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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

A security guard finds the disemboweled body of an NCIS special agent, Chris Pacci, in an elevator; the Metro PD calls the NCIS to take the lead. Gibbs and the gang investigate; Gibbs feels much personal responsibility, for he had deferred giving the agent some help he had sought with a cold case (one involving a theft of more than $12M from the Navy). Ducky says that the killer first shot the victim in the neck and then cut him open inside the elevator. Co-workers shows irritability due to the involvement and the relationships, but they pick up where Chris left off; Tony uses a new technique for personal surveillance, and he gets a surprise. The gang find the thief and the killer. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

A prisoner, who was a SEAL and a petty officer in the Navy, escapes from Fort Leavenworth while serving a sentence for having killed his wife and a cable guy; the Army CID investigates the escape, and the Naval CIS seeks to determine where he may go next. Gibbs posts Kate temporarily in the home of the parents of the late wife, which parents have custody of the young son of the convict; while there Kate loses something. The team investigate whether the escapee truly committed the murders; they reexamine all the old evidence at the trial plus some new stuff. They find the real killer, and Gibbs posts Kate to a different home. McGee tells Gibbs that Kate and Tony have a question for him. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

The body of a petty officer falls from the ceiling of a men's washroom at a nightclub in the basement of a warehouse in Alexandria, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, DC; Gibbs and company investigate; Ducky says that someone dressed the victim after he died. The sailor, a storekeeper from NAS Pax River, along with four buddies from the same station, had gone to the nightclub for a wild night. The team puzzle over latex, safety glass, talcum powder, and $40K in cash. Basic footwork and inquisitive thinking eventually produce the connection between a prank and an inheritance. Four musketeers confess, and Kate and Tony seek Chinese food. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

An agent of a foreign power enters the autopsy room via a clandestine and unconventional method; he then takes captive Ducky, Gerald, and, later, Kate. The intruder demands every bit of the evidence, including the blood, pertaining to the body of a terrorist who arrived late the previous night, and whom Gibbs had shot while capturing him at the Naval Amphibious Base at Little Creek in Norfolk; the intruder seeks to prevent the USA from discovering that his sponsor, using an infectious virus, contaminated the terrorist, who had begun working among the population aboard the base. The intruder eventually asks to see Gibbs, so Gibbs confronts him in the autopsy room; Gibbs and others regain control. Abby finally overcomes a fear. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

During an ambush in Iraq a Marine colonel disappeared, and his driver died, while moving $2M of Saddam Hussein's cash; the money likewise disappeared; the colonel has since re-entered the US under an assumed name; the FBI now places him on its most-wanted list. Gibbs had previously served under the same colonel while on active duty in the Corps; he now tries to find him before the FBI does. The team check out an old cabin of the colonel, where they find the body of a young man, and where Gibbs finds a bomb, which soon explodes; then the pursuits begin. Fornell gets a warrant for the arrest of Gibbs, but Gibbs breaks the case, stays free, and gets help for the colonel. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Along a lonely road at night near the Naval Air Station, Oceana, Virginia, near Norfolk and Virginia Beach, a Naval officer (a lieutenant commander in the Dental Corps) dies of a single shot to his back, apparently in an execution-style murder; Gibbs and the gang investigate, with the insistent cooperation of the woman sheriff of the county. Soon a civilian employee of NAS Oceana dies under identical circumstances two counties away, then a lieutenant, a Naval aviator from NAS Oceana, dies nearby also under identical circumstances plus a twist. Two suspects have airtight alibis, but a records clerk explains the identical angles, then the team catch their quarry. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

A Marine recruiter in Washington, DC, while sitting in his office and talking with two prospects, takes a single round to the chest from a high-power rifle, falls forward, and dies; Gibbs and the gang investigate. While one suspect is in custody, a second Marine recruiter dies the same way in Maryland; FBI agents precipitate a departmental turf war, but the NCIS team outfox the Hoovers. The Gibbs group expect another murder, so they set a trap, and it works; the shooter squeezes off a third round, and then Tony and several FBI agents capture him. Kate, while impersonating a commissioned officer, has trouble with her gourd cover. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

