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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.1

Doug takes Arthur out on a Friday night because he feels sorry for Arthur being all alone. When Carrie hears about this, she shows her appreciation to Doug by giving him oral pleasure. Doug starts to take Arthur out more and more because he hopes Carrie will keep 'appreciating' him. However, Arthur doesn't really fit in with the rest of the group Doug hangs out with. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.0

Doug and Carrie throw a wedding anniversary party for themselves. Doug invites his aunt, and finds out that his aunt and uncle are having problems. When Arthur meets Doug's aunt, he falls for her. Can Doug stop their relationship, or let it be. Written by laffalott1

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9

When Doug finds out that Richie's girlfriend cheats on him, he must confront him with the news. However, Doug has some trouble telling his friend about his girlfriend.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.8

When Carrie keeps skipping softball games with Doug and the guys, Doug wonders what's going on. Doug finds out that Carrie is working late for her boss. Doug starts to wonder why Carrie fell for him. Doug tries to make it up to Carrie by going to a cello concert with her. Written by laffalott1

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9

Doug sees a picture of Carrie's mother in which she looks really fat. Doug tells Arthur he never knew she was fat and Arthur tells him she wasn't always like that. But at one point, well, she just started expanding rapidly. Now Doug is afraid Carrie will also get fat and he wants her to lose weight by going on a diet. Deacon advises against this because it'll get him into serious trouble with Carrie, but Doug thinks it won't be as bad as that and decides to try and talk Carrie into going on a diet. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.2

When Carrie's father Arthur burns his house down, she and Doug let him stay in their house. If Arthur wants to live in their house, Doug has to give up his downstairs paradise. Carrie's sister Sarah also moves in with them.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.0
58 min

As more murders occur George escapes, leading to a failed hit on Luther, followed by a truce. Rose's computer reveals that he has been spying on over two hundred of his clients but it is the discovery that he is likely to be going after the girlfriend who, long ago, deserted him that gives Luther and sidekick Emma Lane the chance to catch up with him before he can claim more victims. And the message from Alice, albeit from beyond the grave and delivered by a supposed psychic, allows Luther closure on two matters as well as the beginning of a bizarre partnership. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.5

Luther is informed of Alice Morgan's death, leading to his abduction of gangster George Cornelius, who is allegedly responsible for her murder. Soon afterwards he is called in by his boss Martin Schenk to help catch a serial killer who eats his victims' organs. All the victims had spy-ware installed by Steven Rose but when Luther leads a raid on Rose's house it is empty and Luther sees Rose escaping. Then a young woman brings him a message from Alice. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: Japan
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HD Luther




IMDb: 9.2
61 min

Luther discovers Ripley's corpse and is charged with his murder by Stark and Gray, but whilst in transit the police car is attacked and Luther is rescued by Alice Morgan. After Marwood goes on the rampage at Luther's flat Superintendent Schenk is aware that he killed Ripley and Mary is taken to a hideaway by Stark and Gray, though Gray starts to sense that Stark wants to reel Luther in for a confrontation. Marwood meanwhile abducts the wife of the doctor at the prison where Caitlin's murderer is held and threatens to kill her unless the doctor gives him a lethal injection. Alice and Luther track Marwood down but he escapes, locating Mary via Luther's phone. He kills Stark and wounds Gray but Alice and Luther arrive for a roof-top showdown. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 9.1
61 min

Still fishing for dirt on Luther, the desperate Gray and Stark visit Mary, suggesting that Luther killed his wife. However Gray begins to sense that Stark is getting out of control in his desire for revenge and confides in Ripley. Meanwhile a young couple are saved from an attack by thugs by a mysterious man who shoots two of the assailants dead. Both of the dead pair are convicted killers and later another man who had been charged with murder is found hanged. Through a website, Luther discovers the perpetrator to be Tom Marwood, taking revenge on killers freed by the system - such as the murderer of his wife Caitlin. He next abducts a paedophile Dennis Cochran, whom - following a public vote of approval on the Internet - he hangs. Luther and Ripley track him down but he steals Luther's phone and shoots Ripley before making his escape. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.6
62 min

Luther investigates the Lanes' murders, noting that Dani has been made up in the same way as Emily. He also discovers that Ronnie Holland, who headed the Shoreditch Creeper case, has died in suspicious circumstances. Aware of Ripley's involvement with Erin Gray he confronts her and tells her not to use the sergeant in any vendetta against him. Luther discovers that Holland was obsessed with a former murderer William Carney, now debilitated and in a care home. Furthermore Carney has been receiving regular visits from a mysterious man called Paul Ellis. From speaking to Carney Luther works out that the serial killer, a disciple of the Shoreditch Creeper, is enacting revenge on women, having murdered his mother for being a whore, and thus cracks the case. Ripley arrests Ken for killing Cass but Luther manages to get him back on side. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Emily Hammond is killed in her flat by a fetishist who makes up and wigs her corpse,the slaying recalling the murders thirty years earlier by a serial killer the Shoreditch Creeper,who had connections with Emily's house. At the same time Ripley is introduced by embittered Erin Gray to creepy,'unretired' superintendent Stark, anxious to nail Luther for killing people who eluded justice and taking the law into his own hands. Stark and Gray put a wire on Ripley as he and Luther investigate the apparently ritual murder of obscene Internet troll Jared Cass. Prime suspect is Ken Barnaby, who was plagued by Cass with taunts over his dead daughter but Luther feels sorry for him,warning him of likely arrest which spurs Ken to take extreme action. Luther finds romance with Mary Day after they literally bump into each other in a traffic prang but the killer strikes again,murdering Dani Lane, who was Emily's baby-sitter in the 1980s, and her husband. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 9.0
58 min

