The life of a professional hockey player was not always a glamorous one. For legendary goaltender Terry Sawchuk, each save means one more gash to his unmasked face and one more drink to numb the pain. Sawchuk traveled across the country racking up 103 shutouts and 400 stitches to his face, proving that this is a man who lives, breathes, and dies a goalie.
A radio host interprets the possible outbreak of a deadly virus which infects the small Ontario town he is stationed in.
Ken Andrews (Faison) has been the orchestrator of the hazing pranks at all of his buddies' stags - elaborate, hilarious pranks that have left many emotional scars and a few physical ones. And now today is Ken's stag! He nervously awaits the fate that his pals surely have in store for him, comforted only by the knowledge that Carl (Pat Thornton) will be there to watch his back. That is, so long as Carl can extract himself from the Hollywood celebrity, Veronica (Amurri). Ken will soon discover that payback is worse than he could ever imagine. Written by Brett Heard