HD Halloween



IMDb: 7.8
91 min | 101 min (extended)

The year is 1963, the night: Halloween. Police are called to 43 Lampkin Ln. only to discover that 15 year old Judith Myers has been stabbed to death, by her 6 year-old brother, Michael. After being institutionalized for 15 years, Myers breaks out on the night before Halloween. No one knows, nor wants to find out, what will happen on October 31st 1978 besides Myers' psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis. He knows Michael is coming back to Haddonfield, but by the time the town realizes it, it'll be too late for many people. Written by Massive Fan

Country: USA
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
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HD Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

IMDb: 5.9
88 min

It's October 30, 1988 and Michael Myers has been in a coma since his pursuit of Laurie Strode, 10 years ago, was finally stopped (events of H1 and H2). However when he is transfered from Richmond Mental Institute to Smith's Grove he awakes when he hears that he has a niece in Haddonfield and after killing the transfer crew he escapes. In Haddonfield, the niece, Jamie, has been adopted by the Carruthers family but keeps having nightmares about Michael (but she doesn't know who he is). On Halloween night, Jamie goes out trick and treating, little knowing that her murdering Uncle is following her and her step-sister Rachel. Rushing to her aid is Dr. Loomis and with the help of Sheriff Meeker starts to search the town for Michael and to find Jamie to protect her. But can anything stop Michael this time? Written by Lee Horton

Country: USA
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
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HD Halloween 2 (2009)

Halloween 2 (2009)

Halloween 2 (2009)

IMDb: 6.6
92 min | 90 min (cut)

In a continuation of the plot of Halloween, Michael Myers shows off his indestructability by resuming his murder spree despite being gunned down with six bullets in the original movie. Laurie Strode is once more his intended victim, with Dr. Sam Loomis again in hot pursuit. Written by Rob Hartill

Country: USA
Genre: Horror,
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HD Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

IMDb: 5.0
87 min | 95 min (producer's cut) | 93 min (workprint)

Six years ago, Michael Myers terrorized the town of Haddonfield, Illinois. He and his niece, Jamie Lloyd, have disappeared. Jamie was kidnapped by a bunch of evil druids who protect Michael Myers. And now, six years later, Jamie has escaped after giving birth to Michael's child. She runs to Haddonfield to get Dr. Loomis to help her again. Meanwhile, the family that adopted Laurie Strode is living in the Myers house and are being stalked by Myers. It's the curse of Thorn that Michael is possessed by that makes him kill his family. And it's up to Tommy Doyle, the boy from Halloween, and Dr. Loomis, to stop them all. Written by Jason Mechalek

Country: USA
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
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HD Halloween 5

Halloween 5

Halloween 5

IMDb: 5.2
96 min

It's one year later after the events of Halloween 4. Michael survives the shootings and on October 31st he returns with a vengeance. Lurking and stalking, Jamie, Rachel, and Rachel's friends, Michael forms a plan to lure Jamie out of the children's hospital where events lead up to the confrontation at the Myers house. Halloween 5 is a dark, thrill ride that will scare the heck out of you! Written by anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Great Escape

The Great Escape

The Great Escape

IMDb: 8.2
172 min

Based on a true story, a group of allied escape artist-type prisoners-of-war (POWs) are all put in an 'escape proof' camp. Their leader decides to try to take out several hundred all at once. The first half of the film is played for comedy as the prisoners mostly outwit their jailers to dig the escape tunnel. The second half is high adventure as they use boats and trains and planes to get out of occupied Europe. Written by John Vogel

Country: USA
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HD You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice

IMDb: 6.9
117 min

When an American space capsule is swallowed up by what they believe to be a Russian spaceship, World War 3 nearly breaks out. The British Government, however, suspect that other powers are at work as the space craft went down near Japan. S.P.E.C.T.R.E. is the force behind the theft, as James Bond discovers, but its motives are far from clear, and he must first find out where the captured space capsule is held before America and Russia initiate another world war. Written by Graeme Roy

Country: UK
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HD Escape from New York

Escape from New York

Escape from New York

IMDb: 7.2
99 min | 106 min (Extended Version)

In the future, crime is out of control and New York City's Manhattan is a maximum security prison. Grabbing a bargaining chip right out of the air, convicts bring down the President's plane in bad old Gotham. Gruff Snake Plissken, a one-eyed lone warrior new to prison life, is coerced into bringing the President, and his cargo, out of this land of undesirables. Written by Anthony Pereyra {}

