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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.1
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly are spending a relatively idyllic day preparing their traps, lairs and lures to catch animal protein for their meals. As Will wants to spend a quiet day fishing with his newly fashioned fishing rod without Holly who wants to tag along, he convinces Holly to dig smilax roots so that she will prepare a smilax cake for dessert, which he says he likes but really doesn't. While fishing, Will runs into Cha-Ka, to who Will tries to teach what he is doing, which may be a difficult task since pakuni are herbivores and thus don't understand the concept of eating meat. Meanwhile, Rick takes Holly with him, Holly digging the roots, while Rick sets up an animal trap. In the process, Rick is able to teach Holly a lesson in respecting the land. But their idyllic day takes a turn for the worse when Holly is knocked unconscious, seemingly from what Rick assumes is a toxin in a plant with which Holly came in contact and that Rick does not recognize. As Rick and Will try their ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.1
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly are spending a relatively idyllic day preparing their traps, lairs and lures to catch animal protein for their meals. As Will wants to spend a quiet day fishing with his newly fashioned fishing rod without Holly who wants to tag along, he convinces Holly to dig smilax roots so that she will prepare a smilax cake for dessert, which he says he likes but really doesn't. While fishing, Will runs into Cha-Ka, to who Will tries to teach what he is doing, which may be a difficult task since pakuni are herbivores and thus don't understand the concept of eating meat. Meanwhile, Rick takes Holly with him, Holly digging the roots, while Rick sets up an animal trap. In the process, Rick is able to teach Holly a lesson in respecting the land. But their idyllic day takes a turn for the worse when Holly is knocked unconscious, seemingly from what Rick assumes is a toxin in a plant with which Holly came in contact and that Rick does not recognize. As Rick and Will try their ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Early one morning before sunrise, Rick and Will hear the pakuni chanting. Rick and Will believe it may have something to do with a small moon that is currently in alignment with the other moons in the sky. They go to investigate. Believing that they will only be gone for a few minutes, they decide to let Holly sleep without needing to wake her to tell her where they're going. What Rick and Will see the pakuni doing at a pylon makes them believe that there is a time doorway inside that pylon. However, once Rick and Will are inside the pylon, Ta does something which he believes closes the exterior entrance, locking Rick and Will inside. When Holly awakens and sees her family gone, she has to figure out what to do. She learns from Cha-Ka where they are, and also learns that Ta seems to know how to open and close the pylon door. What Holly doesn't know is that the secret is all in the small moon. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Early one morning before sunrise, Rick and Will hear the pakuni chanting. Rick and Will believe it may have something to do with a small moon that is currently in alignment with the other moons in the sky. They go to investigate. Believing that they will only be gone for a few minutes, they decide to let Holly sleep without needing to wake her to tell her where they're going. What Rick and Will see the pakuni doing at a pylon makes them believe that there is a time doorway inside that pylon. However, once Rick and Will are inside the pylon, Ta does something which he believes closes the exterior entrance, locking Rick and Will inside. When Holly awakens and sees her family gone, she has to figure out what to do. She learns from Cha-Ka where they are, and also learns that Ta seems to know how to open and close the pylon door. What Holly doesn't know is that the secret is all in the small moon. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

It's nearing the end of the day. While the Marshalls are eating dinner, they hear all the animals making a ruckus outside. What they notice going outside is that the sun has not moved since the time they started preparing dinner, the implication being that time is standing still. As all three wear their pendants to keep in contact with each other, Rick goes in search of Enik who they believe may know what is happening. Monitoring the pendant, Will and Holly see that their father is in trouble, having been captured by the Sleestak. Rick learns from the Sleestak, who he can now understand, that they blame him for the sun's standstill by doing something to the pylon controlling the sun. Without the sun going down, they cannot continue their traditional hunting rituals. Rick has to convince them that he may be able to correct the situation by also convincing them that they may have been wrong in their beliefs for generations. Meanwhile, Will and Holly head to the Lost City to try and save... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

