offers May a Pokéblock case and invites our heroes to his shop for some useful Bluk Berries. Unfortunately, Torchic gets ahead of the gang and gobbles them all up! To make matters worse, Mr. Big had hoped to use them in his fireworks display that night. May is determined to replace the berries, but her rival Drew gets there first and demands a battle. May's Beautifly manages to attack Drew's Roselia with Silver Wind, but just then Team Rocket shows up to steal the berries! An attack from Roselia blasts them off again, Torchic catches the falling berries just in time, the fireworks show goes off without a hitch, and Drew makes plans to battle May again in the contest!

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and friends foil a Team Rocket kidnapping scheme on the high seas, but are then left high and dry themselves when Team Rocket's boat breaks down. Drifting with the tide, they eventually come to rest against an abandoned ship. On board, they meet one of the ship's original passengers, Tommy, who has returned to search for the Marshtomp he was separated from when the ship first ran aground. Happy to have found a ride back to land, Ash and friends offer to help this passenger in his search. As the group moves below deck, however, their party begins disappearing, one member at a time. The shadowy figure responsible turns out to be a Swampert, which evolved from Tommy's Marshtomp! The two are reunited, and our heroes are released. Tommy sees that the ship has become a haven for Water-type Pokémon, and stays on board with Swampert to fix it up into the best home it can be.

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and friends foil a Team Rocket kidnapping scheme on the high seas, but are then left high and dry themselves when Team Rocket's boat breaks down. Drifting with the tide, they eventually come to rest against an abandoned ship. On board, they meet one of the ship's original passengers, Tommy, who has returned to search for the Marshtomp he was separated from when the ship first ran aground. Happy to have found a ride back to land, Ash and friends offer to help this passenger in his search. As the group moves below deck, however, their party begins disappearing, one member at a time. The shadowy figure responsible turns out to be a Swampert, which evolved from Tommy's Marshtomp! The two are reunited, and our heroes are released. Tommy sees that the ship has become a haven for Water-type Pokémon, and stays on board with Swampert to fix it up into the best home it can be.

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Ash and friends cross the sea to a secret island arena for Ash's rematch with Gym Leader Brawly. Ash's skills have improved since the last time, and his Corphish and Treecko make the most of the rocky and watery environment. Brawley's less-nimble Machop is down for the count, and Brawly is down to using the ponderous Hariyama. But Ash isn't the only one who's been training. Hariyama surprises Ash with new reserves of speed and endurance. Ash keeps his cool, and has Treecko Pound away at Hariyama's legs. It's enough to disrupt Hariyama's balance, and Treecko Pounds its way to victory. Brawly gives Ash the Knuckle Badge and his admiration. Most Trainers, when they rework their strategies, scrap even the parts that were worth keeping. But Ash remembered his own strengths as a Trainer, and kept his head even when things happened that he didn't expect.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Ash and friends cross the sea to a secret island arena for Ash's rematch with Gym Leader Brawly. Ash's skills have improved since the last time, and his Corphish and Treecko make the most of the rocky and watery environment. Brawley's less-nimble Machop is down for the count, and Brawly is down to using the ponderous Hariyama. But Ash isn't the only one who's been training. Hariyama surprises Ash with new reserves of speed and endurance. Ash keeps his cool, and has Treecko Pound away at Hariyama's legs. It's enough to disrupt Hariyama's balance, and Treecko Pounds its way to victory. Brawly gives Ash the Knuckle Badge and his admiration. Most Trainers, when they rework their strategies, scrap even the parts that were worth keeping. But Ash remembered his own strengths as a Trainer, and kept his head even when things happened that he didn't expect.

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.7
22 min

As Ash's training draws to a close, a young Trainer named Shauna, who claims to be the top apprentice of Gym Leader Brawly, challenges him to a Pokémon battle. Before they are able to complete their battle, however, Brawly himself shows up to warn of an approaching hurricane. It seems his warning is a touch too late, though, as heavy winds and rain begin buffeting the shore where Ash and friends have pitched camp. While the storm draws nearer, they carefully make their way along a treacherous mountain path, seeking shelter in a cave, where Brawly explains that Shauna isn't really his apprentice--he hasn't let her join him because she is too headstrong and needs to learn control and patience. After the storm passes, she finally proves herself in a battle with Ash, and Brawly accepts Ash's challenge for a rematch!

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.7
22 min

As Ash's training draws to a close, a young Trainer named Shauna, who claims to be the top apprentice of Gym Leader Brawly, challenges him to a Pokémon battle. Before they are able to complete their battle, however, Brawly himself shows up to warn of an approaching hurricane. It seems his warning is a touch too late, though, as heavy winds and rain begin buffeting the shore where Ash and friends have pitched camp. While the storm draws nearer, they carefully make their way along a treacherous mountain path, seeking shelter in a cave, where Brawly explains that Shauna isn't really his apprentice--he hasn't let her join him because she is too headstrong and needs to learn control and patience. After the storm passes, she finally proves herself in a battle with Ash, and Brawly accepts Ash's challenge for a rematch!

Country: Japan
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