The adventures and misadventures of officers Salinas and Freire, who will have to settle for their lives to be respected by their superiors.
After his best friend dies in a racing accident, biking star Joe agrees to go back on the wheels for an exhibition in Chile. On a test run with his girlfriend Stephanie, they stumble upon a badly injured man dying from a mysterious virus. That's the start of a very bad day for them as they become the target of relentless killers ready to do anything to keep their secret to go out of the mountains.
After an earthquake erupts in Chile, tourist discover that a neighboring prison in the area collapsed in the event, and all surviving criminals managed to break free. Soon they learn that the most terrifying thing, more threatening that Mother Nature, is what she created. Written by AnotherMovieGuy45
Martin, a drifter, arrives in a small town and asks about a woman named Ana. Peter, a teenager, directs him to a cemetery, but three thugs harass him. Peter interrupts them as they savagely beat Martin, but then flees. De Luca orders them cover up the crime. Peter convinces his mother, Monica, to perform first aid, which Martin refuses, saying that his blood is 'contagious'. When De Luca returns to bury the body and finds it missing, and suspects Peter. He sends Caleb to take care of the situation, but before they can kill Peter, Martin kills them. De Luca interrogates Peter. and sets Peter on fire. As Monica calls an ambulance, Martin recites a Latin blessing and rubs his blood on Peter. Later, at the hospital, Peter miraculously recovers and is discharged. The police capture Martin and make Monica, a nurse, perform a transfusion from Martin to Caleb. Martin begs her not to do so and insists that his blood must be blessed to prevent 'infection'.
In New York, college student Justine joins a group of activists led by Alejandro and travels to Peru to protest against a timber industry that is destroying the Amazon rain forest. When the group is returning to civilization, the plane blows-up and crashes into the forest. Soon the survivors discover that they are not alone and they are abducted by a tribe of cannibals. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil