A woman, once featured as Mother of the Year, is obsessed with owning a new-build house which she imagines will be a cure-all for her dysfunctional family of redneck husband and simple, epileptic daughter. When a doctor and his pregnant wife purchase the property, she employs increasingly dangerous ploys to terrorise the couple into moving out.
A team of highly trained operatives find themselves trapped inside an isolated military compound after its AI is suddenly shut down. The crew begins to experience strange and horrific phenomena as they attempt to uncover what killed the previous team.
John and Laura Taylor (Morris Chestnut and Regina Hall) are a young, professional couple who desperately want a baby. After exhausting all other options, they finally hire Anna (Jaz Sinclair), the perfect woman to be their surrogate - but as she gets further along in her pregnancy, so too does her psychotic and dangerous fixation on the husband. The couple becomes caught up in Anna's deadly game and must fight to regain control of their future before it's too late. Written by Sony Pictures