It's nearing the end of the day. While the Marshalls are eating dinner, they hear all the animals making a ruckus outside. What they notice going outside is that the sun has not moved since the time they started preparing dinner, the implication being that time is standing still. As all three wear their pendants to keep in contact with each other, Rick goes in search of Enik who they believe may know what is happening. Monitoring the pendant, Will and Holly see that their father is in trouble, having been captured by the Sleestak. Rick learns from the Sleestak, who he can now understand, that they blame him for the sun's standstill by doing something to the pylon controlling the sun. Without the sun going down, they cannot continue their traditional hunting rituals. Rick has to convince them that he may be able to correct the situation by also convincing them that they may have been wrong in their beliefs for generations. Meanwhile, Will and Holly head to the Lost City to try and save... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly feel like something is pushing them to the ground, where they can't move or thus lift themselves. These occurrences are short lived but frequent. This feeling seems to be affecting all creatures, and by Ta, Sa and Cha-Ka's reactions, Rick can tell that it is something that they have never felt either. The last time something like this happened was when Will and Holly fooled around with the weather pylon. Investigating, Rick and Will do find that someone has indeed done something to the weather pylon. They believe the skylons, which are flying over the mist marsh, are trying to counteract whatever is happening. Because of the skylons' position, Rick believes that Zarn, the light creature in the mist marsh, has something to do with what is happening. They do find that Zarn is indeed affecting gravity in order to escape from the Land of the Lost. But Zarn's plan effectively would destroy the Land of the Lost, and the Marshall family and probably Zarn along with it. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly feel like something is pushing them to the ground, where they can't move or thus lift themselves. These occurrences are short lived but frequent. This feeling seems to be affecting all creatures, and by Ta, Sa and Cha-Ka's reactions, Rick can tell that it is something that they have never felt either. The last time something like this happened was when Will and Holly fooled around with the weather pylon. Investigating, Rick and Will do find that someone has indeed done something to the weather pylon. They believe the skylons, which are flying over the mist marsh, are trying to counteract whatever is happening. Because of the skylons' position, Rick believes that Zarn, the light creature in the mist marsh, has something to do with what is happening. They do find that Zarn is indeed affecting gravity in order to escape from the Land of the Lost. But Zarn's plan effectively would destroy the Land of the Lost, and the Marshall family and probably Zarn along with it. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.7
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Cha-Ka comes by the cave sporting some face paint and a new tribal outfit. What Will and Holly learn from him is that he is going through a ritual into the pakuni version of manhood, the specific task to steal one of Big Alice's eggs. Holly is incredulous that Ta and Sa would risk Cha-Ka's life by getting him to do such a dangerous task, but Will understands what that passage into manhood means. But as Cha-Ka goes about this task, Will and Holly decide to go along to make sure that Cha-Ka stays safe from Big Alice. Cha-Ka's task and Willy and Holly's self-appointed task may however be incompatible. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.7
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Cha-Ka comes by the cave sporting some face paint and a new tribal outfit. What Will and Holly learn from him is that he is going through a ritual into the pakuni version of manhood, the specific task to steal one of Big Alice's eggs. Holly is incredulous that Ta and Sa would risk Cha-Ka's life by getting him to do such a dangerous task, but Will understands what that passage into manhood means. But as Cha-Ka goes about this task, Will and Holly decide to go along to make sure that Cha-Ka stays safe from Big Alice. Cha-Ka's task and Willy and Holly's self-appointed task may however be incompatible. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

The Marshalls and Cha-Ka are out one day together, their mission to locate the pylons to see if there is any rhyme or reason to where they are situated, while Cha-Ka carries the picnic basket lunch Holly has prepared. Cha-Ka goes missing for a time. When the Marshalls eventually locate him, he is excited about what happened to him. It seems like he is trying to say that he was being chased by Spot, when Spot mysteriously disappeared, the same fate which also befell their picnic lunch. The spot where this all occurred seems to be where a pylon should be located, but where one is not to be seen. Just then, a hole opens up in the ground, through which Cha-Ka falls. The hole then closes up behind him. Before the hole closed up, Will noticed that the hole seemed to be bottomless. Rick believes the hole may be one of the keys to what happens in the Land of the Lost, and may be controlled by the nearest pylon, which they passed a short distance away. The only way they may find out is to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

