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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Bob Paris is still trying to recover the flash drive and learns from a severely beaten James Finnigan about Norman having killed his father. He tells Romero what he's learned and Alex in turns asks Norma about how her husband died but she sticks to her story that he died in an accident. Meanwhile, Paris get a work crew to dig a 25 foot deep hole on Norma's property, supposedly the swimming pool she wanted as part of their deal. Dylan and Caleb set out on their gun delivery job but it's clear that Chick wasn't entirely truthful about the reception they would get at the other end. Written by garykmcd

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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Norma's return home after her brief absence is anything but smooth. Norman has been acting resentful and she tells him to grow up. His first meeting with a psychologist doesn't go well. After acquiring a new phone, Norma realizes that Sheriff Romero has been shot. Romero finally has a look at the list of names on the flash card Norma was given and finds some very disturbing information. Dylan learns more about Emma's condition from her dad and the fact that she may never get high enough on the list of people waiting for a lung transplant. Dylan may have a way to help her out when his neighbor offers him a dangerous but well-paying job. Norma decides to put everything behind her and cook a nice dinner. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 9.3
43 min

After Dylan and Norman calmly suggest to her that she meet with her brother Caleb, Norma has a panic attack and runs off. She has nowhere to go but checks into a motel to sort herself out. She buys a new car and goes to a bar where a pick-up doesn't work out as planned. She finally ends up at James Finnegans' house where he tries to get to the root of her problem. Back home, a traumatized Norman has a blackout but Dylan sees him in full Norma-mode, dressed as their mother and making breakfast for him in the kitchen. Elsewhere, Sheriff Romero is recovering in the hospital from the attempt to kill him and gets a visit from Marcus Young. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Things begin to get serious when Norma is run off the road as a warning to return the information that has come into her possession. When the information on the flash drive is finally deciphered, she realizes it relates to the drug trade and names many of White Pine Bay's most prominent citizens. With a very reluctant Sheriff Romero in tow, she visits Bob Paris and tells him exactly what she wants. Dylan meanwhile has decided to tell Norma about Caleb living with him at the farm. Her reaction is to flee. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

With the death of Annika Johnson in the Bates Motel parking lot, Sheriff Carbonell has a second murder to investigate. He can't quite understand why a wounded Johnson would drive herself to the motel but learns that the car she used belonged to the dead girl they found on the tidal marsh. He knows both girls are connected to the Arcanum club but club president Bob Paris warns him off. Norma is having trouble opening the files on the USB drive Annika gave her. Others are desperate to retrieve that information as well - and seem quite ready to kill for it. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Norma is summoned to the morgue by Sheriff Romero to identify the body of a young woman who was found floating in a tidal basin. She's relieved to find that it isn't their missing motel guest, Annika Johnson. The police identify the girl as a high class call girl who's been coming to White Pine Bay one weekend a month for nearly a year. Norma is stressed over starting her business classes and doesn't make a very good start. She does get an unusual offer that she might just accept. Emma accepts a special delivery intended for Dylan, who is still trying to work out his relationship with his biological father, Caleb. Sheriff Romero meets Marcus Young who plans on running against him in the next election. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Vera is concerned when motel guest Annika Johnson can't be found. That concern grows exponentially when she realizes Norman lied to her about seeing Annika the previous evening. Norman insists he only drove her car back and that nothing happened but Norma is coming to the end of her rope. Norma learns of the Arganum club and sneaks onto the grounds only to run into someone she knows. Meanwhile, Caleb kills a dog which turns out to be his neighbor Chick Hogan's pet, or so he claims. Norman and Emma go out on their first date. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The summer is over and it's time for Norman to return to school. He does so reluctantly and at Norma's insistence but an hallucination in the school cafeteria sends him running home. Norma decides it would be best for him to be home schooled and so makes him the motel manager. Norman and Emma agree they should date. Norma meanwhile learns that her mother has died. She tries to maintain a cool facade and tells the lawyer she wants nothing to do with her mother's estate. Her brother Caleb is still around and he tries to give some money to Dylan who is out of a job now that the DEA has shut down the grow op. A sexy call girl, Annika Johnson, checks into the motel and Norman happily offers to show her how to get to the party she is working that night. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 9.1
43 min

With Nick Ford dead, Dylan and Sheriff Romero rescue Norman. Together, they set a trap for Zane Morgan. Now safe at home, Norman tells his mother he's recalled killing Miss Watson but Norma refuses to believe him insisting that it can't be true. Romero has scheduled the polygraph test which nearly sends Norma over the edge. Convinced that Norman will be found out, her plan is to flee but Dylan intervenes. Norman is contemplating another way out however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.9
41 min

