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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

In the aftermath of the joint attack on the Replicators, the Atlantis team is more than a little interested when they find a Wraith hive ship abandoned in space. They can find no reason for it just being there but Teyla - who Sheppard has allowed to join them despite his misgivings about her participating due to her pregnancy - can fly the ship and can find the planet to which it was originally destined. There they find a Wraith breeding colony that finally explains how they managed to outnumber and defeat the Atlantians those many years ago. Teyla uses her abilities to gain control of the Wraith Queen, but it may have been at an unknown cost to her unborn fetus. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 9.2
44 min

This episode begins with the premise that the Replicators are looking for human inhabited planets and wiping out all life. The theory being that, if they kill all humans in existence, the Wraith would eventually die out, having no humans to feed on. Obviously those on Atlantis are not happy with this and so decide upon a course of action to use two Earth ships, equipped with Asgard heavy-beam weapons, to wipe out the Replicator ships one by one, putting an end to the Replicators. Initially, this plan works, whereby in quick succession seven Replicator ships are destroyed. The Replicators respond by recalling their fleet to orbit their own planet (thinking that their combined numbers will enable them to fend off any attack from the two Earth ships). Col. Carter realizes that it would be foolhardy to send two Earth ships alone to take on over 30 Replicator ships (even with their superior weaponry, the Earth ships would eventually be destroyed). To improve their odds, they forge an ... Written by Abu Pasha

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

When an undetected satellite crash lands into the city, it's confirmed that it's Replicator technology. Sheppard's immediate concern is that he and the others may have been infected with nano technology. Dr. Keller's scans and blood tests however show no infection. It's all an imaginary from Elizabeth Weir's memories world created by a renegade group of Replicators. When the fake Atlantis is destroyed, the lookalikes contact their real counterpoints to give them information they can use against the Replicators. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Rodney McKay is continuing to work on solving the problems with the replicator nano code and finally gives in to Zalenka's request that he contact his sister Jeannie for help. He sends her an e-mail but that same night, she is kidnapped and taken to a private medical facility where she is expected to use nano technology to save the life of a wealthy industrialist's daughter. Rodney and others travel to Earth to look into Jeannie's disappearance but Rodney is soon kidnapped and put to work as well. Rodney and Jeannie think they have found a working solution but when it fails, there is only one solution left to them - they need expert help and the only expert who knows more they do is Todd the Wraith. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Having been told by the Genii spy on New Athos that her people were still alive, Teyla asks permission to visit a man named Davos who is a legendary seer and may be able to help her. When they arrive, Dr. Keller realizes that the man is dying. His ability to see the future is real, but the snippets of the future he is able to show them are open to interpretation. John is called back to Atlantis when they receive a message from the Wraith whose life he had previously saved. He offers to work with McKay to fix the nano virus that is now malfunctioning. As if this weren't enough happening, Richard Woolsey arrives from Earth to undertake Samantha Carter's 3 month evaluation. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Dr. Jennifer Keller goes on her first off-world visit accompanying Teyla on a visit to her people on New Athos. Her apprehension over visiting a strange planet increases considerably when they arrive to find the village deserted. It has all of the appearance of an attack, perhaps by the Wraith, but there are certain anomalies. They eventually find one survivor who Teyla knows is not an Athosian. He eventually admits that he is a Genii spy, Nabel Golan, who had infiltrated the Athosians to gather intelligence. Jennifer insists on treating his wounds and Teyla reluctantly agrees though she doesn't trust him, with good reason as it turns out. Their immediate concern however is the Bola Kai, a warrior tribe that claims to have arrived after the destruction of the village. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Rodney McKay awakens in his lab, tied to a chair and with no memory of who or where he is. He did seemingly leave himself a video message telling him to look for Teyla. The problem began some 14 hours before when Dr. Katie Brown returned to Atlantis with plants from a planet she had visited. The plants had been cleared through the normal quarantine procedure but she is soon afflicted with severe headaches and loss of memory, eventually falling into a coma. Memory loss begins to afflict other members of the crew but they soon become distrustful of one another, making conclusions based on false assumptions and a misreading of the situation. Fortunately, there are two members of the team who seem to be immune. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Sheppard is kidnapped by a group of people living in a starship fleet. They were telling him that they were living on these ships for a long time, due to the war with the Wraith. He was forced to help them make an ancient's ship fly. Sheppard tricked them and flew with the ship, and 3 of the kidnappers. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

