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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Captain Picard incurs serious wounds in a fight, even his artificial heart is gravely damaged. While Dr. Crusher wrestles with the medical consequences, his mind meets Q, who presents him to a parade of people who fell victim to Picard's actions and neglects, from his father and fellow cadets to himself, and offers him the possibility to have a 'second chance' without causing disaster by upsetting time. After Picard's initial refusal claim to have no regrets, Q forces him to acknowledge he made stupid mistakes and fix at least the adolescent one that got him stabbed and slapped in the face as an Academy graduate, or die and by stuck with Q for eternity. His error had been to help fellow Ensign Corey return the cheating at a pool game to a Naussicaan, a strong, badly tempered race, while ruining a friendship by having an affair. This time he stops Corey fighting and dying, but is deemed a coward, losing both's friendship, and returned to the Enterprise an an inconspicuous Junior Grade ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Counselor Deanna Troi is startled to find herself aboard a Romulan ship, where Subcommander N'vek admits he drugged and surgically altered her while attending a conference to have her play the part of Major Raqal of the feared imperial intelligence (political police) in order to overrule the captain Commander Toreth, who nearly succeeds in bluffing the 'novice agent' rather then just obey and carry a mysterious cargo, which N'vek next shows to Troi: it's a Romulan vice-proconsul with two aids in stasis, members of Spock's underground on Romulus, intended to become the haven for many other sympathizers once set up safely in Federation space. At the rendez-vous with a Corvallen freighter which was to take the cargo, Troi's empathic feeling the captain is unreliable makes N'vek destroy that ship, 18 casualties. While bitchy Toreth continuously questions and even challenges 'Raqal', the Enterprise has granted the plea of twenty years ago defector to the Romulans Ensign Stefan DeSeve, who ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.1
46 min

Bringing supplies to a Federation subspace communications relay station near the Klingon border, the Enterprise finds it deserted by shuttle, only a dog remains. There is a residue Dr. Crusher guesses to be the remains of Lt. Aquiel Uhnari, the dog's owner, whose personal logs reveal to Geordi her childhood paranoia and theory the local Klingon commander made frequent visits to abuse her, while she also feared her only male colleague. When Picard hints at his influence with the Klingon leader since he arbitrated his succession, the planet governor Torak accepts to help himself - and produces Aquiel, alive - or not, and what about the DNA traces Worf found of one single Klingon? Dr. Crusher continues the DNA identification with spooky results... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Diagnosing anomalies in the recreative Sherlock Holmes hologram game programs, Lieutenant Reginald 'Reg' Barclay III discovers protected memory contains the arch-villain character professor James Moriarty, who has become self-conscious and demands fulfillment of a recent promise by the crew that they would think up a way for him to leave the holodeck . To Picard's astonishment, Moriarty proves empirically his will suffices to leave the Holodeck, he even retains a physical body. Picard grants him the benefit of the doubt despite his crimes in fiction, but refuses to grant life to the countess Barthalomew, who was created as his ideal but holographic mate. Moriarty manages to seize control of the Enterprise to force the crew to obey anyhow at pain of total destruction. That still leaves the technological challenge, but Data's logical deduction comes up with an entirely different viewpoint, inspiring another challenge and approach... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Picard's team has been lured to the Cardassian planet Celtris III's fake biological weapon-installation where he is captured and interrogated at the threat of death and truth-drugged. The Enterprise's present Captain Edward Jellico believes the negotiations with the Cardassians are heading for war, especially now Picard's failed intrusion is reported by the scandalized Cardassians. Picard is stripped naked and suspended by the wrists for a thirsty night before torture by a pain-inducing implant made with a geminite knife. The Cardassians prove to Jellico that Picard is captured but deny the agent POW status, so he will suffer a terrorist's fate unless the Federation admits starting a war or retreats from the sector. After scanning the Cardassian ship for indications where they were, Jellico, Data and Geordi guess right Picard was tricked to betray the Federation defense plans for Minos Kordas and get permission to make a bold countermove, requiring best pilot Riker, who openly ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Because of a feared imminent Cardassian invasion, Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev comes to the Enterprise on the USS Cairo, to replace Picard as its captain by Cairo's captain, Edward Jellico, who immediately makes his mark on crew and ship, tells Troi there's no time for a 'honeymoon' with either for he expects the negotiations with the Cardassians he's charged with to fail and hastily deploys big plans to prepare the flagship for battle. Meanwhile, Picard, Worf and Dr. Crusher have a top-secret mission, to find and sabotage the presumed biological superweapon which can wipe out all life on a whole system prior to invasion. After their training, the trio bribes a Ferengi smuggler ship to reach the suspected Cardassian planet, but by the time they have intruded the subterranean installation... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