Norma returns home in the early morning to find that Norman's bed hasn't been slept in. She soon gets a call from Nick Ford who says that he has Norman and if she wants to see him alive, she has to get Dylan to do what he asked: kill Zane Morgan. When Dylan is unable to do so he decides to inform Ford personally. Norman meanwhile is being kept in a metal box in the middle of nowhere and recalls a bit of what happened the night Miss Watson died. Sheriff Romero asks his father's ex-partner, Declan Rogers, to conduct a lie detector test on Norman. Norma blocks the sheriff's attempts to see Norman but eventually breaks down and tells him he's been abducted. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Norma and Norman's relationship continues to deteriorate as she flatly refuses to tell him anything about his blackouts. In the aftermath of the attack on his warehouse, Nick Ford asks Norma to tell Dylan he wants to talk. When Nick and Dylan meet, Ford gives him only one way to stop an all-out war between the two families. Sheriff Romero informally questions Norman about whether he had sex with his teacher Miss Watson, on the night she died. Norman denies it but Romero has DNA tests that prove otherwise. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Norman questions Norma's faith in him. Zane's thirst for revenge threatens Dylan. Romero's presented with new evidence that may change the course of Miss Watson's murder investigation. Cody's friendship with Norman reaches a breaking point. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The death of councilman Lee Berman in a car accident opens up a vacancy on city council and Christine Heldens suggests Norma should replace him. Sheriff Romero suggests she avoid it. Dylan leaves the hospital and is picked up by Zane's sister, Jodi Wilson. She takes him home and gives him a room until things blow over. Norman spends the day with Cody but when her father suddenly comes home, they hide in the closet causing Norman to recall a traumatic childhood experience. When they go to the river, an incident with Emma results in Norman turning on Cody. Worried about Norman's blackouts, Cody tells Emma what's happened and she in turn tells Norma. It all leads to an angry confrontation with Cody and her father. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Cody takes care of Norman until he comes out of his fugue state. He lies and tells her it's never happened before. He learns that she has a difficult situation at home and she shows him her hideaway. When he gets home however, Norma has harsh words about the girl and asks him not to see her again. Norma finds a supporter and a benefactor in her attempt to stop work on the bypass. Nick Ford gives her the ammunition to stop the work, at least temporarily. She doesn't realize just who she's dealing with however. Emma is thinking of having sex with boy she met on the beach and asks Norma for some advice. Romero moves into Norma's motel and subsequently delivers a message to Zane. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

After the revelations, Dylan gets drunk and passes out in his car. Caleb denies being his father and returns the money Dylan gave him. Dylan again confronts Norma and she admits she never told anyone, least of all Caleb, who his father was. An outraged Norman, again goes into acting out as his mother and visits Caleb at his motel. It's the morning after the night before for Emma who wakes up in bed with the boy she met at the beach party. Sheriff Romero warns Zane to take it easy or that there will be repercussions. Soon after, Romero finds that his house has gone up in flames. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Norma is disappointed to learn that she didn't get a part in the community play. She makes a new friend however in Christine Heldens who was supposed to direct the play but quit when Norma didn't get the lead. She invites Norma to a party and is introduced to new people including Christine's brother George. She also meets Nick who tells her he too is against the bypass. With Bradley Martin now believed to have committed suicide, Emma organizes a memorial at the beach but things don't quite go as planned. Norma is shattered when her brother Caleb appears unannounced. She throws him out of the house but Dylan takes a liking to him and he doesn't quite understand why she treats him so badly. She has a major revelation for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

After killing Gil Turner, Bradley hides out in Norman's basement. Her plan is to take a bus out of town. Norma is still worried about Norman's blackouts and decides that he needs something new to keep him occupied. The local community theater is putting on South Pacific and she suggests they both try out for it. Nick Watson isn't too pleased with the pace of his daughter Blair's murder investigation and tells police chief Alex Romero things can change in the town. The police soon get a break in the case and make an arrest. Dylan and Remo aren't too keen on Gil's replacement. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Four months have passed since the death of his school teacher Miss Watson and Norman still has no recollection of exactly what happened that night. He remembers being at her house but the next thing he recalls is running down the road in the rain. He visits her grave frequently and on one occasion manages to photograph a stranger standing at her grave. Bradley Martin, who attempted suicide after realizing her dead father was having an affair with a woman using the initial B, is released from a mental institution. She approaches her father's former business partner, Gil, who brushes her off. She decides to take a more direct approach. Norma meanwhile takes on the local municipal council after she learns that work has begun on the bypass. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.8

