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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.3

Brutus beats up an alien he sees walking down the street, thinking its Popeye on the way to Olive Oyl's fancy dress party. The alien retaliates by trying to blow up the earth, Popeye and Brutus team up to stop him.

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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.5

The Professor, Popeye and their assistant Brutus are searching for the lost city of Bubble-On. Popeye is suspicious, he thinks Brutus is more interested in taking the cities treasure than documenting scientific discoveries.

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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.0

Popeye, Olive, Wimpy, and Swee' Pea, set-sail to The Sea Hag's island, She has kidnapped Eugene, the Jeep. Unknown to them The Sea Hag is following in her submarine waiting for an opportunity to remove all spinach from Popeye's boat.

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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.9

The citizens are revolting, they want a new king, someone sweet like Swee'pea! Professor Wotasnozzle suggests making a soup out of Swee'pea is the best way to become just like him.

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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.5

Popeye is jailed for committing a bank robbery which he insists he didn't commit. He must prove he didn't do it. In a seemingly unrelated subplot, two thugs build a Popeye robot to do their bidding.

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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.1
6 min

A giant space magnet connected to the top of an astronomer's observatory pulls stuff from outer space to earth. One day it also pulls leather jacket wearing space greasers from Mars.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 6.9
6 min

As Popeye and Olive relax on their new boat The Miss Olive someone swims beneath stealing items from right under their nose. Luckily Brutus's boating store has a seemingly endless supply of stolen item replacements.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.8
6 min

Brutus sinks to a new low in both greed and criminal activity by trying to abduct little Swee'pee from his family.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.5

Wimpy has acquired the SeaHags crystal ball, he is using it to bet on sporting events. Brutus realizes this and steal the crystal ball. Popeye gets suspicious, so sets a trap to get the ball back.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.2
6 min

Olive sees Brutus showing his athletic prowess at a track meet, Popeye gets jealous, runs on to the field and starts competing himself.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.3
6 min

Popeye volunteers to stand guard to protect Poopdeck Pappy's ranch, a rustler tries to get rid of Popeye but is driven mad by his ability to reappear right after he's been lassoed, tied up and even thrown off a cliff.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 6.7
6 min

Brutus forces Popeye into the professors aging machine, turning him into a 2 year old.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.5
6 min

Brutus dresses as a native Indian and claims the land as an Indian Reservation after Popeye strikes it lucky searching for gold in the old west. Popeye tries to beat him at his own game by dressing as an Indian too, declaring all out war.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.3
6 min

Popeye and Olive set-sail to a desert island with a map citing the location of Uranium, unknown to them Brutus is already there, He plans on dressing like a gorilla and scaring them away.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.3
6 min

Popeye and Olive are searching the jungle for the rare Foola-Foola bird. Following close behind is Brutus, also hunting the bird as there is a reward of a million dollar for finding it.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.3
6 min

Popeye and Olive are out testing Popeyes new boat on a relaxing boat ride. When out in the ocean they meet Jolly Roger the pirate. Unfortunately Roger takes a fancy to Olive. The pirate kidnaps her and sets school of sharks after Popeye.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.3
6 min

It's an ice cold winter, Popeye upsets a large hibernating bear while trying to impress Olive with his moves on the ski-jumps.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.3
6 min

Popeye hears talk of abominable snowman sightings and so decides to take it upon himself to investigate.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.8
6 min

At the college of Hardnox, Olive the student is infatuated with Professor Brutus and contemptuous of Popeye's lack of education, leading Popeye to enroll for classes himself. But Brutus uses this opportunity to humiliate Popeye with a series of dirty tricks. Olive finds them funny at first, until Brutus drops an anvil on Popeye's head, sending him through the floor. She is even less amused when Brutus chases her around the school in order to steal a kiss. Popeye eats his spinach to prove that brawn is smarter than brains. Written by J. Spurlin

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.6
6 min

Flying saucers have landed, Olive is unfortunate enough to be captured by a robot man looking for humans. Popeye must take control of the spaceship save Olive and get her home.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.5
6 min

Popeye objects to how a bull is being treated by the matador in the bullring, then when Olive Is caught in the Bull, between the matador and the bull, he must use spinach to save the day.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.3
6 min

Popeye tells Olive the story of how his ancestor Prehesterical Popeye discovered the magical powers of spinach and stopped Prehesterical Brutus.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.1
6 min

Popeye and Olive take shelter from a thunderstorm in Mad Mueller's castle. But Mueller's monster, Irving, takes a shine to Olive. Irving tries to carry her off, but Popeye stops the creature by challenging it to a fight. They kick up a cloud of dust in their battle, and Irving is winning. Olive appeals to Mad Mueller for some spinach, and he cooks up some spinach juice in his laboratory. Popeye needs it in a hurry. Irving has just knocked him through the floor. Written by J. Spurlin

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.9
6 min

Sheriff Popeye captures villain Brutus McBride and throws the scum into jail. His gang of thugs start a big shoot-out in an attempt to free their leader.

