Emmy Coer, a computer genius, devises a method of communicating with the past by tapping into undying information waves. She manages to reach the world of Ada Lovelace, founder of the idea of a computer language and proponent of the possibilities of the "difference engine." Ada's ideas were stifled and unfulfilled because of the reality of life as a woman in the nineteenth century. Emmy has a plan to defeat death and the past using her own DNA as a communicative agent to the past, bringing Ada to the present. But what are the possible ramifications?
Charles Darwin is taken aback when he receives a manuscript from a colleague, Alfred Wallace, which contains many of the same conclusions as he on evolution and the development of various species. Darwin's theory was developed over a great many years and in flashbacks, the manner in which it developed is shown. He had many supporters and likely more critics. He knew that his ideas were radical and that they would conflict with religious thought on the subject of creation. In reviewing his thoughts however, he realizes that he can without much difficulty claim to have been the first to develop the theory. These events spur him on to publish his findings in his now famous book. Written by garykmcd
Terrorists. Kidnapping. A plot gone wrong. American Hostage tells the story of four terrorists coming together to create change within the American government and affect their stance on Guantanamo Bay. With tensions high, emotions between the terrorists collide, which sets the story into a downward spiral. American Hostage unveils the story of Asad, Hamal, Shahin and Fahdah, who each has their own motive for joining the war in terror. Asad, the appointed leader of the group, manages the team with strict and clear direction, taking orders behind the scenes from Al-Saqri whose motives are unclear. Asad shows one weakness, the affection for fellow terrorist Fahdah, a soft spoken young Arab woman. Asad and Fahdah develop an adoration for each other, despite the disapproval from Fahdah's brother Hamal whose anger from the overall situation escalates throughout the story. Meanwhile Shahin, the fourth terrorist, and prisoner Sergeant Donald Young begin to form a bond as they share stories ... Written by Filmanchor