In the not so distant future, biochemical technology has advanced in unexpected ways. Unfortunately, it has fallen into the hands of the wrong man. A brilliant young biochemist by the name of Jacob, who believes the world is a better place without humanity. Jacob decides to take matters into his own hands by beginning the process to wipe everyone out. Staging biochemical attacks through out the city, the virus is released, infecting millions, from a matter of seconds. The virus is fierce, causing chaos and destruction everywhere. Across the way, just minutes before the attack, a young woman, by the name of Cee is caught in the whirlwind of her sister's wedding. As the wedding begins, the virus hits. Infecting everyone. Cee watches the attack unfold before her eyes, as dozens of loved ones perish. Waiting for the infection to take her, Cee finds herself alone in the early days of an apocalyptic world, surrounded by chaos and war. Fighting to survive as long as she can, she meets a ... Written by Jorge A. Nunez
Aged Rulon Jeffs is the leader - the prophet - of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) centered in Colorado City, Arizona. His followers believe the prophet is the voice of God. The church espouses polygamy - most specifically men married to several women - as a means of eternal salvation of the highest order. The prophet places the females into marriages, often as soon as they are of child bearing age, which in the eyes of the law is considered child abuse if the female is a minor. Following Rulon's death, his son Warren Jeffs assumes the FLDS leadership as prophet, somewhat against the wants of FLDS council who believed they should vote on who should become leader. Regardless, many of the congregation do follow his word as gospel as their new prophet. But Warren is more reckless in his decisions than his father, with some, including some of the young minor women, questioning his unbending decisions, excommunication often the price for crossing those ... Written by Huggo