A solitary middle-aged bachelor and a naive Irish teenager transform one another's lives to arrive at a place of recognition, redemption and wisdom in Atom Egoyan's adaptation of William Trevor's celebrated 1994 novel. Seventeen and pregnant, Felicia travels to England in search of her lover and is found instead by Joseph Ambrose Hilditch, a helpful catering manager whose kindness masks a serial killer. Hilditch has murdered several young women, but he has no conscious awareness of the crimes; like Felicia, he doesn't see his true self. Felicia's Journey is a story of innocence lost and regained: Felicia awakens to the world's dangers and duplicities; and Hilditch, who grew up lonely and unloved, comes to realize what was taken from him, and what he himself has taken.
Headrush is a crime comedy about two disillusioned youths, struggling through a haze of cannabis, who hope to solve all their problems by smuggling a consignement of drugs for a local gangster. It's set in the present day in Dublin, Ireland against the backdrop of the end of the Celtic Tiger: the bursting of the bubble of this economy boom that's supposed to have done wonders for us all.