The Marshalls and Cha-Ka are out one day together, their mission to locate the pylons to see if there is any rhyme or reason to where they are situated, while Cha-Ka carries the picnic basket lunch Holly has prepared. Cha-Ka goes missing for a time. When the Marshalls eventually locate him, he is excited about what happened to him. It seems like he is trying to say that he was being chased by Spot, when Spot mysteriously disappeared, the same fate which also befell their picnic lunch. The spot where this all occurred seems to be where a pylon should be located, but where one is not to be seen. Just then, a hole opens up in the ground, through which Cha-Ka falls. The hole then closes up behind him. Before the hole closed up, Will noticed that the hole seemed to be bottomless. Rick believes the hole may be one of the keys to what happens in the Land of the Lost, and may be controlled by the nearest pylon, which they passed a short distance away. The only way they may find out is to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.8
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

While Will is making a knife with his grinder, Holly is following her father's movements on the pendant. All of a sudden, Holly loses sight of Rick, but saw where he was. Going to the spot where he disappeared, Will and Holly see that he has fallen through a hole to the Sleestak tunnel below, the Sleestak who they know who will eventually use him for whatever their nefarious purpose. The only thing keeping Rick alive right now is the direct sunlight permeating the hole, the direct light which the Sleestak do not like. Although he is unwilling to help them save Rick, Enik tells Will and Holly that what Rick fell through was a trap intended for a pig, which was to be used as a sacrifice to feed the newly hatching baby Sleestak. Rick has now taken the place of the pig as the sacrifice. However, Enik has negotiated with the Sleestak to trade Rick for a fully grown pig. Will and Holly have to figure out how to capture a pig, which they decide to do using an unwitting Ta, the pakuni who are... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.8
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

While Will is making a knife with his grinder, Holly is following her father's movements on the pendant. All of a sudden, Holly loses sight of Rick, but saw where he was. Going to the spot where he disappeared, Will and Holly see that he has fallen through a hole to the Sleestak tunnel below, the Sleestak who they know who will eventually use him for whatever their nefarious purpose. The only thing keeping Rick alive right now is the direct sunlight permeating the hole, the direct light which the Sleestak do not like. Although he is unwilling to help them save Rick, Enik tells Will and Holly that what Rick fell through was a trap intended for a pig, which was to be used as a sacrifice to feed the newly hatching baby Sleestak. Rick has now taken the place of the pig as the sacrifice. However, Enik has negotiated with the Sleestak to trade Rick for a fully grown pig. Will and Holly have to figure out how to capture a pig, which they decide to do using an unwitting Ta, the pakuni who are... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.7
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick and Will are exploring around the mist marsh, they never having been below the mist to see what is hidden within the fog. What they find is a large structure, like a dirigible, framed in light. While Rick wants to investigate, Will has this odd feeling of something not quite right, like something or someone is probing his mind like needles. Regardless, Will can't let his father investigate on his own. What they end up finding is a young human woman named Sharon Williams who must have fallen through the time door. Rick is overjoyed to learn that he and Sharon have much in common, this commonality with another human adult which he truly misses and which he can never get from his offspring. Those common factors include growing up on the same street in Indianapolis, going to the same high school and having many of the same teachers. While Rick is happy for this company with Sharon, Will on the other hand believes that those commonalities are too coincidental, and thus that Sharon is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.7
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Rick and Will are exploring around the mist marsh, they never having been below the mist to see what is hidden within the fog. What they find is a large structure, like a dirigible, framed in light. While Rick wants to investigate, Will has this odd feeling of something not quite right, like something or someone is probing his mind like needles. Regardless, Will can't let his father investigate on his own. What they end up finding is a young human woman named Sharon Williams who must have fallen through the time door. Rick is overjoyed to learn that he and Sharon have much in common, this commonality with another human adult which he truly misses and which he can never get from his offspring. Those common factors include growing up on the same street in Indianapolis, going to the same high school and having many of the same teachers. While Rick is happy for this company with Sharon, Will on the other hand believes that those commonalities are too coincidental, and thus that Sharon is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.8
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Having just returned back at the cave, Will is telling his father and sister of the activity down at the tar pit. Cha-Ka is painting a portrait of Ta on a rock, and Dopey is trying to play with Spot. The idyllic setting takes a turn for the worse when a frantic Cha-Ka comes by, trying to tell them that there is trouble down by the tar pit. Both Dopey and Spot fell into the pit while they were playing. While Spot, being a taller dinosaur, was able to get himself out, Dopey is stuck in the tar pit. The Marshalls and Cha-Ka do whatever they can to get Dopey unstuck, which may not be the easiest of tasks as Dopey may not understand what they are trying to do for him, and moving a several thousand pound animal is not easy, tar or not. They are in a race against time as Dopey may sink below the surface and die if they can't get him out. Meanwhile, they have to convince Ta and Sa to help, they who may have a different perspective on the matter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.8
25 min | 25 min (DVD)

