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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Captain Windmark secretly brings Michael to a facility in the Liberty Island to interrogate the boy. He goes to 2069 to ask his superior to destroy the boy but he is asked to disassemble him to be studied. Meanwhile Broyles finds where Michael is and Olivia decides to use Cortexiphan to cross to the parallel universe to reach the Liberty Island facility and bring Michael with her. Meanwhile September assembles the time machine but one important component does not work. What will happen next? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.0

Walter, Olivia, Peter and Astrid do not succeed to contact Michael and they decide to ask for help to Nina Sharp at the Ministry of Science. She takes them to a secret laboratory that belonged to the Massive Dynamic and is used by the resistance to study Observers. However the software does not recognize his mind and the group leaves Michael with Nina while the go to a Ministry of Science facility to bring a second interface to let Michael read Walter's mind. However Captain Windmark suspects of Nina and track her down. When he arrives at the laboratory, Nina hides Michael and when Windmark interrogates her, she commits suicide to protect her friends. When the Fringe group arrives, they find Michael and take him to the Harvard laboratory. Soon they learn who Donald is. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.5

With Peter obsessively stalking Capt. Windmark and manipulating his future, Olivia sets out alone to fetch the next needed item to defeat the Observers - a scrapyard-strength electromagnet. As Walter and Astrid study the behavior of another Observer brain implant to determine what's happening to Peter, Peter learns a lesson from Windmark himself. Written by statmanjeff

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IMDb: 8.8

While Peter and Olivia grieve the loss of Etta, Walter retrieves the tape #7 and heads alone to an apartment building in a derelict zone to bring an essential component of the plan to defeat The Observers. The apartment is the opening to a pocket universe' where the laws of time and physics do not work. Walter finds a man called Cecil that accidentally felt in this universe twenty years ago but only five days have passed in the pocket universe. Meanwhile Astrid finds the tape and goes with Peter and Olivia to the apartment. Peter and Olivia use the entrance to the pocket universe to seek out Walter while Astrid wait for them. But The Observers have identified Walter on the street and are heading to the area. What will happen next? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.7

As Walter fears Peter and Olivia losing themselves over Henriett's death, Peter heads down a road of revenge, brutally interrogating a captured Observer to understand the assemblage of a future tech cube used in transporting cargo through time. Written by statmanjeff

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IMDb: 8.8

Buying a gift for Etta proves risky for Peter and draws unwanted Observer interest. Walter discovers the whereabouts of the second component to the Observers' downfall and prepares a proactive approach against them. Capt. Windmark deduces that some people are able to block Observer mind-reads. The reunion of an old friend coincides with the loss of a loved one. Written by statmanjeff

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IMDb: 8.0

After piecing together the videos of Walter's plan Olivia, Peter, Walter and Etta head to rural Pennsylvania to retrieve essential materials for the plan. There they encounter a group of archivists who may be able to help with some local obstacles. Written by David Foss

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IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Harvard is now a secret observer installation. But Walter remembers a secret entrance that will give him access to his lab and perhaps a way to recover his plan to rid the world of the Observers. Olivia gets a distasteful look at Observer interrogation methods as Etta questions a loyalist security guard in hopes of finding a way to restore power to the lab. As Olivia and Etta disagree on how to dispose of their captive they gain a greater appreciation of each others character. Written by David Foss

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Walter discloses to Peter, Astrid and Etta that September had created a plan to defeat The Observers in the future, but he partitioned Walter's memory to protect the information from The Observers. They look for Olivia and find the possible location covered with amber but cut for the removal of the trapped people. Etta explains that there is a black-market where amber gypsies use to sell people encased in amber. They find that the buyer of Olivia is the librarian Edward Markham that has a crush on her. They head to his apartment to rescue Olivia, but the black market dealer warns The Observers about the group. They head to the building but Peter, Astrid and Etta flee with the encased Olivia in a van. But Walter is captured and taken to Captain Windmark for interrogation. What will happen to Walter? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.7
44 min