The Enterprise orbits Tyras 71 to assist the experimental mining project Tyrant Partical Fountain, which Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge must evaluate for Starfleet. Dr. Farallon demonstrates the Exocomp, a revolutionary power grid repair device needed to keep the fountain operational, which creates its own tools and learns from its obstacle experience. Picard allows 48 hours more for Data to help Farallon. After performing efficiently, it suddenly burns out, later self-repairs. Data realizes this only makes sense as a self-preservation move, and therefore hopes it's now a living machine, like himself; the theory is tested... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.6
46 min

When a supply ship is a day late, the Enterprise crew has an unexpected day to kill in leisure. Geordi and Data get permission to do an experiment, taking the main computer off line a few hours and Data's circuit running various systems, but a small physical burn-out in Data causes a series of malfunctions in him, such as his vocabulary and voice aberrations, but also various glitches in the many functions of the ship's computer, such as keeping track of recordings of say Picard's flute music or the text of a play Crusher and Riker are in. It's worst of all for Worf, who was ordered by Picard to indulge in some purposeless leisure, and chose to join his son Alexander on the holodeck as sheriff and deputy, with period adept Troi as mysterious stranger, in Deadwood, a Wild West evocation, in which two Data-like villains appear, also father and son, with daunting android abilities and no regular computer-restraint.. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Captain Picard, Ensign Ro, Keiko and Guinan are returning to the Enterprise aboard a shuttlecraft when they encounter a deadly energy field. They are all safely beamed aboard the ship but are transformed in the process - their minds are unchanged but their bodies have resorted to those of 12 year-olds. Dr. Crusher finds that their DNA has been slightly altered but may be able to returns them to their normal selves. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is on a mission to rescue a large Federation science team but come under attack by a group of rogue Ferengi. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

As a result of her academic achievement, a young intern by the name of Amanda Rogers joins the Enterprise. Unknown to anyone however is that she has telekinetic powers and the ability to create project just by thinking about it. When the warp core's containment field fails, Amanda is able to contain it and return the reaction chamber to normal. Much to Captain Picard's and the rest of the crew's dismay, Q suddenly appears. It was Q who set off the engine fault to test her powers and confirm what he thought - that she is a Q. He's quite adamant that Amanda be trained in how to use her powers after which she would join the continuum. She refuses to go with him but as he teaches her to use her powers, she decides to use them to spend some time with Commander Riker with she has become enamored. Picard obtains important information about the death of her parents but Q offers her a choice: to join the continuum or to live among humans and never use her powers. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Commander Riker has not been sleeping well but Dr. Crusher can't find anything wrong with him. He is constantly exhausted and has images of object in his mind that he can't quite place. He is not the only one with a sense of deja vu and with others, manages to piece together what has been happening. It would seem they are being taken from the ship during their sleeping hours by a race conducting experiments on them. Who they are and what they hope to achieve is unknown but everyone agrees it must be related to the inter-dimensional hole in space that is somehow being created in one of the cargo bays. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

When the Enterprise locates the missing transport ship USS Jenolan, it's found to be stuck on a round object large enough to cause gravimetric disturbances, which fits the theory of a Dyson sphere, large enough to contain an entire star's powers. Riker's away team investigates the wrecked ship and finds a permanent diagnostic loop in the transporter buffer; Geordi guesses right this was the clever method to survive for 75 years used by two men, one of which has degraded, but the Enterprise's chief engineer from Kirk's days, Montgomery Scotty Scott, is alive and confident he still can be useful. After trying Geordi's patience with his ignorant questions and dangerous presumptions, Scotty feels ready to retire. However, the gravity has both ships locked to the sphere, the star inside is about to release a flare in hours which the shields can't survive, and Scotty, who literally wrote the impulse reactor's manual, can show Geordi the real tolerance margins... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 5.8
45 min

The Enterprise comes to the rescue of a transport ship after it is attacked while carrying Ambassador Ves Alkar to a mediation between two constantly warring planets. Alkar asks for another freighter to avoid a military appearance but Admiral Simons agrees security requires Picard remains his host. Alkar arrives with his 93-year old mother, a witch whose aggression and warnings not to have close contact with Ves are rather scary, as her hateful thoughts are to Troi, but soon she is found dead in his quarters. Dr. Crusher doubts a natural cause of death, but without danger to the ship, Picard must respect the ambassador's objection against an autopsy on traditional grounds. Troi accepts to partake in a ceremony requiring empathy, after which she turns much more emotional, irritated and seductive, even scratching her lover Riker. Troi is also aging rapidly, so now Picard allows an autopsy, which proves the late Sev Maylor is no genetic relative of Alkar, who admits the joining drains ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

The Enterprise locates the scientific research ship USS Yosemite, which went missing while exploring plasma streams. Geordi assigns reluctant engineer Lieutenant Reg Barclay, whose idea it was, to help him bridge both ships' transport systems and join Riker's away team, but after a deconstruction phobia-caused hesitation and anxiety counseling with Troi, Barclay goes later, alone. Riker's team finds victims of an explosion, which may fit the Ferengi report Picard receives of an allegedly Cardassian attack. While Barclay beams back, he notices an eel-shaped entity which floats to him and touches his left arm in the phased matter stream, but a full transporter diagnostic finds no problem, so he fears to be a victim of incurable transporter psychosis, although none was reported on modern models for years. Geordi realizes either would fit with the same ionic fluctuation phenomenon suggested by in se acceptable abnormal transporter readings. Worried about Barclay's mental condition, Troi ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

In order to catch the malicious time-shifting aliens, Picard and some crew-members use their knowledge of their time-travel technique to follow Data and the still unexperienced Guinan on Earth in the 19th century, where author Dr. Samuel Clemens' persistent inquisitive suspicion is on to them. When the aliens' time-shift back is tested, Samuel Clemens is transported back aboard with the crew and starts pondering the advances made in five centuries of human and intergalactic progress, while Data is only retrieved after decapitation. In the past, the aliens try to put up a defense... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Picard and the Enterprise are urgently called back to Earth to see the results of an archaeological dig that reveals aliens may have visited the planet in the 19th century. Among the many relics they have found is one that is totally out of place - Commander Data's head. Data confirms that it is his own head and not that of his brother Lore. He seems completely at ease with the find, which is not the case with the rest of the crew. On the planet, Data encounters a temporal vortex and he suddenly finds himself transported to 19th century San Francisco where he meets none other than Guinan. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 9.4
45 min

Not long after the Enterprise approaches an unknown buoy or satellite, Captain Picard falls unconscious on the bridge. He awakens in a village where he is married but also something of a village eccentric who thinks he is a spaceship captain by the name of Picard. His wife Eline tries to soothe him and his good friend Batai does not judge him. He lives a full life, has children and grows old. The planet he is on is dying however, suffering from a long and seemingly permanent drought. On board the Enterprise, the crew does its best to revive their unconscious captain but to no avail. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

After successfully responding to a Romulan vessel's engine failure distress call, Riker's Enterprise rescue team looses all traces of Geordi and Ensign Ro Laren while they beam back aboard; Data ponders on an appropriate memorial service given their different cultural traditions. The two find they are transported aboard but immaterial, unnoticed by other Enterprise crew. Lo thinks they're dead, Geordi gradually works out, like Data aboard, they must be affected by a Klingon-type cloaking technology aboard the Romulan ship interfering with another damaged system. Lo discovers there's a Romulan beamed up with them, who is ready to protect the secret by killing them... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.8
46 min

Prospecting the Argola system as potential Federation colonization area, the Enterprise receives a message from a viable moon of the fourth planet- it's a crashed Borg craft emitting a home signal with four crew corpses a single male survivor, who is beamed aboard as Dr. Crusher's medical help couldn't go unnoticed. Geordie repairs his cyborg technical parts and Beverly his biological organs. During further tests which he proves surprisingly cooperative at in order to be 'fed' energy, they rename 'Third of Five' Hugh and although even alone he still talks as 'we' he proves quite open, Hugh learns to understand human resistance to assimilation to the Borg collective. Data and Geordi have devised an unsolvable geometrical problem which should cause the Borg collective intelligence to break-down in overcharge, but after Picard, speaking as the Borg Locutus, finds Hugh has become a true friend of Geordi, refusing to help assimilate him, moral doubts cause asylum aboard being offered to ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.1
45 min

