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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Barry lets Jesse tag along when a new meta human known as Mirror Master shows up and teams with his old partner Top to find Snart and settle a score. Jesse disobeys one of Barry's orders during the pursuit, resulting in disastrous consequences. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Barry and Team Flash are thrilled to reunite with Earth-2 Wells and Jesse. Wells confides to Barry and Caitlin that Jesse has all the powers of a speedster and has been saving people on his Earth. He is concerned about her safety and wants them to talk her out of using her powers. Meanwhile, Magenta, a new meta who can control metal, terrorizes the city.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

After restoring the time-line Barry returns hoping that everything is back to normal but he finds things are not as he remember them. He also find himself working with a new guy who doesn't like him. He tries to fix things but it only makes things worse. Someone shows up to help him. He then discovers Rival, the speedster he encountered in the previous time-line is back. Someone made him discover his abilities. And he goes after the Flash. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

We pick up on Barry three months after he changed the timeline. He has trapped Reverse Flash in a cage, his parents are alive, but love interest Iris West does not know who he is. Neither do his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs. With these changes come new enemies, new speedsters and a whole world in Flashpoint.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
40 min

With the all out war on Central City ended, Zoom's true intention against the multiverse becomes known. Now that it's finally time for The Flash to take down Zoom once and for all, Barry finds his team turned against him for his own moral sake. The identity of the man in the iron mask finally becomes known. Written by JeVonni King/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canary's Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally takes to the streets to help The Flash stop the meta-humans, which worries Joe. Iris and Henry are concerned about Barry taking on Zoom.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

In trying to get Barry's speed back, team Flash unintentionally creates a zombie - Girder. With Barry/Flash no longer there to help retrieve him, Iris comes up with a plan to use herself as bait to lure zombie-Girder back to S.T.A.R Labs, which Joe thinks is too dangerous to allow. With Henry shaken by the fact of seeing his son dissolved away, and Harry distracted by the blast putting his daughter in a coma, the team needs these fathers to concentrate their efforts on each other's behalf in order to address their immediate dilemmas. Written by tomislav bitunjac/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

Zoom returns to Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Wells come up with a plan to stop him, but it's extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry adamantly opposes Barry risking his life again but Joe thinks he can handle it, which puts the two men at odds with each other. Meanwhile, Cisco misinterprets his vibe on the Earth-2 villain Rupture, who happens to be his brother Dante's doppelganger, when Rupture comes to Earth-1 seeking justice for Reverb's death. As Barry struggles to reach a critical decision, Iris decides she's finally ready to open up to Barry about her feelings for him. Written by Anonymous/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Griffin Grey, a meta-human with super strength, mistakes Harry for Earth-1 Harrison Wells and kidnaps him, demanding that Wells cure him of his current condition. Realizing another brilliant Wells could track Griffin's location, Barry asks Jesse to help. Meanwhile, Wally corners Joe about The Flash. Written by maxmulholland

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry strongly advises against the plan. The team also figures that Cisco has the power to re-open the breach. Also, Hunter Zolomon's painful backstory is revealed.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

After the shocking revelation of Zoom's real identity, Barry is more determined than ever to get back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom forever. Desperate to find a way to increase his speed, Barry decides to travel back in time and masquerade as his earlier self in order to get his arch-nemesis, Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, to teach him how to run faster; however, things do not go as planned and Barry is stunned to face familiar foe Hartley Rathaway, as well as old friend Eddie Thawne. Iris makes peace with her past in order to embrace her future. Written by michaelkellylol

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Trajectory arrives in town intent on creating maximum chaos. Trajectory's antics are misinterpreted as having been perpetrated by The Flash himself. Barry must thus act quickly to uncover the mystery of who is causing damage, so others do not think it is him, and what may be driving her mad desire for speed and destruction. Written by CDM

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

King Shark from Earth-2 is still alive and held in an A.R.G.U.S holding tank. He escapes and seeks to kill The Flash and be sent home. As Diggle and Lyla bring warning and join team Flash to try to figure out how to track him and bring about his recapture, King Shark pays a surprise call on the West home (which gives Wally a poor impression of Barry). Meanwhile, everyone at S.T.A.R. Labs also tries to cope with either the resent incidents of Earth-2, with Jay's untimely death, or both. Back on Earth-2, Zoom finally removes his mask. Written by anonymous/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
41 min

