The spoilt son of a millionaire finds the love of his life, but she will only accept him if he proves himself as a kung-fu master. He enters and wins the "Kung-Fu Scholar" tournament, little realizing that this victory will lead to him becoming penniless, homeless and sleepy. One day, while sleeping under a tree, he encounters a beggar he helped when he was still rich... Written by Niz
A ruthless band of thugs kidnaps a young official to exchange for their leader who has been captured. Golden Swallow is sent to take on the thugs and free the prisoner (who is also her brother). Though she is able to handle the overwhelming odds, she is hit by a poison dart and gets help from a beggar who is really a kung-fu master in disguise. With his help, she forms a plan to get her brother back. Written by Fred Cabral
Based on true events and long-circulating urban legend in Taiwan. Wei is nowhere to be found one day before his grandma returns from her own strange missing incident. Wei's girlfriend desperately searches for his whereabouts and finds that it is the horrifying mystery of the little girl in red that has followed and haunted them all along.