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IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The killer: Derek Caster. The victim: London Montgomery, the grown daughter of wealthy industrialist, Neville Montgomery. Six months out of drug rehab and seemingly clean during that time, London is found dead from being poisoned on what was the night of her birthday party joint drug rehab facility fundraiser. Betty suspects that the drug was purposefully given to London as what she believed was cocaine. Oscar recuses himself from the case when he learns that the last person to text London before she died was his father, Franco Vega, who has a thing for younger women like London. As such, Franco becomes a prime suspect. Because of the need for extra human resources on the case, Boyd asks Angie if she is willing to be temporarily placed back in Homicide from her desk job in Recruiting which she requested six months ago following Oscar killing to protect her, and her and Mark's ten year secret coming to a head. The desk job has not rejuvenated Angie as she had hoped, and as such she is ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

The killer: undercover police officer Doug Slater. The victim: Samantha Turner, Sergeant Cross' current girlfriend and the prosecuting attorney in the upcoming League of Nations trial in which Mark is the star witness as the undercover cop who infiltrated the gang. Slater was also present at the scene ten years ago as a first responder in the Alfonso Dyer shooting, the truth of the shooting which has haunted Mark and Angie all these years. Samantha is found strangled to death in her apartment, with the signature League of Nations burnt tongue signature present. Because of Mark and Samantha's connection, Bloom immediately removes him from the case, despite he being passionate about being involved in finding who killed his girlfriend. However, Angie and Oscar cannot rule him out as a suspect, despite the League signature to the death. The detectives do question the key League of Nations players: incarcerated Virgil Maddox, the gang head who despite his incarceration would still be ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The victim: successful crime novelist Lori Oliver, who dies after collapsing while making a presentation at a writers' conference. The killer: Dustin Hess, a creative writing professor at Langara College, he who chides anyone who reads and likes Lori's books, people such as his student, Doug Butcher, one of Lori's many über-fans. Betty quickly assesses that Lori was poisoned, and after receiving the toxicology report learns that she was poisoned by a toxin that is not used for anything - and thus needs to be manufactured for this specific purpose - and that even the smallest dose is highly lethal. According to those around Lori - her husband Gary Oliver, her manager Craig Davis and her personal assistant Parker Wexler - Lori had many fans, but she also received many death threats, often mirroring the nature of her stories. Each of the three is a suspect, but Craig in particular, due to emerging circumstances, is particularly cooperative with Angie and Oscar. When they discover the ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The killer: Bryce Kovack, who, along with his brothers Brent Kovack and Donnie Kovack, own and operate their own garage. Theirs is an extremely tight-knit family, they who still live together in the family home, with their only other sibling, younger sister Erin Kovack, having just returned home from dental hygiene school - she being the only member of the family ever to go onto higher learning - Brent and Donnie unaware on Bryce's request to help deal with the current family problem. The victim: Joey Dunkamp, a real estate agent, generally of high end properties. Joey is found shot dead in his car, although it is determined that he was not shot in the car, the detectives later finding that the primary crime scene was his trendy new office. Beyond the one gunshot that killed Joey that was fired at close range, Betty also finds two bruises that look to be made by shots from blanks also fired at close range. They also learn from Joey's boss and his for pay companion the evening he was... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.4
42 min

The victim: John Rivera, the well liked and respected chair of the Green Point Equestrian Centre, and the primary shareholder's son-in-law. The killer: Isabelle Flores, the Salvadoran nanny to Becky, the daughter of new Green Point member, the controlling divorcée Victoria Hill. John is found in the stables trampled to death by his own horse, Esperanza. But what Brian finds on site points to John's death being murder, namely his wife Jennifer's car filled with cinder blocks, rope and the trunk lined with plastic. Jennifer has an alibi for the time of John's death. Betty's autopsy confirms that John was also drugged by a high dose of ketamine, which would have killed him otherwise. As Brian delves more into John's goings-on over the past few days, Angie and Oscar come to a theory if John was indeed the intended target, or... With no information about John older than one year, they will have to uncover who John was before those records of him start to find a relationship to someone ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The victim: Barb Birk, the owner of her own diner. The killer: Sasha King, a resident and worker at a women's shelter, and one of Barb's many disgruntled ex-employees. Who is eventually identified as Barb is found burnt to death inside her diner kitchen in what was an early morning fire on a day the diner was closed. The initial primary suspect as the person who started the fire, and thus the killer, is Barb's son, Jason Birk, who used to be a short order cook in the diner, and whose lighter was used to start the fire. He admits the lighter is his, but states that anyone who worked in the diner knew where he left it. He has been out of jail for three weeks, his ten month sentence for assault for beating up Ross Simpson, another of Barb's disgruntled ex-employees who often parked his food truck outside the diner. Jason, who is surprised to learn that he is the insurance beneficiary, admits that he and his mother had a love/hate relationship. They were somewhat estranged based largely ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The victim: James Dent. The killer: Peter Ward, the home care nurse for Olivia Dent, James' seriously ill mother who has an auto-immune kidney disease. James was found nearly dead after he made a 911 call of being assaulted. It looked to be a BDSM session gone wrong, the actual issue almost killing him being auto-erotic asphyxiation. He is declared brain dead, but is kept on life support at the hospital. Angie and Oscar learn from Olivia that she and James have been estranged for some months, initiated by him. Olivia admits that she and James' now deceased father spoiled James growing up, and now as a young man she wanted him to make it on his own. She provided him with a business, a rehearsal space, on which he could earn a living. However, James still seemed to want more from her due to her wealth and the sense of entitlement he learned growing up. Olivia knew little of his current life beyond believing that he was squandering away his life and money while using the rehearsal space ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The killer: Stuart Fletcher, a paramedic. The victim: Graeme Jenkins, who died in a skydiving accident when his parachute did not open as the cords were cut on both chutes. After the autopsy, Betty determines that Jenkins would have soon died anyway as he was in the later stages of terminal lung cancer, leading to the initial possible belief that he committed suicide. Graeme's wife, Ingrid Jenkins, is able to confirm Graeme was going through an ordered bucket list, skydiving only the most recent activity, but as his life insurance policy did cover his death by cancer that there was no reason why he would have wanted to end his life prematurely via suicide. A chance statement by Graeme prior to the jump about his lucky number leads to a series of clues as to at least a visual identification of the possible killer, who seems to be using the assumed name of John Turner. Connecting John to Stuart is a little more difficult as is figuring out motive. If they are able to make a connection, ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Heather Williamson, who, with Gordon White, are the founders and principles of Offensive, an up and coming web communications company. Gordon dotes on Heather, which does not sit well with his wife, Kim White. The victim: Jake Daly, Heather's nightclub bartender boyfriend. At the beginning of the investigation, Angie, Oscar and Brian have no body, but a lot of blood splattered in a public place, the splatter marks consistent with a vicious stabbing. But the eventual discovery of a MedicAlert bracelet points them to Jake as the probable victim, still with no body. Angie and Oscar do interview Heather in the course of their investigation, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary arising from that interview. Meanwhile, Gordon is helping Heather try to dispose of the body without Kim finding out what he's doing. If the detectives are to discover the killer and motive, they will have to learn about the nature of Heather and Jake's past romantic relationships, and the nature of ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The victim: eighteen year old high school senior Emily Williams, who was a boarder at Queen's Cross Academy, the private school she attended at Lions Bay. The killer: fellow Queen's Cross student, sixteen year old Janine Boxton, the younger sister of Emily's ex-boyfriend, Aidan Boxton, the Boxton family who were before that like a second family to Emily in the absence of her own family, with Janine trying to emulate Emily as much as possible down to her copper colored dyed hair. Aidan was the person who reported Emily's dead body found at the bottom of a bluff. Aidan, who had not talked to Emily in a few weeks, received a call from her to meet her there, their place. Although there was indication Emily fell off the bluff, Betty is able to determine that Emily died of severe blunt force trauma to the back of the head consistent with being hit by someone with a large rock. In speaking to Emily's friends including Aidan, the detectives learn that there were rumors that Emily was having... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The killer: Diane Torrance, a construction site flagger. The victim: Dr. Stan Matthews, a senior coroner, and Betty's mentor. As such, news of his death hits her particularly hard. His dead body was discovered on an upper level of a downtown parking lot, he having died from several abdominal wounds made by what looks to be an ice pick. He, at the time, was testifying as an expert at a child death case, in which the four-year-old victim seems to have been shot accidentally at a meth house party by drug dealer Brad Hitchens. Betty is taking over as the expert for that case. Despite the surveillance video from the parking lot not showing any direct tie to any individual as the murderer, the Homicide detectives are able to ascertain that a car speeding out of the parking lot at the time belonged to Daniel Hitchens, Brad Hitchens' disgruntled brother, who had had run-ins with Stan before. But Angie is also able to determine from the surveillance footage that the killing was premeditated. ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The killer: Damian Cutter. The victim: Alicia Barclay. Her dead body is found washed up on the beach one morning. Although Betty is able to determine that Alicia did die from drowning, Betty also believes that Alicia was unconscious when she entered the water based on her sustaining two head wounds which were made with a combined sharp and blunt object, not consistent with something like a sail boom. The Homicide detectives discover that Alicia, who was still wearing a cocktail dress, was on a yacht party the previous night, that party which she organized with Meredith Taylor, the two being the wives of Peter Barclay and Kurt Taylor respectively, the two men who had just purchased the multimillion dollar yacht and who are business partners in a lucrative online gaming venture. Whoever the killer, the detectives believe that Alicia never made it off the yacht from the party conscious. They discover an interesting web of one-on-one relationships between the four of Alicia, Peter, ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The killer: Sophia Balfour, a dance studio owner/instructor. The victim: Dustin McEvers, a low level blue collar criminal, who according to Chris Renway, his professional and personal partner, purportedly was trying to go straight following the birth of their still infant offspring. Chris, however, admits that Dustin still did collection on his drug dealing business, a collection which is where he went when she last saw him. Dustin's death, on the surface, looks to be a simple case of self defense by Sophia's husband, Miles Balfour, after Miles, who was alone at home at the time, reported that Dustin broke in in what was probably an attempted robbery, as Dustin was armed, the gun in his hand which could not have been placed there post-mortem. Miles' self-defense argument starts to fall apart upon further examination of Dustin's fatal wound. Miles protecting Sophia as the actual killer starts to come to light based on a previous non-trust issue between husband and wife, and discovery... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The killer: Ian, a photographer, who just got engaged to his girlfriend, who he had been dating for three years, their relationship which began following the suicide death of her former boyfriend, the biological father of her now six year old son. The victim: Kevin Carpenter, a former art school student, who had just returned to Vancouver following a three year traveling stint in India, Nepal and Thailand. His dead body is found in his motel room bathtub, his wrists slashed. Despite there being a suicide note on the scene - I never had the courage until now - which is later identified as being in his handwriting, Betty is able to determine that he was not the one to inflict the fatal wounds. Items on the scene also indicate that he was Buddhist. With no cell phone, Kevin made three calls from his motel room telephone - to his sister Shelly Carpenter who seemingly is the person closest to him, to a convenience store, and to directory assistance, in which he was looking for a Robin ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The victim: seventeen year old Nathan Conroy. The killer: twenty-something Cam Radcliffe, who lives with his Uncle Dave and works at Dave's wrecking yard. Nathan's dead body is discovered buried in an urban park, he who died of an abdominal stab wound. However, the lack of blood at the site indicates that he was not murdered at the park itself. When Homicide IDs the victim as Nathan, they learn that he was convicted for possession of a deadly weapon four months earlier and that he was court ordered to enter into therapy with a Dr. Kate Robbins. Angie is familiar with Dr. Robbins as the doctor was a key expert witness at a manslaughter trial over ten years ago at which Angie was a juror prior to her becoming a police officer. Dr. Robbins' testimony was what convinced Angie to change her mind as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant, who was acquitted. That defendant was a young man named Cameron Radcliffe. The dump site for this current case is within clear view of Dr. Robbins' ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Sonia Brauer, a newly married travel agent recently moved to Vancouver. The victim: Brendan Kendall, executive assistant to Jimmy Ramsay, the head of Cybrex Plastics. Brendan's dead body is found in his hotel room of the hotel where Cybrex is holding their corporate strategizing meeting. Betty surmises that Brendan was poisoned by cyanide, which leads to Angie believing the killer is a woman. Initially, Homicide believes Brendan's murder has something to do with the Cybrex meeting, especially as Ramsay had a communications lock-down in and out of the meeting, including no telephone calls and/or Internet, and it was deemed that Brendan had a hidden cell phone. But when they determine the method that the cyanide was administered, they come to the conclusion that Brendan was not the intended target. They have to find out which of Cybrex's other employees at the meeting was the target, and who might want to kill him/her, especially as the killer will probably find out the ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.7
44 min

