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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Rachel awakens after three days unconsciousness, partly recovered from her wounds. She's amazed to find the U.S. patriots now completely in charge of Willoughby. She's immediately suspicious of their motives recalling that Randall's last words were 'I am a patriot'. She pokes around and finds that someone close to her is actually a patriot mole. The new regime has forbidden anyone leaving the the town saying that Andover and what's left of his war clan are hiding in the woods. Miles goes over the wall to see what's going on and it's not what the patriots are saying. Meanwhile, Aaron continues to have strange dreams. Monroe rescues Charlie and they head for Willoughby. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Miles is rescued and they take a big bargaining chip with them: Titus Andover's wife Jessica who is dying of kidney disease. They make it back to Wiloughby but she makes it clear that she doesn't ever want to go back. Titus and his war gang - who aren't quite what they seem - have other ideas. Miles' plan to evacuate the city doesn't quite go as planned. At the Savannah refugee camp Tom Neville's plan begins to unfold but he quickly runs into a roadblock - the Patriots know exactly who he is. Charlie meanwhile sets off after Monroe. When she finally catches up to him, he has something interesting to show her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.2

Miles and Willoughby's Sheriff Mason have been taken prisoner by Titus Andover and his men. They are caged and await an obviously dangerous fate that lies beyond their prison's red door. Andover takes an interest in Miles though it's not yet obvious why. In Willoughby itself, citizens take shelter awaiting an attack by Andover's men. Rachel desperately tries to get a group together to rescue Miles. On the way to Andover's base, they find thousands of dead rats. Charlie has followed the men who kidnapped Monroe and soon finds herself a prisoner as well. At the Savannah refugee camp, Tom Neville puts into action his plan to stop the newly arrived U.S. government. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.3

Rachel unexpectedly encounters an important figure from her past. Charlie finds herself on a mission in the Plains Nation. Neville and Jason search a refugee camp for Julia. Written by ab1995

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Now inside the tower, Rachel tries to convince her former colleagues Dan and Grace to turn on the power. They adamantly refuse leaving it up to her, Nora, Charlie and Aaron to act on their own. Miles and Monroes also face off in the tower but old friendships seemingly die hard. Outside the tower, Neville has taken command of Monroe's troops and wants to solidify his position by ensuring the power stays off. Aaron, Nora, Rachel and Charlie - now joined by Miles - make it to the 12th floor but one of them will not survive. Aaron believes he can turn the power on but Randall has also made it to the 12th floor and has planned something quite unexpected. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Rachel's attempt to kill Monroe is unsuccessful but it turns out that she can open the blast doors to the tower while Randall Flynn can't. Once inside Flynn says they need to go down to level 12 but only get as as level 11 where those who are guarding the tower ambush them. The tower is a former Defense Department base and safe haven for senior government personnel. Rachel and Monroes escape the ambush but she is loath to help him find a way out. Meanwhile Miles, Charlie, Nora, Jason and Tom Neville have also arrived at the tower. They soon meet up with Aaron who uses the override codes to enter the tower. In a firefight, Tom and Jason are left behind. Rachel and Charlie are reunited and Rachel finds that other old friends are there as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.2
41 min

Nora has been taken prisoner and Monroe has her tortured after she refuses to tell him where Miles is hiding. She breaks after three weeks telling them everything they want to know including the fact that Rachel is heading to the tower in Colorado. Randall explains that it's an old Department of Defense facility in Colorado of no importance but caught in a lie, he confesses what can really be found there. In Atlanta, the population is fleeing the city as Miles and the Federation's forces prepare to attack Philadelphia. Nora is rescued by Sanborn and taken to the city. With new information Miles, Charlie and others set off to rescue Rachel before Monroe can get to her. When some Miles' team are killed, Miles believes it's one of them who is responsible. Rachel and Aaron reach the tower only to find that Monroe and his troops are already there guarding the entrance. She has every intention of killing Monroe even if it costs her her life. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Monroe realizes the rebels are winning the war and decides they must eliminate Miles. They launch a drone attack against the rebel camp but most and Miles believes they have a mole in their midst. Charlie is trapped in the rubble leaving Miles and Nora to rescue her while Neville rescues his son. The tide turns and the entire Georgia Federation is threatened. There's an attempt on Monroe's life and Jeremy Baker pays the price. Meanwhile, Aaron tries to use the device Rachel took out of her son Danny to heal her badly broken leg. They are taken prisoner by people who want them to save their son but Aaron and Rachel reach a crossroads. In a flashback to 7 years after the blackout, Rachel joins Miles in his military camp intent on turning the lights back on. Miles wants his brother Ben but Rachel refuses to reveal his location. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