In Clarksburg, West Virginia, a dumpster diver finds a severed right leg, apparently from a Marine; Gibbs and company investigate; Ducky estimates that the leg was still attached to a live person not more than 24 hours earlier. The leg contains a titanium replacement ankle, traced to a Marine, aged 22, who, according to a death certificate, died two years previously; that person was said to have died of a heart attack, yet no autopsy took place, and the nearest relative caused the body to be cremated. Abby makes major contributions to the solution of the crime. The team figure it out, and they get a confession. Tony expresses interest in tattoos. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

A Naval officer, a decorated SEAL diver, dies of a stab wound after swimming while testing a classified handheld sonar device along a beach at the Naval Amphibious Base at Little Creek in Norfolk; the device disappears. An anonymous caller promptly reports the murder. Gibbs and the gang investigate; they find someone who watched the killing from afar. That allows them to find another person on the beach, one who tells them about someone with the killer. Gibbs persuades the director of the CIA to cooperate, and Abby gets help from a friend at the NASA. The team correctly put the pieces together, so they find both the killer and the missing device. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

A young lady emerges from a shallow makeshift grave in Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC; although amnesic she says that there's no time, that there's a bomb aboard a Naval vessel, and that people will die. A passing driver aids her and calls 911; the Metro PD responds, then calls the NCIS. Gibbs and his team investigate. Kate befriends the victim and takes her into her pad, and she slowly recovers a few memories. Gibbs finds a key, then Abby figures it out, then Gibbs and Tony find a body. The ship in question proves to be ashore and inside a building. The team learn the name of the victim, then she begins to recover more memories than she reveals. Eventually she confronts the person responsible for her treatment, and she drops a surprise on him. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Officials in Washington receive news of the deaths of two Marine majors during a highly classified operation in an undisclosed foreign country; two sealed caskets arrive in the USA, and two widows mourn. On the day of one funeral the widow receives a jarring telephone call; a third Marine officer also receives an incredible call. Gibbs and the team investigate, and they encounter more puzzles, challenges, difficulties, and inconsistencies. Ducky deduces the frightful way by which one victim died; the other casket contains something other than a human body. Gibbs, Kate, and Tony go to Colombia, where they catch the bad guy, then they make a joyful return to Washington. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

By accident two bikers meet a dead driver who destroys their ride; the late driver, a petty officer and a naturalized citizen of the USA, was of Egyptian descent. His death resulted from massive internal bleeding due to an intestinal blockage caused by emeralds. He had just arrived from duty as an interpreter at Camp Delta at the US Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba; his luggage contained five unmailed letters to others from a woman special agent of the NCIS at Gitmo. Gibbs, Kate, and Tony go to Gitmo while Abby checks out perfumes in Washington. The gang sort things out, identify a son-in-law of Bin Laden, and prevent a murder. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Inside a drum of hydrofluoric acid at an industrial site aboard the Naval Station, Norfolk, Virginia, two civilian workers find the decomposing body of a man, apparently a submariner, who died after a blunt instrument fractured his skull. Gibbs and his team go to Norfolk to investigate; attention concentrates on one particular submarine and a theft of identity; Gibbs and Kate continue to USS Philadelphia (SSN-690), which got underway the day before. The commanding officer and his chief of the boat give limited and begrudging cooperation due to the nature of the exercise in progress. The other members ashore help greatly; Gibbs nails a terrorist aboard and saves the crew from mass death. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7

A chef finds a naked sailor inside a freezer in the galley at a restaurant in Rota, Spain, during a port visit by USS Enterprise (CVN-65); shortly afterward at sea another petty officer freaks out on the flight deck. Each of them tests positive for meth, even though each of them recently passed their random drug tests; soon one of them dies in the sickbay, apparently by homicide. The resident NCIS special agent aboard the ship calls for Gibbs and his team; they all investigate, and, with the help of Abby and Ducky, back at the Navy Yard in Washington, they discover both the answers and the unlawful system not only providing the illicit drug to innocent users but also rigging the test results. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

In the Caribbean Sea near the Bahama islands, a tourist swimmer finds the submerged body of a seaman who has disappeared from a destroyer of the US Navy. The victim wore his dress whites, an officer's sword (honed to a razor-sharp edge), and a Saint Christopher medal; chained to the body were two weights of 25 pounds (11.36 kilos) apiece. Gibbs and company investigate aboard the ship and elsewhere; Abby tells them about a document of a strange sort in the pocket of the sailor's jumper, and she offers some insight about it. The team eventually identify aboard the same ship a petty officer who's connected with the victim and the death; they also save the skipper from an explosion. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
41 min

