A young woman, guild ridden for a crime she committed but got free of, is captured by a sadist for a game of Russian roulette with a great white shark and five similar opportunists who have escaped the law.
In the near future, life-like androids with artificial intelligence have been created to help people with menial household tasks. The prototype, One, created by Roger Marshall and tested by his family, proves to be popular but flawed. Roger has been working on a new model, Two, whose improved features show promise of its super-human abilities. As tensions rise between Roger and wife Shelley, the androids malfunction and the lives of the whole family are soon in danger of Two's sinister plans.
A young woman survives a great white shark attack, whilst on a family boating vacation, however soon realizes the nightmare is far from over. Those around her can not be trusted, and she must face her demons, if she is to step back in the water.
A mutated rat has been let loose in a city.