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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Scout re-enters Kat's life when she auditions for the junior summer program at the academy, with Christian helping out. Abigail's meanness shifts off Tara when Petra becomes Miss Raine's clear favorite, but setting her up for a fall proves Petra a stronger and more capable adversary than Abigail expected. Meanwhile, Sammy wants but can't get Abigail to be open about their kisses-in-the-closet love affair. Written by statmanjeff

Country: Australia
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Everyone is punished for Kat's irresponsible party, with poor Sam having to mentor Abigail's make-up English essay. Suspicious of her help refusal, he discovers she clumsily stole a paper from the Internet and makes her write a real one, using cleverly faked jealousy. Patrick takes everyone camping in the outback to rehearse the A Midsummer Night's Dream production. The picture of Tara's kissing infidelity is spread all around, apparently by jealous Kat (but actually by another), causing much havoc. Petra finally forces them to make up by facing the naked facts - in the buff. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.6
25 min

Kat's parents buy off missing her birthday, so she decides to throw a massive party. She gets drunk worse than unsuspecting foreigner Petra and has to be rescued in the bedroom from slick Lucas by Christian. Tara misses it because her lack of confidence and fear of injuries during scholarship-conditional private tutoring makes the lesson take forever. But worst of all, Abigail discovers a secret to make Tara's life more uncomfortable. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.4

When his bike's brakes fail, Fonzie stops with his feet and ruins his boots; Potsie drops out of college after an anatomy professor intimidates him in front of the whole class.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.2

Richie's band hunts for a piano player, Howard and Marion practice their bridge signals, and Fonzi plans a sting on the shyster who duped Chachi into selling a miracle wax that soon destroys what it shines.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 8.7
30 min

Hot-headed Richie challenges an arrogant French fencing champion to a duel after the visiting swordsman insults sister and country.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.4
25 min

A stray dog is sneakily 'adopted' into Kat's room by Petra Hoffman, a talented German exchange student whom Abigail looks upon as her replacement during her therapy. Although the next semester's started, Kat remains in a holiday mood and is seen dating and kissing Lucus in public. Rather then apply pointless punishments, director Kennedy assigns her to assist graduate Gus's program teaching young kids to dance. She gets committed and promises to take them to a TV show, but later looking with the gang for the lost dog makes her late for the kids and dumped. Tara is finally allowed to dance on 'spitzes', but the unexpected pain makes her snippy with Christian while they dance Romeo and Juliet for Ethan's show-reel. (It's that or the unspoken attraction between them that makes Tara's and Christian's dance partnership suddenly difficult for them to bear?) Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

Before the new semester starts, a nightclub, a park and a senior citizen cha-cha class will see students having some non-artistic dance fun, while someone close starts falling for Tara. Earlier in the day, Anorexic Abigail poses as the perfect patient, but therapist Adam sees through this control-freak's act and insists she seek satisfaction before he lets her participate in ballet classes again. Tara moves in with Kat, which may prove detrimental to their friendship. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.5

Mischievous Mork from Ork takes a break from earth year 1979, where he has been assigned to observe humanity, to visit 1950's Richie Cunningham, get a dose of humdrum and learn about relationships.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.8

Fonzie has survived the explosion by getting behind a large metal filing cabinet. He and Richie then return to the Cunningham's home. With the help of the family and local police,they devise a way to not only rescue Ralph and Potsie but to foil the Candyman and his henchmen once and for all. By having a fake ceremony for the late Fonzerelli! Written by happipuppi13

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.5
25 min

After exams, families arrive for the results and to take their kids home for the holidays. As Christian bonds with Tara's farmer dad over car mechanics, Tara's mother tells her that their sheep farm is in financial trouble, leading Tara to make a surprising decision. While Sam smolders bitterly over his dad not showing up, Kat, expecting a luxury holiday with her pro ballerina mother, Natasha Karamakov, vents during the mother-daughter press interview she's taken to instead. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.2
25 min

It's exam week in both dance and academics, keeping most everybody busy, especially Sam. As Tara nears her first kiss with Ethan, she fears taking on his expert lips without practice, so (at Kat's urging) makes Sammy her kissing-dummy. Meanwhile, ill-tempered Abigail demands that Sammy rehearses their pas-de-deux together every night. It's whom Sammy'd like to be kissing, but signs that Abigail's anorexic diet regimen is catching up with her alarm him. Written by statmanjeff

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.4

Richie gets a call from Fonzie to see him at his garage. When Richie arrives he finds Fonzie finishing up repairs on a hearse - in whose casket is contained thousands of dollars in counterfeit money. Fonzie recognizes the funeral home that owns the hearse is a front for illegal movement of counterfeit money, and Richie tells him to call the police. Fonzie, however, decides that to avoid suspicion from the funeral home he'll return the hearse as if nothing is wrong. Later that day, however, when Fonzie is not seen anywhere, Richie grows concerned, and he takes Postie and Ralph to the funeral home to look for Fonzie. Fonzie, however, returns to Howard and Marion's house unharmed, having gone to the police after returning the hearse. Unaware of this, Richie, Postie, and Ralph uncover the mastermind behind the counterfeiting ring, a flamboyant heavyset criminal known as Candy Man for his obsessive indulgence in lollipops. Richie overhears Candy Man lamenting that Fonzie has found his ... Written by Michael Daly

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Two students stumble on control issues. When cheerful kid sister Paige visits, Abigail strives to domineer their entire time together, but Paige, being 11 years old, will have none of it. Ethan wants to charm and impress Dana, his mentor, so asks Tara to be the principal in a new solo piece of his, whereby he micromanages her into the ground. The only one not having a control issue is Sammy, who happily conducts a sea funeral for his much-despised girl shoes. Written by statmanjeff