A boat carrying alone the body of a commander in the US Navy runs aground on a beach in northern Virginia; two other bodies wash ashore not far away. The NCIS gang investigate all three deaths; with the collaboration of DEA Special Agent Kent Fuller and FBI Special Agent T.C. Fornell, they first consider drug involvement, pursuing several leads and using some inventive questioning techniques. The two civilian bodies bore waist packs stuffed with counterfeit bills, which Kate traces through a friend in another federal agency; the origin of the phony money leads the NCIS to a terrorist connection. They deduce an imminent attack by the terrorists, and Gibbs leads his bunch to intervene in the commission and forestall it. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.6

During a night training jump a Marine dies when his main chute fails to open, and he fails to pull his reserve chute. Kate, formerly of the Secret Service, joins the NCIS gang; they investigate, and they soon find evidence of sabotage of the defective chute. The investigators run into a wall of silence. The victim was on painkillers for a recent injury, so his reaction time was slow, but that made no difference anyway. To get help with a legal matter, Gibbs calls in Lt. Bud Roberts from the headquarters of the JAG Corps of the US Navy. The gang identify not only the murderer and his method but also a drug connection. Gibbs and Tony take a ride, and Tony unintentionally makes a jump. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.2

Aboard Air Force One a Naval officer dies after eating with the POTUS. After an unscheduled stop in Wichita, agents of the FBI, NCIS, and Secret Service all compete to control the investigation. The NCIS agents win, and they and the body return to Washington aboard a presidential 747. Then, in Georgetown, a Marine Corps officer also dies in the same way. Abby discovers both the cause of the deaths and the manner of the delivery of the lethal substance. Gibbs flies with Kate, a Secret Service agent, to the West Coast, then rides the alternate Air Force One back to Washington. During the return flight Gibbs thwarts an attempt to assassinate the POTUS. Kate resigns from the Secret Service, and Gibbs gives Kate an implied job offer. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Father Brown visits Wynchurch prison at the request of Flambeau, jailed for killing partner in crime Flynn Hardwick and protesting his innocence, so that the father is puzzled when Flambeau pleads guilty in court. Bunty and Mrs McCarthy are convinced that Hardwick is still alive and that his wife Peggy, the key prosecution witness, lied in court. This leads the father to deduce just why Flambeau wanted to go to prison but with the execution fixed for the next morning and Peggy holding Mrs McCarthy and Bunty at gunpoint the father must work fast to expose the truth. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

William Bayley claims his daughter Charlotte was abducted by aliens and next day she reappears, confused and pregnant with no memory. Whilst Charlotte recovers in hospital William dies, apparently of fright but Father Brown detects that he has been poisoned, making Charlotte's lover, young gardener Sean, recently sacked by William, the prime suspect though the villagers are more concerned by an apparent UFO visitation. A small boy's penchant for sci-fi comics and a knowledge of poisonous plants guides the father to solving both mysteries. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Former colonial postal worker Aldous Kemp is murdered, having received a note telling him to protect himself. Suspicion falls firstly on daughter Grace who has argued with her father and then on gunsmith's son John Hammond, a former work colleague of the victim whose revolver is found at the murder scene. However the clue to the murder lies with a fake postage stamp and an even dodgier antiques dealer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Radio quiz 'Up to You' comes to the village and Bunty and Mrs McCarthy take part as contestants. When Mrs Rudge, the rude landlady at the guest house where the team is staying, is found dead Father Brown believes one of them is guilty. Camp presenter Richie Queenan with his kiss-and-tell diary, washed-up comic Barney Butterfield and meek pianist Joyce Merriman are all in the frame, along with the young producer Jeremy Mayhew-Bowman. The field is narrowed down when another of them is killed and as usual Father Brown beats Mallory to exposing the culprit, but this time on air. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Lady Felicia's former chauffeur Sid Carter is released from prison, swearing vengeance on Giles Foster, his defending barrister whom he believes deliberately suppressed evidence, so that he is the prime suspect when Foster is murdered. Father Brown is convinced the alleged victim was bribed to protect the real culprit and his suspicions are increased when a hitman tries to kill him. Now the father has two objectives - to catch the actual murderer and stop Sid from getting to them first.

