A reckless female detective, Xingmin, when investigating a murder case, finds the victim dead naked, hung upside down in the basement bathroom. Old detective Laozhou assures that this is one of the prostitute serial murder cases that he has been after for 15 years. As Xingmin tracks down the murderer, she has to deal with her inner prejudice against prostitutes caused by her traumatizing childhood memory, while irresistibly resonate to the murderer herself. To breakthrough the case, she needs to conquer her nightmare and risk herself to uncover the truth.
2 young men from present day China suddenly find themselves in Japanese occupied China at the end of WW2 in 1945. A river is the wormhole.
This love story has Kitty meeting young, intelligent, shy and somewhat dull Dr. Walter Fane, whose forte is the study of infectious diseases, and the convenient marriage that she finds herself committed to. It is in this web of intrigue that they head for China, only after Walter discovers Kitty's infidelity with one dashing and witty diplomat Charlie Townsend. So much as to hide her from herself and to help thwart a cholera outbreak, this is a marriage more than on the rocks. This is a cold, indifferent and loveless partnership in a vast unknown and deadly environment that will test both these flightless lovebirds and with the hardships and tolerances more than any had ever anticipated. A visual delight amid the pain and suffering of a dying people and failing marriage. Will a cure be found for both, before it's too late? Written by Cinema_Fan
In 1937, Japan occupied Nanjing, the Chinese capital. There was a battle and subsequent atrocities against the inhabitants, especially those who took refuge in the International Security Zone.