The victim: former Olympic boxing gold medalist Mark Machine Mason, the co-owner of and chief trainer at Machine's, a fledgling boxing gym which doesn't look like it will survive unless changes are made in the business plan. The killer: Joey Mason, the recently wheelchair-bound other co-owner of Machine's, its chief ideas man, and Mark's brother. Mark was found in the gym stabbed to death in the back, but not before his knee was savagely beaten. The dead body was reported by Joey. The Homicide detectives initially look at anyone who had a key to the gym as a suspect, although that thought quickly goes out the window when they find out that the gym door was broken, meaning that anyone could have gotten into the gym with ease. Mark's missing Olympic medals, which were prominently displayed, are thought to be the initial motive for at least the break-in, the primary suspects then being disgruntled competitors and vagrants. But when Joey is caught in a lie, Angie focuses her attention... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

The killer: Felix Hausman, a young man who has had trouble finding his place in life. Having just been fired from his latest job, Felix has tried to make a living through high stakes gambling. But he was hoping that his life would turn around by some information provided to him from his father's old partner, who is currently in prison. Felix grew up in St. Roch Orphanage, since his father left him when he was a child. The victim: Father Noel Barnett, the tough but caring parish priest at St. Roch, he who was basically Felix's father figure growing up. Father Barnett was found dead in the church with blunt force trauma to the head and his throat slashed. Father Barnett managed to call 911 just before his death, but the call was barely audible. Angie and Oscar have to decipher some cryptic information in Father Barnett's day planner to discover his last movements. They learn that he was working on a domestic abuse case of the Sopressas, Rita Sopressa who he managed to get into a ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

The killer: Marion Reader, an aging woman with a bad back, whose twenty-eight year old mama's boy of a son, Owen Reader, came back to live with her to take care of her. With her telephone sales job and his online selling of military memorabilia, they are now unable to make the monthly mortgage payments on her long time house. As a side hobby, she does kitschy folk art: paintings of her cat, Mathias, inserted onto existing painted canvases. As a means to earn more money to make those mortgage payments, she attempts to sell her folk art at a local café. The victim: Julia Conrad, a girl Friday at a high end art gallery. Julia is found dead shot point blank apparently when she was out for her morning run. Homicide's initial suspect is Julia's boss, who is openly disapproving of Julia's plans to open her own art gallery, which would then be the competition. But when they learn the gun that was used to kill Julia is pre-WWI vintage in poor condition, the fact of such a reported stolen gun... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.7
43 min

The killer: Charles Stanwyck, a building contractor. The victim: Taylor Hollis, a post-graduate student who dealt drugs on the side. Taylor, whose dead body was found in a remote area which was not the kill site, had blunt force trauma to the head, but was killed by asphyxiation from what looks to be a plastic bag held over his head. Once they ID him and find out more about him, Homicide believes his death may have something to do with his relationship to one of his former students, Sunita Rand. Sunny is engaged in what will be an arranged marriage by her traditional South Asian widowed father, Vijay Rand, but eventually admits that she and Taylor were in love and that she was planning on running off with him. Despite he having an airtight albeit seemingly manufactured alibi, Vijay, who states he knew nothing about Taylor and Sunny's romantic relationship, then becomes a suspect as his whole life, which includes current major renovations to his restaurant, would be shattered if Sunny ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

The killer: Dr. Monika Harper, a pediatric surgeon, who emigrated to Canada from the Czech Republic in 1995. The victim: Hank Cousineau, a news shop owner who was once in the military, with one of his assignments being on the UN peacekeeping mission in the Balkans. Hank was killed in the back of his store by his throat being slashed, from which he bled to death. By the extremely straight and singular wound and Hank's dead body position, Betty and Homicide determine that his killer looked Hank straight in the eyes while he was sitting in a chair while his throat was slashed. Homicide initially believes that his killers are a group of young men who were demanding protection money from local shopkeepers, Hank who used his own form of justice in the matter. But Homicide's focus changes to that of the Harper family when they find that over the past week Hank's routine had changed drastically, which was overtaken by him stalking the Harper family: Dr. Monika Harper, her husband Professor ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Torontonian Barry Ketchum, who recently celebrated his one year sobriety at his AA meeting. The victim: Eric Chase, a mortgage broker, who was killed one evening outside his office by strangulation. Homicide lucks out when Betty discovers the killer's DNA under Eric's fingernails. Homicide looks at Eric's family life - including his new marriage to Ronnie Chase, and being awarded sole custody of his son Chad Chase over his ex-wife, Claudia Powell, an activist who lost custody largely because of her chronic unemployment - and his professional life, where potential clients may have despised him for turning down their mortgage requests. Eric was a seemingly well liked man, so Homicide believes that the tension between Claudia and Ronnie played some role in Eric's death, especially as Claudia has open hatred for the police, although they also know that both women are physically incapable of the killing. Partly through eyewitness accounts, Homicide is led to a low level Toronto... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.0
42 min

The killer: Chloe Mighten, a clothing store clerk. The victim: Jack Bergin, a raw food advocate, who was trying to build a business empire off of his food advocacy. He is treated like a rock star by many of his followers not only because of his beliefs but also because of his charisma and good looks. He was killed while sitting in the hot tub inside his home, the perpetrator, who broke in through a basement window, using a stun gun which electrocuted him. Nothing obvious was missing from the house, but the Homicide detectives know that whoever the killer was looking for something. In actuality, Chloe gained entry into the house as she befriended Jack's lonely wife, Lila Bergin, which was all a plan to get at Jack. But as Chloe did not find what she was looking for, she plays a fine line of searching through the house at other times when she believes Lila is not watching. Finding that item may be key not only for Chloe but for the Homicide detectives in discovering the killer and his/... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The killer: Sarah Muller, a grocery store clerk who is going through a messy divorce and custody battle. The victim: Shawn Mitchell, a high powered lawyer, who was killed by a single stab wound to the abdomen in a late night break-in into his house. On the surface, the crime looks like a robbery gone bad, although the only thing that was stolen among a houseful of expensive items was a purse with a few dollars and a cell phone. As the Homicide detectives focus their investigation on people like Shawn's wife, Deana Mitchell, and Shawn's clients, especially the disgruntled ones like Jack Carlin, who have motive, they may not find the killer unless they focus on a mother who is barely making ends meet, who will do almost anything to retain custody of her daughter except accept help from her soon to be ex-husband, and who believes she can use her position at the store to get herself out of her financial predicament. Angie becomes distracted on this case by a personal issue, namely the ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

The killer: Ben Crewson, a mild mannered cruise ship terminal customs agent. The victim: Scott Hayward, a limo driver, who was found dead next to his still running vehicle in Stanley Park. The death was by a single gunshot wound. The life of Crewson, who most would consider a quiet, average Joe in every respect, changed when he recently met his current girlfriend Leanne, a waitress, at the diner where she works. Together, they dreamed of a better life for themselves. Hayward was the antithesis of Crewson: brash and cocky and who was considered the alpha male amongst the drivers in the limousine service where he worked. Angie and Oscar quickly piece together that the death has something to do with Scott's last fare, his standing regular Tuesday night appointment for lowlife lawyer Randy Sprague, their route always being the same: from the cruise ship terminal to the airport, with the only difference on the evening of the death being that final stop in Stanley Park. The determination of... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.7
43 min