With Tom Neville now a Georgia Federation officer and in charge of their troops hem Miles, Charlie and Nora head into Monroe Republic territory by boat to capture Dr. Stephen Camp who is developing an anthrax weapon for Monroe. They lift him easily and get him aboard the boat for the return trip. It comes out that he hasn't been working voluntarily as Monroe has been holding his family hostage. Not to worry they tell him: while Miles, Charlie and Nora were kidnapping him, Neville was out snatching his family and as long as he works for them, his family will be safe. Charlie and Nora refuse to accept kidnapping as part of the fight against Monroe. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Miles and the troops provided by the Georgia Federation have been having a good deal of success and Monroe travels to their hometown where he threatens to kill every living soul unless Miles gives himself up to him. He says he will start the killing with Emma, a woman they both loved long ago. Monroe hasn't returned to his hometown since his family died and Emma has an important piece of information for him. Rachel and Aaron travel west, crossing the Mississippi to the Plains Nation, arriving at La Grange, Missouri. In the marketplace, Aaron sees someone from his past. When they finally meet face to face, the reception isn't what he had hoped for. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.9
40 min

Miles, Nora and Charlie head to the Federation of Georgia where Monroe plans to use his atomic bomb. Monroe's men are traveling ahead of them and when they arrive at a guardhouse, Miles finds his own knife there. He now knows that Monroe's man is his former protégé, Alec. Flashbacks tell their story. Georgia is very rich and its president has a proposal for Miles. Rachel and Aaron meanwhile search out Rachel's friend Dr. Jane Warren without whom, she says, they will never be able to turn the electricity back on. Monroe learns that Neville and his wife have disappeared. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Monroe has lost faith in Tom Neville but gives him one more chance to redeem himself. He's sent on a mission but the rebels intercept him and he is soon their prisoner. Miles and the other rebel leaders want to question him but Rachel wants only one thing: to kill him. Charlie intervenes and keeps her away from him. When Jason Neville and other rebels soon arrive and he too wants to speak to his father but Miles thinks it's too much of a security risk. They do learn that Neville was headed to a nearby one-time cement factory but when they get there, they are not pleased with what they find. Meanwhile, Rachel explains to Aaron exactly what caused the lights to go out 15 years ago. After the find at the cement, she decides there is something the two of them can do. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

After Danny's funeral Miles leaves the rebel headquarters determined to find his former senior people who supported him when he tried to kill Monroe. The first is Jim Hudson and with Nora accompanying him quickly learns where his old comrade is living. He doesn't get a very warm reception and Hudson, now married and living a new life, doesn't want any part of killing Monroe. He's left with little choice however. Back at the rebel camp, Rachel tries to connect with Charlie who has grown cold since the death of her brother. Randall Flynn shows Munroe how he can track the pendants when they're turned on. They locate the two pendants in Aaron's possession and launch an attack against the rebel camp. Rachel knows exactly what needs to be done. A flashback shows how, a year before the blackout, Randall Flynn learned that his son was killed on duty in Afghanistan. He was also Rachel's boss who ordered the weapon fired on the night of the blackout. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Miles, Charlie, Danny, Nora, Rachel and Aaron manage to escape from Monroes compound relatively unscathed. Rachel realizes what she's done by building an amplifier for Monroe and wants to set things right. She and Miles set off to find one of her former colleagues, John, who should have weapons they can use. It doesn't quite go as planned. The rest of the group join Nora's rebel troop and prepare for an attack from the helicopters. They know they have only a small chance of stopping the helicopters but knowing another rebel camp has been completely destroyed, they decide to make a final stand. Miles and Rachel return in time to help but the group suffers a terrible loss. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Miles, Charlie, Aaron and Nora finally make it into downtown Philadelphia and seek shelter with one of the militiamen who might be prepared to help them. Major Tom Neville is one step ahead of them and manages to arrest everyone but Miles who had gone out to explore their surroundings. An imprisoned Charlie is shocked to find her mother in the same cell. Miles forces Neville to release Aaron and Nora and they set off to an old power plant where Charlie, Rachel and Danny are being kept. Munroe get Rachel to build him an amplifier by threatening to kill one or both of their children. With a working amplifier, Monroe unleashes a new weapon. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Having reached the outskirts of Philadelphia, Miles manages to convince the rebels that he can deliver Monroe's head to them. They agree to work with him and are soon traveling through the city's subway system to get into town. They begin to hallucinate when their oxygen supply thins out. They also have to deal with a traitor in their midst. Charlie learns why Miles left the militia. Rachel has agreed to build an amplifier that will expand the power and range of the pendants. Major Neville begins to doubt her sincerity and has a way to test what she's doing. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Miles, Charlie, Aaron and Nora arrive at Freeport, Pennsylvania some 290 miles from Philadelphia where a major bridge will let them cross the Allegheny river. They walk into a trap however where militia Sgt. Will Strausser and his men are waiting for them. Strausser has taken Nora's sister Mia prisoner and his price for freeing her is simple: the pendant and Miles Matheson. They free her, but still have to find a way to get across the river. In Philadelphia, Jason Neville is being harshly interrogated and there is little that his father can do - until he gets hold of some information about another militia officer. Flashbacks reveal how Nora and Mia survived after the blackout. Mia has found their long-lost and Nora must choose between reuniting with her family or keeping her promise to Miles and Charlie. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Still on their way to Philadelphia Miles, Charlie, Nora and Aaron come across a band of children who have been on their own since the death of their parents some years before. The eldest among them, Peter, has been forcibly recruited into the militia and taken away. Miles and Charlie agree that they can't set off and leave the children and so decide to try and rescue Peter. At Monroe's headquarters meanwhile, the General and his new intelligence chief Major Tom Neville are unhappy that the information Rachel gave them has yet to produce any of the pendants. In flashbacks, it's revealed that Rachel, her husband Ben, Grace Beaumont and another scientist, Brad were all working on a way to produce cheap electricity. What they found was something else completely. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Miles, Charlie and Aaron are en route to Philadelphia with an unconscious Nora whose knife wound from the train incident has festered and is in dire need of medical help. Miles decides to stop off at a former partner's armed compound to get Nora the help she needs. His friend Drexel is a heroin dealer who loves to play mind games. He provides Nora with the help that she needs but demands that Charlie kill a neighbor, O'Halloran, who has taken to burning his poppy crops. Charlie has become overly cynical and agrees to do the job despite Miles' objections. In Philadelphia meanwhile, Danny is safely delivered to Bass Monroe and Captain Tom Neville is appropriately rewarded for having delivered him safely. Rachel and a stunned Danny are reunited. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.7
60 min

After burying their friend, Miles, Charlie and the others continue their quest to rescue Danny. They learn that Monroe now has a working train and Miles is certain Danny will be transported to Philadelphia. Nora contacts a fellow member of the militia and she decides to blow up the train, even if it puts Danny's life in danger. Danny meanwhile is having a hard time with Captain Tom Neville. In flashbacks, Neville's life at the time of the blackout is revealed. He is clearly prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect his wife and son. In Philadelphia, Rachel tells Monroe about the pendants. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Miles, Charlie and Nora learn that they are within a day's walk from catching up to Tom Neville and Danny. They keep their rendezvous with Aaron and Maggie but Aaron insists they not tell them about the device. They are beset by mad dogs and their owner who seems intent on killing the trespassers. When he kidnaps Charlie, Miles has little choice but to rescue her. One member of the group will not survive. Danny meanwhile takes shelter with Neville when a storm takes shape. He is presented with an opportunity to escape. Flashbacks reveal when Rachel Matheson surrendered to the Militia and explain how Maggie came to be trapped in the USA. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Miles, Nora and Charlie arrive at the rebel camp only to find that many of the fighters were wounded when they walked into a trap earlier that day. They are soon under attack by the militia, led by Jeremy Baker, but the rifle Nora stole keeps them at bay for a good while. When the militia finally get into the building, Miles takes Jeremy prisoner and Miles' own past is revealed. Flashbacks show how Miles, Sebastian Monroe and Jeremy first met. Danny meanwhile comes up against one of the militia soldiers who is bent on revenge. Meanwhile, Aaron and Maggie seek out Grace as per Ben's instructions and find something very interesting. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Miles, Charlie, Aaron and Maggie head to Pontiac, Illinois. Miles is hoping to find an old friend, Nora, whose expertise, he says, is absolutely required if they're to rescue Danny. He learns the hard way that General Monroe has put a hefty bounty on his head when a bounty hunter tries to capture him. Miles is prepared to execute him but Charlie convinces him not to, something they will later regret. When they do find Nora, she's working as a slave laborer but she has her own plans. On the way back to their encampment, Captain Neville shows what happens to people who break the law. Meanwhile, Monroe calls on one of his prisoners. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revolution




IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Ben Matheson returns home to his Chicago apartment in a panic telling his wife that the electricity is about to go out. Before it does, he manages to contact his brother Miles and also to download something from the Internet. When the blackout hits, it's a global phenomena - and permanent. Fifteen years later, Ben is living with his children Charlie and Danny is a small rural village. Life is good, even without electricity, until Capt. Tom Neville of the local militia arrives to arrest Ben. Several are killed in the ensuing skirmish and with her brother Danny taken prisoner, Charlie sets off for Chicago with two others from the village, Aaron and Maggie, to find her Uncle Miles. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Millers

The Millers


The Millers

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Debbie won't listen to advice before she runs her and Adam's shop into the ground, so Carol resumes reading her diary to manipulate her. When Debie realizes she couldn't know any other way, she sets a trap, suggesting in it that loner Tom is gay, which puts the wrong perspective on a fishing friend whom Nathan and Ray arranged for Tom. Confronted with the privacy invasion, Nathan explains it was his and ma's common practice while she was a teenager, and helped both her and the relationship with Adam, against her assumptions till now. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

IMDb: 0

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HD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

IMDb: 0

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HD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

IMDb: 0

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HD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

IMDb: 0

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HD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

IMDb: 0

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HD According to Jim

According to Jim


According to Jim

IMDb: 6.1
22 min

Jim debates on how to tell the family that he doesn't think the family pet is worth an operation.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD According to Jim

According to Jim


According to Jim

IMDb: 6.0

Jim's neighbor Julie's dog has kept him awake for 10 years, so he gives her a talking-to. When the dog goes missing, Julie suspects Jim. Then Jim sees the dog in Julie's window. Why the lie?

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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