Young Clara Sutter, like many girls her age, has an imaginary friend. She recently come on board with her father, an engineering officer, and hasn't yet made any real friends. Counselor Troi assures Clara's father that it's perfectly normal and he has nothing to worry about. While playing one day, Clara is shocked to see her friend Isabella suddenly appear before her. In fact, Isabella is a sentient being that has taken human form only to scout the ship and learn more about it. For Picard and the crew, determining the being's intent is key to determining the next step. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

On a diplomatic mission to bring Ambassador Briam and his Kryotion planet's gift to a reconciliation ceremony with its rival, even warring planet, ruled by rivaling brothers' dynasties, the Enterprise beams suspiciously cheerful Ferengi traders Par Lenor and Qol aboard just before a containment field collapse makes their ship explode. One of them brings the gift 'accidentally' out of cryostasis, to the crew's horror a live 'gift', 'metamore' (empath) Kamala, whose destiny is to vow her entire existence to a mate's happiness, but alas bestows her enchanting love not on the other ruler but on crewmen, first startled Riker, then Picard who earlier feared Kamala may be held in 'slavery' as Crusher feels, she denies that but claims she must start bonding, within hours, now with Picard as 'substitute', to be ready by the arrival of arranged mate Chancellor Alrik, who proves far more interested in prosaic concerns such as trade concessions, his civilization being coldly cerebral... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.3
46 min

Shortly after the Enterprise saves a planet from an asteroid impact by exploding it, the ship experiences strange break-downs which are ultimately attributed to an impossible to detect timely metal parasite, which will destroy it unless eliminated, so Data suggests luring it to an asteroid. Deanna Troi counsels Worf to deal with his son Alexander's authority problems by drawing up a two-ways contract on paternal and filial rights and obligations, but is still practically terrified to hear her overbearing and impulsive mother, ambassador Lwaxana, announces her own arrival, soon meddling with the educational contract, and that of a planet's Third Minister Campio whom she decided to marry solely based on computerized profiles, but finds less compatible once he and his protocol master Erko arrive for the wedding... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Captain Picard is delighted to be the commencement speaker at Starfleet Academy on earth, but even before the Enterprise arrives for graduation, he must deliver the news to Dr. Crusher that her son cadet Wesley's Nova squadron has had an accident during Saturn maneuvers, in which his teammate Josh Albert was killed. While Picard remembers with grounds keeper Boothby a potentially career-breaking incident during his own training, the official investigation he is part of soon discovers Nicholas Locarno's team is trying to cover up what really happened, for one thing deviating from the original flight plan and blaming the deceased panicking. Picard has Data and Geordi partake in the flight recorder analysis. A random Saturn satellite sensor sweep shows they lied by omission, and Picard realizes their cocky intent. They can get off with a formal reprimand for lack of proof... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 9.0
46 min

Unbeknownst to the crew, the Enterprise is caught in a time loop where they are continually reliving the same day. The Enterprise approaches a temporal distortion from which another Federation vessel is emerging. The evasive action action they take - using the tractor beam to push the oncoming vessel away from them - is unsuccessful and the Enterprise is destroyed, at which point the time loop brings them back to the beginning and they relive the sequence all over again. Several members of the crew however begin to have a serious case of deja vu and become convinced that they are reliving the same day, over and over. Data has an idea that might get them out of it. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

The Enterprise obliges the androgynous Genai race's request to investigate a mysterious shuttle disappearance. When a probe follows an inexplicable neutrino emission, it too suddenly vanishes without a trace, possibly the first-ever documented 'null-space', which absorbs all electro-magnetic forces around it. Riker will attempt to chart it in a shuttle with the Gennai Soren. While contemplating the differences between social and biological life with or without gender-distinctions they become close. Entering the null-space, they find the shuttle and beam back with its crew of two to the Genai's green planet, where they fall in love. Soren is arrested for loving sexually and sentenced to psycho-technic perversion therapy... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

After one of the containers Geordi and he where checking in cargo-bay crushes seven of Worf's vertebrates, Dr. Crusher and neuro-specialists see no therapy to get him any leg-use again, Klingon medicine having a bias against neuro-research. Worf quickly asks Riker, as his best friend aboard, to assist him in 'hekba', the Klingon suicide for a permanently disabled warrior, to save his and the family's dignity. Crusher's visiting scientific friend Toby Russell proudly shows her an invention in development, the genotronic replicator, which she believes can scan and reproduce the damaged neuro-system even in Worf's case, but he would be the first humanoid test-patient so Crusher is against. Pride makes Worf decline either seeing his son Alexander or trying implants which can restore 60% of his motor-functions. The Enterprise goes assist the USS Denver, with many patients in need of medical help after a Cardassian attack, but after Crusher sees Russell used an experimental drug on one of ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

