When Amazon princess Diana of Themyscira chooses to save fighter pilot Steve Trevor, it’s a choice that will change her world and ours. Fulfilling the role of both ambassador as well as protector, Diana earns the name Wonder Woman from the gracious people of Earth. But her heart is as strong as her will as she is determined to help a troubled and embittered young girl whom has fallen in with a deadly organization known only as Villainy, Inc! Get ready for an exciting adventure packed with brutal battles, myth and wonder!
The mothers in the prison celebrate mothers day with their children. A new counselor is hired and that threatens Healy. Alex returns in bad shape. Crazy Eyes has trouble grasping what happened to Vee. Daya struggles with her lies about her baby. Nichols fights with her inner addict.
Caputo finds difficulty in his new role as warden after the new staff and inmates settle in. The pre-existing inmates are rallied back into camp while Alex and Whitehill stay back to resolve a rather big problem. Chapman tries to prove top dog in the overcrowded prison, Red isn't happy with her new work schedule, and Crazy Eyes finds a new love interest.
The unheard true story of the moments after John Lennon was shot as seen through the eyes of those who lived it. Alan Weiss, an ambitious young news producer, finds himself in a position to break the biggest story of the year following a violent motorcycle accident. The emergency department at Roosevelt Hospital discovers a John Doe shooting victim is the worlds biggest rock star and struggles to keep the news quiet while working to save his life.