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IMDb: 7.8
41 min

When Allison dreams of former private detective Cynthia Keener, she visits the woman in prison to see what she can learn. The dream dealt with one of Cynthia's old cases involving the kidnapping of a young woman, Bethany. Cynthia had delivered the ransom and the kidnapper told her where he had buried the young woman. Bethany survived and the kidnapper was never found. As Allison's dreams continue, it becomes obvious that Bethany and her kidnapper may have met again and she may be in danger. Joe meanwhile has been unable to to raise the cash to buy back his company and learns that it has been sold to a San Diego-based firm. Joe assumes he will be fired but is surprised to learn that they would like to keep him on the project - but it would mean leaving Phoenix and moving to San Diego. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.3
42 min

After having a minor fainting spell at home, Allison goes out to a crime scene where the police have discovered a body in a shallow grave. At the scene, Allison loses consciousness and is taken to the hospital where doctors are unable to diagnose anything wrong with her. At the same time Todd Emory, a patient in the same hospital, walks out and straight to Joe's house where he claims that he is in fact Allison. Emory claims that somehow, Allison's being is now in Emory's body. It becomes evident that Todd Emery was somehow connected to the death of the man in the shallow grave. He isn't the killer however and dreams continue to reveal the exact circumstances around the events of a few days before. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
41 min

Allison continues to dream about the eye-gouging killer and comes to realize that her new boss, Mr. Lydecker, is out to protect the killer's identity. As she sees more and more in her dreams, she sees that Lydecker himself is in danger and that he is being set up by a third person. Ariel meanwhile continues to see images of her replacement teacher having been butchered. She's keen to take the prescription medicine now approved by her doctor, but is afraid that if she does, the images will stop and she won't be able to help the teacher. It turns out that Ariel's visions are interconnected with her mother's. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

While at her new job at the Lydecker Corporation, Allison shares the dreams she's been having of the serial killer in Phoenix with Devalos and Scanlon.

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IMDb: 8.3
42 min

The morning after Allison dreams she and Joe and the girls are living in fancy house - where she goes onto a forbidden room and sees a body of a young woman slashed and blood-soaked - she gets a call from Caitlyn Lynch of the Lydecker Corporation asking to meet her. Lydecker wants to offer her a job that is right up her alley - all she has to do is give them exclusively her thoughts or feelings for various products. She's genuinely torn at leaving the DA's office but the money she's offered is such that she has no choice but to give it a try. Her first task is to look through Lydecker employee files and pass on any feelings she sense from them. She does identify one file that gives her a strange feeling - that of the son of Mr.Lydecker, the company's owner. Despite changing jobs, she's still dreaming about the dead girl and passing information to Det. Scanlon and DA Devalos, something Mr. Lydecker tells her in no uncertain terms is unacceptable. What she she does dream is that a ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
41 min

Although Allison's stalker, Lucas Harvey, was shot and killed by Detective Scanlon, his ghost continues to appear and he tells her he is manipulating her dreams so she had better watch out what she concludes about crimes. Ominously, Harvey starts to appear before the girls in their dreams, and Allison is worried about their safety. When Allison finally does have a dream about the serial killer who is gassing his victims, she realizes that there are two of them working in tandem. Meanwhile, Joe has to layoff most of his employees when Terry Cavanaugh loses a great deal of money on a stock purchase he thought Allison had said was okay. When he notices that Marie may have a knack for picking successful stocks, Joe decides to do something about his own financial situation, but Allison isn't too keen. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.4
41 min

Allison dreams of a man who thinks she is the Devil incarnate and threatens her. When her car breaks down the following evening, she realizes the tow truck driver is her stalker by the tattoo on his hand. When the police identify the man, Lucas Walker, they raid his now vacated home only to find a shrine of sorts dedicated to Allison the devil but also photos and information about her three daughters. The police put her house under guard and the Dubois' become shut-ins. Walker manages to get through the barrier however. Allison has also been dreaming about a man who has been abducting young women by gassing them. Meanwhile, Joe comes under pressure from his boss to get Allison if she can see whether a company he's thinking of investing in is a safe bet. Her dream about the women's attacker and the stock market turns out to be incorrect. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.3
41 min

