After 12 years in prison, former high school football star Eddie Palmer returns home to put his life back together—and forms an unlikely bond with Sam, an outcast boy from a troubled home. But Eddie's past threatens to ruin his new life and family.
With a potent strain of pot sweeping the City, DTA agents attempt to infiltrate a small town farming operation that has a strong leader and interesting family members.
Nancy Drew, a smart high schooler with a penchant for keen observation and deduction, stumbles upon the haunting of a local home. A bit of an outsider struggling to fit into her new surroundings, Nancy and her pals set out to solve the mystery, make new friends, and establish their place in the community
Legendary lawman Frank Hamer and Manny Gault, two former Rangers by the time Bonnie & Clyde started their robbery reign, are commissioned as special investigators, coaxed by a consortium of banks to assemble a posse and end the robbery spree of the notorious duo reputed to have killed 13 cops and others.
Comedy - A bald, out of work actor finds immediate and overwhelming success when he discovers the power of persona in the form of a cheap wig. - Jesse C. Boyd, Najee De-Tiege, Hollie Shay
On August 20, 2013, shortly after arriving to work at the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Georgia, Tuff (Braxton), the school's bookkeeper, was in the front office when Michael Hill (Trevor Morgan, Abducted), a young man with a history of mental illness, snuck in armed with an AK-47 and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. As the school went into lockdown, Tuff was left alone with Hill, who repeatedly threatened to kill everyone. Showing enormous courage and empathy, along with nerves of steel, Tuff convinced the gunman to surrender by using her own life struggles to connect with him. Tuff's faith in God guided her through the toughest moments of her life, ultimately preparing her for that fateful day in Georgia. Yaya DaCosta (Whitney) portrays Kendra Hendricks, the 911 operator relaying messages to police on the scene from Tuff.
In a small coastal town, the veterinarian Travis Shaw works with his father Shep and is very close to his beloved sister Steph. Travis is very successful with the women and dates Monica every now and then. When the resident Gabby Holland moves to the next door house, she initially believes he is a pretentious man. But when her boyfriend Ryan MacCarthy, who is fellow doctor in the same hospital where she works, needs to travel to another city, Gabby and Travis have a relationship and fall in love with each other. Out of the blue, Ryan returns and proposes to marry her. Now Gabby has to make a choice between her two loves. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil