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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 7.0
47 min

The deranged Carole tries to force Linda at knife point to admit to killing Micky but is arrested after Ruby and Tom intervene. Afterwards Gail accompanies Tom to retrieve his son Ben from estranged wife Corrine and Tom is also happy to learn that Ruby is carrying his child. Linda is less fortunate when told she must apply for Job Seekers Allowance to help with her mortgage though Andrew, Sue and Ryan all offer solutions. Sue presses ahead with her tribunal but news from Andrew forces an admission from Linda and Edna's dementia puts Gail and Tom in danger. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 7.0
47 min

The deranged Carole tries to force Linda at knife point to admit to killing Micky but is arrested after Ruby and Tom intervene. Afterwards Gail accompanies Tom to retrieve his son Ben from estranged wife Corrine and Tom is also happy to learn that Ruby is carrying his child. Linda is less fortunate when told she must apply for Job Seekers Allowance to help with her mortgage though Andrew, Sue and Ryan all offer solutions. Sue presses ahead with her tribunal but news from Andrew forces an admission from Linda and Edna's dementia puts Gail and Tom in danger. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 6.7
47 min

Linda is interviewed by the police with Andrew in attendance but the presentation of the life insurance policy does not look good for her and she is charged with murder. Edna's condition worsens, causing Gail to consider letting her move in with her whilst Sue decides to take John to court for age discrimination. Along with Gail Sue learns that Carole is a fantasist and a known stalker, leading to Linda's release . However insurance investigator Alan Forbes deals Linda a blow and Gail also gets dispiriting news. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 6.7
47 min

Linda is interviewed by the police with Andrew in attendance but the presentation of the life insurance policy does not look good for her and she is charged with murder. Edna's condition worsens, causing Gail to consider letting her move in with her whilst Sue decides to take John to court for age discrimination. Along with Gail Sue learns that Carole is a fantasist and a known stalker, leading to Linda's release . However insurance investigator Alan Forbes deals Linda a blow and Gail also gets dispiriting news. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 7.0

After Carole's accusation that Linda pushed Micky overboard whilst he was on the phone to her Sue and Gail track her down. She tells them she had been Micky's lover for years and that Linda had increased his life insurance policy. Gail, hoping to reconcile with ex- Dave after an act of kindness to her mother, learns that Micky himself increased the premium but Linda is still arrested. Having moved out of the flat she once shared with John Sue celebrates her birthday but is taken aback when Andrew not only tells her he is gay but that he has two children by surrogate mothers. A row ensues when he accuses her of side-lining him to be with John but reconciliation follows. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 7.0

After Carole's accusation that Linda pushed Micky overboard whilst he was on the phone to her Sue and Gail track her down. She tells them she had been Micky's lover for years and that Linda had increased his life insurance policy. Gail, hoping to reconcile with ex- Dave after an act of kindness to her mother, learns that Micky himself increased the premium but Linda is still arrested. Having moved out of the flat she once shared with John Sue celebrates her birthday but is taken aback when Andrew not only tells her he is gay but that he has two children by surrogate mothers. A row ensues when he accuses her of side-lining him to be with John but reconciliation follows. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 7.2

Whilst on an anniversary cruise organized by their children Ruby and Ryan Linda's husband Micky gets drunk and falls overboard. His memorial service is attended by Linda's long-standing friends Sue and Gail but they have their own problems. Sue, editor of bridal magazine Adored, is ousted by John, her business partner and ex-lover, to make way for a younger woman. Gail, newly divorced, has to contend with a dementing mother Edna and ex-jailbird son Tom, who is on a tag and a curfew. Sue's lawyer son Andrew decides to take legal action against John whilst Linda discovers Ruby's affair with Tom. Then she gets a knock on the door from a strange woman. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Girlfriends




IMDb: 7.2

Whilst on an anniversary cruise organized by their children Ruby and Ryan Linda's husband Micky gets drunk and falls overboard. His memorial service is attended by Linda's long-standing friends Sue and Gail but they have their own problems. Sue, editor of bridal magazine Adored, is ousted by John, her business partner and ex-lover, to make way for a younger woman. Gail, newly divorced, has to contend with a dementing mother Edna and ex-jailbird son Tom, who is on a tag and a curfew. Sue's lawyer son Andrew decides to take legal action against John whilst Linda discovers Ruby's affair with Tom. Then she gets a knock on the door from a strange woman. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.2

