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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Detective Murdoch and Constable Crabtree investigate the death of Handsome Randolph Henderson, a professional wrestler. Initially, Crabtree was convinced that Henderson died from a head slam inflicted on him by his ring opponent, the Masked Mauler but Dr. Grace finds no head injury but rather that he died from a large dose of morphine. As he investigates further, a disbelieving Crabtree learns that many of the ring moves are fake and that the outcomes of the matches are predetermined. The wrestling promoter, Victor McAllister, is careful to protect the myth that this is a professional sport and forbids any of his employees to speak to the police. The police have a witness but the killer was wearing a mask. Meanwhile, Julia and the other suffragettes receive an offer of support from the temperance movement - provided of course they support that movements views about liquor and other issues. Not everyone is comfortable with the offer. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Detective Murdoch investigates the murder of Jeanette Rajotte who is found in the cemetery of her church at her parent's grave. Dr. Grace confirms that she died as a result of a blow to the head. Murdoch is pleased to see that his childhood mentor, Father Keegan, is visiting the parish and they begin to work together. The parish priest, Father Daniel Lebel, has gone missing and as far as Inspector Brackenreid is concerned he is their main suspect, though Murdoch is keeping an open mind. The dead woman worked at the parish as a cleaner and according to the priest's cook, Lebel was a good man. As Murdoch begins piecing it all together, it appears Father Keegan hasn't been entirely truthful with him. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

When a small group of female thieves pillage a local jewelry store, Dr. Grace and her friend Lillian Moss go undercover to infiltrate the gang, while Murdoch investigates the murder of one of its members. Inspector Brackenreid's nephew Charlie joins the ranks of Station House 4, and promptly rubs Crabtree and the other Constables the wrong way with his abrasive and disingenuous manner. Meanwhile, Emily experiences a revelation of self-discovery, taking decisive steps toward its fulfillment. Written by Michael Levine

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Nurse Collins who seems to have been killed by a patient, Rose Maxwell, at the insane asylum where Dr, Ogden works. Somehow, the extremely violent Rose managed to get out of her room and knock out the guard, Samuel Drainie. It appears she then used his knife to stab nurse Collins 11 times; there were also bite marks on the body. Rose, who killed her entire family, also blames Dr. Ogden and Dr. Grace for her current predicament and has vowed revenge. Crabtree finds all of the women's fingermarks on the murder weapon but it's the frequent visits from Rose's brother Cedric that initially draws his attention. The solution to the mystery lies elsewhere however. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

During a women's fashion show for undergarments, a brick is thrown through a window by a protester. When a model is found dead, it is assumed she was hit in the head by the brick - but Dr. Grace and Detective Murdoch determine the model was killed by an ingenious mechanism in the corset being modeled. Who did it - the designer and fashion show presenter? - the corset manufacturer? - the protester who threw the brick? - one of the other models? Or was it someone else? Written by WK