It's Marie's fifth birthday but Allison has to stop by DA Devalos' home on a work-related matter. There she finds Devalos being held at gunpoint by Nathan Hunsecker whom he had convicted 5 years earlier of murdering his wife Jessamyn. The man shoots both of them them but when Allison awakes, its now 2004 and she is very pregnant with Marie who will be born in a few weeks time. Allison is dreaming and realizes that Hunsecker is innocent but when she approaches Devalos, who has no idea who she is, he thinks she may be complicit in the crime. Back in the present, Joe goes and collects Ariel who went off on a ski trip with a classmate when her parents expressly forbade her to do so. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6
42 min

DA Devalos asks Allison and Det. Scanlon to come in to work on a Sunday when siblings Brooke and Dylan Hoyt ask him for help in locating their mother, an old friend of his. As it happens, Allison had a nightmare the previous night where Brooke urges little Marie to shoot Allison and Joe while they're asleep in their bed. As they investigate, they find the brother and sister have had a tumultuous relationship over the years. Allison's ongoing dreams reveal a case of deception. At home, Joe's sister Sarah shows up at his front door after her marriage has broken down. Allison gets advice from the spirit of Joe's father on how to deal with her. Ariel asks her parents if she can go on a skiing trip with a classmate - whose 18 year-old brother will also be there. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

After dreaming about two young couples being taken prisoner in a remote house or cottage, Allison finds herself there the next morning investigating the death of only one of the couples she had seen. Later that day, the second couple from the dream show up at the police station to identify the victims. Allison is also hearing a buzzer every time one of the kids tells a lie. The buzzer comes in handy during the questioning of the second couple who are clearly hiding events that may have happened several months before their friends were killed. Evidence at the murder scene contradicts Allison's dreams however and DA Devalos tells her to stay away from the case. At work, Joe finds himself being sued by a former employee who accuses him of stealing his ideas. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

Allison is more than a little dubious when the ghost of FBI Agent Cooper appears in her kitchen with information on the long unsolved murders by a serial killer known as the Gentleman Caller. The information turns out to be accurate and suddenly Cooper's back with information about another case. Feeling more comfortable now that he's come across once as being truthful,she decides to act on the information he's provided. Turns out things are not as straightforward as they first appear to be. At work, Joe comes under a lot of pressure to hire an engineer who's made very valuable suggestions on Joe's project. Ariel however has a dream that suggests the idea may have been stolen from someone else. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

After dreaming of an upcoming apocalypse - just as an earthquake strikes Phoenix - Allison is convinced they have to prepare for the future and becomes an infatuated survivalist. In her dreams she sees a man and a teenage girl living in what appears to be a bomb shelter. He wears a bio-hazard any time he goes out, imploring his young charge never to leave the safe confines of their environment. When she dreams that the girls leaves the bunker - and is in fact found by the policy the next day with her throat slit - Allison realizes they may be dealing with something altogether different. At school, Ariel is thrilled when a handsome young classmate takes an interest in her but has to deal with the fact that he is taking advantage of her. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0

Allison and Det. Lee Scanlon are asked by DA Devalos to look into the disappearance of Meredith Burnes, the daughter of a local councilman. She is married to Don Burnes and has a young stepdaughter, Phoebe, who is awaiting a heart transplant. All seems well in her relationship with her husband and her stepdaughter whom she had originally met when she cared for the child as a nurse. She and her husband married after the first Mrs. Burnes ran off some years before. Allison is dreaming about the case and is slowly fitting the pieces of the puzzle together, which does point to a family member being responsible for her disappearance. Scanlon is having his own personal problems as he seems unable to make a commitment in his relationship with his now pregnant girlfriend, Lynn DiNovi. Joe finds himself falling asleep during the day and his doctor tells him that Allison is the problem. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8

Allison has a serious memory lapse and can't account for her absence. One moment she's in the grocery store parking lot talking to Ariel on her cellphone and the next - six hours later - she wakes up under a freeway overpass. She is soon dreaming about a hit and run victim and fears that she may have been the driver of the car. Her undamaged car is recovered minus her purse which she eventually retrieves from a dumpster. The purse however contains a human hand in a plastic bag. Ariel has reached a certain age - where she can get her learner's permit and start driving. Joe is enthused at the prospect of giving his daughter driving lessons but becomes frustrated when she anticipates everything he is about to say. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