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 8.0
6 min

Popeye in his junk-pile jalopy competes with Brutus in his slick race car to win a cross-country race. Brutus employs a series of dirty tricks to keep ahead, while keeping Olive Oyl trapped in his trunk. Brutus pulls one trick too many when he fools Popeye into driving over a bridge that is no longer there. Popeye and his heap end up at the bottom of a canyon with plenty of spinach. Written by J. Spurlin

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.0
6 min

Popeye and Olive are watching Brutus's strongman act at the carnival. Olive swoons over Brutus's big muscles, but Popeye is not impressed. Brutus seems to be pretty strong as he holds a set of barbells between his teeth, but Popeye sticks one with a pin to show it's just a balloon. Brutus turns the tables on Popeye by challenging him to lift another set of barbells that are bolted to the stage. When Popeye learns Brutus has tricked him, he wants to tear him apart. But Olive makes him promise not to fight. She even holds him to the promise when Brutus has her flat on the stage underneath his foot. Popeye makes every effort to tamp down his fighting spirit, until Brutus's trick with a cement mixer pushes him too far. Written by J. Spurlin

Country: USA
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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 7.0
6 min

Popeye is getting his backyard ready for Olive's visit. It's going to be a barbecue for two -- or so he thinks. I love barbecues, says his neighbor Brutus from the other side of the fence. I loves barbecues, too, says Popeye. But you ain't invited. But soon, Wimpy shows up, calling out for hamburgers. Swee' Pea crawls out of his playpen, demanding to be pushed on his swing. When Olive arrives, she declares that she loves big parties. Now, Popeye's barbecue for two has become a headache for one -- namely him -- as he tries to cater to the demands of Swee' Pea and Wimpy, while competing with Brutus for Olive's attention. Written by J. Spurlin

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HD Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor


Popeye the Sailor

IMDb: 6.8
6 min

Popeye, Olive, and Wimpy visit a space launching base on Visitor's Day and are given a tour of Luna #1, an advanced spacecraft. Through an accident the craft is launched into space where it crashes on a planet made of cheese, which Olive speculates is the Moon. They are escorted by little cheese men to a castle headed by the planet's cheese ruler, who seems sympathetic to their need for fuel to return to Earth but betrays them and takes them prisoner. Popeye, however, is riled to action upon witnessing the cheese king's brutal treatment of taxpayers and takes on the cheese king and his guards. Written by Michael Daly

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HD The Good Place

The Good Place


The Good Place

IMDb: 9.5
25 min

With Fake Eleanor and Jason making it back to the good place a fraction of a second past Shawn's deadline, Shawn has to make a call on whether his initial ruling of sending Chidi and Tahani to the bad place in place of Fake Eleanor and Jason still stands. What Shawn rules is that the bad place is still short two people, he no longer caring which two go, leaving that decision for them to decide among themselves. As Fake Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason argue among themselves about which two should go, external forces come into play. Amid all the kerfuffle, Fake Eleanor comes to a unilateral decision about the two people, she having a very specific reason for her choices, about which she knows deep in her heart are the right choices and ones with which Michael cannot argue. Although Fake Eleanor is correct in her assessment, she is unaware that the decision will have dire consequences beyond the on the surface repercussions of who will go and who will stay. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Good Place

The Good Place


The Good Place

IMDb: 8.4
20 min

After discovering its existence from Janet, Eleanor decides to hijack Shawn's train and live her afterlife in the medium place. Jason and Janet are also in tow as Jason wants to live in a place where he and Janet can live as man and wife, something they can't do in the good place but that they can probably do in the medium place away from Michael's scrutiny. What they find in the medium place, as Janet had mentioned, is exactly one person, Mindy St. Claire. The medium place was a compromise by the authorities in both the good place and the bad place to deal with the unusual situation of Mindy, who was basically a bad person who did one spectacularly good thing before she died in the 1980s. While Jason's sole initial goal in the medium place is to figure out a way for he and Janet to have sex, Eleanor finds that mediocrity may not be all it's cracked up to be as witnessed by Mindy. But what Eleanor does, regardless of what she really wants, is dependent upon Jason and Janet. Meanwhile ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Good Place

The Good Place


The Good Place

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

After Michael shows them the scores and rankings of everyone in the good place, the collective working on the defense to keep Fake Eleanor in the good place decide that what she has to do to stay in the good place is amass enough points in doing good deeds from now on before Shawn arrives. It is a steep climb as they figure she will need in the vicinity of 1.2 million points, while she currently is in the -4,000 point range. Tahani decides to help Fake Eleanor in this task. They believe the key to achieving the goal is the fact that everyone else in the good place hates Fake Eleanor for the bad things she's inadvertently caused which have negatively affected them, such as the sinkhole. As Fake Eleanor and Tahani work on this premise, Fake Eleanor comes to the realization of what she has to do to get the necessary points before Shawn arrives. Meanwhile, Jason aka Jianyu, who has married Janet, wants to tell Michael, who he mistakenly believes is Janet's father, of the marriage to get ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Good Place

The Good Place


The Good Place

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Now that Michael has decided to do whatever he needs to keep Fake Eleanor in the good place, he has to be prepared for whenever Shawn will make an unexpected visit so that the collective they can defend the decision. Good Eleanor and Bambadjan are to act as her legal counsel. In preparing that defense, they question Fake Eleanor about her life, both on Earth and in the good place. In the process of that questioning, Fake Eleanor comes to believe someone in the good place is indeed her soul mate. In discovering that Jianyu is also a fake, Tahani believes she has also discovered who is really her soul mate in the good place. Simpleminded Jason, who has felt lost in the unfamiliar surroundings ever since arriving mistakenly in the good place, also believes he has fallen in his brand of love with someone in the good place, the one person who has shown him unconditional acceptance. And Chidi, who has always had problems with indecision in his mortal life until the end which has carried on ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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