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD A Breed Apart

A Breed Apart

A Breed Apart

IMDb: 5.9
95 min

A conservationist and a widow meet a mountain climber hired to steal bald-eagle eggs.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Action,
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SD The Night of the Generals

The Night of the Generals

The Night of the Generals

IMDb: 7.3
148 min

In 1942 Warsaw, a Polish prostitute is murdered in a sadistic way. Major Grau, an agent from German Intelligence who believes in justice, is in charge of the investigation. An eyewitness saw a German general leaving the building after a scream of the victim. A further investigation shows that three generals do not have any alibi for that night: General Tanz, Maj. Gen. Klus Kahlenberge and General von Seidlitz-Gabler. The three avoid direct contact with Major Grau and become potential suspects. As Major Grau gets close to them, he is promoted and sent to Paris. In 1944 Paris, this quartet is reunited and Major Grau continues his investigation. Meanwhile, a plan for killing Hitler is plotted by his high command; a romance between Ulrike von Seydlitz-Gabler and Lance Cpl. Kurt Hartmann is happening and Insp. Morand is helping Major Grau in his investigation. The story ends in 1965, in Hamburg, with another, similar crime. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: UK , France
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SD Prince of Darkness

Prince of Darkness

Prince of Darkness

IMDb: 6.7
102 min

A sinister secret has been kept in the basement of an abandoned Los Angeles church for many years. With the death of a priest belonging to a mysterious sect, another priest opens the door to the basement and discovers a vat containing a green liquid. The priest contacts a group of physics graduate students to investigate it. Unfortunately, they discover that the liquid contains the essence of Satan himself, and they also discover that he will release HIS father - an all-powerful Anti-God! The liquid later comes to life itself, turning some of the students into zombies as the Devil comes forward to release his father. Will these students be able to stop him? Written by Derek O'Cain

Country: USA
Genre: Horror,
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HD Watch Out, We're Mad

Watch Out, We're Mad

Watch Out, We're Mad

IMDb: 7.5
101 min | 97 min (extended) | 92 min (DVD edition)

Kid and Ben tie in a race to win a red dune buggy with a yellow top. During Kid and Ben's hotdog and beer contest, to see who will keep the the dune buggy, a local mob demolishes it! Kid and Ben want revenge... and the replacement of their dune buggy! Written by Mark MacIntyre

Country: Italy , Spain
Genre: Action, Comedy,
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HD Fantastic Voyage

Fantastic Voyage

Fantastic Voyage

IMDb: 6.8
100 min

Scientist Jan Benes, who knows the secret to keeping soldiers shrunken for an indefinite period, escapes from behind the Iron Curtain with the help of CIA agent Grant. While being transferred, their motorcade is attacked. Benes strikes his head, causing a blood clot to form in his brain. Grant is ordered to accompany a group of scientists as they are miniaturized. The crew has one hour to get in Benes's brain, remove the clot and get out. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
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SD Thx



IMDb: 6.8
86 min | 88 min (director's cut) | 81 min (1971 Studio Theatrical Cut)

It's sometime in the future in a state controlled society, where conformity and homogeneity are the rule. What is also the rule is that the populace follows the wants of the faceless state without question. How this is achieved is through a mandatory drug regimen, which also suppresses human desire, with sexual intercourse and human relationships banned. The law of the state is policed by a force of robocops. The physical environment is totally within a manufactured enclosure, what being outside of this unknown. THX 1138 is a loyal subject, he who goes about his business as a skilled factory working building robocops. And even when he begins to have strange feelings, he does what is obliged by going to the state run confessional, which further brainwashes through its reinforced mantra of happiness, loyalty and understanding. THX 1138 is given a glimpse into the other side through his computer matched and thus appointed female roommate, LUH 3417, and her surveillance colleague SEN 5241... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller,
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SD Oh God!

Oh God!

Oh God!

