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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

After Carol has cooked some crickets into a disgusting stew Tandy discovers that Todd has a cache of bacon which he found in the solar-powered house next door and which he is keeping for himself. When Tandy tries to persuade Todd to share it Todd sends it to sea on a jet ski but it returns, causing trouble for Todd and for Tandy, who tries to defend him and leading to them both being put in the stocks. This shared punishment does however lead to a reconciliation between them. Phil meanwhile annoys the women with his flirtations. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

After Carol has complained that Tandy's punishment is barbaric he is put into solitary confinement in the mansion's exercise room but is forced to wear a collar administering shocks after he is caught stealing cheese. When a fire breaks out he extinguishes it even though in doing so he receives several shocks but the rest of the group are not unstinting in their gratitude. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Having killed Gordon by shouting Boo at him Carol joins the others at his funeral whilst Phil hides at some distance away. They are all in mourning for Gordon so, in order to gain sympathy for Phil, Carol tells them that he died saving her from falling off the Grand Canyon - not that they are impressed. Eventually she admits the truth but explains that he is a changed man and they should give him another chance - which they agree to do. Unfortunately Phil, unaware of their change of heart, rushes in with a gun to demand forgiveness, with the result that they put him in the stocks. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Phil eventually links back up with Carol in Tucson but they find a letter from Melissa addressed to Carol, telling her that the others have moved to Malibu and want her - but not Phil - to join them. Having passed a load of dead whales on the Malibu sea shore they come in sight of a mansion, where the others are staying. Leaving Phil at a distance Carol approaches the group and the mansion owner Gordon, who on seeing her collapses with a heart attack. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

Reverting back to being Phil, he and Carol have been travelling for six months in his R.V. and, briefly a bomber plane, visiting Carol's childhood home amongst other stops. Carol wants to return to Tucson but Phil is not keen. However, after he has accidentally left her behind at a gas station he assumes she is bound to go there. and reluctantly makes his way back to the survivors' house, only to find it empty. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

To his surprise Tandy finds himself jealous of Phil's attraction to Carol and tries to kill him by knocking over a solar lamp to start a fire. Phil, however, is well aware that Tandy is out to murder him and threatens him, causing Tandy to hide in his bedroom. When he eventually emerges everybody forgives him - except Phil, who dumps him in the desert with inadequate supplies. Strangely enough Carol, impressed by Tandy's regard for her, drives out to rescue him and they agree to move on together. Meanwhile, on an international space station another Miler brother is alive. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Phil is now ousted as the Alpha Male - and President of the United States - of the community and is forced to use his middle name, Tandy, for identification when he loses out to the other Phil. The new Phil has a variety of construction skills which impress the women, even Melissa, and after a less than successful attempt to start his own farm Tandy agrees with Todd that they should kill the interloper. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Now that he is single and the only eligible man in the group with both Erica and Gail interested Phil decides to eliminate the likelihood of any other male incomers by altering the billboards he has constructed outside town with a new message 'Moved to Tampa'. Unfortunately for him he gets stuck on one of them and has to be rescued by a handsome stranger. Reluctantly Phil admits him to the group and is amazed to learn that he too is called Phil Miller. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Phil is outcast after everyone finds out about him telling the new women his wife is dead and they are alone and trying to get up to some hanky panky. Carol has an issue with the new women for trying to steal her man, and there is unrest in the small community. Phil realizes he is a liar. Written by Jay Smith

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Frustrated by Todd and Melissa's closeness and irritated when Carol draws a dog on Monet's 'Water lilies' Phil goes to raid the supermarket and prays to God for a 'do-over'. His prayers seem to be answered when he meets two attractive women, middle-aged Gail and young Erica. He lies to them about his marital status, telling them that he was married to Carol but she died. At Gail's suggestion they drive off to go skinny-dipping but unfortunately for Phil on the way they meet Carol and the others. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Phil finds a cow but gets upset with everyone's reaction. He then steals it so he can get attention when he brings it back, but his decision backfires on him. Later, after Todd finds the cow, Carol puts the cow in her bedroom and moves in with Phil.