When several cars stop working at a road to Vermont, followed by a plane crash, Olivia, Peter and Walter are assigned to investigate. On the return, Walter asks to stop at a diner to eat pie and they are attacked by the attendant that is killed by Olivia. They find most of the population dead and a wounded survivor called Cliff that explain that most people went crazy a couple of days ago. They meet a group of survivors and Walter concludes that people from both universes are merging in their doubles and they are trapped in the town. Only those that do not have double in Westfield have survived. But the greatest problem is that the town will be completely destroyed and only the center of the merged town will be a safe place. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.2
44 min

In the parallel universe, the alternate Astrid crosses the portal and visits Astrid since she has difficulties in social interaction and communication, and Olivia comes after her. Meanwhile a man kills people with a strange device but the Fringe Division has no clue to follow. When one victim survives, he explains that the man said that wanted to put him out of misery since he would become paraplegic. Soon alternate Astrid helps the fringe Division to identify the man. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

A girl delivers a sketch to a man showing him impaled by a girder. A couple of minutes later, there is an accident in a construction site and the man is indeed impaled by a girder. The Fringe Division investigates the case and Olivia and Lincoln identifies the girl. Emily Mallum talks to them but her father Jm does not allow the conversation afraid to turn her in a Massive Dynamic's guinea pig. However Emily contacts Olivia and meets her in a park. She explains that when her head hums, she can foresee death. Further she is haunted by a vision of a pile of dead bodies. Olivia brings Emily to Walter's laboratory to help the girl and identify where the tragedy will happen. Will they succeed? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

The alternate Olivia and Lincoln arrest David Robert Jones and bring him to the Fringe Division headquarters. Peter uses his knowledge about the criminal to help to interrogate him. However David uses his accomplices to create havoc with a terrorist attack that kills everybody in a hospital. They let him go but with a tracking device, but David is warned by Broyles and uses a similar device in dollar bills to escape from his pursuers. Lincoln discloses to the alternate Olivia and Lincoln that it might have a mole within the Fringe Division. Peter and Astrid find that David is searching for a mineral. Capable to open holes between the two universes. Meanwhile Elizabeth decides to help Peter and has a surprising encounter. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Olivia is summoned by Broyles that informs that The Fringe Division in the parallel universe has requested their support to hunt the serial-killer John McClennan (John Pyper-Ferguson). Olivia invites the John McClennan in our universe, who is a professor specialist in serial-killers, to go with her to the parallel universe omitting their destination. When john investigate his house in the parallel universe, he does not understand the coincidences and soon he learns that he in a parallel universe. He discloses that he might have been also a serial-killer if he had never met a woman called Marjorie, who took him from the dark side with her love. When he goes to the bathroom, he flees from the Fringe Division looking for his double to teach him love. What will happen to John McClennan? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Peter creates a bridge between the two universes to force both sides to work together in resolving the problems in both universes and then he vanishes and is forgotten as if he had never existed. Meanwhile Agent Lincoln Lee and his partner Robert chase a criminal. Lincoln kills the criminal but a second one with a translucent skin kills Robert. Olivia assumes the case but Lincoln notes her plate and follows her. Soon they team-up to chase the mysterious criminal that is killed by Olivia. Walter finds a device in the man and Olivia gives to her alternate version that promises to investigate. Meanwhile Walter sees Peter in mirrors and everything that reflects an image. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Peter successfully enters the machine with Olivia's help, and is transported to the future days where Walternate's universe is the one which has been destroyed. Walter learns about the origins of the machine and its ultimate purpose and sends back Peter to change his choice but gets lost in time warp. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Using Henry's blood, Walternate activates the doomsday machine to create consuming vortices in the prime universe, a prelude to its annihilation. In response, Peter accepts his apparent destiny and prepares to enter the doomsday machine - the only way where he might switch it off and save the prime universe - but encounters an unexpected reaction. Meanwhile, Fauxlivia turns rebel to retrieve Peter and possibly change Walternate's mind. Written by statmanjeff