Luther and Jenny dispose of Kent's body and give Baba cause to believe that he was actually killed by her other henchman Frank. To ensure that there will be no reprisals he threatens her with the ultimate weapon of revenge - Alice. Meanwhile the second dice man murders four people on the subway and Luther deduces that the two killers are twins,competing to see who can claim the most victims. With this in mind he plays on the vanity of his prisoner,Robert Millberry,to help him net his brother Nick,leading Luther into a showdown with Nick Milberry. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.6
58 min

Luther leaves Jenny in his flat to investigate an incident at a service station where a man with a baseball bat killed one motorist,maimed another and destroyed their cars. From CCTV footage it appears that he was rolling dice to select victims. The same man later enters an office disguised as a motor-cycle courier and kills five more people before Luther arrests him though in custody he refuses to speak. As Luther returns home to find that Jenny has killed Toby Kent after his attempted rape of her the dice man's exact double prepares another outrage. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.5
57 min

Pell abducts and tortures Justin,who keeps himself alive by flattering the killer's vanity and manages to free himself and escape whilst Pell is out planning his climactic outrage,which Luther and the team,by speaking to Pell's former associates,are able to stop. Procuress Baba,who claims to 'own' Jenny Jones,forces Luther to stop police witness Andrei Kolchak from giving evidence against her crooked grandson Toby - causing Luther to bring Jenny to stay with him for her own protection. Earlier that night he has had a visit from Alice,who has escaped from her institution. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.6
57 min

Alice is now in a mental institution and Luther,after a failed suicide attempt,returns to work having been cleared of killing Zoe. Assisted by the loyal Justin he joins a team headed by Superintendant Schenk hunting a masked serial killer. Luther pursues a suspect,failed art student Cameron Pell,who escapes after attacking him and later phones to say he wants to emulate the Victorian killer Spring-Heel Jack. Luther also agrees to help Caroline Jones,widow of a man he once arrested,to stop her young daughter Jenny from appearing in hard core sex films and kidnaps the girl from a film set. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 9.3
58 min

With his fingerprints on the gun that killed Zoe, Luther is a prime suspect and goes on the run. Only his sergeant, Justin Ripley, believes he is innocent. Luther hides out with Alice who, along with the loyal Justin, helps him to steal and get rid of the tell-tale gun. Justin is also suspended after shouting a warning to Luther when Reed meets him one-to-one but hopes to provoke him into action so that a sniper, positioned on the roof, will shoot him. Luther and Alice also persuade Mark of his innocence and send him to the police station where he takes the diamonds - Reed's cut from the Carrodus robbery - from Reed's locker. Reed pursues Mark, straight into the trap Alice and Luther have set for him at the deserted Waterloo train station, culminating in a sort of revenge. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 9.1
59 min

DCI Luther investigates the violent kidnapping of Jessica Carrodus by a gang intent on recovering a batch of stolen diamonds. They've given the woman's husband James an hour to deliver the goods and as proof of their seriousness, have already cut out her tongue. Luther, always ready to bend the rules, retrieves diamonds from another case in the evidence locker but the delivery goes wrong. It's also revealed that one of Luther's colleagues was in on the original robbery. In the midst of all this, Luther's wife Zoe has decided to break all contact with him. When he finds her dead on her kitchen floor, he realizes all of the evidence will point to him as the killer and he goes on the run. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.5
59 min

Three women, last seen walking home alone at night, have been murdered in five weeks. The killer, Graham Shand, removes a necklace from the latest corpse to give his unfaithful wife Linda for her birthday before striking again. He is a failed taxi driver with a virility problem and Luther eventually traps him - after spotting the tell-tale necklace on Linda - with the aid of undercover decoy Layla, though it is Linda who has the last word. Elsewhere, Alice, still running free despite being a prime suspect, kills Henry Madsen to 'save' Luther. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.2
59 min

Devil-worshipping Lucien Burgess abducts young mother Kirsten Ross from her house,leaving satanic messages in blood on the walls. Rose Teller links this to the similar disappearance and murder of Grace Allen, ten years earlier,the blood being identified as Grace's. Burgess was implicated but had to be released after undercover cop Richard Henley pulverised him. Luther locates Kirsten to a boat,where her dead body is found in a freezer and takes unorthodox action to trap the killer. Mark North is attacked by a gang of girls led by Alice and assumes Luther was behind it. He makes a complaint but Alice gets him to drop it by telling him she did it to get Luther back with Zoe.As a result Zoe offers Luther an olive branch ...and a little more. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.3
57 min

