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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Dynasty stays over with Kevin but they get a rude awakening when Malone breaks in and threatens Kevin. To spare her new boyfriend being beaten up Dynasty reluctantly returns to Malone but is very unhappy. Michael pays off Connor's debt but Malone breaks into the house and discovers Connor's marriage certificate . New science teacher - and vegan - Esther Fairclough strikes a chord with Lula as both are into animal rights. However Lula organizes a protest which gets into trouble before Esther tells her that Lorraine has money invested in a local laboratory which does animal testing. Audrey and Ndale announce their engagement. Everybody is happy for them except Sonya,who feels left out. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Sonya visits her mother,Alzheimers sufferer Maureen in her care home and is upset when she calls her Lorraine. Things get worse when Ndale tells her the kiss was a one-off and he really loves Audrey (who later accepts his marriage proposal) and her attempt to peddle beauty products to pupils ends in disaster. She gives notice but Audrey - unaware of what happened with Ndale - talks her out of it and ultimately she accepts that she would rather be herself than try to emulate her sister.After Lorraine visits Maureen,who tells her that,although she is confused over Sonya's identity,she appreciates her regular visits,the sisters reconcile. Tom's son Josh returns to give a talk,seemingly in the money but actually in debt with his credit cards. He is initially disapproving of his father's offer to help Grantly until Maggie reminds him that Grantly would otherwise be dead and agrees to accept his father's advice over clearing his debts. Malone steps up his demands on Connor,who has foolishly... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Thuggish Steve-O Malone,Dynasty's former boyfriend,just out of gaol,arrives at the school and takes over Barry Barry's usury racket. He wants Dynasty to return to Liverpool with him. She is tempted but when she catches him stealing school computers she changes her mind,returning the computers and dumping him in favour of Kevin. However Malone sees them kissing and threatens Kevin to stay away. Lorraine calls a meeting where she proposes cut-backs,with under-subscribed subjects being axed. Audrey's history course seems a likely casualty but Audrey works hard to keep her job though she is unaware that Ndale and Sonya are getting intimate. Grantly is rushed to hospital and lies in a coma,prompting Tom to put himself forward as a kidney donor. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Lorraine brings in budget cuts which could well mean a depletion in staff. Maggie is angry that,as part of the cuts, she will be forced to tender for the canteen contract,her rival being Usman Haq,whose son is dating Rhiannon. Maggie believes that the Haqs are using Rhiannon in order to find out her strategy for the tender and angry words are exchanged. Granthly however acts as peace-making reconciling Rhiannon and Maggie - who gets the contract whilst the Haqs become her suppliers. Christine and Connor move in with Michael but Connor is frustrated that Imogen is not allowed to stay overnight with him. Ndale is taken on as the school's maintenance man amidst gossip and speculation that he is Audrey's toy boy whilst Maggie asks for a donor for Grantly in the staff-room. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