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.3

Tough-girl rocker, Leather Tuscadero, and corny Ralph Malph both try on new personalities along with their formal attire when they go to his college's military ball together.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 6.9

The Cunningham kids send squabbling Marion and Howard off to celebrate their 23rd anniversary at the lakeside hotel where they honeymooned, hoping happy memories will rekindle their parents' romance.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.2

The Fonz makes an appearance on popular dance show National Sock Hop to accuse host Skip Oliver of stealing Leather Tuscadero's new song, Moonlight Love, from her audition tape and giving it to not-so-hot rockers, Freddie and the Red Hots, to jump-start the band's stalled career. Written by shepherd1138

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Christian is delighted by a surprise visit from big brother Aaron, although he won't even show knowing him at the academy. The reason is Aaron always got him into trouble, and this time needs Christian to provide a false alibi, which may compromise Christian's spot in the dorm and hence his parole. Couple exercise problems, especially with lifts, cause fear and trouble among some dance class partners, but switches aren't allowed, nor excuses. Aggravated with her looks, Abigail breaks Tara's special mirror. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.3

Richie Cunningham anonymously takes over for absent advice columnist, Aunt Fanny, and innocently sews the seeds of disaster when he answers a letter from feuding roommates, Ralph and Potsie.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.3
25 min

Due to Sammy posting some dormitory playfulness on the Internet, RandB star Myles Kelly - idolized by most of the kids - picks for his next video the haughtily uninterested Kat. She only accepts if he'll consider modernizing costumes and choreography. Her suggestions works out so well, he makes her an offer to think over. Meanwhile, Christian winds up with Ethan constantly trying to outdo him. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Christian firmly wards off Sean's taunting of roommate Sam for wearing regular underwear. Patrick orders Christian to help buy reluctant Sam some dance underwear. Sam's objections are overcome in the fitting-room, where he procrastinates to give Christian time to flirt with the salesgirl, who ends up giving him her phone number. Ethan tells Tara he only sees her as a kid sister, not dating material. She hopes to cause jealousy by seeming to flirt with pro-dance troop member Damien 'Damo' Lang, not realizing such a rumor could ruin both their careers. Abigail is becoming more of a woman than she likes. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.5

New member Joanie Cunningham worries that the Magnets, the coolest girl's club in school, will dump her if she doesn't smoke cigarettes like the rest of them.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

The ballet class naturally doesn't take to obligatory hip-hop lessons, where everything is the other way around (except for ever-versatile Christian). Ethan, who has a modern choreography assignment for Mr. Kennedy due, calls in his theft silence-marker (You owe me) to pick Christian as his star dancer. Christian dismisses the project but later shows Ethan a street group, which inspires Ethan toward a much rougher dance. Sammy wrestles with admitting his feelings, risking ridicule of the kind Tara often gets (even from him), while haughty Kat claims never to have had a crush. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.4

A cold, snowy Wisconson Christmas finds Howard Cunningham trying to convince his family to put up a new-fangled, artificial tree, and a mysterious sailor delivers a gift from Fonzie's father, forcing the Fonz to deal with his long-suppressed feelings of abandonment. Written by shepherd1138

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Sammy finally gets a visit from his girlfriend-since-ever Mia, who'd joined Swedish friends in a kibbutz in Israel. Kat and Ethan's mother (famous ballerina Natasha Willis) gives a guest lecture. While Kat can't be bothered to spend time with her, Tara drools and ignores everyone else. Natasha offers them Swan Lake tickets with backstage passes, but those actually cause trouble among the kids, especially for Sam, who accepts them to get Abigail to go out with him while telling Mia the tickets 'fell trough'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.3

Trying to save his reputation and his candidacy, Richie and his pals plan to steal the film that will soon be used to incriminate him after his sophomore class president opponent photographs him in a massage parlor.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 6.5

Committee co-chairmen Howard Cunningham and Al DelVecchio must somehow replace accidentally drunk magician, the Amazing Randi, star of the Leopard Lodge's annual Sunnyside Orphanage fund-raising dinner show.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

Sammy fears his single B could cause his dad, a third-generation Jewish doctor, to withdraw him from Dance Academy and send him to med-school. He's desperate to make it to synagogue in time to act as reader (another condition) but is commandeered for Patrick's coinciding ballet class, which he's missed too often already. Finally, Dr. Lieberman comes to discuss withdrawing Sam with director Kennedy. Meanwhile, Christian proves himself the best pupil in Patrick's class but can't handle Patrick's tactile limb position corrections. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 7.2

Richie's reputation goes from respectable to racy after he's identified in a police line-up as the notorious Kissing Bandit.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Instructor Patrick assigns the boy-girl dance partners lot-drawn confidence test games as preparation to the technical pas-de-deux course. Although meant to help them bond, they work mainly as truth time tests. Christian's talent impresses, but he intends to quit after his juvenile probation. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Dance Academy

Dance Academy


Dance Academy

IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Newbie Christian is arrested for petty street gang-crime. Since his only adult relative (big brother Drew, a Broken Hill miner) won't take him in, academy director Kennedy arranges to save Christian from juvenile detention by assigning him to the dorm and appealing to coolest senior Ethan to be his mentor, but neither knave wants that and Ethan catches Christian stealing his wallet. Sam makes Tara list pros and cons for whether or not to make a pass at Ethan, who just dumped another girlfriend, which Abigail finds and sends copies to everyone. Sam also works out that karaoke may be a cool way to chase off horrible roommates. Tara makes a spectacle of herself again when Christain arrives in her class and fears she may never get past the bar exercises stage. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
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HD Happy Days

Happy Days


Happy Days

IMDb: 6.8

Marion Cunningham tells a tale of the first Thanksgiving to remind her family that the Pilgrims gathered around the table for fellowship, not around the television for football.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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