With Jake Abernathy expecting her to meet him at midnight with the $150,000 Norma goes to Sheriff Romero for help. He assures her that he will take care of it and that she has nothing to worry about. Not quite assured, Norma asks Dylan to get her a gun and show her how to use it. Romero visits Keith Summers' sister Maggie and learns Jake Abernathy's real name. Norma visits Dr. Kurata, without Norman, to get his advice on how to handle stress but leaves when his questions caused her to be ill. She shares a deep dark secret with Norman. Norman overhears his teacher Miss Watson having an argument with someone over the telephone. She is clearly upset and Norman promises not to tell anyone. Her attraction to Norman is obvious. Norman asks Emma to go to the winter dance but it doesn't go well after he keeps staring at Bradley. Her boyfriend has something to say about it as well. Forced to walk home in the rain, a friend offers him a ride. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.2

The Sheriff removes Zach Shelby's body from Norma's room. She's certain it's Jake Abernathy's doing. When she receives flowers anonymously, she's certain it's a veiled threat. Abernathy makes sure she understands just what it is he is looking for. Norma decides that buying the motel was a mistake and wants to move. Norman makes it clear that's the last thing he wants. She confronts her real estate agent - especially about the bypass - but he has bad news for her. Norma's not too keen when she finds Dylan's crew smoking marijuana outside their rooms. Norman's teacher, Miss Watson, wants to get one of his short stories published. Dylan does a favor for Bradley and lets her into her father's office. She's upset by what she finds. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.3

Norman is upset after Emma tells some of the other girls that he and Bradley slept together. He leaves school without permission and in a meeting with the principal and his teacher, it's suggested to Norma that Norman seek professional help. The session with the psychologist doesn't go well. Norman starts spending time with Emma's father who is teaching him taxidermy. He gets his dog stuffed.Norma is worried about the bypass the town is about to build and tries to get Sheriff Romero to help her. He has news for her. Jake Abernathy is back at the motel and Norma decides to follow him to see what he's up to. She finds he's looking for something on Keith Summers' boat. She decides the best thing for him would be to leave the motel but he is obviously not happy about it. Dylan and Remo head off on a road trip to California to pick up the trimmers who will process the latest crop of marijuana. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.2

Sheriff Romero responds to Norma's 911 call and has a surprising proposal for her concerning the deaths of Keith Summers and Zack Shelby. Even with those recent events now behind them, Norma reacts badly to Dylan's decision to move into his own place. The hotel is not quite open yet but gets its first guest Jake Abernathy, who claims to have been a regular when Summers owned the place. He asks Norma if he can continue with the same deal he had with the previous owner - he will rent the entire place one week, pay cash in advance and require complete privacy. He assures her there's nothing illegal going on. Norma naively agrees. The equally naive Norman meanwhile is happy to see that Bradley has returned to school. His hopes of an ongoing relationship prove to be too much to ask for however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.8

Dylan tells Gil what happened to Ethan and gets a new partner, Remo. Norma has a hard time accepting that Shelby kept Jiao a prisoner in his basement. Emma wants to call the FBI immediately to tell them about the Asian sex ring but Norma wants to go slow. She desperately wants to get Keith Summers' belt from Shelby before they do anything. When Shelby stops by the motel, he finds Jiao in one of the rooms and takes off after her when she runs into the woods. When he returns, he only has one thing in mind. Dylan raises doubt about how Norman's father died and repeats his offer to have Norman move in with him. Norma doesn't approve. In the aftermath of what's happened, she tells Dylan what really happened the night Norman's father died. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.4

Having spent the night with Bradley, a happy Norman gets home to learn that his mother is in jail, arrested for the murder of Keith Summers. Her bail is set at $100,000 but she tells both her sons to stay out it and refuses their offer to help her. Norman puts up the hotel as collateral for a bond. Norma goes out of her way to make him feel guilty about not being there when she was arrested and her subsequent behavior is bizarre. Dylan however proves to be supportive and has decided to move out. He offers Norman the chance to move in with him. Meanwhile, Dylan's friend Evan is shot and he decides to get even when the opportunity presents itself. Deputy Shelby goes out on a limb for Norma, yet again. Norman tells Emma he found the girl in the sketch book but that she's now disappeared. Emma thinks she knows where she might be. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.4

Norman manages to get out of Deputy Sheriff Zach Shelby's house thanks to his brother Dylan who creates a diversion. The girl he found in the basement is left behind. He tells his mother what has happened but she doesn't believe him. She tells him he sometimes sees things that aren't there. When she next stays over at Zach's, she decides to check the basement out for herself. Emma has the flu and will miss a week's school and Norman consoles Bradley, whose father has died. Zach Shelby tries to befriend Norman and takes him fishing. The police recover Keith Summer's hand after it's caught in a fisherman's net. The sheriff still suspects Norma in Summer's death and she subsequently has something of a meltdown. Norman confides in Dylan and tells him everything that's happened. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.4