Returning from holiday with Christine - who is still unaware that she has a daughter-in-law - Michael is annoyed that Lorraine has gone behind his back to appoint Nikki as the new deputy head. After Lorraine has confided monetary problems regarding the school to Nikki the two women become rather more than friends. Grantly,on dialysis but anxious to keep working,is displeased that Maggie has told everybody of his kidney failure but they are sympathetic. He needs a transplant and Maggie is a willing donor but her diabetes causes a problem. Snide Barry Barry is typically intolerant with Kacey wanting to be known as Robbie but finds a potential drug dealer in pale,silent Fergal Doherty,who has arrived from Londonderry with his mother. To Lula's horror Harley buys pills from Fergal and almost dies but is saved by Ndile, a man whom Audrey has brought back from her African trip. It becomes apparent that the Dohertys left Ulster because the boy's drug dealing made him powerful enemies and a ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Final exams loom on the last day of term. Michael has stayed the night with Christine but,to her annoyance,does not want their affair to be public knowledge. Christine decides she needs more time with Connor and organizes a trip to Paris,unaware that the boy is secretly marrying Imogen. Scout's mother Tina is taken ill,having stolen items from the school house which she aimed to sell to finance a flat with her daughter. She dies repentant and Scout,seeing her in a different light,is inspired to sit her exam and do well. Lorraine arranges a meeting with the head of a computer firm to market Kevin and Daniel's game Chalk and Cheese. Daniel is initially reluctant to attend but ends up being offered a job in computing in London,which Kevin persuades him to take. As the day ends Kacey prepares for her gender identity course whilst Michael admits his feelings for Christine,who is still unaware that she has a daughter-in-law but accepts when Michael asks to take Connor's place on the Paris ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Sian calls the Barry family in for a discussion on Kacey's gender issues but with only Dynasty being positive it is a failure. Barry Barry,having broken into Sian's flat and stolen a photo of her kissing Michael,posts it around the school which goads Sian into slapping him. Although the other pupils take her side and claim that they hit him Sian resigns though before she goes she encourages Kacey's mother to be more understanding of her daughter. Christine,annoyed that Michael still appears to have feelings for Sian,is further displeased to find Connor's hidden engagement ring and forbids him to marry Imogen,an act which propels them to aim to marry in secret. Scout is unhappy when her mother Tina,just out of jail and drunk,turns up at the school gates but the whole school is addicted to Chalk And Cheese,a video game devised by Kevin and Daniel. Even Lorraine succumbs and offers to help them market it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Connor gives Imogen an engagement ring but she is not keen for them to go public and instead gives him a necklace as a love token. They also contrive to get Christine and Michael back together. Kacey is due to play for the soccer team in a cup final but Michael discovers that mixed teams are nor allowed and orders Tom to pull her from the team. Tom defies him but after Kacey has scored the winning goal tomboy new pupil Zoe - who had previously mistaken her for a boy - kisses her,leading Barry Barry to make an ignorant outburst exposing the deception. However Zoe has spotted that Kacey really wishes she was a boy and,though staff and the football team are supportive,her selfish brother accuses her of being a Lesbian and a pervert. Sian rebukes him and,seeing this as a challenge to his perceived masculinity,he follows her home to get revenge. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Maggie is dismayed to learn that the heavily pregnant Jade Fleming has put her unborn child up for adoption by restaurateurs Sarah and Kaz Winters and over-reacts,lying to Jade that the child's father,the imprisoned Drew,is against the adoption. An angry Jade runs off to the Winters,who return her in time for the P.R.U. presentation,where she delivers an impressive,impromptu rap and indeed the whole presentation goes well,with even Barry Barry behaving himself. Connor admits to Christine he knows she was raped by her father-in-law and this brings them closer,though she is annoyed by Michael's reaction to her false pregnancy scare. Connor also proposes marriage to Imogen now that they are back together. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.5

Connor is put on probation and transferred to the P.R.U. but feelings run high against him and a girl gang,led by Dynasty,set on him,Imogen coming to his rescue after which they finally reconcile. Former pupil Bolton Smilie,now a soldier who has served in Afghanistan,comes to see Tom and is asked to give a speech to the school. He is however very nervous and it is a disaster. In fact he is a deserter,scared by his experiences in Afghanistan,and,when the military police are alerted,he takes Grantly and his class hostage at gunpoint though Grantly defuses the situation and disarms him. Bolton is arrested but Lorraine considers closing the P.R.U. unless it can produce good exam results. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.3

Daniel is annoyed that Kevin went behind his back to enter - and win - a contest to design a robot. Disharmony between the two leads Kevin to log onto Daniel's computer and find that Daniel changed his name from Gareth Dinsdale,following a sex scandal at a care home. Kevin initially believes Daniel to be a paedophile but discovers that he was one of several boys abused by the home's supervisor whilst in care. A contrite Kevin vows he will help Daniel in his court case against his persecutor. Rugby star Austin Healey comes to the school to present Kevin with his prize but trouble-making Barry Barry,in another petulant display,persuades Rhiannon and Dynasty to lace cakes made by Sonya for the occasion with marijuana,sabotaging the event .Connor admits to Michael that he was the arsonist.Soon the whole school knows as Connor makes a public apology before being arrested. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Christine is shocked when ex-husband Joe turns up,wanting her to sign a document relinquishing her right to a legacy from his father. She reluctantly lets him see Connor,who,in view of his mother's past lies,wants to go with Joe but it turns out that Connor is not his son as Christine was in fact raped by Joe's father. After being told this Joe leaves without the boy and Connor also finds out as he overhears Christine telling Michael. He also plucks up the courage to tell Imogen the truth about the fire but she is appalled and rejects him. After Lorraine's car is found and the police question Barry Barry Nikki comes to see who stole her vehicle - though there is no proof - and apologizes publicly to Scout. Sian arranges for the Barrys to be taught separately as Barry is a bad influence on his sisters. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.1

Christine brings a reluctant Connor to school though he is too ashamed to face Imogen. The Taylor brothers win two hundred thousand pounds on the lottery,which brings their father Nelson to the school. Phoenix believes he is only there for a hand-out as his company is failing but Harley persuades him that they should invest in Nelson's business and Phoenix leaves to work with his father. Michael and Christine get close after he learns that he will not face court action over his father's death but the feud between Scout and Nikki grows as Nikki sees Scout with her hand-bag,stolen along with her car by Barry Barry. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.7