After Allison dreams of an unidentified radical anti-government activist from the 1980s, she finds that the police are investigating the death of the same man who was found that day in a local garbage dump. The man is eventually identified as Mitchell Slocum who set off a large fertilizer bomb in a Federal building in the 1980s killing 17 people. Soon Allison develops strange obsessions and finds herself buying a variety of items she sees glowing on store shelves. Joe is disturbed by her obsessive behavior but particularly by the fact that her dreams reveal a possible connection between Slocum and his newest - and only - employee, David Brewer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.4

Allison dreams about a man who dies on what appears to be a hospital gurney but then sees his ghost observing a businessman choking a woman in a red cocktail dress. When she wakes the next morning, news reports confirm that the woman's body has been found. She tries to trace the identity of the dying man in her dreams but can find no record. She is stunned when she sees him, quite alive, sitting in a garden on the hospital grounds. In a subsequent dream, she sees the killer receiving a call from a blackmailer. So how does the ghost of man who is alive show up at a murder scene? Meanwhile, Ariel appears to react strangely when sharing a project with a classmate. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

Allison is asked by DA Devalos to help with a six month-old murder case involving a close friend of his, Gabrielle. Her sister Robin was bludgeoned to death six months earlier at her cottage and she is not satisfied that the previous DA had conducted a thorough investigation. Gabrielle herself suffered a great loss when two years previously her author husband was killed. She has since re-married to another writer, Joel Tiernan, and appears to be quite happy. Things get a bit complicated when Allison begins to dream that Gabrielle's first husband killed his sister-in-law, but he was dead long before Robin's murder. It all turns to the bizarre when Gabrielle insists that her first husband's spirit occupies Joel's body. At home meanwhile, Joe and Allison have to deal with Bridgette who has been drawing pictures of her art teacher. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.4

Tom Van Dyke gives Devalos some surprising news that affects his candidacy, and Allison tries to unravel the mystery of why a woman she consulted for on a haunting later committed suicide.

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IMDb: 7.8

Allison helps Det. Scanlon investigate the murder of Curtis Lambert, who was killed in his apartment. She dreams of the dead man and his killer, Joey Carmichael. Joey however turns out to be disabled with only limited use of his hands and the mind of a twelve year old. Turns out there are a simple explanation to the mistaken identity and the motivation for the crime but a far more complex solution to the identity of the murderer. Joe and Meghan Doyle try to get past her having made a drunken pass at him. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8

When Allison dreams that her car blows up - with her and the girls inside - she refuses to even try to start the car. Joe buys her a nearly new SUV but she has a waking dream where a female passenger is shot in the car. After a bit of research, she finds that the owner of the vehicle sold it because his wife was shot during a carjacking some months before. As her dreams continue, she finally gets to see the person who apparently shot the woman but he has an airtight alibi for the night in question. At work meanwhile, Joe frets over their pending patent application when they hear someone in an old East bloc country may already have one. He has other worries however vis-à-vis his new business partner. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

When Allison dreams of a young woman who has had a serious fall, she contacts Det. Lee Scanlon and Deputy Mayor Lynn DiNovi, a close friend. There is little to indicate foul play but subsequent dreams show others also dying in strange circumstances. The focus seems to be adulterated over-the-counter headache medicine, but the question is just who is responsible. Joe meanwhile is convinced that Marie needs glasses but she passes her eye exam with flying colors. He's not sure that it was the eye chart she was reading, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2

Allison finds herself working with FBI Agent Edward Cooper with whom she had previously worked (see Episode 3.6) and who didn't hesitate to execute a suspect when the criminal justice system failed to convict him. He's now looking for a serial killer and when Allison tells him she's seen the killer in her dreams, he insists that she work with him. Joe meanwhile is still trying to find investors for his solar energy project. He's been turned down pretty well everywhere but when someone finally comes forward, it's on the condition that they get 51% ownership of the new undertaking. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

Allison dreams of a sexy, attractive woman who seems to be an expert at picking up men in bars and then killing them. The murders are quite violent but when the police finally arrest the woman in Allison has seen in dreams, she turns out to be a best-selling author on how to meet the opposite sex. But is she the killer? Manuel Devalos launches his campaign for District Attorney but Allison senses that one of his biggest supporters is conspiring with the current DA to blacken Manny's reputation. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9