The killer: David Jacobs, a former public prosecutor and now the popular candidate for mayor, who has four weeks until election day. The victim: seventeen year old high school student Tiffany Greenwood, the daughter of David's long time friends, and David and his wife Grace's occasional babysitter. David killed Tiffany in a deliberate hit and run using the stolen car of Tiffany's boyfriend, the over-privileged Kevin West. As such, Kevin becomes Homicide's primary suspect, that belief strengthened when they learn that Tiffany just broke up with him. David, acting in the unofficial capacity of family friend, insinuates himself into the investigation through the prosecutor's office. His overzealousness, especially in wanting to prosecute Kevin without complete evidence against him, may become David's downfall, as Angie searches for what she believes is Tiffany's missing bag from the crime scene. What Angie and Oscar are unaware of is that David killed for what was in Tiffany's bag, that ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.4
43 min

The killer: Tom, a high school student. The victim: Glen Martin, the popular singing science teacher at Tom's high school. Tom is an oft picked upon quiet student who plays the bass drum in the school's marching band. He likes to remain invisible as it allows him to be quietly subversive, as displayed by his favorite activity called creeping: sneaking into houses and stealing a small memento just for the thrill of it. He introduces his best friend Willie to the activity, the house chosen this evening being the Martin's. As the Homicide Department investigates the murder, which was conducted by blunt force trauma to the head, they follow the usual leads such as his wife, Linda Martin, who was having an affair, but vows that she still loved Glen, and Linda's lover, a new immigrant named Arman Pozner. The questions become whether they will piece together the evidence, and or if Tom's nervousness will give him away. Meanwhile, Angie tests the boundaries of parenting with her son, Manny. Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.2
43 min

On his way home home from a business trip to Hawaii, Joe calls Allison to let her know what time he's arriving. He never makes it however. Flash-forward to seven years in the future, Allison is a successful Assistant District Attorney working as second chair prosecuting a major drug dealer, Luis Amenabar. She's raised the girls on her own and has done a good job. Ariel is now married and will soon have a baby; Bridgette is going to college; and Marie is now a teenager. It all begins to change when she dreams that Joe survived the plane crash and has suffered memory loss. He's tied into Amenabar somehow and she sets out to find him. Not everything is as it first seems however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
55 min

A man desperately seeks Allison's help to determine the true nature of his wife's disappearance. Meanwhile, Joe and Allison become concerned when Marie breaks down during a spelling test. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 7.7
55 min

Allison dreams about her brother Michael being down and out and talked out of jumping off a bridge by an unknown individual. When she contacts him the next day however, he's more than fine and is actually on his way to Phoenix to see her. Well dressed and looking great, he's been working quite successfully for a year as a pharmaceutical sales rep. He claims to owe his turnaround to a book written by the now deceased Carson Churchill. As her dreams continue however, Allison realizes that Michael has actually made a pact with Chrchill's spirit, one that is resulting in several deaths. Manuel Devalos' run for mayor isn't going very well with one of his opponents is scoring points with negative ads. Manuel's campaign manager, Justine Goderich, wants to use Allison to get some dirt on his opponent but when the DA flatly refuses, she turns to the next best thing. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8

The police are investigating the death of a man who fell, or was pushed, in front of a commuter train. There were no witnesses and the only thing other commuters remember was a street person who reeked of urine but no one can really remember what he looked like. At the scene, Allison has a vision of the body with a fast food name tag on his lapel but as Det. Lee Scanlon points out the man is wearing a suit and looks a bit too old to be someone who worked in a burger joint. He's eventually identified as Adam Talmadge but they find little else. When Allison dreams of a woman being pushed in front of a train by the same homeless man, they search for a connection between them. Joe meanwhile has to travel to Minnesota when Allison dreams that his mother is severely ill. His mother refuses to accept the fact she will die based on the fact that Allison had told her some years before that she would be at Bridgette's college graduation. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Allison and Joe are concerned when they learn that a convicted rapist, Clark Kerwin, moves into the neighborhood. They aren't the only ones concerned as their neighbors begin to organize to take action. Someone doesn't wait however and throws a rock through his living room window. Allison's dreams however begin to show that Kerwin, a onetime teacher who was accused of raping one of his students, may have been falsely convicted. When a neighborhood teenager is killed and the evidence points to Kerwin, Allison isn't convinced he's responsible. Joe meanwhile gets an interesting offer from his boss: get an executive MBA on his own time and he will get a senior management position in the firm. Allison still plans on going to law school but they may not be able to afford tuition for both of them. Written by garykmcd

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