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IMDb: 7.9
42 min

When the sheriff of a small town nearby Edina City gives a ride to a boy that is fleeing home, he finds at the police station that the boy has changed to a deformed child. Out of the blue, a group of deformed man slaughter the sheriff and two marshals and bring the boy with them. The Fringe Division is assigned to investigate the case and they head to Edina, here they are received by the local sheriff. They overhear a humming and the sheriff explains that it comes from a military base. Soon Olivia and Peter are attacked by a local in a truck but Peter succeeds to kill him. They bring the corpse to Dr. Bishop that catches a rare butterfly to Astrid that collects the insect. But when he deliver the pot with the butterfly to her, she has turned into a moth. Astrid and Dr. Bishop drive to Edina City and when the moth becomes a butterfly again, Dr. Bishop discovers the secret of Alina City. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 7.3
43 min

After a teenage girl is pronounced brain dead, her mother takes her off life support, but when doctors operate quickly to remove her organs, the deceased girl shockingly awakens screaming an alphanumeric code. Equally as perplexing as her resurrection is that she is now somehow able to speak Russian and possesses classified information only a high-ranking soldier would know. While the girl's mind-bending condition intensifies, Walter dusts off some old lab videos and hypothesizes the unthinkable, sending Olivia and Peter to investigate the bewildering case. Written by FOX Publicity

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.8
43 min

When a patient of a mental institution is submitted to an intriguing brain surgery and is left behind with his brain exposed, he surprisingly regains sanity. The Fringe Division is assigned to investigate the case and while Olivia and Peter check the surveillance footage, Olivia recognizes one of the men. She check the FBI file and finds his name as Thomas Jerome Newton, the leader of the shapeshifters that have stolen the frozen heads. They discover that the patient's doctor is Dr. Paris and there are two other patients sent to other mental institutions by the physician fourteen years ago. Soon they learn that the two patients have mysteriously recovered and the Fringe Division discovers they have been also submitted to brain surgeries. When Walter is submitted to a CT-scan, they find that three pieces of his brain were removed and implanted in the three patients. What is the intention of Thomas? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 7.9

When a group of Chinese clandestine is found dead at the seacoast, the fringe division is summoned to investigate. They find a huge worm and one a Chinese woman alive that explains that the group received pills for seasickness, but she had not swallowed hers. Dr. Bishop investigates the worm and concludes it has medicinal purpose. Therefore, the Triad gang is using the illegal immigrants to breed the parasitic worms and produce a drug for treatment of millionaires. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When the art student Christine Holls is abducted by an Observer that is shot but is not wounded, Olivia and Peter are assigned to investigate the weird case. Soon they find that this is another Observer (called August), and not the one they know that saved Peter and Dr. Bishop from a car accident. They interview Christine's roommate that explains that she would take a flight to Rome. Peter sees a picture of Christe and her parents, who died in the San Francisco earthquake, and he finds the Observer in the background. When the plane to Rome crashes, the Fringe Division concludes that August has saved Christine's life. Meanwhile the other Observers hire a hitman to fix August's mistake. What would be the reason for August's action? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

When the fourteen year-old boy Tyler Carson is kidnapped, the NYPD surround the car with the abductors; however they kill each other and the kidnappers drive away with Tyler. The Fringe Division is summoned to investigate the mysterious case and soon they learn that Tyler is the son of the engineer Dr. Carson, from the Massive Dynamic. Their further investigate shows that Tyler has mind control powers and the supposed abductors are two respectful car salesmen. When Tyler kidnaps Peter, Dr. Bishop tries to find a means to save his beloved son from the evil teenage boy. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 7.8

When a shadow touches a man at home and he turns into dust, his wife panics and the Fringe Division is assigned to investigate. Philip Broyles recalls similar cases he was involved and obsessed a few years ago. Senator James Van Horn tries to persuade Broyles to stop the investigation and deliver the case to the CIA and Russian government but he does not accept. A patient is murdered in a hospital and while investigating the surveillance cameras, Olivia sees the shadow. Soon the Fringe Division finds the responsible for the death and what the shadow is. Will they succeed to stop the entity? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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IMDb: 7.9

The Fringe team travels cross-country to Seattle after learning of a mysterious incident involving a man who attacked his boss because he believed he was an evil ram-horned creature. As these puzzling occurrences continue, the team tirelessly explores strange and creepy links to dreams. In pursuit of additional information, Agent Broyles has a disconcerting meeting with enigmatic Massive Dynamic executive Nina Sharp that leads the investigation in an unthinkable direction. Written by Fox Publicity

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IMDb: 8.8
44 min

When the shipment of cryogenically frozen heads is stolen by a mysterious man, he shots the security guards and one of the guards helps him to kill the guards but is also killed by one of the guards. When Dr. Bishop analyses the corpse, he discovers that the body has blood and mercury; therefore the man is a shapeshifter and Walter concludes that the nurse killed at the hospital was human. The Fringe Division finds an intact device with the shapeshifter and Olivia gives it to Nina Sharp in order to help the Massive Dynamics to find the identity of the shapeshifter that tried to kill her. Meanwhile, Dr. Bishop recalls his former patient Rebecca Kibner (Theresa Russell) that was able to identify shapeshifters with the power developed by the drugs. He brings her to the laboratory to help the investigation. Out of the blue, Olivia faints and recalls her meeting with William Bell in the parallel universe and his warning about the great storm that was coming. She heads to the Massive ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

In Philadelphis, the Police Officer Daniel Gillespe receives a phone call and leaves his partner alone to pick up a briefcase in a Train Station. When he catches the object, his body hardens and blows up killing eleven people. Soon the Fringe Division investigates and discovers that it was not a terrorist attack with a bomb; instead it was Gillespe's body parts that killed the passengers. Dr. Bishop finds in the autopsy that something was injected in Officer Gillespe since there are needle marks in his toes. However the footage from the surveillance camera does not help since there is static blurring the image. Peter and Olivia head to Gillespe's house to interview his wife and Olivia accidentally finds a hidden compartment with the drugs used by Gillespe. Soon they discover that an AWOL colonel, Raymond Gordon, may be behind the explosion. Meanwhile Peter and his father seek out a new apartment to live and Olivia meets Sam Weiss to treat her physical and mental problems. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

When seven people go missing in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, the Fringe Division head to the place to investigate the case. Olivia is still recovering from the car crash, using walking stick and still with partial amnesia. Their investigation leads to Andre Hughes, a retired doctor that lost his wife and baby that died in the childbirth, and they bring him to the FBI office to interrogate him. Meanwhile the shapeshifter Charlie is tracking Olivia down following orders from someone from the parallel universe. The FBI decides to exhume the bodies of Hughes' wife and baby expecting to find whether he killed them or not. However the baby's corpse is missing. When they return to the FBI, they discover that Hughes committed suicide. What is the secret of Hughes' baby? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Coming back from the alternate Universe is not a pleasant experience for Olivia, who ends up in the hospital. The FBI wish to close the Fringe Division but Broyles fights them. Peter and Walter are helped in their investigation into Olivia by a junior FBI agent. Olivia has trouble remembering the conversation she had with Belly in the alternate Universe. A shapeshifter takes the place of on of the major characters. Written by Andreea D

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IMDb: 9.2
48 min | 60 min

David Robert Jones takes Nina Sharp down in order to extract an energy cell from her arm. He uses it to build the device necessary to get to the alternate world. September brings Walter to his beach house so Walter can find something he doesn't really remember at first but Peter helps him remember. Olivia uses her investigative skills to guess Jones' next move. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.7
48 min (uncut)

When a woman bursts into flames and explodes, Olivia and Peter start to look into it, and Olivia starts seeing things -- which Walter explains as possibly her seeing an alternate reality. The investigation leads back to the experiment Olivia was part of as a child, and points to a high member of the FBI as well as links to Massive Dynamic. Meanwhile Nina comes to Broyles with her concern that The Observer has been sighted again, and frequently. Written by Ron Kerrigan

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0
57 min | 48 min (uncut)

