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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

Kim sees Hamlin to communicate her resignation. Hamlin is pleasantly surprised that she is going to start her own law firm. Meanwhile, Kim would want to take Mesa Verde with her and she succeeds in doing so until Chuck changes the lawyers' minds that experience is better than enthusiasm. Jimmy fixes an office for him and Kim while he keeps playing dirty as a lawyer. He takes advantage of his brother being sick to mess with the Mesa Verde files. Mike follows Salamanca around. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Saul represents Mike, who changes his story about the ownership of the gun to hold up his end of the bargain with Salamanca. Kim is thinking about accepting the new job offer while Jimmy intends to resign from Davis and Main until he finds out he'd have to pay back the signing bonus he received. Therefore he works hard to get himself fired. He plans to start up a law firm and hence he makes Kim an offer i.e. to become his law partner. But they both know Jimmy tends to bend the rules so in the end Kim declines the offer. Out of a job, Jimmy wants to reinvent himself. After her job interview, Kim reflects about her possible partnership with Jimmy. She changes her mind and accepts Jimmy's offer but under her own terms. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.6
46 min

While being away on a case she couldn't possibly win, Kim is gets recruited by the competition. After a few drinks, Kim starts playing games with a man on a diner who offers her a drink. She then calls Jimmy to join them. Jimmy uses reverse psychology to get the man voluntarily give them a 10,000 bucks check. Mike accepts Salamanca's offer but only on his terms. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Kim Wexler sets up a partnership between HHM and Mesa Verde, an important and influential firm, in the hope that she will be taken out of doc review. However, Hamlin is still not impressed by her brilliant work because of her connection with Jimmy. Kim and Chuck end up having coffee together. Jimmy has a babysitter, Erin, who is appointed to make sure he is not going to do anything improper ever again. Mike is visited by Salamanca, who makes him a strange offer. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Clifford gives Jimmy a second chance. Kim is questioned by Howard for her knowing about Jimmy's commercial in advance and not telling anyone. Mike plans and runs a deal for Nacho, getting Tuco arrested but refusing to kill him. Jimmy tries to convince his brother that Kim had nothing to do with his slip; he even tries to make a deal, saying he'd quit the law if Kim was left out. All this time, Chuck is perplexed by Jimmy's ways of getting something even though this means breaking the law. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Jimmy struggles with client outreach and decides to shoot a TV commercial for Davis and Main. Mike begins an investigation.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

Mike stops Pryce from being tricked by the police. He makes a deal with him, promising to find Pryce's stolen baseball cards but not for free. He then tracks Nacho and makes a deal with him. Chuck interrupts HHM meeting with Jimmy but Jimmy doesn't lose himself. Because of Pryce's bad decision to talk to the police, Jimmy makes himself his first case representing a drug dealer and fabricating evidence. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

Jimmy refuses HHM's offer as he is keen on giving up being a lawyer. Jimmy shows Kim his talents while approaching and tricking a guy in a bar. Kim says yes to the ride and ends up spending the night with Jimmy. Finally, Jimmy travels to Santa Fe to accept his new job for Davis and Main. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.8
50 min

Jimmy decides to take the deal offered by HHM though he is saddened by what his brother did and subsequently said. He's soon back to calling the bingo numbers at a retirement home but his bitterness shows through. He heads to Chicago for a week where he hooks up with his old partner in crime, Marco. Soon, the're scamming the unsuspecting just as they did before Jimmy moved to Albuquerque 10 years ago. Before Jimmy leaves however, Marco talks him into pulling their old Rolex scam - but it doesn't go as planned. On returning to Albuquerque, Jimmy realizes trying to do the right thing has cost him dearly in the past and vows not to let that get in his way ever again. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 9.5
47 min

Jimmy and Chuck continue to work on their case and Jimmy successfully argues in court against Rick Schweikart's request for a restraining order. They soon find themselves flooded with documents and Chuck tells Jimmy there's only one solution: the case is simply too big for the two of them to handle and recommends that it be transferred to HHM. Jimmy reluctantly agrees and Chuck continues to venture outdoors, though he's not entirely comfortable. Jimmy's expecting an office at HHM however, but Howard Hamlin won't hear of it and Jimmy seemingly won't back down either. Jimmy's in for a bigger surprise - and heartache - however. Mike gets his granddaughter a dog. He also gets a job protecting a novice drug dealer but shows up for the job without a gun. Mike knows exactly what he's doing. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.9
47 min