After John Sheppard is drawn to and touches a crystalline substance on a planet he and his team are exploring, several members of the expedition begin to have nightmares. Teyla dreams that Sheppard turns into a Wraith and feeds on her; and Dr. Jennifer Keller dreams she is called to sick bay to treat Teyla who is in excruciating pain while Sheppard looks on, apparently enjoying her suffering. Sheppard himself is fine but when the nightmares begin to spread to other members of the crew and one dies as a result of what happens in her dream, finding a solution takes on an even greater sense of urgency. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Rodney McKay thinks he knows who will be the next leader of the Atlantis expedition - himself. He's heard that they will likely appoint someone with a scientific background and who better than himself than himself to fill the job. He is therefore taken aback when Col. Samatha Carter is named to the post. Ronon Dex meanwhile is happy to find three of his old Satedan friends alive and well. They would like nothing better than to have him join their fight against the Wraith, against whom they seem to have had some success. He would like to bring them to Atlantis but Col. Carter refuses, which he takes as a personal affront. Ronon decides he's going to leave Atlantis but when Sheppard's team goes on a joint mission with the Satedans against the Wraith, Ronon realizes something is very wrong. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The Atlantis team, along with Weir and now with the ability to make large hyperspace jumps in only a puddle jumper, must now journey to the replicator home planet to steal one of their many ZPMs to bring the city back to life, and finish the journey to their new planet Written by jwhitleymail

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

With a damaged ZPM, and diminished hopes of survival, the Atlantis team finds themselves stranded in the middle of empty space with hardly any time before they run out of power completely. Dr. McKay is challenged to the max as he tries to find a way to save Atlantis from its doom. Meanwhile, Dr. Keller races to treat Weir's increasing head injuries, but the only answer she can come up with could have grave results for everyone on board. Written by jwhitleymail

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Col. Abe Ellis arrives at Atlantis with a new ship, the Apollo, and important news: a new Replicator base has been detected and it appears they have been building a new fleet of ships. He is under orders to destroy the Replicator base and while Dr. Weir doesn't agree with the plan and would prefer to negotiate with them, it's clear that the decision has already been made. The mission seems to go off without a hitch but when a gate appears above Atlantis, the city finds itself bombarded with deadly ray. Their first attempt at saving the city proves to be temporary at best and they are left with only one choice: activate the city's hyper-drive and leave the planet. Meanwhile, having been bypassed in the decision to attack the Replicators in the first place, Dr. Weir questions whether she can continue as head of mission but fate intervenes. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

After losing contact with the new Taranin (the people rescued by the Atlantis team when a super volcano threatened to destroy their planet) settlement, Sheppard's team leaves to investigate. Finding the town deserted, they move to investigate an extensive subterranean tunnel system. What they find there holds dark tidings for the entire Pegasus Galaxy. Written by Jono Hayward

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

The team locates a mobile geothermal drilling platform that may have the potential of providing them an unlimited power supply. Before going too far ahead, Dr. Weir wants to learn why the Ancients abandoned the project. On arrival, Teyla immediately begins to sense a Wraith presence on the platform. Her attempt to contact the Wraith doesn't quite go as planned however, and she is soon under a Wraith Queen's control. Weir and the team soon learn that the Wraith Queen has been waiting for millenia for a means to escape the ocean's depths and return to her people....and will stop at nothing to accomplish that. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Almost every member of the Atlantis expedition has a day off. Some of them are enjoying their free time or are catching up on some old work. The Sunday, a day like no other, suddenly turns bad and it appears that a lot of people are in danger. Written by Mark Ernst

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

On a distant moon, Sheppard, McKay, Ronon Dex and Teyla find an elaborate subterranean base. The technology is anything but up to date and the base seems to be abandoned, until McKay decides to restore power. When he does so, a scientist materializes and it would seem that he had developed a means of using transporter technology to store a person's essence. The technology was developed to save as many of their people as possible from the Wraith culling and there are several thousand of them in stasis. As the decrepit station begins to fail, Teyla is pulled into stasis by one of the surviving scientists forcing Sheppard to risk his own life to save all of them. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Since soon after their arrival in Atlantis some 2 years ago, McKay and Sheppard have been playing a computer game. The game has two civilizations, separated by a river, with McKay and Sheppard tasked to see who can build the better society. McKay's approach is give his society more and better technology while Sheppard's solution is to increase the size of his society's army. They soon learn however that what they have been playing is not a game, but real societies who, until their intervention, lived in a state of peaceful co-existence. After nearly two years of meddling however, they are now on the verge of war. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