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Phil calls a meeting with the other three with the intention of stopping Melissa and Todd from having sex to the annoyingly loud strains of the song 'She Drives Me Crazy' but the meeting ultimately turns into an attack on Phil for not cleaning out his excrement from the pool. Driven to desperation Phil decides to drive Todd out into the desert and leave him there but at the last minute feels he cannot do it and reverses to pick him up. Innocent Todd believes the whole thing was just a joke. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Phil is rattled to think it was the fireworks he set off to celebrate sex with Melissa that attracted Todd, the more so when Melissa and Todd bond over their love of 'The Shawshank Redemption' and are happy to go on dates together, encouraged by Carol. Even Phil's attempts to humiliate over-weight Todd by getting him to take his shirt off backfire when Melissa learns Todd's scar is down to being a kidney donor. Finally Phil has no options left but to declare his love for Melissa but does not get the response he wanted. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Phil decides that, for the perpetuation of humanity, he should impregnate both Carol and Melissa, an idea which does not sit well with his new wife. To atone for this suggestion he invites both women to drop him into a dunk tank but they refuse to. Ultimately Carol consents to his having sex with Melissa but before he can do the deed another man, Todd, arrives on the scene. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.7
23 min

Meeting the more desirable Melissa makes Phil somewhat rueful about marrying Carol and he smartens himself up for the new arrival, obtaining a new car for her but, to keep Carol happy, he mends her door for her, injuring himself in the process. Melissa gets drunk and tells Phil that she has been for two years without a man, thus presenting him with a dilemma - should he give in to temptation or be faithful to his new bride? Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 7.8
23 min

Over a meal of ersatz meatballs made with raisins Phil agrees to marry Carol but the ceremony, with footballs and dummies as witnesses, almost fails to go ahead when Phil forgets the rings. This is rectified by a smash and grab at a jewellers, a wedding and a rather bizarre honeymoon night. As the days progress Phil gets used to his marital status and even starts to enjoy Carol's company - but then the lovely Melissa, literally, crashed into his life. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth


The Last Man on Earth

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

The year is 2020, and after a deadly virus has swept the planet, only one man is left on Earth: Phil Miller. He has travelled to every city in North America and has come to the realization that he is almost certainly the last man on Earth. Written by Kevin Grogan

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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.3
58 min

Daadh's world has been shaken to its foundations. His friend Freund has disappeared and Daadh's worst enemy has taken the deathly ill chief constable's place. Through his knowledge of medicine, his courage and his ability to see patterns in seemingly unrelated events, Daadh succeeds in turning the situation around, and even uncovers a crime ring with connections to the highest levels of society. But suddenly he is harshly confronted by his own past and is forced to bargain with those in power in order to save his life. This experience causes him, for the first time, to seriously question his future as an officer of the law. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.1
58 min

Daadh is invited up to Uppsala by his old professor, who needs his help to find out who poisoned one of his students. Daadh involves himself in the case and quickly realises that his own life is in danger. Someone clearly doesn't like him snooping around. Meanwhile, subversive events take place at the home of chief constable back in Stockholm that will affect Daadh's future. And furthermore, his old enemy Marta Raxelius has decided to put her planned revenge into action but rather than striking at Daadh, the blow lands on someone else altogether. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 5.8
59 min

A landowner is found dead in the stables of his estate, kicked to death by his horse. Daadh soon determines that the tragic accident was actually a murder. He has no difficulty finding people who bore grudges against the victim, but is unable to tie any of them to the crime. Any member of the victim's family could have done it, but the evidence is very scanty. Then the chief constable intervenes and decides that the law must run its full course someone has to be found guilty! Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 5.2
59 min

A number of children are found dead in the great piles of excrement and rubbish that line Stockholm's shoreline. Daadh's investigation leads him to the Great Orphanage, but there they claim to know nothing about the bodies. One of the children from the Orphanage is chosen to carry out the drawing in the Number Lottery, a popular event where large amounts of money are in play. And to Daadh's dismay and anger he is forced to concede that a child's life is worth little when money is at stake. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.7
59 min