IMDb: 6.6
98 min

Married to Bobbie Landers with two preteen children, Adam and Becky Lambert, they living in Tarzana, California, mild manned Jerry Lambert is a hard working assistant manager at a Food World supermarket outlet, he who is always trying to do his best at his job. What is his generally uneventful life takes a turn when he receives a hand delivered note in the mail to attend an interview with God. Believing it a gag from his friend Artie Coogan, Jerry decides to go to the interview based on circumstances which compel him to do so. Based on further circumstances of the interview, Jerry, despite not being a religious person, ultimately does believe that who he meets with - initially only a voice - is indeed God, who eventually does show himself in a physical form to Jerry. God wants Jerry to be his messenger - much like a present day Moses - to pass along to the human race that "he" has provided all the necessary components of a successful existence, and it is up to the human race to do ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy,
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HD Soldier Blue

Soldier Blue

Soldier Blue

IMDb: 6.9
114 min (cut)

After a cavalry group is massacred by the Cheyenne, only two survivors remain: Honus, a naive private devoted to his duty, and Cresta, a young woman who had lived with the Cheyenne two years and whose sympathies lie more with them than with the US government. Together, they must try to reach the cavalry's main base camp. As they travel onward, Honus is torn between his growing affection for Cresta, and his disgust for her anti-American beliefs. They reach the cavalry campsite on the eve of an attack on a Cheyenne village, where Honus will learn which side has really been telling him the truth. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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CAM The Devonsville Terror

The Devonsville Terror

The Devonsville Terror

IMDb: 4.5
82 min

Dr. Worley investigates a 300-year-old witch's curse in the New England town of Devonsville. Three liberated, assertive women move into town, which angers the bigoted, male-dominated town fathers. One of the women is a reincarnation of the witch, who proceeds to exact revenge on the town males. Written by Joe Arthur

Country: USA
Genre: Horror,
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SD Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

IMDb: 3.9
113 min

A small town band makes it big, but loses track of their roots, as they get caught up into the big-time machinations of the music biz. Now, they must thwart a plot to destroy their home town. Built around the music of the beatles, this musical uses some big name groups like Peter Frampton and Aerosmith.

Country: USA
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HD All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front

IMDb: 7.1
131 min (DVD) | 129 min (1980 cut) | 157 min (Uncut Edition)

Paul Baumer is a young German who, along with his graduating high school classmates, enlist in the German Imperial Army during the First World War. Originally thinking war would be a great adventure, Paul and his friends discover exactly the opposite as the war drags on and one by one the members of the class are killed in action until only Paul remains. Written by Anthony Hughes

Country: USA , UK
Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Wake in Fright

Wake in Fright

Wake in Fright

IMDb: 7.7
108 min

Wake in Fright is the story of John Grant, a bonded teacher who arrives in the rough outback mining town of Bundanyabba planning to stay overnight before catching the plane to Sydney. But his one night stretches to five and he plunges headlong toward his own destruction. When the alcohol-induced mist lifts, the educated John Grant is no more. Instead there is a self-loathing man in a desolate wasteland, dirty, red-eyed, sitting against a tree and looking at a rifle with one bullet left... Written by Anonymous

Country: Australia , USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Dracula



IMDb: 6.5
109 min

When a ship is wrecked off Whitby, the only survivor, Count Dracula, is discovered lying on the beach by the sickly young Mina Van Helsing, who is visiting her dear friend Lucy Seward. Lucy, her fiancé Jonathan Harker (a solicitor), and her father Dr. Jack Seward (who runs the local asylum) try to make the Count feel welcome to England. The Count quickly takes the life of Mina, and proceeds to romance Lucy, with the intention of making her his greatest bride. Soon after the death of Mina, the Sewards call her father Dr. Abraham Van Helsing to come to their home. As Lucy falls deeper under the spell of the Count, Dr. Van Helsing almost immediately comes to understand that his daughter fell prey to a vampire and discovers the culprit to be none other than the Count himself. Dr. Van Helsing, Dr. Seward, and Harker work together to foil the Count's plans to take Lucy away to his native Transylvania. Written by Hillary Glendinning (

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Horror, Romance,
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HD Escape to Witch Mountain

Escape to Witch Mountain

Escape to Witch Mountain

IMDb: 6.4
97 min

Tia and Tony are two orphaned youngsters with extraordinary powers. Lucas Deranian poses as their uncle in order to get the kids into the clutches of Deranian's megalomanical boss, evil millionaire Aristotle Bolt, who wants to exploit them. Jason, a cynical widower, helps Tia and Tony "escape to witch mountain," while at the same time Tia and Tony help Jason escape the pain of the loss of his wife. Written by Adam Chotiner