Having just returned back at the cave, Will is telling his father and sister of the activity down at the tar pit. Cha-Ka is painting a portrait of Ta on a rock, and Dopey is trying to play with Spot. The idyllic setting takes a turn for the worse when a frantic Cha-Ka comes by, trying to tell them that there is trouble down by the tar pit. Both Dopey and Spot fell into the pit while they were playing. While Spot, being a taller dinosaur, was able to get himself out, Dopey is stuck in the tar pit. The Marshalls and Cha-Ka do whatever they can to get Dopey unstuck, which may not be the easiest of tasks as Dopey may not understand what they are trying to do for him, and moving a several thousand pound animal is not easy, tar or not. They are in a race against time as Dopey may sink below the surface and die if they can't get him out. Meanwhile, they have to convince Ta and Sa to help, they who may have a different perspective on the matter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 8.2
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

While the Marshalls are swimming in their local watering hole, Will finds an underground series of tunnels that look exactly like those in the Lost City. They decide to investigate, as despite the probable presence of Sleestak, there may also be another doorway there that leads back to Earth. Their presence in the series of tunnels does awaken what were the previously dormant Sleestak, who pursue the three. This chase leads to the three family members being separated. While they try individually to elude the Sleestak and be reunited with each other, each of the three faces an additional individual problem. But through it all, Will comes across someone who may be able to help. This assistance may also provide some much needed information about how they arrived here, the imbalance that has resulted in this world because of their presence, and perhaps an answer to the question of how to make their way home. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 8.2
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

While the Marshalls are swimming in their local watering hole, Will finds an underground series of tunnels that look exactly like those in the Lost City. They decide to investigate, as despite the probable presence of Sleestak, there may also be another doorway there that leads back to Earth. Their presence in the series of tunnels does awaken what were the previously dormant Sleestak, who pursue the three. This chase leads to the three family members being separated. While they try individually to elude the Sleestak and be reunited with each other, each of the three faces an additional individual problem. But through it all, Will comes across someone who may be able to help. This assistance may also provide some much needed information about how they arrived here, the imbalance that has resulted in this world because of their presence, and perhaps an answer to the question of how to make their way home. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.3
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

While exploring atop a hillside, Will and Holly come across a pylon that they've never seen. Seeing that the crystal panel inside is the same one that Enik was able to open the door with, Will decides to fool around with it. What he is able to accomplish is make a moving shining light appear in the sky. Will and Holly are amazed to see what looks like a parachutist coming out from the moving light. They find that that parachutist is a human astronaut, Fort Worth Texas based Beauregard Jackson. They both realize that what the shining light is is another doorway, this one from home since that's where Beauregard came from. Rick joining the group, the foursome try to figure out how they can get through the shining light and supposedly back to Earth. That task is easier said than done, as the light is in the sky, and what seems to be happening is that the moving light itself is causing a hurricane causing problems for them on the ground. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.3
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

While exploring atop a hillside, Will and Holly come across a pylon that they've never seen. Seeing that the crystal panel inside is the same one that Enik was able to open the door with, Will decides to fool around with it. What he is able to accomplish is make a moving shining light appear in the sky. Will and Holly are amazed to see what looks like a parachutist coming out from the moving light. They find that that parachutist is a human astronaut, Fort Worth Texas based Beauregard Jackson. They both realize that what the shining light is is another doorway, this one from home since that's where Beauregard came from. Rick joining the group, the foursome try to figure out how they can get through the shining light and supposedly back to Earth. That task is easier said than done, as the light is in the sky, and what seems to be happening is that the moving light itself is causing a hurricane causing problems for them on the ground. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 8.0
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