Emma is obsessing over their inadvertent discovery of the marijuana field and is convinced the sketch in the journal Norman found in room 4 - a girl being killed and then buried in the woods - is real. They find a Chinese symbol drawn under the sink.Dylan starts his new $300 a day job - guarding those same the same marijuana fields.Norman collapses at school but all of the medical tests are negative. Sheriff Romero arrives at the Bates' home with a search warrant and Norman can't find Keith Summer's belt. Norma gets in touch with Deputy Zack Shelby who helps her out. After an imaginary conversation with his mother, Norman decides to take matters into his own hands and heads off to Shelby's house. He's not quite prepared for what he finds. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.2

Norma is surprised - and not very pleased - by the unexpected arrival of her eldest son Dylan Massett. She's hoping he'll take some money and just go away but it looks like he's going to stay around for awhile. He clearly hates his mother and that doesn't sit well with Norman. Dylan quickly learns his way around town. Norman begins working with Emma Decody on a school project and she finds the book of pencil drawings. She thinks the events depicted in the book really happened and they go to some of places she recognizes. They find something interesting. Waiting for the bus with Norman, Bradley sees her father's car race by and crash. Her father is inside, badly burned as the result of a fire at his warehouse. While investigating the crash, Sheriff Romero finds Keith Summers' truck. The Sheriff catches her in a lie and she begins seeing Deputy Zach Shelby to try and bolster their story. He tells her that the town has its own way of dealing with problems. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.3

Six months after the death of her husband, Norma Bates and her youngest son Norman relocate to White Pine Bay, Oregon where she has bought a small motel in a foreclosure sale. The place is run down but she hopes to make a go of it despite threats from the former owner Keith Summers and news that the town may build a bypass around the town. Norman makes a good impression on some of the girls at school. His mother isn't keen on him being out much but when he sneaks out at night to be with them, Summers attacks his mother. There are things going on in the town that they're not yet aware of however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.9
69 min

Cersei and Loras stand trial for their crimes, while Jaime celebrates victory with Walder Frey at The Twins. Davos confronts Jon about Melisandre's actions, and Littlefinger reveals his intentions to Sansa. Meanwhile, Bran continues his quest for knowledge in the far North as winter finally arrives.

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.9
60 min

Meereen is under siege and the fleet of the masters is attacking the city. Daenerys wants to destroy their cities but Tyrion convinces her to not incur in the same mistake of her father in King's Landing. They schedule a meeting with the masters to discuss the terms of surrender. However the masters misunderstand and believe Daenerys want to surrender. She rides Drogon and together with the two other dragons, they burn part of the fleet. Meanwhile Daario and the Dothraki attack the Sons of the Harpy. Then Yara and Theon team up with Daenerys to accept the independence of the Iron Isles and to overthrow Euron. In Winterfell, Jon Snow, Sansa, Davos and Tormund meet with Ramsay, and Jon Snow proposes a dispute between them instead of sacrificing lives in a battle. Ramsay does not accept and they schedule the battle in the morning. Jon Snow plots a scheme with Davos and Tormund and Sansa warns that Ramsay plays dirty. When both armies are ready to battle, Ramsay brings a surprise that ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.3
59 min

Arya recovers after being helped by the actress whose life she saved, Lady Crane, whom she finds murdered when she wakes up as Waif catches up with her. The Hound goes on a revenge trip and finally reunites himself with Beric. Cersei uses the Mountain to get back at the High Sparrow and his people. Then she receives the cruel news that her son, king Tommen, is manipulated by the high Sparrow to ban the trial by combat in the seven kingdoms. Brienne and Podrick reach Jaime and Bronn. Brienne makes an offer to Jaime to get him, Sansa and the Blackfish satisfied. She tries to convince the Blackfish to take his army North and help Sansa get Winterfell back. As Jaime threatens to kill Lord Edmure's son, Edmure decides to help Jaime take Riverrun. Daenerys comes back to the pyramid in Meereen. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.6
51 min

The Hound was saved by Brother Ray, the leader of a community, and has a peaceful life working as woodman. When three men from the Brotherhood threaten the villagers, The Hound is worried about but Brother Ray does not believe in violence anymore. Margaery seems to be converted by the High-Sparrow, but when she learns that her grandmother Oleanna Tyrrell is in danger, she contacts her to convince Oleanna to leave King's Landing. Jon. Sansa and Davos are searching for allies to vanquish Ramsay and retake Winterfell. Jaime and Bronn arrive at the Blackfish Castle and Jaime tries to convince him to surrender to the siege to his castle. Theon and Yara are resting in a brothel and waiting for uncle Euron's attack. Arya makes arrangements to return to Westeros but she is stabbed by the Waif. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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