After a time when the Ancients have been shortly living in Atlantis, they have activated a whole bunch of equipment and devices. The Atlantis researchers team is walking around the city to shut it all down again. Suddenly they discover an old research terminal and McKay is going to try to shut it down. Although that does not quite happen like it should. Written by Mark Ernst

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 6.9
44 min

Sheppard and his team visit a planet where there supposedly lives a great hero, someone who has great powers. They arrive to find that the great hero is none other than their old friend, Lucius Lavin. they immediately suspect that he's seduced the locals by using his drug but that proves not to be the case. He does have a body shield however that seems to make him impenetrable. As his popularity begins to wane, a group of bandits attacks the village. He repels them and is once again the hero. The bandits turn out to be outcast Genii warriors, part of the late Cowan's personal bodyguards who were actually being paid by Lucius to stage a phony attack. When Lucius stiffs them on the agreed payment, they return for real this time with commander Kolya in charge....and he would like nothing better to get his revenge on Sheppard. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Teyla is shocked when she sees the ghostly image of a woman in the corridors of Atlantis. The woman is an Ancient in appearance but, initially at least, no one else can see her. Others begin to have their own visions however. Dr. McKay is enjoying himself watching a whale-like creature that is swimming just off the city. He's certain that it's the same creature who guided Sheppard to save him when he was trapped on the ocean floor. He nicknames the creature Sam, after his good friend Samantha Carter. When hundreds of the sea creatures are found to be heading for Atlantis, clearly something is wrong. McKay's search of the alien database reveals that Atlantis is under threat of destruction. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Apparently able to reprogram their base code, the Replicators have attacked and defeated the Ancients who had only recently taken over control of the city. General O'Neil and Richard Woolsey had stayed behind to negotiate with the Ancients and are hiding out in a remote part of the city. It doesn't really matter however since O'Neil's standing orders are that Atlantis is to be destroyed with a nuclear device should it ever be taken over by hostile forces. Sheppard, Weir, McKay and Beckett collect Teyla and Ronon Dex en route and devise a plan to surreptitiously enter the city and rescue their colleagues. If they are to be successful McKay will also have to find a way to destroy the Replicators before they reprogram themselves and make their weapons useless. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The day Rodney McKay has long been waiting for finally arrives: the inaugural test of the interstellar subway that will link the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies. Arranged as a series of interconnected gates, the traveler only stops at a mid-way transfer station. With Sheppard at the controls of a puddle jumper, the test is uneventful and works quite well. McKay does catch one anomaly however - a passing ship traveling just below the speed of light, apparently belonging to the Ancients. When they make contact, they learn that the Ancients' ship had lost its hyper-drive and the Daedalus offers assistance. Once back on Atlantis, the Ancients have only one request - that the Earthlings leave Atlantis immediately. The Replicators however also have their eye on the city Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