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Edward Graham who collapsed in front of the station house. His last words were 'eagle flight'. Graham who, according to Dr. Grace, may have been poisoned had been working as a surveyor for the Ontario government marking out a route for the new Northern Ontario railway. Murdoch and Constable Crabtree are soon on their way to the remote town of Haliberry. There are several suspects. Harold Richmond lost a potential fortune when Graham re-routed the railway away from the town; Graham had a relationship with a female miner, Mack who now seems to have an interest in Crabtree; and Graham's assistant doesn't seem to miss his old boss. To solve the crime, Murdoch will have to determine the meaning of the mysterious symbols found on a hand-drawn map. Back in Toronto meanwhile, Inspector Brackenreid enters a painting in an amateur exhibition. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Detective Murdoch and Constable Crabtree investigates the death of a man found in the river by Inspector Brackenreid while out fishing with his boys. The man had been shot in the forehead by a metal rod shaped like an arrow. A receipt in the dead man's pocket directs them to the town of Markham where the dead man is identified as someone who was searching for a mythical Taj Mahal-like temple that is supposed to exist in the woods somewhere west of town and is guarded by a troll. They locate the temple, quickly identify the murder weapon and learn why local legend calls it the temple of death. Julia, Dr. Grace and their friends meanwhile continue to pursue their political aspirations. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Inspector Murdoch investigates shooting of vaudeville comedian Bert Grady who is found dead on the street, shot three times in the chest. Grady had just finished his performance at the Bradley theatre, with Constables Crabtree and Higgins in the audience. The shooting looks like - or was made to look like - a robbery. He was not well-liked by others in the show, including a young juggler by the name of W.C. Fields and Ed Ward, Grady's one time comedic partner who is now far less popular on his own. The police find Grady's hotel room ransacked and suspect someone may have been out to steal his jokes. Would-be comedians Crabtree and Higgins join the show undercover and quickly identify Grady's mistress, Eleanor Moffat, wife of the show's manager, Lewis Moffat who became aware of their affair a week ago. A buried body gives them the clue to solving the crime. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Detective Murdoch investigates the apparent murder of an inventor who is found sitting in a chair he invented. That chair was meant to provide a mild electrical current as a rejuvenation technique but Dr. Grace is certain that he was in fact electrocuted. He had a young woman with him the night he died but the investigation leads him to inventor Thomas Edison and the main suspect - his son Thomas Edison Jr. Meanwhile, the mayor tells Inspector Brackenreid to speak to Murdoch about Julia's plans to run in the upcoming election - fully expecting he will exercise his authority as her husband. Murdoch makes it clear to everyone that he has no intention of interfering and will support Julia in her campaign. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Detective Murdoch finds himself investigating his fellow policemen when a skeleton is found under concrete while Station 4 is undergoing renovation. Dr. Grace determines that the victim was an adult male with the cause of death most likely a blow to the temple. The concrete floor had been poured in 1881 and records indicate that Chief Constable Giles was the detective at Station House 4 at that time. Others who worked there include retired Chief Constable Stockton who was the station's inspector and Brackenreid, who was a uniformed officer. Murdoch and Crabtree soon determine that the victim was Constable Finch who last worked at the station house on the same day the concrete was poured. A broken glass photographic negative that was buried with the victim is the vital clue that leads them to the murderer. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of a man found dead on a park bench. Dr. Grace initially determines that he was stabbed in the abdomen but subsequently concludes he was actually suffocated. He also has dried blood on his index finger and three pages from a Mark Twain novel on him. When he returns to the station Murdoch meets Owen Hume who reports that his employer, lawyer Randolph Sampson, has been missing for two days and subsequently identifies him as the man in the park. Meanwhile, Constable Crabtree investigates the disappearance of a corpse, that of Prof. Andrew Richardson, from the medical school. His brain was the object of a medical study by Dr.Dempsy who is researching the brains of highly intelligent people. When it turns out that Sampson and Richardson are the same person Murdoch learns that he's dealing with a group of admirers who wanted to see him in action so to speak. Julia continues her suffrage activities and lawyer Clara Brett Martin confirms that it's ... Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

During their honeymoon in New York, Murdoch and Ogden uncover a deadly conspiracy threatening U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt, while Brackenreid and Dr. Grace investigate a murder by motorcar back in Toronto.

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

After testifying at Mary Thompson's trial for murdering her husband Percival that the woman is criminally insane and should be committed to an asylum, Julia Ogden receives an anonymous postcard saying she has condemned an innocent woman. Julia and Detective Murdoch re-examine the case and find an anomaly in the time-line but the Crown Attorney isn't interested as he's convinced the woman is guilty. Further investigation reveals that Percival Thompson's business partner, Alexander Wainwright, automatically assumed 100% of their business upon Thompson's death - an agreement they signed just one week before the murder. Wainwright promptly vanishes. With the assistance of the indefatigable Mrs. Brackenreid, who has clearly taken charge, Julia is in the final preparations for her wedding. She and William make it to the altar on the big day but midway through the ceremony they realize they overlooked something very important in the Thompson case. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