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

On the day that Father Brown is visiting Gloucester University to see his old friend Professor Hilary Ambrose, a man suffering from memory loss, a medal from the university's trophy cabinet is stolen and student Timothy Hargreaves found dead. The boy had been in possession of a mysterious key which turns up in the professor's office, leading to his arrest by Mallory. Ambrose is convinced he is being haunted by a three hundred year old alchemist, owner of an ancient diary. On recovering the medal Father Brown establishes its place in locating the alchemist's treasure, unlocking the secret of the diary and the box and exposing the killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Mobile librarian Margaret Cartwright's photographer husband Graham attacks and kills an intruder, who turns out to be his young assistant Lewis Ward. Lewis was apparently taking pornographic pictures of young women and furthermore he had been poisoned and his body dumped at the Cartwrights before Graham hit him. Father Brown discovers that the illicit photos were being distributed through the library's most popular lend, The Lepidopterist's Companion, leading to the unmasking of the actual photographer as Lewis's killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Mrs McCarthy is shocked to find her god-daughter Joselyn working as a burlesque dancer in a seedy club the Crimson Feather but when Father Brown goes to the club he finds another dancer, the unpopular Verity, has been murdered with adoring doorman Jarek bending over her body . Bunty and Mrs McCarthy go undercover as a dancer and cleaner to help the father prove Janek's innocence and discover not only that Verity was pregnant but was also a blackmailer. Pianist Sam and Maurice, the club owner who is also running a call-girl racket are prime suspects and with help from his insiders Father Brown once more shows Mallory that he has arrested the wrong man. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Father Brown attends an exhibition of Agnes Lesser's dioramas of murder scenes, which have helped the police solve crimes. She is also seeking his, and other guest's, help to ascertain how exactly her mother died ten years earlier and has constructed a model to depict it, believing her fall downstairs was no accident. Chief inspector Webb, who investigated the death, is murdered after taking something from the diorama and his arch enemy Mallory is arrested. However Father Brown believes that the discovery of the stolen item will lead to discovering both motive and a double killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Father Brown is summoned by prisoner Katherine Corven, convicted of killing her husband, who admits that she is planning to murder her lover Raymond Worrall. However he is unable to tell anybody because of the seal of the confession. Thus, when Raymond is found shot dead after a visit from Father Brown the priest is arrested by a gleeful Mallory. Mrs McCarthy and Bunty turn sleuth and, helped by kindly local copper Sergeant Goodfellow, take part in a subtle jail break to establish who was trying to frame Father Brown. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 6.1
44 min

Bitchy writer Lucia Morell, author of the racy 'Lucia and Lulu' is murdered after threatening to expose philanthropist Lady Ursula Lansford as her ex-lover and the Lulu of the book. Soon afterwards Mildred, one of the girls in Lady Ursula's care, is also killed. The bungling Mallory arrests Friar Novak, Ursula's adoring game-keeper, but Father Brown suspects that a reading of the book will give a clue to the murderer's identity. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Shady bar owner Dennis Nelson sets up young boxer Jeb Cornish to win the South Area belt at Cheltenham. The boy is favourite but sparring partner, the washed-up Roy, is hitting the bottle and is found dead next day. Mallory suspects Jeb, who has blood on his clothes but the fight goes ahead with the youngster triumphant. Meanwhile Father Brown uncovers a spot of blackmail and comes to the conclusion that Jeb's trainer Teddy holds the clue to who killed Roy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

There are objections from local clergy when Eugene Bone and his coven of pagans arrive in the village and Father Brown is sent to mediate, inviting Eugene and his partner Selina to dinner. Then one of the group is murdered, increasing hostilities against them. However Father Brown discovers a link between the victim and one of the coven's most vocal critics, once more beating the choleric Mallory to solving the case. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Lady Felicia's niece Bunty comes to stay, to the delight of Bobby, son of imperious Davina Malmont, though Davina wants to marry him to Joan, the studious daughter of vulgar millionaire Norman Vanderlande.. Bunty empathizes with housemaid Ruby but is the key suspect when Ruby is slain. When Father Brown investigates he discovers not only a maze beneath the house but a well-kept family secret, which is exploited by Ruby's killer. The case closed Lady Felicia departs to join her husband in Africa, entrusting Bunty to the care of Father Brown. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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