When a team led by Major Leonard is late in returning, Sheppard leads a mission to find what may have happened to them. They find three of the team dead as well as evidence that Major Leonard was responsible for killing his own men. Finding themselves under attack by the errant Major and with several Marines wounded, Sheppard, Teyla, Ronan, McKay and the others begin to hallucinate. The source of the problem is an experimental Wraith pulse generator but McKay is having trouble turning it off. With Sheppard fighting an imaginary battle in Afghanistan and Ronan an imaginary Wraith - they're actually shooting at each other - it's left to Teyla to sort it out. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Rodney McKay returns to Earth to visit his sister, Jeannie Milller, after she solves a mathematical proof that may provide for a means for transferring particles to a parallel universe. They need her help to further determine the practical aspects of her theory but she refuses to sign a non-disclosure agreement. She quite surprised to see Rodney on her doorstep given that he has not been in touch with her for four years. He manages to convince Jeannie to cooperate by transporting her to the Daedalus and soon they are in Atlantis working on the problem. There is more than just a little sibling rivalry between the two and she regales everyone with tales from Rodney's youth, not the least of which is that Rodney is his middle, not his first, name. Their attempt at transporting particles to a parallel universe goes somewhat awry when Rodney's doppleganger suddenly appears. The alternate Rodney has a somewhat different personality from the Rodney everyone knows - funny and self-effacing ... Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Sheppard is taken prisoner by his old nemesis, Commander Kolya of the Genii. He finds himself in a dungeon occupying a cell next to a Wraith who says he has been there a very long time. Kolya had expected to become the leader of the Genii but was ousted by Ladon Radim and is now a renegade. He contacts Atlantis and has a simple proposition for Dr. Weir: hand over Ladon Radim, with whom Weir has entered into a truce, and Sheppard will be freed. Weir flatly refuses so Kolya allows the Wraith to feed off Sheppard for a few seconds at a time, and he begins to age dramatically as a result. He broadcasts Sheppard's torture sessions to Atlantis so they can see the result of Weir's decision. While Weir and the others on Atlantis try desperately to find the planet where Kolya is keeping Sheppard prisoner, the Colonel forms a strange bond with the Wraith who work together to escape. The Wraith also shows him a power that no one from Atlantis knew they had. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Dr. Elizabeth Weir wakes up in a locked hospital room only to be told that she is in a psychiatric institute on Earth. She's also told that her entire experience on Atlantis was a dream. Even Jack O'Neil professes to have no knowledge of Atlantis or of any such thing as the Stargate program. It all seems to be very real to her. Her mother visits and she even sees her pet dog. She also sees shadows at night that are quite frightening but seem to be trying to communicate with her. She is convinced that her time on Atlantis was real and that it is her current reality that is false. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The Atlantis team receive a response to one of their probes from a society that seems to be the Ancients. Elizabeth Weir joins Sheppard, McKay and the rest of the team to meet them. To their amazement, they find another city very much like Atlantis only larger and more elaborate with millions of residents. The group's leader, Oberoth, says they left Atlantis many years before after a dispute and created a new life for themselves. McKay is amazed to learn that they have a virtually unlimited number of ZPMs to power the city. Elizabeth wants to discuss trade and the establishment of diplomatic relations but Oberoth seems uninterested. The Atlantis team soon discovers that all is not as it seems. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Sheppard and his team visit a planet but Ronon feels that he's been there before. In his days as a runner, the Wraith had hunted him there, causing much destruction and resulting in the death of the local leader's daughter. They haven't forgotten and soon have the entire team in captivity. Turned over to the Wraith, Ronon is once again forced into being a runner and they return him to his home planet of Sateda. In flashbacks, key events in Ronon's previous life are revealed. Needless, his friends don't just sit by idly but head to Sateda to help him. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

The new plan of the McKay-Carter Subway Station is under way. The Atlantis Team needs to harvest space gates in order to form the Galactic Bridge. Sheppard disagrees with McKay's plan to steal the gates and they go in for first contact with the back water hamlets as McKay calls it. As they walk into the city, they are greeted by a man called Lucius, who has the locals eating out of his hand. Everyone is hanging on this man's every word and so is Carson. He's completely smitten with him and Lucius now knows the location and the thriving existence of Atlantis. It appears, as Lucius explains, that he has an herb that makes him appealing to everyone. He later on exploits this until the locals experience withdrawal symptoms from the herb and they grow sick. Everyone in Atlantis is smitten and do what ever he wishes. Sheppard has totally had it and kidnaps Carson and forces him to make an antidote, while he is still in withdrawal. Written by Mark Ernst

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Because of the earlier battle, Daedalus has been severely damaged and life-support is minimal at best, they decide to transport everyone onto the Wraith Hive after they've deployed the Retrovirus and all the Wraith has been converted into Humanoids again. Tayla contacts Cayenne through the gate and briefs Weir of their current status. It appears that a Hive is approaching, which later on appears that it's controlled by Sheppard and Michael. While Weir struggles with the IOA, Richard Woolsey, they've re-deployed the retrovirus on Michael and once again, put the earlier converted Wraith on a planet and monitor their status. Suddenly, a former Wraith gets murdered and the situation escalates further from there on out. Written by Mark Ernst

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Because McKay is helping the Wraith Hive with the implementation of the retrovirus, Ronan also stays on board. Appearing later on, the Hive betrays the Atlantis Team and the as they try to take out the Daedalus, they both deploy their fighters. Sheppard takes an X302 and hooks onto the hull of the Hive. Weir orders the Daedalus and the Orion to engage the Hive fleet and is being recalled to Cheyenne Mountain to brief the Internal Oversight Advisor's. Back in Pegasus, Sheppard tries to contact McKay and Ronan over the COM but Michael picks up and elaborates on his current status within the Hive and start working together to bring down the Wraith Hives. Written by Mark Ernst

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