Susan and Janey go out on a hen night only to find that the bride has been dumped, though when Susan persuades the groom to come and talk it over, it looks as if she may have had a lucky escape. Roger goes on a blind date though the woman in question turns out to be loud and vulgar so he asks the nice waitress out instead. Ben baby-sits with Kenzo, who locks him out of the house for refusing to let him watch his cartoon and will go to any lengths to stop him from getting back in again. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.5

Susan gets depressed after a younger woman gets her job and she is asked to make a speech at a school reunion only because four other ex-pupils were unavailable. She decides she needs a more youthful image and opts for Botox. Ben is not convinced but fortunately the other attendees at the reunion have followed Susan's example. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.7
28 min

Ben is approached by a man who remembers his father as a great darts player and asked to join the local pub team. However he is rubbish and gets replaced by a girl so when Roger asks him to join his team he is happy to sign up - and to use unorthodox means to secure victory. He also exposes Susan's young 'French' personal trainer as an impostor. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.4
28 min

At Susan's mother's funeral, Arthur, the father who abandoned the family thirty years earlier, turns up and takes such a dislike to Ben he offers his daughter a million pounds to divorce him. Ben and Susan agree on the understanding they will remarry but Arthur dies on them, which is as well since he is broke. However the Harpers have already started divorce proceedings and must pay for them to be halted. Michael, likewise, does himself no good by pretending to be dying in order to date a young undertaker. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.0
29 min

Whilst Ben is away on a course Susan is persuaded by Janey to go on the Facebook social network, which leads to her meeting up again with charming ex-boyfriend Paul Tremaine. He takes her for a drink and says romantic things to her. However he turns out to be a large scale drug dealer and Susan is forced to help the police trap him to avoid being charged herself. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.2
28 min

Susan drags a reluctant Ben along to a Keep Your Marriage Fresh weekend, where his anarchy and their mutual antipathy get them thrown out by the hippie in charge. Back at the house Michael gets dumped by boyfriend Matt, who is anxious to get to know Janey better but she displays family loyalty by showing him the door. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.2
29 min

Ben and Susan have yet another row after he refuses to attend her godparents' anniversary party so they decide on a trial separation, taking it in turns to live in the house alone. Ben moves in with Roger, ruining his love life whilst Susan overstays her welcome with Michael and his partner. Ultimately Janey and Michael get them back together by making them see that their sparring is what keeps the marriage afloat. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.3
27 min

Janey and Michael give their parents a Spanish holiday as an anniversary present but Michael has used Ben's credit card to finance it and needs to replace the money quickly so he contacts 'Cash In the Attic', finding that the only sale worth a four figure sum is Susan's beloved antique clock. Ben and Susan meanwhile find themselves in quarantine with a bore, a nervous wreck and a singing nun but show rare unity in seeing them all off. However, will they notice the clock's absence on their return? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.7
29 min

With Ben on a course Susan works late at the art gallery with handsome young Chris, whose advances she spurns. Next day he accuses her of sexual harassment and she has to attend a course. Janey advises her on how to call his bluff but salvation comes via a far more bizarre reason. Michael confronts his old art teacher and accuses him of giving Kenzo poor grades because he himself did badly at school - until he sees Kenzo's paintings. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.6
29 min

Susan gets an audition as a presenter of a pre-school TV show alongside a puppet monkey after a producer hears her reading to children in the library. There is however one other applicant - Janey - resulting in dirty tricks and neither getting the job though Janey gets the consolation prize. Ben forms a union to protest against time cards being introduced at work so his boss forestalls threatened strike action by giving him an executive post with Cavitex, pitting him against his colleagues. When he sees that he has been used, at least Ben does the right thing and resigns. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.7
29 min

Ben is overjoyed when Mark, Kenzo's wealthy, successful father reappears and encourages him to propose to Janey. Susan, on the other hand, believes that Craig's feelings for her daughter are sincere and gives him her blessing. Roger, due to a misunderstanding, also believes that he is in with a chance. Predictably the parents exploit their championing of the suitors to score points off each other but ultimately it is Janey who makes the clinching decision. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.1