With Barry Zoom's prisoner, Wells and Cisco need to find him, so they turn to Barry's counterpart and, along with Iris, try to find him by asking Killer Frost. In Zoom's prison, Barry meets Wells' daughter, Jesse, and they try to work together to get out. Back on Earth-1, Caitlin tries to perfect the Velocity formula so she can restore Jay's speed. When the Geomancer returns, they try to deal with him. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.4
42 min

Barry, Harry, and Cisco travel to Earth-2 to rescue Jesse from Zoom but encounter Killer Frost, Deathstorm and Reverb (Caitlin, Ronnie and Cisco's evil Earth-2 doppelgangers, respectively). Despite Harrison's warning, Barry and Cisco do indeed get emotionally caught up and emotionally invested in seeing themselves and others they've known living alternate lives, which threatens their mission. Back on Earth-1, Jay takes on Barry's responsibility of defending Central City when a quake-inducing meta-human called Geomancer comes looking for a rumble with The Flash. Written by Andrey Gaganov/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Barry and Wells team up to figure out a way to close the breaches, but their plan stalls because of a new meta-human named Tar Pit. Iris worries for Wally's safety after she discovers his involvement in drag racing and puts herself in danger after he refuses to stop. Written by TheArrowMan/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

Harry deduces the key to triggering Cisco's ability to vibe. The Reverse Flash has returned and kidnaps Tina McGee to help him return to the future. Iris learns that her mother doesn't have long to live. Barry must choose between vengeance and the life of one of Team Flash. Written by pgdownload

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Cisco's idea on how to make Barry faster than Zoom involves a meta-human criminal known as The Turtle who can steal kinetic energy. The team tries to catch Turtle, but when unsuccessful, he retaliates by kidnapping Patty. Meanwhile, Barry's recurrent nightmares feature Zoom threatening Patty's life; while Iris encourages Barry to tell Patty the truth about his identity, Dr. Wells tells him it would be a mistake. And Wally's bitterness blocks Joe from knowing him better. Written by Andreea D/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

When Mark Mardon/The Weather Wizard returns to break Leonard Snart/Captain Cold and James Jesse/The Trickster out of Iron Heights Prison, Barry must stop these rogues from making a horror out of Christmas in Central City. Meanwhile, Iris makes the difficult decision to tell Joe about the son he never knew he had, and Dr. Wells finds himself pressured into joining a unsavory coalition with Zoom. Written by mini_jake19/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
43 min

Despite continuous training for his next encounter with Zoom, Barry's speed ceases to improve. Harrison has only one resort left, a serum he once tried to develop for Jay (The Earth-2 Flash). With Caitlin's help he succeeds, but Jay resolutely warns against its use. Meanwhile, Egyptian immortal Vandal Savage comes to Central City to slaughter the latest reincarnation of warrior priestess Chay-Ara, known to Cisco as his girlfriend Kendra. Barry solicits team Arrow's help in protecting her while he as The Flash, alongside Green Arrow, find dealing with the Egyptian deity difficult. Back at the lab, Patty brings harm to Harrison when she mistakes him for the late Eobard/Wells, Central City's public enemy no.1. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Recovering from his injuries and near-death encounter with Zoom, Barry tries to get back on his feet, literally, but with body mending and spirit not, Iris calls in Barry's dad, Henry, to help. Joe learns that Grodd, the giant, telepathic gorilla Thawne/Wells created, is back and on a rampage, eventually nabbing Caitlin. With Barry still out of commission, Cisco and Earth-2 Wells mount a rescue attempt, which doesn't go as planned but achieves its goal. Caitlin beseeches them to help Grodd rather than kill him. Wells thinks he knows how they can but needs Barry, who is still not 100%. Elsewhere, Patty catches Barry in a lie, and a kiss from Kendra starts Cisco believing in angels. Written by by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.5
42 min