The Marshalls are navigating through the caves under the Lost City in order to try and figure out how the crystals can help them get home. Rick knows that the right combination of crystals will make the door home appear, but they have to find out the right combination of crystals and determine if a door does appear if it is the right door. Through this process, they have to avoid the Sleestak. Holly is feeling like a grown-up, but her father and brother, she feels, aren't treating her as such. Holly finds some pylon markings in the cave and a tunnel leading to a small hole. She wants to help in finding where the hole leads, but again her father and brother feel it's too dangerous for her to help them. Holly ultimately receives some sage advice from a person she's never seen in the Land of the Lost, this woman named Rani who seems to be able to come and go at will through appearing and disappearing doors. Rani, for reasons that Holly will eventually learn, may be able to provide Holly ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 8.0
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

The Marshalls are navigating through the caves under the Lost City in order to try and figure out how the crystals can help them get home. Rick knows that the right combination of crystals will make the door home appear, but they have to find out the right combination of crystals and determine if a door does appear if it is the right door. Through this process, they have to avoid the Sleestak. Holly is feeling like a grown-up, but her father and brother, she feels, aren't treating her as such. Holly finds some pylon markings in the cave and a tunnel leading to a small hole. She wants to help in finding where the hole leads, but again her father and brother feel it's too dangerous for her to help them. Holly ultimately receives some sage advice from a person she's never seen in the Land of the Lost, this woman named Rani who seems to be able to come and go at will through appearing and disappearing doors. Rani, for reasons that Holly will eventually learn, may be able to provide Holly ... Written by Huggo

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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

A drought has gone through the area. There has been much thunder and lightning, but no rain. Will and Holly believe that the drought has somehow negatively affected their father, who is making stone soup, consisting solely of water and a big stone. After going through the process, Will and Holly realize their father's actions was a morality play for their benefit. But reality is that the drought has negatively affected the creatures of the Land of the Lost. Usually docile Emily the brontosaurus goes on a rampage, and all the dinosaurs have been ravaging all the food sources that the Pakuni generally harvest, which in turn has turned the Pakuni against the Marshalls. Rick believes Will and Holly have discovered the reason for the drought, namely crystals which are missing from one of the pylons, those pylons which control the weather. They find the crystals in the Pakuni's compound. They have to figure out how to get the crystals back and replace them in the pylon, all the while ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

A drought has gone through the area. There has been much thunder and lightning, but no rain. Will and Holly believe that the drought has somehow negatively affected their father, who is making stone soup, consisting solely of water and a big stone. After going through the process, Will and Holly realize their father's actions was a morality play for their benefit. But reality is that the drought has negatively affected the creatures of the Land of the Lost. Usually docile Emily the brontosaurus goes on a rampage, and all the dinosaurs have been ravaging all the food sources that the Pakuni generally harvest, which in turn has turned the Pakuni against the Marshalls. Rick believes Will and Holly have discovered the reason for the drought, namely crystals which are missing from one of the pylons, those pylons which control the weather. They find the crystals in the Pakuni's compound. They have to figure out how to get the crystals back and replace them in the pylon, all the while ... Written by Huggo

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Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.9
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

The Marshalls area awakened one morning by the ruckus that Grumpy is causing at the entrance to their cave. They come to the realization that it is because they constructed a curtain to the cave to keep out flies, the material used being the dinosaur equivalent of catnip to cats. So they decide what would be a good thing to do would be to get rid of all the dinosaur-nip as Holly calls it. In the process of pulling out and getting rid of all the dinosaur-nip, Will and Holly come across what they initially believe is a dead human body, but what turns out to a be a stuffed replica of a human made out of dinosaur-nip. The Marshalls are buoyed by the probability that an actual human made it. Indeed, Rick finds attached to the dummy a partial diary written in English. The diary ends up being a road map of sorts by its writer, a human, to what the Marshalls hope is the way out of this land and back home. But they first have to find the remainder of the diary, which entails not only dealing... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.9
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