With assistance from his elder clients, Jimmy comes to discover that the Sandpiper Retirement Home has been financially scamming the elders without their knowledge. Now with the help of his brother Chuck, Jimmy takes the case to court in hopes of getting another break as well as helping his clients. Written by Johnny Carrot

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.9
47 min

Jimmy is looking to set himself up in swank new offices and hopes that Kim Wexler will join him. She appreciates the offer but is happy where she is. She is currently dealing with the Kettlemans - Craig was the county treasurer who embezzled $1.6 million - and Kim has negotiated a deal with the DA's office: plead guilty, return the money and get an 18 month sentence. Betsy won't hear of it, Kim is fired and they are soon on Jimmy's doorstep looking to hire him. When he declines, they blackmail him into taking their case. Seeing no way out, Jimmy turns to Mike Ehrmantraut for help in doing the right thing. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 9.5
42 min

Mike Ehrmantraut came to Albuquerque to see his daughter-in-law Stacey and his granddaughter Kaylee. He also had good reason to leave Philadelphia. He was a policeman there as was his son Matt who died in the line of duty. Matt, his partner and his sergeant raided a drug den and Matt didn't come out alive. Now, some of Mike's former colleagues are in town to ask him questions. Mike insists on having a lawyer, even though is only supposed to be a friendly chat. Jimmy shows up, though Mike has a special request of him. In addition to Matt's death, his partner and sergeant were killed in a parking lot 3 months later, the night before Mike left Philadelphia. It's obvious they think Mike had something to do with that. Flashbacks show what happened that night. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

Jimmy's publicity stunt has served its intended purpose and he soon has a list of prospective clients. The first of these, a somewhat eccentric man by the name of Big Ricky Sipes seems just too good to be true - which is exactly the case. Another is seeking to get a patent on his new invention - which looks very much like a flush toilet. A third wants a will drawn up - perhaps the most complicated ever. Jimmy decides to focus on the elderly and soon finds himself trolling for clients in retirement homes. Meanwhile, Jimmy's brother Chuck has a confrontation with the police after a neighbor complains that he stole their newspaper. He has a mental breakdown and is hospitalized with the doctor recommending he be sent for a 30 day psych evaluation. Mike Ehrmantraut's past seems to have caught up to him and he is taken in by the police. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

The Kettlemans and Jimmy come to an agreement on how they should proceed. Nacho is released but doesn't believe Jimmy's story. Meanwhile Jimmy is fed up with his brother's law partner, Howard Hamlin, and sets out to disrupt him as much as possible. Jimmy starts dressing like him and puts up a huge billboard with which drives Hamlin to the edge. After being ordered by an arbitrator to take down the billboard and while filming his plea for fairness, Jimmy apparently saves a worker working on the billboard and he's soon hailed as a hero on local news outlets. Nothing is as it seems however but it leads to new clients. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 9.0
48 min

The episode begins some time prior to the series. A younger Chuck meets Jimmy in Cook County Jail, where Jimmy has been imprisoned for unspecified offenses which risk having him labeled as a sex offender. Chuck warns Jimmy that his life will be ruined if the charges go through, and Jimmy pleads with Chuck to help get the charges against him dismissed. Chuck agrees to represent Jimmy under the condition that he cleans up his act. In the present, Jimmy is anxious about Nacho's plot to extort the Kettlemans. He calls Kim Wexler, an acquaintance of his who works at Chuck's former law firm, which is providing legal counsel to the Kettlemans. Jimmy indirectly warns Kim about the potential danger to the Kettlemans, but then breaks off the call, insisting that he is no hero. Later that night, Jimmy leaves an anonymous tip to the Kettlemans warning them that they are in danger. Concerned, the Kettlemans look outside their house and see somebody in a parked van watching them. The next morning... Written by Jimmy

