Neil Lawrence (DJ Qualls) is sent to a boarding school by his father. During his first couple days he meets T.J. (Rachel Blanchard) who he falls in love with. After being assigned a paper on Holden Caufield - the main character in J.D. Salinger s Catcher And The Rye - Neil decides to go on a journey to meet Salinger, who he feels has played a huge role in his life. Both Neil & T.J. take off on a journey to New York City. A journey that leads to more then they both ever could have imagined - and changes both their lives forever.
A growth hormone experiment gets out of hand, when the the resulting giant man-eating rats escape, reaking havoc on the unsuspecting campus. Much blood-letting follows. Written by
A masterful work accurately details the current consensus of what exactly occurred to prompt the colonial witch-trials.
Christmas is approaching and 9 year-old Ralphie wants only one thing: a Red Ryder Range 200 Shot BB gun. When he mentions it at the dinner table, his mother's immediate reaction is that he'll put his eye out. He then decides on a perfect theme for his teacher but her reaction is like his. He fantasizes about what it would be like to be Red Ryder and catch the bad guys. When the big day arrives he gets lots of present under the tree including a lovely gift from his aunt that his mother just adores. But what about the BB gun? Written by garykmcd
17 year old Pete Riley works at the local 26-screen megaplex. He, the senior manager of the theater, and all the other employees are working to keep the theater neat for the giant premiere gala that night where they are going to premiere "Midnight Mayhem". He also has to keep his younger siblings out of the way for the premiere. He also has his girlfriend and her friend going to an early movie heading into the premiere. The movies are having major screw-ups like real tornadoes or title problems. Written by Corey Semple Superman2002
A young female scanner turns from a sweet young thing into a murderous, power-crazed villain after she takes an experimental drug developed by her father. Her brother, who is also a scanner, is the only one powerful enough to stop her. Written by Anonymous
Trouble strikes when runaway robbers in a getaway car hit truck full of explosives in the tunnel connecting Manhattan and New Jersey. Survivors are left in a weakened tunnel blocked at both exits. As Kit Latura approaches the tunnel, he sees the impact and knows he gotta take action. With time running out, he enters the tunnel through a system of maintenance walkways. Can he get the survivors out before the tunnel fills up? Written by Bryanne Marks