The Marshalls area awakened one morning by the ruckus that Grumpy is causing at the entrance to their cave. They come to the realization that it is because they constructed a curtain to the cave to keep out flies, the material used being the dinosaur equivalent of catnip to cats. So they decide what would be a good thing to do would be to get rid of all the dinosaur-nip as Holly calls it. In the process of pulling out and getting rid of all the dinosaur-nip, Will and Holly come across what they initially believe is a dead human body, but what turns out to a be a stuffed replica of a human made out of dinosaur-nip. The Marshalls are buoyed by the probability that an actual human made it. Indeed, Rick finds attached to the dummy a partial diary written in English. The diary ends up being a road map of sorts by its writer, a human, to what the Marshalls hope is the way out of this land and back home. But they first have to find the remainder of the diary, which entails not only dealing... Written by Huggo

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Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

After running some errands on her own, Holly comes back to the cave where Will is by himself. She is holding a baton-like object and her eyes are glazed. She touches the crystals with the baton, which seems to energize her. Using the baton, she zaps Will, who is knocked unconscious, after which Holly wanders off. Rick returns to find an injured Will, who tells his father about what happened with Holly. What they are unaware of is that Holly got the baton from Cha-Ka, who got it from inside one of the pylons. Despite almost being killed by what Holly did, Will wants to help his father locate Holly, the incident which has made a special connection between brother and sister, as Will seems to have a sense of Holly's whereabouts. They have to find out the purpose of the baton, and if they find Holly to get her to drop the baton voluntarily before she tries to kill anyone else with it. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 6.9
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

After running some errands on her own, Holly comes back to the cave where Will is by himself. She is holding a baton-like object and her eyes are glazed. She touches the crystals with the baton, which seems to energize her. Using the baton, she zaps Will, who is knocked unconscious, after which Holly wanders off. Rick returns to find an injured Will, who tells his father about what happened with Holly. What they are unaware of is that Holly got the baton from Cha-Ka, who got it from inside one of the pylons. Despite almost being killed by what Holly did, Will wants to help his father locate Holly, the incident which has made a special connection between brother and sister, as Will seems to have a sense of Holly's whereabouts. They have to find out the purpose of the baton, and if they find Holly to get her to drop the baton voluntarily before she tries to kill anyone else with it. Written by Huggo

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Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly find a new source of light crystals, which is timely as Big Alice is especially ornery in protecting the Lost City, which prevented them from accessing the crystals there. Not knowing what combination of crystals will do what, Rick experiments, but even using precautions, he placing the wrong crystals together is provided the equivalent of an electrical shock rendering him incapacitated. Worried for their father, Will and Holly don't know what to do. They believe that Enik has not yet left in his time travel attempts to get home, he who may be able to help them. In a rush against time, Holly has to try and get her father back to the cave, while Will goes off to try and locate Enik, which requires him to get past Big Alice and the other Sleestak. And even if Will is able to find Enik, there is no guarantee that Enik will know what to do to save Rick, or that he will help at all even if he does know what to do. Will ends up facing another unexpected dilemma. Written by Huggo

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Land of the Lost


Land of the Lost

IMDb: 7.2
23 min | 23 min (DVD)

Rick, Will and Holly find a new source of light crystals, which is timely as Big Alice is especially ornery in protecting the Lost City, which prevented them from accessing the crystals there. Not knowing what combination of crystals will do what, Rick experiments, but even using precautions, he placing the wrong crystals together is provided the equivalent of an electrical shock rendering him incapacitated. Worried for their father, Will and Holly don't know what to do. They believe that Enik has not yet left in his time travel attempts to get home, he who may be able to help them. In a rush against time, Holly has to try and get her father back to the cave, while Will goes off to try and locate Enik, which requires him to get past Big Alice and the other Sleestak. And even if Will is able to find Enik, there is no guarantee that Enik will know what to do to save Rick, or that he will help at all even if he does know what to do. Will ends up facing another unexpected dilemma. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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