As the new term starts Sian learns that she is to be a prosecution witness against Michael when he stands trial for killing his father. The opening of the referral unit,run by Nikki Boston, presents a problem as the unruly Barry children are enrolled,spawn of a jail-bird and his mouthy wife. Barry,the son,is soon at odds with fellow pupil Jack McAllister as he has had sex with Jack's needy mother and posted photos of it around the school. Barry also steals Nikki's car but she suspects Scout,with whom she has fallen out over a misunderstanding. At least Barry's younger sister Kacey proves to be an unusual asset to the school football team. Reformed alcoholic Christine apologizes to Imogen,scarred in the fire, but Connor,ashamed of his actions as the real arsonist,cannot bring himself to seeing Imogen,who suspects Christine is keeping them apart. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

It's the end of term and Lorraine considers excluding Phoenix Taylor for his poor results but is persuaded by Michael and the example of Tariq to set up a referral unit for weaker students in the area instead. The Budgens prepare for their honeymoon whilst Kevin asks Daniel to be his foster father and Imogen and Connor intend to run away together though Christine scuppers their plan and lashes out at Imogen. In retaliation Connor shows the other teachers the evidence of her drinking as well as starting another fire,which injures Imogen. However Christine takes the blame,claiming it was an accident,and attends Alcoholics Anonymous. Michael,ton the other hand,is caught by Billy's nurse helping him to end his life and is arrested for culpable homicide. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Connor believes his mother's lies about Audrey and,to cheer him up, Kevin burns a book belonging to Audrey's family. However,seeing Christine's glee at Audrey's distress makes Connor realise that she is in the wrong. At a mediation meeting Christine's open hostility to Audrey and Audrey's dignified response also gives Sian cause for doubt over Christine's claims against the older teacher. Lorraine,as a favour to their mother,brings in her sister Sonya as a replacement for Janeece. She is not especially efficient but endears herself to Audrey putting out the fire and comforting her afterwards. Audrey also gains Rhiannon's confidence when she learns that the girl is into self-harm because of being over-weight and even reconciles her with Scout,as well as persuading Michael not to exclude Kevin when he admits to the arson. Michael himself agrees to helping his father die 'when the time comes .' Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

Already under pressure from Mr. Gilbert to rat on Neil and Jay for destroying a flower bed, Will does not think it a good idea that the other boys come to his house to throw a party whilst his mother is on a weekend break in the Cotswolds with an old flame. And he is right. Not only do they block the toilet and alter his Facebook picture but set about destroying more flowers in a neighbour's garden. Next morning the boys find themselves under siege from the angry gardener but there's no hiding place as Will's mother returns home early. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 7.9
25 min

It's Will's seventeenth birthday and he is planning a dinner party but it clashes with a more popular bash so that his only guests are Neil, Jay, Simon and Simon's exchange student Patrice. Out of boredom they gate-crash the other party but only one of them is asked to stay and then bedded by the hostess as a sex object. The other four are sent packing. Needless to say none of those four are French. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Wife and Kids

My Wife and Kids


My Wife and Kids

IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Michael's parents come to visit him, but Michael is worried about the way they treat each other and how that is reflecting on his own children.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 8.7
54 min

In 1936, following his brother's abdication, the king tells his daughters always to put the country above personal interests and nineteen years later this comes back to haunt Elizabeth as, although Margaret is now twenty-five, parliament finds new objections to her marrying Townsend, chiefly because he is a divorcee, and the queen is put in the terrible position of having to break her promise to her sister and forbid the marriage. Margaret hates her but a surprisingly sympathetic phone call comes from the duke of Windsor. Another problem is Philip's continued view that he is always in his wife's shadow as he goes off to open the Melbourne Olympics - and in Egypt the Suez crisis looms. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 9.3
60 min

As Philip goes his own way, drinking with his friends Elizabeth turns to her love of horse racing, spending time at her stables with trainer Lord Porchester - Porchey. Philip is not interested and suggests that Porchey is more than a friend but Elizabeth refutes this, telling Philip he is the only man she ever loved. Churchill's eightieth birthday is cause for a public celebration and for his portrait to be painted by artist Graham Sutherland, but he rejects the finished product for portraying him as a vulnerable old man and his wife burns it. After consultation with the queen he also steps down as prime minister, giving way to Anthony Eden. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 8.6
58 min

