Inspired by a true story of a family who believed they were possessed by spirits, this film follows a woman who must protect her child from a curse. WARNING: This is a cursed video, it might contain certain risks to watch ; For those who dares to follow, please solve the puzzle of my daughter's curse with me .
Sen Sen is a boy in Taiwan mourning his older brother's death. When he discovers a streaming website that his brother followed it leads him to an old lady with terminal cancer. Together they form an unlikely bond.
On the same day, in the same accident, Wei loses his pregnant wife and Ming her fiancé. In Buddhism, one is given 100 days to mourn for the dead. Like two mice lost in a labyrinth, Wei runs around in circles while Ming calmly creeps down a determined path. But the pain and sorrow linger on. With the 100th day approaching, they wonder if they'll ever be able to say goodbye.