Legendary U.S. lawman Bat Masterson is in Toronto and claims to have seen the equally legendary Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Masterson is now a newspaperman and he's already filed a story about the sighting with his New York paper. Murdoch is doubtful about the whole thing and is under the impression that Butch and Sundance had fled to Argentina the previous year. Brackenreid is keen however - and just a big starstruck - and they set off to find the two men Masterson says he saw. After the Bank of Toronto is robbed - and that quickly followed by a train robbery - Masterson's claims appear confirmed. Masterson himself thinks otherwise and comes clean. Meanwhile, Julia and William's wedding day is fast approaching but they have yet to select just where they will be married. Julia has an idea however. The men of Station 4 plan Murdoch's bachelor party. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

The police continue their search for Mick and Tim O'Shea but Inspector Brackenreid is also out on his own looking for them. Murdoch finds someone who confirms that the O'Sheas killed Richard Dawkins but the man also suggests that the O'Sheas aren't working alone. Mrs. Cecily McKinnon, the harbor master, says she knows nothing of extortion on the docks but when pressed, points the finger at one of the merchants, Lionel Jeffries. When the O'Sheas are found dead, shot through the head, Brackenreid becomes the number one suspect. Meanwhile, the ladies who participated in the suffragette protest - including Drs. Ogden and Grace - are still in jail. In court, they find that Leslie Garland is one of the Crown attorneys prosecuting them. They get a bit of a boost when Clara Brett Martin, the first woman lawyer so recognized in the British Empire, offers to represent them. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Det. Murdoch investigates the murder of Richard Dawkins who was beaten to death at the dinner table by two masked men just as he was about to make an important announcement to his business associates. Since nothing was stolen Murdoch's new boss, Inspector Hamish Slorach, calls the killing an assassination. Dawkins was rumored to be selling his chandlery business. The harbor master says Dawkins was anything but a saint and the police should look to the seedier side for a solution to his death. Const. Jackson is badly beaten by two thugs which seems to confirm Murdoch's suspicion that the men who beat Inspector Brackenreid are the same ones who killed Dawkins. When they find a dead woman on the shore, Dr. Grace determines she was clubbed to death the night before the attack on Dawkins and was manacled before she died. Meanwhile, suffragettes recruit Julia to their movement and she is joined by Emily Grace. Receiving little support politically, they decide to hold a protest march. They ... Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.5
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Oliver Hoyle who is found in the billiard room of his posh club. Hoyle was part of a group of competitive puzzle solvers and he may have been killed after solving a puzzle published by Edgar Allen Poe many years ago. It appears that one of his competitors killed him to get the glory for himself. Meanwhile, Julia visits her father Lionel but arrives only to learn that her father has died. His physician, Dr. Bradley, believes he died of heart failure sometime in the night. Julia is confused, particularly when Dr. Bradley refuses to undertake an autopsy. Murdoch soon joins her and initially doubts that anything illegal has happened. He reconsiders when he learns that Julia has found a needle mark in her father's neck and a new neighbor is the beneficiary in his will. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.4
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch and his colleagues face an entirely new dilemma when they find a local industrialist, Richard Welch, tied down at the top of a telephone pole with a noise-activated bomb strapped to his chest. Mayor Clarkson orders all industries in the area shut down and the police do their best to keep the noise pollution to a minimum. Under pressure, the mayor eventually relents and work resumes, but not until after the bomb is detonated by a loud car horn. The next victim turns out to be the mayor himself and Murdoch has only 3 hours to find the culprit and deactivate the device. Meanwhile, Julia is increasingly frustrated as Murdoch has yet to ask to ask her the big question. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.3
44 min (DVD)