Country: USA
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SD The Monster Club

The Monster Club

The Monster Club

IMDb: 5.9

A writer of horror stories is invited to a "monster club" by a mysterious old gentleman. There, three gruesome stories are told to him; between each story some musicians play their songs. Written by Homme A. Piest

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Horror,
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HD Phenomena



IMDb: 6.9
116 min | 110 min (re-release) | 82 min (cut)

Jennifer Corvino, the daughter of a famous actor, has had trouble with sleepwalking for some time. Her doctor said that it can develop a split personality. She discovers her alternate personality when she stays at a boarding school that was once the home a Richard Wagner. But someone has been killing the students, and it relates only indirectly to the criminal sanitorium nearby. So it's up to "the two greatest detectives the world has ever known, or should I say, unknown" Written by Scott Hutchins

Country: Italy
Genre: Horror, Mystery,
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SD The Last Tycoon

The Last Tycoon

The Last Tycoon

IMDb: 6.3
123 min

Young film producer, Monroe Stahr, is a rising star in 1930's Hollywood due to his ability to get anything he envisions done even if it means breaking a few rules. The latest film he's working on stars two popular actors, Rodriguez and Didi, and everyone is sure it'll be a smashing hit when it's done. The times are changing however, since the first guilds and unions are being formed in Hollywood, but Stahr is still sticking to his old ways of doing things in spite of that. His main opponent becomes a union organizer, Brimmer, but Stahr finds ways to deal with him as well. However, in his hubris, Stahr crosses one red line too many when he falls for a young troubled engaged woman called Kathleen Moore and neglects Cecilia Brady, the young daughter of studio executive and Stahr's boss, Pat Brady. Pat becomes furious over this as well as Stahr's other misbehavings and makes it his mission to take Stahr down. Due to all the pressure, Stahr's health starts failing as well. The film is ...

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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SD Shadows and Fog

Shadows and Fog

Shadows and Fog

IMDb: 6.8
85 min

A small and insignificant bookkeeper, Kleinman, is awoken one night by his neighbors who wants his help to track down a strangler who has been killing people all over town. The citizens form vigilance committees, but when Kleinman has dressed, his neighbors have disappeared. Meanwhile a circus has come to town. Irmy and Paul are two of the artists. After a fight, Irmy leaves the circus in the middle of the night. Eventually she meets Kleinman, scared and alone. Written by Mattias Thuresson

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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SD Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four

IMDb: 8.0
120 min

George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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SD The Advocate

The Advocate

The Advocate

IMDb: 6.8

Bizarre black comedy about 15th-century Paris lawyer Richard Courtois (Firth) who decides to ply his trade in the country, only to find things stranger than he can imagine. His first case turns out to be defending a pig that's accused of murdering a child. And the pig is owned by beautiful gypsy Samira (Annabi), so the idealistic lawyer can fall in love (or lust). There's religion and superstition, there's power struggles, there's ignorance versus knowledge--things sound very modern indeed.

Country: France , UK
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HD Innocent Bystanders

Innocent Bystanders

Innocent Bystanders

IMDb: 6.1
111 min

Experienced British spy must retrieve a defecting Soviet scientist from Turkey. When a pretty female innocent bystander gets kidnapped by mistake by his enemies, he feels responsible and decides to help her as well.

Country: UK
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HD The Commander

The Commander

The Commander

IMDb: 5.2
84 min (video)

A Major leads a group of mercenaries whose mission is to protect a disc full of secrets, located in South Asia.

Genre: Action, War,
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CAM From Beyond the Grave

From Beyond the Grave

From Beyond the Grave

IMDb: 6.6
97 min

Four customers purchase (or take) items from Temptations Limited, an antiques shop whose motto is "Offers You Cannot Resist". A nasty fate awaits all of them—particularly those who cheat the shop's Proprietor.

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Cul-De-Sac



IMDb: 7.2
113 min

A wounded criminal and his dying partner take refuge at a beachfront castle. The owners of the castle, a meek Englishman and his willful French wife, are initially the unwilling hosts to the criminals. Quickly, however, the relationships between the criminal, the wife, and the Englishman begin to shift in humorous and bizarre fashion. Written by Sean Taylor

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller,
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