Wells wants to lure Zoom to Barry's Earth so they can deal with him. He wants Dr. Light to help them. She agrees but escapes before they can put the plan in motion, so they turn to Light's counterpart, Linda Park, to help them. She is afraid but she agrees to help. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. Jay tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her. However, during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty go out on a date. Written by THE CW

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Barry and the team look for another Firestorm match for Dr. Stein. When they turn up two candidates, Caitlin unmistakably prefers research scientist Dr. Henry Hewitt over ex-football-quarterback-turned-mechanic Jefferson Jackson, but in finding a proper match, a new meta-villain is born. Meanwhile, with a shark-man suggestively at large in the city, Joe coaches Iris in meeting her ex-addict mom, Barry in pursuing his growing attraction towards a police colleague, and Patty in keeping a break-in perp's identity away from Barry.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

When Barry and the team find out Captain Cold has been kidnapped, they form an uneasy alliance with his sister, Lisa; however, Barry feels double-crossed when he finds Snart working with his father, Lewis Snart, on a heist. Meanwhile, Joe is faced with a difficult decision.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Jay Garrick, the man who said Barry's world is in danger, says he comes from a parallel Earth on which he is The Flash and that the singularity Barry encountered six months ago opened a pathway to his world and he fell through it. He tells Barry the one he encountered called Atom Smasher came from his world, brought over by an arch nemesis named Zoom. Barry is incredulous as to if Jay is telling the truth. Later they encounter another meta-human, whom Jay identifies as Sand Demon and tries to teach Barry how to handle. Meanwhile, Joe rejects a young cop who wants to join his Meta Human task force (but she works a case anyway). Written by by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

With the singularity destroyed, Central City wants to honor The Flash, but the ultimate sacrifices made by others haunts Barry, who retreats from the company of all those who were once close. When the radiation-absorbing meta-human Atom Smasher threatens he city, Barry goes it along, not realizing he's also being stalked. In defeat, Dr. Wells leaves Barry a parting gift. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.7
44 min

Now incarcerated, Dr. Wells (Eobard Thawne) proposes a plan: use the awakened Particle Accelerator to create a stable worm hole that'll grant Barry and himself each their deepest desires, respectively a living mother and a 22nd century return trip home. The risks are great. Tampering with time will cause permanent and unpredictable changes, let alone a chance at mistakenly spawning a black hole on Earth. In the meantime, Wells suspects that Cisco might be a meta-human, and Eddie (apprised of his rather unique, coincidental position) fulfills a personal wish. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

As Wells once again gets the upper hand on the S.T.A.R. Labs team, Barry realizes he needs to make a big move and reaches out to an old foe, Captain Cold, for help. Joe and Caitlin warn Barry that Cold can't be trusted. True to form, Cold has his own agenda that involves the meta-humans trapped in the containment cells. As things seem to be going from bad to worse, The Flash gets reinforcements - Arrow and Firestorm. Written by The CW

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Barry must deal with Reverse Flash's latest threat to a member of the group. To make matters worse, Dr. Wells unleashes Grodd on the city to distract Barry and the team. Joe, Barry, and Cisco head down into the sewers to catch Grodd. Barry and Iris have a heart to heart talk.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.5
42 min

After discovering Dr. Wells' Time Vault (where Barry, Caitlin and Cisco meet Gideon), the group decides to tap into Cisco's dream state, wherein lies information from the alternate timeline. There Cisco hears Dr. Wells admit to killing Nora Allen. To get Henry Allen out of prison, they all need to hear that admission and decide to recreate conditions from the other timeline to get Wells to confess, which puts Cisco directly in harm's way. Meanwhile, Eddie makes a request of Joe, which Joe unexpectedly and flatly refuses. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

Joe and Cisco head to Starling City to continue their investigation of Dr. Wells. While in town, the duo enlists the help of Captain Lance, and Cisco meets the Black Canary, who asks him for a favor. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Barry races to catch a meta-human named Hannibal Bates who can transform himself into every person he touches - which includes Eddie, Iris, Caitlin and even The Flash. Written by Diwas Chhalani

Country: USA
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