The queen and Philip embark on a six month Commonwealth tour which he dismisses as an absurd pantomime given that many of the countries desire independence, later accusing her of trying to live up to her father's image and persisting in his view that the itinerary is exhausting her. In her absence Margaret takes on many public appearances in the hopes that it will take her mind off Townsend but they still keep in touch. Furthermore she writes her own speeches, revelling in the publicity and hoping it will win popular support for herself and her lover. Churchill is disapproving and Elizabeth rebukes her on her return, accusing her of showing individuality, anathema to a royal's public image. Meanwhile the queen mother, dismayed at having to withdraw from the spotlight, buys the Castle of Mey in Scotland. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 9.0
58 min

Elizabeth feels that her education makes her inadequate to converse with clever statesmen so she enlists the aid of private tutor Professor Hogg. Following the Russians exploding the H-bomb Foreign Secretary Eden is sent to America to see President Eisenhower but he is not a well man and the talks do not go ahead whilst back home Churchill also suffers a stroke but keeps it from the queen, to stay in office. Learning the truth she is angry and rebukes him as well as standing up to the out-going Lascelles over the choice of his successor, having learnt self-confidence, rather than facts from her tutor. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 8.2
58 min

Whilst Philip is concerned about Nasser's overthrow of KIng Farouk in Egypt the affair between Margaret and Townsend has not escaped the attention of certain newspapers, who go to press with it. Margaret asks her sister to sanction their marriage and, despite Philip's disapproval, Elizabeth promises to help. However Lascelles and the queen mother point out to her that by law Margaret must wait a further two years until she is twenty-five. Consequently Townsend is posted to Brussels whilst Margaret is on a royal tour of Rhodesia and the romance is curtailed, the press being generally sympathetic to the lovers and perceiving the monarchy as being cruel. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 8.5
55 min

In 1953 Elizabeth recalls her father's words to her prior to his own coronation as she prepares for her own. Edward turns up for the occasion but declines to attend when his wife is refused admission. After Mary dies and her funeral is in the traditional old style Philip, feeling side-lined by his wife, decides to organize a down-sized coronation more acceptable to a country still hit by rationing and broadcast live on television. The Establishment is shocked but the occasion is a success. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 8.3
59 min

George's funeral takes place with the arrival of his brother, Edward, Duke of Windsor, evoking Elizabeth's memory of the abdication. Her mother and especially grandmother. Queen Mary, are angered by his sarcastic presence and Mary has no compunction in telling him though Elizabeth is prepared to be conciliatory - to a point. She is also grateful to Churchill for his guidance to her in her new situation but annoys Philip when she refuses to let the royal house change its name from Windsor to Mountbatten. Unaware of his sister-in-law's involvement with a commoner on the brink of divorce Philip asks Townsend to give him flying lessons. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 9.2
61 min

The early life of Elizabeth II at the point of her marriage in late 1947 during King George VI reign. Through the point in English history when Winston Churchill was elected for a second time as Prime Minister in 1951. The young Elizabeth Begins to understand and learn the responsibilities of the crown. The series explores the relationship of marriage and British leadership beginning with episode 1.

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD The Crown

The Crown


The Crown

IMDb: 8.4
56 min

In 1947, Elizabeth turns 21 and marries Philip, but her honeymoon is interrupted when she learns her father, King George, is being operated on. While the king convalesces, Elizabeth takes his place on a tour of the Commonwealth. This is her first assignment in her role as future Queen Elizabeth II. Written by C. Durini

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter


Relic Hunter

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Sydney and Nigel go to Paris, France after the Sword of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Rival relic hunter Rita Rosellini is also after the sword.

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HD The Middle

The Middle


The Middle

IMDb: 7.6
32 min

When Axl is suspended for skipping school, Mike decides it's time to teach his son a lesson about life and makes him go to work with him at the quarry. But Mike's master plan backfires when Axl likes the job so much that he wants to quit school and lead the life of a quarryman. Meanwhile, Frankie is devastated when she fears that she accidentally prayed away Sue's cross-country team after it's cut by the school; and while practicing a magic trick, Brick makes the main TV remote disappear - and can't figure out how to make it reappear. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Hyde & Seek

Hyde & Seek


Hyde & Seek

IMDb: 8.7
46 min

Gary's marriage is tested when he travels to Indonesia with Claire to investigate a terrorist suspect. Tanya and Kevin suspect there is a mole within the Task Force.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Deep Water

Deep Water


Deep Water

IMDb: 7.6

Tori finally got her man, but her relationship to one of the victims may jeopardize the case.

Genre: Crime,
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