One of Daadh's old radical comrades is accused of treason and hung on the square. His body is going to be donated to Uppsala University to undergo dissection for the advancement of medical science. But the body instantly disappears, and the two students who were sent to take possession of it are found murdered. Daadh soon realises that his enemy Marta Raxelius must be involved in the theft of the body. But two more murders take place, and it becomes clear to Daadh that someone is ready to kill indiscriminately in order to prevent him from uncovering the dangerous truth he has got wind of. And before he realises it, his own life is also in danger. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.3
57 min

A bomb explodes in one of Stockholm's packed coffee houses. Daadh's investigation of the attack is interrupted by an order for him to put a stop to the illegal church services held by a pietistic congregation - of which Simon Freund is secretly a member. No sooner has Daadh taken care of this crisis - in his own manner - then suddenly another murder takes place that demands his attention. A respected priest in the state church is found burned to death. Daadh starts to sense that there is an unexpected link between the two murders, and that the perpetrator could be found in unsettlingly close proximity... Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.2
58 min

Libellous pamphlets against the king are being distributed around town. When Daadh is going to interrogate the person who printed them, the man is found murdered, his skull crushed in his own printing press. Daadh's investigation brings him in contact with a beautiful and radical young French woman, and, after a few more gruesome murders are committed, Daadh realises that the old adage holds true hell hath no greater fury than a woman scorned. This is just as true of Marta Raxelius, who is convinced that Daadh killed her brother and will stop at nothing to get her revenge. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 5.6
57 min

A shop owner is found dead with a knife in his chest. A man has been caught seemingly red handed, but Daadh is not satisfied with what seems to be the obvious solution, and instead tackles the problem from a completely different angle and reaches a surprising conclusion. One of Daadh's radical friends from the old days needs his protection, but their meeting ends in tragedy that suddenly makes Daadh the focus of a vengeful woman's rage. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.0
57 min

Barber-surgeon Johan Gustav Daadh returns to Stockholm from the war in Finland. He's taking a patient, Simon Freund, to chief constable Wahlstedt's home, where Freund has been working as a tutor. But there Daadh's life takes an unexpected turn. For one thing, he falls head over heels in love... with the chief constable's wife Magdalena. And he also becomes involved in solving a murder case, which he does so successfully that, to his surprise, he is offered the position of district commissioner, i.e. police inspector. Daadh's first reaction is to turn it down, since he's a political radical and objects to the injustices in society. But when he realises that Magdalena believes in him, he decides to accept the job, with Simon Freund as his assistant. Johan Gustav Daadh's intention is to use his new position of power to try and make a difference... in the name of justice. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD All Hail King Julien

All Hail King Julien


All Hail King Julien

IMDb: 7.5
23 min

Uncle King Julien abdicates his throne, handing off his crown to Prince Julien. Let the reign of King Julien the Thirteenth begin.

Country: USA
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HD The Carmichael Show

The Carmichael Show


The Carmichael Show

IMDb: 8.9
21 min

Maxine sets Bobby up with a friend the family thinks is unattractive, leading to a debate about beauty and superficiality.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Carmichael Show

The Carmichael Show


The Carmichael Show

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

Joe and his sons take a trip to visit his mother, who gives them quite a dilemma.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Carmichael Show

The Carmichael Show


The Carmichael Show

IMDb: 8.7
21 min

Jerrod gets into a fight with a soldier and Joe's attempt to solve the problem only makes it worse.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Carmichael Show

The Carmichael Show


The Carmichael Show

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

The family gets into a debate about consent when a friend of Maxine and Jerrod's posts about her sexual assault on social media.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Carmichael Show

The Carmichael Show


The Carmichael Show

IMDb: 8.7
21 min

Joe decides to vote for Trump after meeting him, much to the dismay of Maxine, as each family member takes up for their candidate. Meanwhile Jerrod attempts to hear all sides of the election debate and attends a Trump rally with Joe.

Genre: Comedy,
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