A social drama from contemporary rural life. On the background of a dramatic tale of moldavite diggers, for whom the illegal mining of these semi-precious stones has become an uncontrollable passion as well as a way to resolve material problems, we follow the fates of two stepbrothers. A tangled web of friendship, betrayal, love and disappointment lead us into the specific and unique company of illegal prospectors who move beyond the law and live their dream of independence and freedom in 21st century Central Europe - until they get a bitter wakeup call.
The story is freely inspired by the life and work of Jan Saudek, who is probably the most well-known Czech photographer internationally and has indisputably been involved in the development of international photography. He has exhibited and sold his work in the largest galleries and art houses, he has earned international recognition and awards, he enjoys great popularity and interest - he is a true phenomenon. Written by Czech film center