With Murdoch away, Constable Crabtree finds himself investigating the apparent death by poisoning of a visiting Chinese official who was in Toronto seeking men who had participated in the Boxer Rebellion. Their immediate suspect is Wu Chang but as Crabtree gets to know the young man, he is increasingly convinced of his innocence. It turns out it's not Boxers they're after. Murdoch and Julia Ogden meanwhile are trying to find their nemesis, James Gillies. Things take a strange twist when the Cobourg police inform them they may have found Gillies' remains. Ballistics settles the issue but one question remains: who wrote the threatening letters. Murdoch settles that mystery as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.8
44 min (DVD)

After the assassination of U.S. President William McKinley in Buffalo, Ottawa-based spy Terrance Meyers shows in Toronto. The Canadian government is concerned that some of the assassin's co-conspirators may try to make their way to Canada to avoid U.S. authorities. Rumors have it that Emma Goldman is back in Toronto and the police begin rounding up anyone who might be considered the least bit subversive. Among them is Anton Wocek who is later found dead in a warehouse with Meyers standing by him with the gun in his hand. That's enough for the supremely arrogant American spy Allen Clegg who believes Meyers is part of the conspiracy. Murdoch sets out to prove Meyers' innocence and find out exactly what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.9
44 min (DVD)

Julia, Emily and four of their friends head off to a remote cabin on an island. It's a party to celebrate Lavinda's upcoming wedding to Cedric Maxwell. Cedric's sister is part of the party and she and her brother own the family retreat. Julia is obviously not happy and confides in Emily. Before long however, the women are being killed, one by one. Still reeling from Julia's rejection of his marriage proposal, Murdoch immerses himself in his work. When a drunken Crabtree challenges Leslie Garland to a curling match, he has to put a foursome together. Murdoch declines an invitation to join but applies his scientific approach to helping them play better. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.2
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch and station house 4 employ a con woman to catch an elusive murderess. Doctor Ogden receives a threatening note from beyond the grave, or is it? Doctor Grace and George hit turbulence in their relationship when she is forced to 'ad-lib' during the performance of her life. Was she acting? Murdoch and Julia hit yet another snag in their already complicated relationship. William decides to forge ahead much to Julia's consternation. Written by Tammy Jane Mackie

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.1
44 min (DVD)