DCI John Luther is still on the job - ex-wife Zoe's boyfriend Mark North doesn't pursue the assault charge - and he now investigates the murder of two police officers who were lured to site by a 999 call and then shot. CCTV footage suggest that someone with a military bearing was in the area and it leads him to Owen Lynch, a former Royal Marine who was discharged due to psychological problems. His father Terry, also a formal Royal Marine, is in prison for having killed a police officer some 18 months before and Luther believes he's out for revenge. Meanwhile, Alice Morgan contacts Luther and lets him know that she has decided to investigate him. She also threatens Zoe. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD Luther




IMDb: 8.3
58 min

After a 7 month suspension, DCI John Luther returns to duty. With the assistance of DS Justin Ripley, he investigates a home invasion that resulted in the murders of Douglas and Laura Morgan who were found by their daughter Alice. After questioning her, Luther is convinced that she killed her parents and as much as tells her so. He has no physical evidence however and the police have not been able to find the gun. Alice is highly intelligent and is quite prepared to play psychological games with him. Luther meanwhile tries to repair his relationship with his wife Zoe from who he has been separated. She has met someone and has begun a new relationship news that doesn't go down very well. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD Starke man

Starke man


Starke man

IMDb: 0

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Starke man

Starke man


Starke man

IMDb: 0

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Starke man

Starke man


Starke man

IMDb: 0

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Starke man

Starke man


Starke man

IMDb: 5.7
28 min

After having used unemployed people to do his gardening, the opposition call for Lars-Göran to resign.

Country: Sweden
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 9.0

In a meeting of the officers the general announces the establishment of a new office in San Diego, two sets of transfer orders, and a promotion; Mac will take over the new unit in San Diego, and Harm will transfer to London and get a promotion to the rank of captain; the general gives his consent for Harm and Mac to select their own staffs to go with them, so they start. Vic goes to Parris Island and investigates the case of a Marine recruit, his bizarre behavior, and his fraudulent enlistment; Vic creates an inventive and constructive resolution. Harm and Mac review their respective memories with each other, then they talk with each other, then they propose to each other. They agree that one of them should retire, but they can't decide which one, so the gang gathers at a pub, then Bud flips a coin, which Mac calls. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3

Two petty officers engage in a fistfight aboard an aircraft carrier at sea, and one of them dies; Bud prosecutes, and Vic and Harm defend; soon friction develops between Harm and Vic; later they work together; however, Bud discovers the explanation for the death. A seaman apprentice has released two dolphins from their pen, and the dolphins returned, but the seaman now faces a pretrial hearing; Sturgis prosecutes, and Mac defends; mitigating factors come up, and justice prevails. Meanwhile Mattie regains consciousness and starts to converse. Finally the general announces not only a reorganization but also transfer orders for both Harm and Mac and a promotion for Harm. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

A Navy physician in Iraq has administered to a local child a drug which was in short supply in a field hospital; she now faces a pretrial hearing for having disobeyed an order and having endangered US military members; Harm prosecutes, and Mac and Bud defend; Bud presents evidence that the shortage had resulted from a mistake by the senior surgeon. The general's brother, William, served as a SEAL in SE Asia; a helo pilot died, but he saved William and his team. Unidentified remains have recently become discovered near the site in question; William strongly suspects that the body is that of the pilot; Vic and Catherine set out to find a relative and to get a sample of DNA; after a zigzag journey they find his brother in Memphis. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.5

A smuggled IED in Iraq explodes inside a work tent and kills 17 Marines in a reserve unit from a small town in Oklahoma; one man survives; Harm and Bud go to the hometown and provide legal help to the families; the survivor returns home. The local Marine Corps Reserve Center burns due to arson; the sheriff suspects the returned hero; Harm and Bud investigate, then the hero-suspect goes on trial in his hometown; Harm and Bud prosecute, and they discover the truth. Meanwhile, Mac goes to Iraq and investigates the explosion; among the locals she learns the real story; she and the senior Marine officer watch a new democracy at work. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.5

A Marine in Iraq stands accused of unpremeditated murder by shooting an allegedly unarmed civilian who supposedly had sought refuge in a mosque; Vic, the new man, goes to Iraq and defends him against an aggressive prosecutor; Vic discovers the object for which the victim had tried to reach. After the trial the general arranges some continuing education for Vic by sending him to the front with a combat unit; he sees action and takes part in it. The general asks Mac for a personal favor; she talks with both his daughter and the general himself. While Tom stays on a binge, Harm continues his vigil with Mattie, who remains in a coma. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

While a Marine unit delivers relief supplies to a Nicaraguan beach (by using a Navy air-cushion landing craft), a mob becomes unruly; while a corporal takes part in crowd control, he hits a local man with his M-16; the Marine faces a court-martial for involuntary homicide; Mac prosecutes, and Greg and Tali defend; the trial ends on a surprise note. The general decides to conduct the annual JAG conference in San Diego; he leaves Harm in charge. Harm receives word that Mattie has become involved in an aircraft collision on the ground in bad weather; he goes to her in a hospital; she remains in a coma; the outlook is uncertain and discouraging; her father goes off the wagon. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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