A futuristic film about a crisis near the brink of war after three leaders are kidnapped by a North Korean nuclear submarine in a coup d’état during a summit between the two Koreas and the United States.
When a suburban slacker has a reckless encounter with a mysterious woman, his life begins to unravel in horrific fashion. His friends and family believe he's losing his mind, but he's convinced something far more sinister is taking place.
A washed up, alcoholic ex-prizefighter makes a comeback to boxing after his top heavyweight contender son is wrongfully blinded in the ring.
Turning the zombie film on its head, this film is an oddball comedy from the perspective of the brain munching monsters themselves.
The middle class Emmy receives a video camera at home and her husband Tom starts filming. They believe they won a prize from the mall. The college student Beth is alone and bored in the empty campus and also receives a camera. Out of the blue, they are instructed to film and not call the police; otherwise they will die. Meanwhile the unemployed Leonard that lives with his mother receives a clown outfit and make-up and instructions to receive ten thousand dollars. After moments of tension, their lives are tragically entwined. Who is the stranger behind the prank? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Summer, 2008: John McCain secures the nomination, but polls behind Barack Obama. Strategist Steve Schmidt suggests a game changer: picking a conservative female with media savvy, unknown Alaska governor Sarah Palin, as vice president. She's an immediate hit and a quick study - the gap closes. Then, Tina Fey's impersonation, a raft of criticism, and missing her family send Palin into a near-catatonic state: she doesn't prepare for her Katie Couric interview and bombs. Schmidt searches for an answer: don't expect her to learn the issues, but give her a script. Palin does well in the debate with Biden; she finds her voice, goes off script, and goes rogue. A mistake? Written by jhailey@hotmail.com