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IMDb: 8.7
60 min

After an unsuccessful transference of William Bell's soul to a corpse, he concludes that Olivia must recover her consciousness in less than one day. Walter and Bell decide to prepare an LSD trip with Peter to Olivia's mind to bring her back and transfer William Bell's soul to a hard drive. However her fears turn the trip very dangerous and they have to find where Olivia's hideout is. Will they succeed? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
60 min

In the parallel universe, Olivia is submitted to an EPV test since her sister died during the delivery of her baby. When she returns to her apartment, she is abducted and taken to a facility where she is submitted to a procedure that accelerates her pregnancy. Meanwhile the Fringe Division seeks her out while her mother Marilyn is informed that Olivia's EPV was confirmed. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
60 min

When a woman mysteriously survives a fall from the top of a building, the Fringe Division investigates the case and stumbles upon FBI Agent Lincoln Lee that is investigating the woman Dana Grey that apparently cannot die. Meanwhile William Bell promises to leave Olivia's body within 48 hours but it is hard to find a compatible donor. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
44 min

The Fringe team attempts to find out what process enables people to become lighter than air and float. Peter and Olivia deal with trust issues in their relationship, while Walter becomes increasingly obsessed with retrieving William Bell's consciousness from beyond the grave. Written by Nightice

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IMDb: 8.5
44 min

This follow-up to last season's Peter flashback episode revisits a poignant period of time for both the Bishops and Olivia. Written by Fox Publicity

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IMDb: 8.4
44 min

When a group of guest falls during a party from the veranda of an apartment building in Brooklyn to sidewalk, the Fringe Division is assigned to investigate. Olivia, Peter and Walter learn that the building is considered haunted and the residents are moving away. Walter sees the position of the bodies and conclude they have felt through the balcony and concludes the place has a crack to the parallel universe. Olivia notices a glow from the apartment 6B and the widow Alice Merchant believes she can contact the ghost of her husband Derek from the beyond. But soon Walter, Olivia and Peter conclude she is contacting Derek from the parallel universe. Meanwhile Peter tries to mend Olivia's broken heart and rekindle her feelings for him. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.0
44 min

In the parallel universe, the Fringe Division investigates a case where a man was eaten from inside out by an extinct beetle. Meanwhile Broyles is considered missing and Lincoln is the head of the division. Olivia welcomes her boyfriend Frank that has just returned from Texas and wants to propose her. When a second man is also eaten by the insects, the Fringe Division identifies the scientist Dr. Armand Silva that was researching the cure for avian flu using this insect. Lincoln and Olivia goes to his address and split. Lincoln is locked in a refrigerating chamber while Olivia is brought to his laboratory, where she drinks water. Dr. Silva explains that only human beings are capable to host the beetle and a new cycle has just began. Olivia concludes that she has been infected by the insect and despairs. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.2
43 min

When a scientist is killed by a blue dust that grinds his bones up, the Fringe Division investigates the case and suspects a biological attack. The investigation leads them to a former marine that flees but is hit by a car. In coma, Walter recalls his Cortexiphan patient Simon Phillips that is capable to read mind. Olivia, Peter and Walter try to convince Simon, who leaves in a desert area, to help them to locate the terrorists, but he is sensitive to other people since he cannot control his ability. Simon agrees to help and also disclose Peter's real feelings for her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The Fringe Division visits the Massive Dynamic to see the Doomsday Machine and the presence of Peter assembles the device. He is submitted to tests by Dr. James Falcon against Walter's will. Walter asks Nina to find William Bell's research since he wants to restore his brain to increase his IQ and help Peter. Meanwhile Broyles gives access to the main frame where the alternate Olivia's files are to help the investigation and they suspect there is a mole accessing the information. Soon they find that someone is killing the shapeshifters. Who might be the killer? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

In a retirement home, the former keyboard player Roscoe Joyce of the band Violet Sedan Chair is a sleepwalker. One night, he meets a young man in the corridor and he claims that he was his beloved son Bobby that died twenty-five years ago. However he does not recall what Bobby told him. The Fringe Division investigates the case and they find footage in the surveillance cameras showing Bobby and The Observer in the spot. Walter, who worships Roscoe, brings him to his laboratory to hypnotize him to know what Bobby told. Meanwhile The Observer meets Walter and tells that when he brought Peter from the parallel universe, he unleashed a series of events in a chain reaction and now he is fixing the timeline. Walter fears that Peter's life is in danger and tries to find what he can do to save his beloved son. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
60 min

A man removes the heart of another man and calls asking for medical assistance. The paramedics arrive and find that the victim is still alive without his heart. The Fringe Division is assigned to investigate the case and Dr. Bishop realizes that the body is practically not decaying. Further, they find the heart was transplanted and there are other transplanted victims in similar cases. They conclude someone is harvesting the organs from the donor Amanda Walsh Meanwhile Peter discloses to Olivia his relationship with her alternate version and she apparently receives well the information. But when Olivia returns to her apartment, she is upset with everything the alternate Olivia used. After the investigation the Fringe Division comes to the name of Roland David Barrett and they break in his house. Olivia arrests the man that tells that he has rebuilt and revived Amanda, but something came instead since her eyes were different, deeply affecting Olivia. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.1
60 min

The alternate Olivia feels that has failed to understand the Greek sentence spoken by Peter and she dopes him to flee. She sends a message requesting to return to the alternate universe. Peter, Walter and Broyles chase Olivia and they find the typewriter store in Bronx. They discover that she is going to train station in Newark and Broyles sends the FBI and the police to the station. Meanwhile, in the parallel universe, Broyles feels in debt with Olivia and decides to help her to return to her universe with tragic consequences. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.6
60 min

In the parallel universe, a kidnapper called The Candy Man abducts the boy Max. The Fringe Division is assigned to investigate the case and soon Olivia learns that Broyles' son Christopher was also abducted two years ago and returned blind and with physical deficiencies to his family. She asks Broyles to interview Christopher to see any missing information but Broyles does not accept; however his wife agrees that Olivia meets Christopher. Olivia recalls an old case and guess whether The Candy Man would be draining the pituitary gland from the children to use the hormones to stay young. Based on the received information, Olivia and Broyles meet Reverend Marcus, who was a former physician and now is responsible for a church where they believe the abductor is a member. Meanwhile Olivia meets Henry and asks him to help her to go to the Liberty Island to use the deprivation tank to return to her universe. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
60 min

When several persons are affected with amnesia by a broadcast, the Fringe Division is assigned to investigate the case. Soon they locate the station that broadcast the signal and Dr. Bishop brings a mysterious box they found to his laboratory to study it. Peter goes to a library with Olivia and their friend Edward Markham gives a rare book about The First People from an advanced civilization to them. They learn that the broadcast numbers are the same they find in the book. Meanwhile Walter is upset with the Peter that is studying the Doomsday Machine. When Astrid deciphers the code, they discovers that they are coordinates. What is the secret of the mysterious coordinates? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.5
60 min

When the American Senator James Van Horn has a serious car accident, he immediately goes to surgery; however Newton invades the hospital and abducts him shooting the staff. There is a shootout with Broyles and Newton shoots Van Horn in the eye. The Fringe Division finds that the senator is a shapeshifter and they take his body to Walter's laboratory. He finds that it is possible to revive the shapeshifter and recover his data disc. But the alternate Olivia calls Newton and he sends the shapeshifter Ray to the hospital to retrieve the disc. When he returns home, Newton orders him to kill his family. However Ray is connected to his wife and son and refuses to follow the order. What will happen? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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