When a second victim is discovered with injuries to the back of the neck, Fringe division is called in to investigate. Walter does an autopsy and discovers that the injury was inflicted by a human bite; the wound is infected by a rare genetically modified syphilis virus and all the spinal fluid has been drained. Tracing users of the virus leads the team to a scientist with connections to ZFT. His story leads the team to find more victims and a desperate race against time to track down a killer with a dangerous addiction to human spinal fluid. Written by Mark Smith

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IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Agent Dunham dreams about pushing a woman in front of a subway train, and then finds out such a death occurred while she slept. After a second death from her dreams, she starts to feel responsible and investigates the one link between these two deaths, and a possible link to her own childhood. Written by Ron Kerrigan

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
57 min

When a group of college age animal activists raid a laboratory to release animals, they unwittingly unleash a genetically altered monster, which goes on a killing rampage. Walter feels responsible since he experimented with combining the DNA of different species in the past, and works hard to come up with a way to trap the new animal before it can breed uncontrollably. Written by Ron Kerrigan

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
59 min

While a construction team swaps a building, a child is discovered in a tunnel that hasn't been opened for 70 years. In the meantime one of Olivia and Charlie's old cases is reopened as the initial perpetrator, the Artist, comes back to surface and new victims arise. The funny thing is that the isolated child is somehow connected to the case, knowing the details about the victims. CIA are also interested in the boy and Olivia does anything possible to prevent them from getting him. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.8
51 min

Olivia finds what ZFT stands for. Walter examines a man who was infected by something that caused his orifices to close. Jones turns himself in and demands to speak to Olivia. Soon more people become faceless and Olivia believes Jones is behind it. She therefore gets permission to see Jones, who dares her to take a test. If she passed, then Jones would stop killing people. The test requires Olivia to awake her true ability. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
62 min

A plane goes down after a man transforms into a creature similar to a hedgehog. Using John's memories, Olivia IDs the man behind the creature, that also has a data storage device inserted into his hand. To find out more information, Olivia goes into the tank again, to get more access to John's mind. She finally learns John wasn't really a traitor. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7
52 min

When a teenager has his brain liquefied, the Fringe team start an investigation. It turns out he downloaded a program that caused the condition. Astrid snoops around Peter. Harris continues questioning Olivia's methods and threatens to close down Fringe division. Ella, Olivia's niece is one of the targeted victims but she's saved before the programs takes effect. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.5
65 min

Using her FBI training, Olivia escapes from Robert Jones' people. An FBI agent from Olivia's past is set to investigate the motifs and actions of the Fringe division. Olivia retrieves a sample from her abductors that contains the same parasite that is used to kill an immunologist. At the federal HQ, Loeb interferes with the investigation and finally Olivia figures out he's the other mole. Loeb instructs his wife to kill Olivia but Peter, who overhears the conversation, warns Olivia. Loeb is then caught by the team. Written by Andreea D

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IMDb: 8.6
65 min

Four thieves activates a device to rob the safe of a bank crossing through the solid door. However, the time to flee is over when the last thief is crossing and he is embedded into the steel door. Agent Broyles, Olivia Dunham, Dr. Walter Bishop and Peter investigate the crime scene and Olivia recognizes the criminal. They find that there have been other mysterious heists in other safes. Meanwhile Olivia visits the widow and soon she learns that the memories belongs actually to John Scott. In Frankfurt, the lawyer of David Robert Jones visits his client to report that the last job was successful. Dr. Bishop recalls that the safes belonged to him and he had stored pieces of an experimental teleportation machine capable to bring any person from any place or any time. What is the objective of the criminals and what will happen to Olivia? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0
49 min

An employee of Massive Dynamic covered in mysterious cuts jumps out a window believing himself to be attacked by a swarm of butterflies. Meanwhile, Olivia becomes fed up with her visions of John Scott and decides to go back into the sensory deprivation tank to get rid of them. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA | Canada
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IMDb: 8.0
47 min (uncut)

On a rainy night, Ben, a boy who became a music prodigy after coming out of a coma, is kidnapped after his father is put in a hypnogenic state using a red, blue and green lights. Walter proves this really happened when he puts Peter in the same state in the lab. The abduction is just one in a series of kidnappings of people who are geniuses in their fields. After they are brought back, the people go insane and commit terrible acts. In the lab Walter and Peter find a connection between Ben and an old colleague of Walter, at Saint Claire's, who was also kidnapped. In order to save the kid, now Walter needs to go back to Saint Claire's and speak with the old colleague. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
60 min

When FBI Agent Mitchell Loeb collapses in Philip Broyles office, he is rushed to hospital. The doctors there open his chest only to find a creature of some type wrapped around the man's heart. Dr. Bishop believes the creature to be a parasite of some type, but one that is man made. Olivia Dunham learns that the pattern is made up of several quasi-independent cells and that Agent Loeb may have been on to one of them. Dunham travels to Germany to follow-up on Loeb's investigation However, to get the information they want, Dr. Bishop has to get information from a dead man. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
65 min

Agent Dunham and the Bishops investigate the deaths of a group of people who died from radiation poisoning in a diner. They believe the source of the radiation was Emily Kramer, a young woman who had vanished two weeks previously and was probably being held against her will. When another young woman, Claire Williams, disappears the investigators believe someone may be conducting experiments. Dr. Bishop believes the emanations from Kramer were microwaves and she may in fact have been developed as a walking weapon. They trace the research to the head of a pharmaceutical firm David Esterbrook, who has a history of promoting off the wall ideas. Nina Sharp has information and strikes a bargain with Peter Bishop. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6
47 min (uncut)

Agent Dunham, Dr. Bishop and Peter investigate a number of deaths resulting from an elevator free falling in an office tower. The conditions they find suggest that a high intensity power source may have overridden the electrical system in the elevator. Dr. Bishop recalls experiments in the past that tried to alter a human's energy profile and concludes that the accident was caused by an individual. It is also likely that it was a genuine accident, rather that an overt act. Agent Dunham's prime suspect is a Doctor Jacob Fischer who is wanted by the FBI and is known to have experimented in this area in the past. Meanwhile, Olivia continues to see her dead partner John Scott and is concerned that she may be having a breakdown of some sort. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
47 min (uncut)

Agent Dunham and the Bishops investigate the sudden appearance of a strange cylinder after an explosion at a construction site. She learns from an old friend that this is not the first time the cylinder has appeared and that it could disappear just as quickly. She also realizes that an odd looking man appears in several crime scene photos. It turns out that he is already known to the Government and has been dubbed 'The Observer'. Dr. Bishop has a special interest in the cylinder and tells Peter of their own special encounter with 'The Observer' years ago. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
49 min (uncut)

The team investigates a young man, Roy McComb, who seems to have the ability to predict major incidents before they happen. When they search his apartment, they find drawings and models of a variety of attacks, including the flight from Germany. In the most recent incident, a bus load of people are gassed and a bag stolen from an undercover narcotics agent. Dr. Bishop recalls working on experiments with his old friend, the founder of Massive Dynamics, that could explain what is happening with McComb. When Agent Dunham visits Nina Sharp to get more information on Massive Dynamics' possible role in these experiments, she realizes that she has not been fully briefed on what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
51 min | 65 min

The team investigates another phenomena that may be part of the pattern. In this case, a woman who claims not to be pregnant gives birth to full-term child and in the space of four hours, the newborn grows old and dies. Dr. Bishop had conducted some experiments in this field with a colleague that also involved the man's son. Meanwhile, some aspects of the case convince Agent Dunham that it's the work of a serial killer who has been sought by the FBI for many years. To solve the case, she must rely on Nina Sharp to provide the necessary technology. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2
82 min (pre-release)

When a commercial flight from Germany lands at Boston's Logan Airport without a single passenger or crew member on board alive, FBI agent Olivia Dunham is assigned to the investigative team. When her partner and lover John Scott suffers severe chemical burns, she seeks help from Dr. Walter Bishop a one-time university professor who experimented in the same field but has now been institutionalized for 17 years. To get his cooperation however, she has to get Bishop's son Peter's cooperation as well. The information they gather leads to Massive Dynamic, a huge multinational founded by someone who once shared laboratory space with Dr. Bishop. Agent Dunham also learns that what happened may have been part of a much larger pattern of strange phenomena. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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