Whilst playing Santa at Susan's works Christmas party Ben becomes emotionally involved when a little girl asks him to reconcile her mother and grand-father, who have fallen out. He actually succeeds, winning rare praise from Susan for his efforts. The Harpers are less successful, though, when their lavish New year party, with fireworks, a band and food from T.V. chef Ainsley Harriott initially fails to poach guests from nasty neighbour Casey's glitzy annual event. Can recent dental patient Rolf Harris save the night with his presence or will the rocket literally go up? At least Susan and Ben see in the New Year presenting a united front. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.4
29 min

Whilst Susan is away Ben takes part in a police identity parade, where he is picked out as being a mugger and remanded in a cell with hard cases Carl and Terry. They hire their brief to get him released but later turn up at his house, wanting to lie low, along with Carl's wife Verity, who wants sex with Ben. To Ben's horror Carl wants to watch them, causing Ben to take drastic action - which gets him arrested again. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.2

To prove how trendy he is, Ben accompanies an embarrassed Michael to a gay club, where he gets chatted up by the adoring Rupert, who follows him home and sends him flowers. It's down to Susan to rescue her husband - and wangle herself a free holiday at the same time. Janey uses unconventional means to persuade the council to fit speed bumps after Kenzo is almost run over. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.3
28 min

Craig, a young Australian, arrives at the house, claiming his mother was at college with Ben and Susan lets him stay in exchange for doing some decorating. Initially irritated by him, Ben starts to worry when it looks as if Craig could be his illegitimate son, especially as the lad starts dating Janey. Clumsy efforts are made to obtain Craig's DNA though the biggest surprise comes from Susan. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.0
26 min

Ben is appalled to discover that Martin, the benign elderly widower from next door, is besotted with Susan and has built a shrine to her in his kitchen. Whilst Ben has trouble persuading the police, Martin ties Susan to a chair and proposes to her. Ben goes to her rescue but ends up tied to another chair so that Susan has to profess affection for Martin in order to free them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.0
29 min

Given that he used to have lots of girl-friends, when Michael comes out as gay, Ben is perplexed but determined to be supportive. Susan is just annoyed that Michael told Ben first. Ben's pride in his son's sexuality leads to his proclaiming it to a new patient - who just happens to be the homophobic, bigoted father of Michael's boy-friend Scott. When he throws Scott out it's down to Susan to save the situation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.2
29 min

When the council assume Ben is disabled and send him cheques he tries to return the money but the clerk won't listen and Rosemary, the gushing welfare visitor who comes to assess him, is too busy saying how brave she thinks he is, to let him get a word in edge ways. She even puts him forward for an award, which he goes to collect. And then the other Ben Harper, the really disabled one, turns up. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.8
50 min (2 episodes) | 5 min (1 episode) | 30 min (63 episodes)

Ben Harper, a misanthropic dentist, has little time for most people, including his wife Susan and their children Nick, Janey and Michael.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.7
29 min

In a clip show to celebrate the show's hundredth edition Susan and Ben try to help Kenzo with a school project about his family by recalling some of their past exploits. Janey and Michael use the project to snipe at each other and Kenzo ends up bored by the whole experience. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.3
27 min

Susan, stranded at an Albanian airport, is charmed when a handsome American calling himself the Doctor rescues her and invites her to travel the world with him. Ben, meanwhile, has lunch with old college friend Jeremy, now a celebrity dentist with an international clientèle and a successful autobiography. However, after a few drinks he confesses that he hates his life style, envies Ben, and wants to discard all his perks. Can Ben talk him out of it? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.2
29 min

Susan wants a dog but the assessor from the dogs' home deems her unsuitable so Ben goes to the kennels to sneak one out for her, only to find she is already there and about to call in the press as a protest against the assessors' decision. She then handcuffs Ben to one of the bars and leaves him to be her spokesman to the reporter. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.7
28 min

Ben's uncle Norris dies, leaving ten thousand pounds - to Susan, for her support following the loss of his Mildred. Ben, also expecting a large legacy, buys an expensive suit but it turns out that Norris has only left him a box of old clothes. However Ben would seem to have a winning lottery ticket. Unfortunately it's in the suit that Alfie gave to Norris's son, thinking it belonged to the dead relative and Ben must retrieve it without causing offence. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.7
59 min

When Michael admits to going to see a therapist but will not tell his parents why, they are intrigued as to the reason. Could it be that his apparently talking to himself has something to do with it? They decide to get into the therapist's office to look at the files. Alfie finds himself in the unusual position of having not one but two possible girl-friends moving in with him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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