Ever wonder what it would be like to bring your favorite dead rock star back to life? Alberta certainly has. Since she was a kid, she's dreamed of a world where ultimate 60s rock icon Russell Aquarius was still alive and writing songs just for her. Now a successful computer programmer, she takes her fandom and wishful thinking a step further and makes a Russell Aquarius avatar. Her loneliness and a freak power outage give her more than she bargains for when sparks fly not just in her computer, but also in reality when Russell's avatar comes to life.
For fans who love The Walking Dead, THE DAY OF THE LIVING DEAD is another great zombie origin story. Set in Hollywood 1957, a time of glitz and glamour, a time of brains and blood. This movie is full of action, suspense, gore and graphic violence. George A. Lazarus is an insurance investigator who disappears during a routine claim. His heartsick fiancee, Bethany, retraces George's steps and discovers that the employees George was investigating also all mysteriously disappeared. Now, as Beverly finds herself in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, this simple insurance fraud case may actually be the beginning of the end of the human race.