The end of two centuries of storms on a planet allows the Enterprise to discover the USS Essex, a Federation starship missing for that long, and investigates its system. Riker is the only one of his away team on a moon who, after having been knocked unconscious by another electric storm and touched by an electric phenomenon, remains himself: suddenly Troi, O'Brien and even Data, apparently possessed by aliens, grab their guns on the bridge and taken five hostages, including Keiko and her baby, demanding the ship steers to the southern pole, where the Essex is. Picard has himself exchanged for the five and Dr. Crusher figures out the away team was probably affected by an ionic phenomenon, which didn't affect Riker because of his wound-caused pain, which inspires Geordi to prepare and man a pain-gun... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

The Enterprise is heading for the Epsilon solar system. A suddenly approaching alien ship uses scanners so strong that all crew members including Data lose most of their personal memories, even names and ranks, yet retain their operational and language skills. The external communications are down and computer data banks have been selectively wiped. Some, including the ship's manifest, are altered, so as to make a Commander MacDuff Executive Officer (rather then Riker) and the Enterprise is on a crucial mission in a war the Federation would be conducting for years against the Lysian race. The alien ship has been destroyed, they assume by the Enterprise, although there's no battle damage. While crew members behave differently, failing their normal reference patterns, MacDuff volunteers for a memory therapy Dr. Crusher suggests, so he can pretend for it to fail and press on the attack on the Lysian headquarters, but the war logic doesn't quite add up... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

The Enterprise is on a mission to warn the human colony of an artificial paradisiac biosphere on planet Moab 4's southern colony of the approach of a massive stellar fragment, which will impact with seismic force causing a tectonic disaster. However its competent, considerate leader Aaron Conor refuses to evacuate, confident their biosphere can withstand earthquakes. He does allow a small Enterprise party to visit their society, which they believe far superior after eight generations of selective breeding which nearly eliminated the remaining human risk factors. Despite their rigid rule never to leave, scientist Hannah Bates is allowed to come aboard to work out a method to deflect the approaching fragment jointly with Geordi, who as blind man would not even have been born in their society, by a tractor beam and updates to the biosphere itself. Picard disapproves of genetic 'predisposition' on principle, Troi becomes platonic intimate with Conor, who would be prepared to accept her ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

On a mapping journey the Enterprise hosts a party of Ullian 'mind historians', specialists who telepathically retrieve people's long-forgotten memories from many races. Keiko O'Brien and Dr. Crusher enjoy resuscitating pleasant memories, but the Ullian leader Tarmin's frustratingly overbore son Jev abuses his abilities on non-volunteers, against their code, and enters their thus nightmare-altered memories as a key character, leaving Troi and Riker in an apparently unprovoked coma which only resembles the rare neurosis irizine, without the associated histamine level change. Then it happens to Crusher the bad way, but Troi wakes up after three days, alas with a total black-out. After eliminating any other imaginable cause, Picard has to suspect the Ullians, Troi accepts a memory probe by Jev, who makes her believe it's Tarmin's doing, but Geordi and Data do some research... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.6
46 min

A Starfleet ship has a disaster in the largest black cloud ever observed, an astronomical phenomenon which gravely distorts gravity itself. Data is able to rescue a single survivor, the young boy Timothy, who lost both his parents on the starship and suppresses the unspeakable trauma, yet may have invaluable information about what happened and how the Enterprise is best to handle the black cloud itself. Troi encourages savior Data to spend time with Timothy, who decides to 'become' an android, physically and mentally superior to humans, like his mentor. When the Enterprise reaches the black cloud, the bridge officers prove unable to handle it in any known way like the other ship, Data and Timothy must make the difference... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.5
46 min

The Enterprise goes to planet Belena 3 to assist in testing the new propulsion method soliton waves. Lieutenant Worf is visited by his mother Helena and young son Alexander Rozhenko, who intends to stay with him. He soon finds the burdens of paternal duties cumbersome, especially as the frustrated schoolboy proves dishonorably mischievous. The experiment goes horribly wrong... Written by KGF Vissers

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