On his deathbed, Jeffrey Roundhill confesses to having killed his wife Evelyn some 8 years before and tells Murdoch where to find her remains. Dr. Grace confirms the identity of the skeleton as that of Mrs. Roundhill but the manner in which she died doesn't match Roundhill's statement. Further investigation reveals that Roundhill was actually in Winnipeg on the day his wife disappeared. Julia recalls a case, that of Amelia Thompson, who was killed just as Roundhill describes. At the time, Murdoch was convinced that her husband was responsible for his wife's death. Could the two men have killed each other's spouse? Meanwhile, George Crabtree hasn't seen much of Emily lately and takes Leslie Garland to task for interfering in their relationship. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.8
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch investigates a series of robberies where the thieves have dug through the the ground and into various shops or banks. The thieves only steal diamonds however. Murdoch suspects the thief is using some type of boring device and that he and Julia may have actually felt it burrowing under the ground the night of the first robbery. Constable Crabtree develops his own theories after interviewing Elva Gordon, a deep cave explorer who believes the Earth is hollow and that there might be an entire world of people living underground. Crabtree now believes mole people may be at work. That theory doesn't impress Murdoch who decides to use modern technology to track the boring machine. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.8
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch investigates the murder of Nathan Peters, a ragtime musician and renowned band-leader, who was found dead at the docks. His group, the Jubilee Singers, was performing nearby and his wife had already reported him missing. Dr. Emily Grace determines that he died in the early hours of the morning from a blow to the head causing a subdural hemorrhage. The evidence in the case begins to point to one of the Jubilee Singers as the perpetrator. Much to George Crabtree's chagrin, Emily seems to have taken an interest in the roguish Leslie Garland. Julia meanwhile feels that a huge weight has been taken off her shoulders now that James Gillies is dead. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.6
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch, Inspector Brackenreid, Dr. Ogden and several others are transporting serial killer James Gillies to the prison in Kingston, Ontario where he is scheduled to be executed the next day. It creates a bit of a stir among the passengers when they learn who is being transported. Among them are Aaron Rauls, a late arrival on the train and Nathaniel Henry. Both come under suspicion when the police find a dead man, Dennis Bolton who was released from the Don jail just a week ago. There's no direct connection between Bolton and Gillies but both were in the same jail at the same time. As tensions rise, it becomes evident that Gillies has arranged for several ex-convicts to be on the train - all part of his plan to escape. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.2
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Peter Farrelly who had a loud altercation with someone the night before his body was found. Dr. Grace determines he was beaten to death. She also found chloral hydrate in his system - a bottle of which they found in the victim's luggage. They believe both the victim and his killer are from Newfoundland and so Murdoch and Crabtree head off to St. John's in the hopes of finding the suspected killer Ezekiel Farrelly. Crabtree was actually raised in St. John's by several aunts who, it turns out, have an interesting occupation. The solution to murder lies with finding an old pirate treasure map. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.2
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Katie Buchanan who is found dead at the beach, on a hot summer's day, by her friend Elaine Lawson. Both were entrants in a beauty pageant known as the Miss Purity competition, to select the new face of Alexander soap. Dr. Ogden, who is spending her day off at the beach finds what appears to be a large animal bite on the woman's torso. Katie's boyfriend, James Bennett, had recently left her for another competitor, Marie Nicholson and becomes the prime suspect. Inspector Brackenreid however is certain he saw a monster in Lake Ontario and Murdoch is skeptical until he too sees a creature in the water. Constable Crabtree is dismissive of any suggestion that there might be a monster in the water and pursues a more realistic line of inquiry. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.7
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Sarah Bosen who apparently threw herself from her hospital room window and breaking her neck in the fall. Sarah was being treated by Julia Ogden for arachnophobia and had been making some progress in overcoming her fears. Murdoch however finds a dead spider in her room. The three remaining members of the treatment group begin to have their doubts about their therapy. Julia's colleague, Dr. Charles Linden, thinks her therapy is a waste of time and as far as he is concerned, Sarah's death proves him correct. He launches a formal complaint to have her research terminated. When her other patients are forced to face their phobias, Murdoch concludes that someone is trying to kill her patients. Meanwhile, Crabtree tries to save his pet spider from Dr. Grace's experiments and Dr. Ogden helps Murdoch overcome his own irrational fear. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 7.9
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Emily Fuller whose body is found on the riverbank. They trace her to her home where her husband Jeremiah is completely impassive. The dead woman's daughter Betty says her father has been like this since he had been away recently for a few days. Dr. Grace determines that Emily did not drown, as they had initially suspected, but was strangled by someone with a very large hand. Constable Crabtree thinks he knows what's happened after he finds that Jeremiah is officially dead - he's now a Haitian zombie, risen from the dead. After Dr. Grace finds that a second victim's brain has been operated on, Murdoch thinks he knows who they are dealing with. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.2
44 min (DVD)

Murdoch finds his investigation into a nanny's disappearance assisted by the man who considers himself the real Sherlock Holmes.

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries


Murdoch Mysteries

IMDb: 8.0
44 min (DVD)

Detective Murdoch and many others attend a special showing of a film that will also include sound. The man behind the scheme is James Pendrick and his main competitor, Thomas Edison, is also present for the showing. The film includes a scene where a shot is fired but when the lights come up, one of the patrons, Pendrick's principal investor, has been shot in the head. Thanks to an observation by Dr. Ogden, Murdoch concludes that the shot was intended for Pendrick himself. Pendrick decides to make a film about the cases of Detective Murdoch but in one scene, the actor playing Murdoch is shot by a real bullet. In the original script a character called constable Tom, played by Pendrick, was to be shot again seeming to confirm that Pendrick is the main target. With the investigation ongoing, movie making is proving to be a distraction. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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