Prosthetics scientist Abi and her adulterous husband Paul adjust to life outside the city as Abi begins working for high-tech company Integrate, developing a humanoid AI - T.I.M.
After a mysterious force decimates the world’s population, Sebastian must navigate his own survival journey through the desolate streets of Barcelona. As he forms uneasy alliances with other survivors and they try to escape the city, an unexpected and even more sinister threat grows.
In town for a job interview, a young woman arrives at her Airbnb late at night only to find that it has been mistakenly double-booked and a strange man is already staying there. Against her better judgement, she decides to stay the night anyway, but soon discovers that there is much more to be afraid of in the house than the other guest.
Genuine but increasingly insecure Pete is cautiously excited about reuniting with his college crew for a birthday weekend of memories, partying and earnest reconnection at a picturesque English manor. Best laid plans, dear audience.
After a long shift at work, a girl is trapped into a scary dimension from which there seems to be no escape.
At a party teen-ager Ashley meets the older Reece, whom she finds handsome and charming with the ability to make her feel special. They start dating and, whilst it is apparent that he is pathologically jealous and possessive, the naïve young girl initially finds it reassuring that he cares for her alone. However when she is pregnant he viciously hits out at her, later apologizing in floods of tears and begging forgiveness. Ashley assumes that it was her fault for antagonizing him but his violence continues and he becomes ever more controlling. She decides to leave him but he is not the sort of boy to take rejection lightly and tragedy results. Written by don @ minifie-1
God-fearing Noah and his wife Emmy work a farm in a barren landscape with their married sons Shem ,Ham and Japheth and their wives and naïve teen-aged son Kenan. On a visit to the pleasure loving city Kenan falls for the hedonistic life-style of Sabba, daughter of Noah's atheist friend, wealthy trader Paul, and he visits her on a nightly basis. When an angel tells Noah to build an ark because his world will soon be engulfed by a huge flood Noah takes the news seriously but his family do not believe him and when he tries to warn the citizens he is reviled and pelted with rocks. Eventually Emmy shames the boys into helping Noah and the ark is completed though there is no sign of rain. Godly fugitives from the city arrive and, when the flood comes, are welcomed on board with a host of animals and birds but Kenan elects to stay with Sabba and they are drowned along with the other unbelievers. After the flood has abated the angel reappears to show Noah a rainbow, a symbol of hope. Written by don @ minifie-1