Allison continues to dream about Cynthia Keener's daughter and manages to determine where her daughter's remains are to be found. Both she and Cynthia are convinced that Joanna Wheeler is the culprit but cannot find any evidence to prove it. When the one potential witness they do have is murdered, Cynthia is left with only one solution. Bridgette tells her dad that she had a dream about him getting a loan at the bank. All he has to do is go to the white-haired man and all his problems will be solved. The solution isn't quite as simple as getting a loan however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.6

Allison dreams of Cynthia Keener's daughter Suzie who was kidnapped and vanished in 1998. From her dream, she knows that she was kept chained in a basement or bomb shelter along with another young woman. As the dreams continue however, Allison realizes that she may have transposed Cynthia's daughter with a more recent victim. While helping Bridgette with a science project, Joe develops a theory on enhancing the capture of solar energy. Allison is dead set against his suggestion that they use the girls' college fund to invest in the idea. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

The police arrest Graham Stacey when they learn that his wife's life was insured for $7 million. Allison's dreams confirm his version of events. Allison continues to dream about the missing prostitute and the sadistic dentist but Cynthia Keener doesn't think the information is very useful. Allison eventually realizes there is a connection between Mrs. Stacey's death and the dentist. Ariel has information however that provides a vital clue in solving the mystery. Joe's mother shares a secret with Allison and that she may be able to help. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

Soon after Ariel dreams of a woman who sets herself on fire, the mother of one of her classmates is killed in a house fire that the police believe was arson. Manuel Devalos asks Allison to assist him when the police question the woman's husband, Graham Stacey. Det. Lee Scanlon is the investigating officer. Private investigator Cynthia Keener asks Allison to look over some old cases. She has a dream about a young prostitute who is picked up by a dentist and who has now been missing for 9 months. Joe's mother agrees to lend them some money to help them out and she also comes for a visit. The ghost of Joe's father also stops in. Det. Scanlon is on the outs with his fellow police officers when he shows up for work when everyone else has the blue flu. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Devalos makes a bid to reclaim his old job. But Allison's dreams contain clues that his old friend and staunchest political ally, Senator Jed Garrity, is secretly embroiled in dark dealings that could harm her former boss's run at the D.A. office Written by

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IMDb: 7.9

Attracted by the money being offered, Allison goes against her better judgment and agrees to work for her one time nemesis, defense attorney Larry Watt. The case involves John Edgemont who has been charged with murdering his wife. Allison is concerned that he may in fact be guilty and her initial dreams indicate that he may have been involved. As she gets more information on the case however, especially about one of Edgemont's two daughters, she realizes that there is a far more complex knot to untangle. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1

After dreaming about a preteen girl who finds an intruder her house, Allison finds that she has gone totally deaf. Private investigator Cynthia Keener meanwhile has a case for her: that of a 12-year-old deaf girl who had been kidnapped two nights before. The men wore masks and used sign language, so Keener is quite sure this was a well-planned kidnapping rather than a crime of opportunity. The girl's parents want to pay the ransom and refuse to involve the police. When Allison manages to identify one of the kidnappers, the case takes on an entirely different complexion. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Joe finally gets a lead on a job with a local aerospace firm headed by Peter Barrister. When Allison starts to have nasty dreams about the man's daughter Melissa however, there are a number of issues that arise. Allison dreams that his daughter is being held against her will and eventually suspects her former husband to be behind it all. When Melissa goes missing, Mrs. Barrister believes in Allison's abilities and believes the information she is giving them, but Mr. Barrister is somewhat more skeptical - if not downright hostile - affecting not only the daughter's rescue but also Joe's employment prospects. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2

Allison is nearly frantic when she dreams that her 14-year old daughter Ariel is involved in a car accident. What she doesn't realize is that Ariel is also having prophetic dreams where she and her mother are the same age and in high school. Complicating matters is that Ariel has been asked to go to a concert by a 16-year-old boy and her parents won't hear of it. Things aren't going well on the job front either. Allison has been hired by private detective Cynthia Keener to help locate a missing teenager but she hasn't been of much use so far. Allison eventually realizes Ariel's and her own dreams are linked to the fate of the missing girl. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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