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 9.1
46 min

Jimmy McGill locates the skateboarders but in the hands of the crazed Tuco Salamanca, he may not have long to live. Tuco is hellbent on killing the skateboarders, who not only tried to scam his much-loved grandmother, but insulted as well. They are all soon in the desert where Tuco plans to dispose of all three of them but if Jimmy was ever to plead for someone's life, this is his chance to do it. Tuco isn't what you would call a reasonable man but one member of crew, Nacho Varga, sees the value of Jimmy's argument. They compromise - the skateboarders are, to say the least, not too keen on the solution - and Jimmy is set free. The situation doesn't help Jimmy business but Nacho has a suggestion for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul

IMDb: 8.7
54 min

Lawyer Jimmy McGill is having a hard time making a go of his law practice. He works mostly as a public defender. He works out of the backroom at a nail salon and meets clients in coffee shops as a result. He's nowhere near as successful as his brother Chuck, a name partner in a major law firm but who is currently living at home dealing with personal issues. After two skateboarders try to scam Jimmy in a set up accident, he thinks he's found the perfect way to sign on to defend a possibly rich prospective client. Nothing goes quite as planned. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Justified




IMDb: 9.7
48 min

Raylan is captured by the authorities, but Art reluctantly lets him go and puts him back on the case. Avery gets to Ava and questions her about his missing money, but she winds up leading Boyd straight to them.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 9.4
43 min

Raylan and Boyd head for the mountains to find Ava, whose plan to escape with Uncle Zachariah has hit a dead end. But will Avery Markham get to her first?

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 9.5
44 min

Raylan goes after Ava after she shoots Boyd and steals the ten million dollars, but Art calls him off the chase. Meanwhile, Avery sets out to kill Boyd, and Katherine sets out to kill Wynn.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 9.3
40 min

With Avery Markham and Wynn Duffy's help, Raylan sets up a trap for Boyd. But Ava informs Raylan that he didn't take the bait and offers up a new route to put Boyd away for good.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 9.1
41 min

With Ava burned as an informant, Raylan turns to the informant who got Katherine Hale's husband killed to bring down Boyd, who suddenly gets an unexpected ally in the fight against Avery Markham.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 8.9
46 min

In Harlan, Raylan faces off with his own demons from the past. Meanwhile, Boyd and Ava deal with their new relationship and take a new partnership under consideration. All while Katherine Hale, Avery Marcham, and the rest of the crew make their own plans for the future.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 8.8
48 min

Raylan takes a break from the case to take a visit from Winona and their daughter, Boyd takes Ava to his cabin to confront her about her loyalty, and Ty is on the run without any help after the shootout with the marshals.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 8.9
43 min

While Ty and Choo-Choo deal with the ramifications of 'accidentally' killing Calhoun, they get more visits from Raylen than they'd like. Meanwhile, Boyd has more bad news in a day than he's used to; a near death experience, a shoot out and a call from an unexpected ally. Written by aawishbutt

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 8.6
46 min

Ava tries to find a way to escape from everything, Boyd decides to stay in Harlan and compete with Avery Markham, and Katherine Hale and Wynn Duffy come up with a plan to see if Ava is an informant.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Raylan and Boyd separately find out why Avery Markham is buying up all the land in Harlan, as well as the consequences if you don't cooperate. Meanwhile, Katherine Hale pays an unexpected visit to Ava.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 8.7
46 min

Boyd makes the uncomfortable discovery that the man he is trying to rob is very dangerous, and Raylan tries to put the squeeze on Boyd's explosives supplier.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Raylan sets out to find out more about the mysterious group buying up land in Harlan, Boyd tries to make a profit off the ledger from the bank heist, and Ava is stuck in the middle of everything.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 9.0
51 min

Raylan turns to Dewey Crowe to help make a new federal case against Boyd Crowder, but he is not interested. Meanwhile, Boyd begins launching new plans that will take him beyond Harlan.

Country: USA
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HD Justified




IMDb: 9.2
51 min

The Mexican cartel catches up with Boyd and demands payback for the dead bodies, Ava goes on the offensive after being accused of snitching, and Wendy faces a hard choice after she learns that Kendal will be tried as an adult.

Country: USA
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