A young woman and her fiancé are in search of the perfect starter home. After following a mysterious real estate agent to a new housing development, the couple finds themselves trapped in a maze of identical houses and forced to raise an otherworldly child.
A brilliant crossword puzzle editor (Chabert) finds her life turned upside-down when she is pulled into a police investigation after several of the clues in her recent puzzles are linked to unsolved crimes. Proving her innocence means leaving the comfort of her sheltered world and working with a tough police detective (Elliott), puzzling through clues together in order to crack the case, as the two are fish out of water in each other's worlds.
Newly reunited twin witches Alex and Camryn go on a quest to find out if their missing father is still alive and trapped in the Shadowlands. Can these two thoroughly modern princesses with polar opposite personalities join together to save the day? Written by Anonymous